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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
There are believers who want to indoctrinate you into their harmful theology.
This is their "christian" mission in life.
This is their "ministry".
They feel they are "led of the Spirit" to actually cause harm regarding breaking the Faith of real born again believers.
So, how to recognize them?
How to know who is the deceiver, and who is of the Truth.

I'll show you....

Now, i have a strong and unrelenting point of view about a certain heresy, because i have seen the damage it causes churches, Christians, and the heretics themselves. This theology is an extreme spiritual poison. Its a theological infection of the mind and spiritual condition. It literally can make you crazy. Especially if you are a sincere and true believer who above all things, wants to please God.

The True Believers, if they are caught up in this hellish circular reasoning theology, become more and more upset and there is NO simple remedy.
See, what happens is.... you can get infected in your mind by the people who are spreading spiritual deceit.
Reader, your mind is a spiritual battlefield.

And then, once you are DECEIVED... the bible and the devil begin to work together to condemn you to the point where you will begin to obsess on THE idea that you are lost, and hell bound, have "lost your salvation"
And its so called "christians" who will do this to you. They will TRY to make you believe that you can lose your salvation, or that you've lost it.
These people infect forums, and all they do is try to make you believe that you can lose your Salvation.
They will post about it endlessly. They will use 2 verses or 3, over and over and over like a devil's hammer, just beating you with it..

And once they have you deceived... then the bible becomes a punishing enemy as all it seems to do is show you that you are going to hell.
Ive seen it. Ive dealt with believers who are caught up in the devil's lie, and TAUGHT IT by other believers.
We've all seen people come to this very forum, panic'd , worried, distraught.....>"i wonder if ive lost my salvation". "I wonder if God will take me back"...
See that?
They are the VICTUM of a carnal devil who led them to believe that they have "blasphemed" and "willfully sinned", and "lost their salvation"".
These enemies of the Cross enjoy doing that to you, if they can.
They enjoy it.

Ive witnessed many times... the harmful effect ... the mind damage and the broken spirit in these real believers, who have been deeply mentally disturbed by the people who mean to do it,....= other believers. And because of these poisonous "christians", they are so harmed that they can't open a bible and get any Help. Prayer life becomes a guilt trip. They cry and feel depressed .. Their lives become so disrupted by this screaming mental idea that they have committed the unparsdonable sin, or they have willfully sinned their salvation away. And all they had to do to be destroyed was show up on a "friendly" Christian Forum and read some Devil led fool's Thread or endless posts.... regarding "losing your salvation" .

This particular Thread Topic is posted constantly on every Christian Forum that will allow it. And the next thing a sincere believer thinks after reading this spiritual poision is, "what if i did this".... and then the bottom falls out of their faith as the devil begins to work their minds into worry and fear to try to literally destroy them.

FYI. : The Epistle to the Hebrews, is a spiritual bear trap.

Leave it alone, unless you know someone who is skilled in Pauline Theology and Soteriology, as defined as THE GRACE OF GOD.
Im not kidding.

Its an Epistle that will tie a novice baby Christian into a mental knot for life. This epistle is so strong, so powerful, that when a novice gets into it, having no sound "saved and kept saved by the GRACE OF GOD" theology to lean on , no soul anchor of Grace from their Christian beginning, no deep understanding of Redemption,. . they will end up for the rest of their life preaching one message. "you can lose your salvation".
And how did they get there ? = Some "christian" convinced them.... and its often a COMMENTARY or Online "bible study" site that is waiting to blow your faith apart with the Book of Hebrews.
That is what happens to everyone who get lost in the Epistle to the Hebrews, because they never became grounded in GRACE and "Justification by Faith" theology Truth BEFORE they jumped into this DEEP DEEP Epistle written to the "Hebrews".
Take notice of the fact that every heretic who wants to destroy your faith, will use a couple of verses from Hebrews to try to ruin your faith, destroy it.

