Satans high ranking demons ?

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New Member
Apr 14, 2010
I've been anointed with oil on Ash Wednesday (mixed with Ashes) and at Confirmation but I have never put oil on my own fourhead. I think it is best to ahve someone else do that kidn of thing for you asthe Holy Spirit works best when two or three are gathered. The oil you need is called Crism and usually a priest or minister (if they don't find it too Catholic) will have soem to hand. Usually there are two kinds. One to bless people if they rquire praying for for example something big is happening in their life and they ask for a blessing and the other type is used for the sick and dying when they are given extremunction.

I ahve never anointed myself but I do have a stoop to put holy water in which you could sign yourself with . Just remember you wouldn't be doing this superstitiously because it is a sign of your intentions not just any kind of hocus pokus.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
I've been anointed with oil on Ash Wednesday (mixed with Ashes) and at Confirmation but I have never put oil on my own fourhead. I think it is best to ahve someone else do that kidn of thing for you asthe Holy Spirit works best when two or three are gathered. The oil you need is called Crism and usually a priest or minister (if they don't find it too Catholic) will have soem to hand. Usually there are two kinds. One to bless people if they rquire praying for for example something big is happening in their life and they ask for a blessing and the other type is used for the sick and dying when they are given extremunction.

I ahve never anointed myself but I do have a stoop to put holy water in which you could sign yourself with . Just remember you wouldn't be doing this superstitiously because it is a sign of your intentions not just any kind of hocus pokus.

Well I think I will talk to a priest or a pastor before I go through with this, over another terrible dream last night. This angry Italian she banshee was screaming in my ear I could almost hear it and feel it as I woke up so I don't know I think I need some proffessional help on the subject.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
James 4:7 (ESV)
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Amen to that Duckybill, we have to show the devil that we're not to be messed with and show him sho's boss. (Jesus is boss not us).

Arnold I'm sorry to hear you had another bad experience. Were you able to do anything in the dream? I find that soemtimes my voice fails me and my hand won't move but when I can I will invoke the name of the trinity and make the sign of the cross and really do it with conviction and that has worked most of the time.


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
I was watching a James Bond movie last night and I got this feeling like there was something spiritual being pumped into me and it wasn't good.

It's been on my mind lately that satan must have some kind of ranking system as he can't be every where at once because he is not God. Here is a couple of interesting links about satans higher ranking servants.

Link #1 This site basically breaks down the the army of darkness into 7 separate principalities. An interesting concept to me was the idea of hexing popular music to maximize it's occultic effect on teens and young people. I think the writer of this article is on to something as you can just feel the negative energy sometimes when you listen to a non christian station.

Link # 2 This writer finishes up with an idea of a christian division that is focuses on vexing christian people in there daily lives.

I don't know if I fully believe this as I obviously don't engage in summoning or occultic activities. Maybe someone with some spiritual warfare experience could chime in. Wether these names and concepts are in anyway accurate and what we can do to wipe this army off the face of the planet.

May God bless protect and inspire you all as you read this, amen.

We were not given such knowledge about hierarchy in Heaven nor in hell. Probably for a reason. There is so much we don't know about. Knowledge of the invisible world is dangerous.Knowledge about anything (no matter what) should come with understanding or it becomes dangerous knowledge. (if that makes sense).
I would advise you not to spend so much time researching such things. Time is precious and that is why finding time to spend with God is one of the Biggest sacrifices we can make. And when we spend time with Him let us not forget to listen to what He has to say to us. Pray and listen.
Bless you.



New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Amen to that Duckybill, we have to show the devil that we're not to be messed with and show him sho's boss. (Jesus is boss not us).
WE are to resist the Devil. Jesus gave US power over Satan and his.

Luke 10:17-19 (ESV)
17 The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” 18 And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I have given YOU authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.

Of course our power comes from Jesus.



New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Amen to that Duckybill, we have to show the devil that we're not to be messed with and show him sho's boss. (Jesus is boss not us).

Arnold I'm sorry to hear you had another bad experience. Were you able to do anything in the dream? I find that soemtimes my voice fails me and my hand won't move but when I can I will invoke the name of the trinity and make the sign of the cross and really do it with conviction and that has worked most of the time.

No I was just paralyzed in the dark it was really bizarre. Last night was perfect though for once.B)

We were not given such knowledge about hierarchy in Heaven nor in hell. Probably for a reason. There is so much we don't know about. Knowledge of the invisible world is dangerous.Knowledge about anything (no matter what) should come with understanding or it becomes dangerous knowledge. (if that makes sense).
I would advise you not to spend so much time researching such things. Time is precious and that is why finding time to spend with God is one of the Biggest sacrifices we can make. And when we spend time with Him let us not forget to listen to what He has to say to us. Pray and listen.
Bless you.

Hi Boris,

I used to think that as well but after 4 years of ignoring it and the same cycle repeating I figure there must be more to it. Maybe God is allowing this to happen to me for a reason and so I must become aware of what is going on, then I can change it.

THE Gypsy

New Member
Jul 27, 2011
I used to think that as well but after 4 years of ignoring it and the same cycle repeating I figure there must be more to it. Maybe God is allowing this to happen to me for a reason and so I must become aware of what is going on, then I can change it.