Listen Saint,

the bible is not a fun filled novel.
Its not a guessing game to play with...
The Bible has POWER, and that spiritual power can harm you, as well as heal you.
Do you hear me?
The word of God, the HOLY BIBLE....is a Spiritual Awakening Experience, written as words in Jesus's Blood.. Understand? And the unclean spirit , Satan, uses the bible to harm you if he can.
And do you think he can't.?
Listen... He was here before Adam. He was looking over Paul's shoulder when Paul was getting his letters out to the Churches. He sent Muslims their Bible. He lifted Jesus up by His power and took him to a high place and showed the Lord of Glory a few things... Satan is alive, just as certain as Jesus is Risen. And he is not playing with you. He wants your LIFE if he can't get your soul, and if he can't get ether because you are born again, then he'll send a heretic's lies into your mind, using a pulpit, a commentary, an online FORUM, a family member, a MOD, a christian commentary..... and that will try to make you believe that the Blood of Jesus is only as good as you are.

Now you think about that..... The heretic will continue to try to make you believe that the Blood Atonement is actually YOU keeping yourself saved, OR NOT. That the blood of Jesus is only as good as you are.... is only going to keep you saved if you earn your salvation.

Listen now....

There are 2 Gospels that are preached, since the Cross was raised..
One is From the New Testament, and one is from the Devil. The bible preaches that God MADE you righteous and keeps you righteous, HIMSELF, if you will believe in Christ., who is your Blood Atonement and your RIGHTEOUSNESS.
= Philippians 1:6
This is known as being born again. This is God becoming Jesus the Man and taking His very righteousness and giving it to you in place of your sin, and unrighteousness. = This is Redemption. The Blood Atonement. "The Gift of Righteousness". "The Gift of Salvation". Its the eternal life that is found "in Christ" that is based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
This is Paul's "Gospels of the GRACE of God".

The Devil's gospel teaches that your works make you and keep righteous,...that "enduring" "Abiding", "Obedience" and commandment keeping keeps you saved, and your obedience, you see..according to this false gospels..... is literally your Cross of SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS that you hang on, to try to save yourself.
These people who believe and teach this false gospel, all believe they can lose their Salvation, and that is why they are hanging on the Cross of their Own Self Righteousness,... = its literally because they do not believe that JESUS Keeps them SAVED.
Their faith in Christ is BROKEN, and they will break yours if possible.. They want to do it. They mean to do it.

God's Gospel, is : "i will save you and keep you saved. ". using the Blood, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. = "The GIFT of Salvation"... "The Gift of Righteousness".

The devil's gospel, is anything and everything else...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
God is real, Jesus is risen, and the Devil is real.

The Devil can't have you if you are born again, but he can deceive you using his ministers, or even by twisting bible verses as you read them.

All of the Devil's deceived, will teach a Gospel of Works, self effort.....that is telling you that you must DO THIS and DO THAT, and be sure you dont do that, .. .and if you get all your do's and don'ts right, you just might make it into heaven based on all that performance to be accepted by God.

Reader, God accepts you based on The Cross of Christ......and for no other reason will He keep you, also.

The Devil's ministers, will try to convinces you that you can lose your Salvation.
If they are not ministering for Him that lie, then they are deceived by it, and will all tell you, "yes you can lose your Salvation".

Learn to hear them., Saint.
Learn to spot them..

They are all trying to save themselves, and they not believe that Jesus keeps them Saved.
And many of them, will try to make you believe that that you can lose your salvation.
They will try to break your faith in Christ.
Its their "ministry".

Learn to HEAR these "works" to be righteous, heretics.
Learn to hear these deceived people who always talk about sin, sin, sin, sin, commandments, law, confessing sin...repenting....and there is NO CROSS in their Posts, Threads, or self saving RELIGION.
Learn to Hear these...>>"you can lose your salvation" heretics.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

How do you know that Jesus keeps you saved?

Well, what else could? Who else can,?

Can you keep yourself saved, when the fact is, you could not save yourself to begin with.?
Can you keep yourself saved, when the fact is, you could not save yourself to begin with.?
Can you keep yourself saved, when the fact is, you could not save yourself to begin with.?
Can you keep yourself saved, when the fact is, you could not save yourself to begin with.?


Reader......Could good works, good deeds, keeping the 10 commandments, trying to be a good person...... wash away your sin?
So, who did?

Who did ??

A.) The ONE who keeps you SAVED, after you are saved because JESUS's Blood washed away your sin, forever.

Believe it, and never let a devil led HERETIC, talk you out of your Faith in Christ.

They will try.
Do not Listen.
Learn to HEAR THEM on a Forum, and in a Pulpit.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
There are believers who want to indoctrinate you into their harmful theology.
This is their "christian" mission in life.
This is their "ministry".
They feel they are "led of the Spirit" to actually cause harm regarding breaking the Faith of real born again believers.
So, how to recognize them?
How to know who is the deceiver, and who is of the Truth.

I'll show you....

Now, i have a strong and unrelenting point of view about a certain heresy, because i have seen the damage it causes churches, Christians, and the heretics themselves. This theology is an extreme spiritual poison. Its a theological infection of the mind and spiritual condition. It literally can make you crazy. Especially if you are a sincere and true believer who above all things, wants to please God.

The True Believers, if they are caught up in this hellish circular reasoning theology, become more and more upset and there is NO simple remedy.
See, what happens is.... you can get infected in your mind by the people who are spreading spiritual deceit.
Reader, your mind is a spiritual battlefield.

And then, once you are DECEIVED... the bible and the devil begin to work together to condemn you to the point where you will begin to obsess on THE idea that you are lost, and hell bound, have "lost your salvation"
And its so called "christians" who will do this to you. They will TRY to make you believe that you can lose your salvation, or that you've lost it.
These people infect forums, and all they do is try to make you believe that you can lose your Salvation.
They will post about it endlessly. They will use 2 verses or 3, over and over and over like a devil's hammer, just beating you with it..

And once they have you deceived... then the bible becomes a punishing enemy as all it seems to do is show you that you are going to hell.
Ive seen it. Ive dealt with believers who are caught up in the devil's lie, and TAUGHT IT by other believers.
We've all seen people come to this very forum, panic'd , worried, distraught.....>"i wonder if ive lost my salvation". "I wonder if God will take me back"...
See that?
They are the VICTUM of a carnal devil who led them to believe that they have "blasphemed" and "willfully sinned", and "lost their salvation"".
These enemies of the Cross enjoy doing that to you, if they can.
They enjoy it.

Ive witnessed many times... the harmful effect ... the mind damage and the broken spirit in these real believers, who have been deeply mentally disturbed by the people who mean to do it,....= other believers. And because of these poisonous "christians", they are so harmed that they can't open a bible and get any Help. Prayer life becomes a guilt trip. They cry and feel depressed .. Their lives become so disrupted by this screaming mental idea that they have committed the unparsdonable sin, or they have willfully sinned their salvation away. And all they had to do to be destroyed was show up on a "friendly" Christian Forum and read some Devil led fool's Thread or endless posts.... regarding "losing your salvation" .

This particular Thread Topic is posted constantly on every Christian Forum that will allow it. And the next thing a sincere believer thinks after reading this spiritual poision is, "what if i did this".... and then the bottom falls out of their faith as the devil begins to work their minds into worry and fear to try to literally destroy them.

FYI. : The Epistle to the Hebrews, is a spiritual bear trap.

Leave it alone, unless you know someone who is skilled in Pauline Theology and Soteriology, as defined as THE GRACE OF GOD.
Im not kidding.