I can certainly understand the need to be informed, however, I would search around for other sites.

I glanced the links and on the second one he made the statement "The taking of drugs is absolutely essential to the practice of witchcraft, and it comprises one of the three steps of Satanism, which is not true. I have to wonder how much more of the "information" he's presenting is false. (I did not read the entire site at either link)

Just be careful in your journey.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
I can certainly understand the need to be informed, however, I would search around for other sites.

I glanced the links and on the second one he made the statement "The taking of drugs is absolutely essential to the practice of witchcraft, and it comprises one of the three steps of Satanism, which is not true. I have to wonder how much more of the "information" he's presenting is false. (I did not read the entire site at either link)

Just be careful in your journey.

I don't want to argue with you about the steps to becoming a witch ok ? The point of the thread was to discuss the possibility of a ranking system for our enemy it isn't the worst idea ever to know your enemy especially when they constantly attack you.

THE Gypsy

New Member
Jul 27, 2011
I don't want to argue with you about the steps to becoming a witch ok ? The point of the thread was to discuss the possibility of a ranking system for our enemy it isn't the worst idea ever to know your enemy especially when they constantly attack you.

Please accept my apology if it came across as an attack or that I was trying to argue. That was not my intent. I simply saw something at the site that isn't true and it sent up a red flare for me.

And I agree. It's a wise person that "knows his enemy".


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Please accept my apology if it came across as an attack or that I was trying to argue. That was not my intent. I simply saw something at the site that isn't true and it sent up a red flare for me.

And I agree. It's a wise person that "knows his enemy".

:) Fair enough, I am a little edgy about spirits lately and when you brought up the idea of witchcraft it raised a red flare for me. Were you involved in the black arts at one point in your life ?

THE Gypsy

New Member
Jul 27, 2011
:) Fair enough, I am a little edgy about spirits lately and when you brought up the idea of witchcraft it raised a red flare for me. Were you involved in the black arts at one point in your life ?

I was. Looking was the worst time of my life.

BTW...The "witchcraft statement" was from the link you provided.


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hi Boris,

I used to think that as well but after 4 years of ignoring it and the same cycle repeating I figure there must be more to it. Maybe God is allowing this to happen to me for a reason and so I must become aware of what is going on, then I can change it.

I understand. Anointment is always good and do not be afraid. However, do not anoint yourself.... Go to pastor (or a priest) and ask them to do it. Also read the Bible and pray before you go to bed. Pray to God in the name of Jesus to set you free from any demonic influence. Even the Lord's prayer is enough if it comes from your heart. The Bible tells us one easy way[font="Arial][color="#552200"] [/color][/font]James 4:7.
Do not believe half the things you find on the internet.
God bless you.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
This is just my two pennies once again....

I just want to say, I honestly think God doesn't work by some formula. He looks at our hearts and if we turn to Him, he answers. Im just saying that because I think we shouldn't trust 'professionals', or 'formulas'. Not that they dont know anything, but as Christians our trust needs to be in God. God needs nothing to answer a prayer, he HAS everything.

I would say pray. Seems like youre being attacked. Pray to God to protect you...

Anyways, thats just what I would say according to the understanding given me.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
This is just my two pennies once again....

I just want to say, I honestly think God doesn't work by some formula. He looks at our hearts and if we turn to Him, he answers. Im just saying that because I think we shouldn't trust 'professionals', or 'formulas'. Not that they dont know anything, but as Christians our trust needs to be in God. God needs nothing to answer a prayer, he HAS everything.

I would say pray. Seems like youre being attacked. Pray to God to protect you...

Anyways, thats just what I would say according to the understanding given me.

Certainly Prentis I would never suggest that God could be confined to some type of cosmic formula. This has been a big deal for me over the past few years I have battled many evil spirits, I had a man tell me in a demonic voice not to read my bible one day. He said "give it up kid it's all over 666" I looked at him or it or whatever and said "your going to lose" . He absolutely flipped out he said something about ripping my face off then ran into the door frame and pushed on it and bent a solid metal door frame a little bit. Then ran off crying. Ive been dealing with this strange behavior by myself and have been too arrogant to ask for help. It is hard to find trustworthy christian people in this day and age there are at least some on this forum. I appreciate you trying to understand for me though.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Christians can call on the Blood. It's POWER!

Revelation 12:11 (NKJV)
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Christians can call on the Blood. It's POWER!

Revelation 12:11 (NKJV)
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.

Have you used some of these verses before in the face of an attack ? How does one use the blood ?


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Certainly Prentis I would never suggest that God could be confined to some type of cosmic formula. This has been a big deal for me over the past few years I have battled many evil spirits, I had a man tell me in a demonic voice not to read my bible one day. He said "give it up kid it's all over 666" I looked at him or it or whatever and said "your going to lose" . He absolutely flipped out he said something about ripping my face off then ran into the door frame and pushed on it and bent a solid metal door frame a little bit. Then ran off crying. Ive been dealing with this strange behavior by myself and have been too arrogant to ask for help. It is hard to find trustworthy christian people in this day and age there are at least some on this forum. I appreciate you trying to understand for me though.

Thanks for correcting me and clarifying this for me! :)

Then brother, may the Lord bless and keep you strong in battle! He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world!

Love and blessings in our Lord!