Its an Epistle that will tie a novice baby Christian into a mental knot for life. This epistle is so strong, so powerful, that when a novice gets into it, having no sound "saved and kept saved by the GRACE OF GOD" theology to lean on , no soul anchor of Grace from their Christian beginning, no deep understanding of Redemption,. . they will end up for the rest of their life preaching one message. "you can lose your salvation".
And how did they get there ? = Some "christian" convinced them.... and its often a COMMENTARY or Online "bible study" site that is waiting to blow your faith apart with the Book of Hebrews.
That is what happens to everyone who get lost in the Epistle to the Hebrews, because they never became grounded in GRACE and "Justification by Faith" theology Truth BEFORE they jumped into this DEEP DEEP Epistle written to the "Hebrews".
Take notice of the fact that every heretic who wants to destroy your faith, will use a couple of verses from Hebrews to try to ruin your faith, destroy it.

Listen Saint,

the bible is not a fun filled novel.
Its not a guessing game to play with...
The Bible has POWER, and that spiritual power can harm you, as well as heal you.
Do you hear me?
The word of God, the HOLY BIBLE....is a Spiritual Awakening Experience, written as words in Jesus's Blood.. Understand? And the unclean spirit , Satan, uses the bible to harm you if he can.
And do you think he can't.?
Listen... He was here before Adam. He was looking over Paul's shoulder when Paul was getting his letters out to the Churches. He sent Muslims their Bible. He lifted Jesus up by His power and took him to a high place and showed the Lord of Glory a few things... Satan is alive, just as certain as Jesus is Risen. And he is not playing with you. He wants your LIFE if he can't get your soul, and if he can't get ether because you are born again, then he'll send a heretic's lies into your mind, using a pulpit, a commentary, an online FORUM, a family member, a MOD, a christian commentary..... and that will try to make you believe that the Blood of Jesus is only as good as you are.

Now you think about that..... The heretic will continue to try to make you believe that the Blood Atonement is actually YOU keeping yourself saved, OR NOT. That the blood of Jesus is only as good as you are.... is only going to keep you saved if you earn your salvation.

Listen now....

There are 2 Gospels that are preached, since the Cross was raised..
One is From the New Testament, and one is from the Devil. The bible preaches that God MADE you righteous and keeps you righteous, HIMSELF, if you will believe in Christ., who is your Blood Atonement and your RIGHTEOUSNESS.
= Philippians 1:6
This is known as being born again. This is God becoming Jesus the Man and taking His very righteousness and giving it to you in place of your sin, and unrighteousness. = This is Redemption. The Blood Atonement. "The Gift of Righteousness". "The Gift of Salvation". Its the eternal life that is found "in Christ" that is based on the finished work of Jesus on the Cross.
This is Paul's "Gospels of the GRACE of God".

The Devil's gospel teaches that your works make you and keep righteous,...that "enduring" "Abiding", "Obedience" and commandment keeping keeps you saved, and your obedience, you see..according to this false gospels..... is literally your Cross of SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS that you hang on, to try to save yourself.
These people who believe and teach this false gospel, all believe they can lose their Salvation, and that is why they are hanging on the Cross of their Own Self Righteousness,... = its literally because they do not believe that JESUS Keeps them SAVED.
Their faith in Christ is BROKEN, and they will break yours if possible.. They want to do it. They mean to do it.

God's Gospel, is : "i will save you and keep you saved. ". using the Blood, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. = "The GIFT of Salvation"... "The Gift of Righteousness".

The devil's gospel, is anything and everything else...
The entire bible is a minefield to your form of doctrine. You have to cut out so many verses...even entire books... so that your religious ego can remain in the puffed up position.

New believers need to learn the truth...in balance. The goodness AND severity of God. Any Pauline reader can see that plainly stated.

It is your leaven that all should flee from. You want to save the part of a person that is meant to be crucified.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The entire bible is a minefield to your form of doctrine. You have to cut out so many verses...even entire books..

My Thread found you.
Of course it did, Episkopos.

Also, i didnt cut out anything, What i did was bring exposure.
And the Holy Spirit is going to bring more.
You'll see.

And what "new believers" need to do, is become "grounded in Grace", "Solid in Soteriology", that is the CROSS OF CHRIST...
And a Cross denier like you, who proclaimed that Jesus is my "whipping boy"...... and that God's Grace is "free stuff"..... is the exact type this Thread is designed to spotlight.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Let me show you something interesting about this Broken Faith idea.....>"lose salvation".

ITs PRIDE based deception.
Its Religious PRIDE.

See, to believe that you can lose your Salvation, means.....that you THINK, believe, that you have more POWER to Lose your Salvation, then God has Power to Keep you saved.
You believe that you have more power to cause the loss of your redemption, the Jesus's Blood and Death and Resurrection has the POWER to save you and keep you saved.

See that?

Don't be that one.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
They will use 2 verses or 3, over and over and over like a devil's hammer, just beating you with it..

The entire Holy Bible is like a hammer to the heretic.

“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)
The Epistle to the Hebrews, is a spiritual bear trap.


Leave it alone, unless you know someone who is skilled in Pauline Theology

That is, unless you’ve been indoctrinated by a heretic…
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is, unless you’ve been indoctrinated by a heretic…


You are the very person, who comes to a Christian Forum, to try to convince real believes that they can lose their Salvaiton.
Ive watched you do this in hundreds of Posts.
You try to prove it on 99% of my Threads that are teaching about other Topics.
You'll use the Same 2 verses, maybe 3.
You have your 2-3 verses, and your circular reasoning and your self deception, as your "Ministry".
Did you want to post a verse from Hebrews, yet?
You probably wont sleep well tonight if you dont try to falsely prove that Real Believers can "lose their Salvation" on a Thread that is talking about YOU dong that, constantly.

So, You , YOU, are this Thread's Topic.

A.) You.

You're the very one, Michiah-imla.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
You are the very person, who comes to a Christian Forum, to try to convince real believes that they can lose their Salvaiton


I come here to help others.

I come here to expose erroneous things with biblical things.

I point to scripture alone.

You are saved as long as you:

“…continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel…” (Colossians 1:23)

You stay saved if you:

“…continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.” (Romans 11:22)

You are saved if you’re a faithful servant, or else Jesus will:

“…cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers.” (Luke 12:46)


And I didn’t even use the book of Hebrews!



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

You lied again.

See, Jesus said that "he'd never leave you or forsake you". And that is absolutely ETERNAL.

Its the born again "in Christ"..... "one with God".

Salvation is Eternal, because Jesus is Salvation, and He is Eternal, and the born again are "IN Christ".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

I come here to help others.

You're a devil led Liar... according to your post.

See, You constantly post all over this Forum, constantly, that the MEMBER HERE< who are BORN AGAIN, can "lose their Salvation".

You stated that this is "helping others".

A.) Deceived...... Deceiver.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
You lied again.

You falsely accused again.

Jesus said that "he'd never leave you or forsake you". And that is absolutely ETERNAL.

“…The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.” (2 Chronicles 15:2)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
You are saved as long as you

Are Born again.

“…the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (1 Peter 4:17-18)

@Behold ???




Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You falsely accused again.

I wrote a Thread, that said that the Devil's owned, his ministers will come to Forums, and to Pulpits and try to deceive real believers out of their Faith, and into the Satanic LIE that is....>"you can lose your Salvation".

Here you are.
The very one that does this constantly on THIS FORUM.
That's not a lie, as here you are.......the very one the Thread is talking about.

Its you., Michiah-Imla
  • Haha
Reactions: Michiah-Imla


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
“…the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God:

I wrote a Thread, THIS ONE....You're on.... that said that the Devil's owned, his ministers will come to Forums, and to Pulpits and try to deceive real believers out of their Faith, and into the Satanic LIE that is....>"you can lose your Salvation".

Here you are.
The very one that does this constantly on THIS FORUM.
That's not a lie, as here you are.......the very one the Thread is talking about.

Its you., Michiah-Imla


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Salvation is Eternal, because Jesus is Salvation, and He is Eternal, and the born again are "IN Christ".

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” (Romans 16:17-18)