Satans high ranking demons ?

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New Member
Apr 14, 2010
This is what is mentioned in Isaiah 34:13-15

Her nobles shall be no more, nor shall kings be proclaimed there; all her princes are gone. (13) Her castles shall be overgrown with thorns, her fortresses with thistles and briers. She shall become an abode for jackals and a haunt for ostriches. (14) Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. (15) There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none shall be missing its mate. (16) Look in the book of the LORD and read: No one of these shall be lacking, For the mouth of the LORD has ordered it, and his spirit shall gather them there. (17) It is he who casts the lot for them, and with his hands he marks off their shares of her; They shall possess her forever, and dwell there from generation to generation.

Lillith is heavily associated with Owls and other nigth creatures as is the Babylonian God Moloch, who is also mentioned in the Bible, but I will have to look that up to find where exactly.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
^^^ I get what you are saying templar and in my younger days I would have scoffed at the thought of a succubus being real. A few years ago I was sleeping and this beautiful lady demon appeared in front of me. She was sitting on my nightstand looking at me she was scorched brown and black like she had came out of hell and had two horns bent back down over her head. Just scared the h out of me closed my eyes, begged her to leave opened them again and she was still there closed them again told I didn't want to talk to her and this time she was gone when I opened my eyes. Maybe it was this lillith creature or one of her offspring.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
It could well have been, since the succubi tend to prey on men in the night. I know this might not be your cup of tea but making the sign of the cross and saying the Trinitarian formula as load and authoritativley as you can will help, even if you have to say it several times. Sometimes in my dreams I will find myself saying it in English and other times in Latin and I can really feel my hand moving as I do it. It's not tongues because I know the Latin but sometiems its just natural to use it.

The strange thing about Lillith is that sicne she broke away before the fall of man, she vener actually fell as Adam did and as such is immortal even though she was created to be inferior to Adam. Thje legends say that while Adam was created from the earth Lillith came from an inferior clay or even excrement. So Lillith was not meant to be equal to Adam as Eve was. It think that was so that she would be subordinate to Adam, but she was too headstrong and would not submit.

Just as satan rebelled against God Lillith rebelled against man and God also in failing to submit to Adam. This makes me wonder if Lillith is another enemy who may be independant of satan or certainly his equal in evil rather than just one of his demons. Remember though that evil is a house divided agaisnt itself.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
It could well have been, since the succubi tend to prey on men in the night. I know this might not be your cup of tea but making the sign of the cross and saying the Trinitarian formula as load and authoritativley as you can will help, even if you have to say it several times. Sometimes in my dreams I will find myself saying it in English and other times in Latin and I can really feel my hand moving as I do it. It's not tongues because I know the Latin but sometiems its just natural to use it.

The strange thing about Lillith is that sicne she broke away before the fall of man, she vener actually fell as Adam did and as such is immortal even though she was created to be inferior to Adam. Thje legends say that while Adam was created from the earth Lillith came from an inferior clay or even excrement. So Lillith was not meant to be equal to Adam as Eve was. It think that was so that she would be subordinate to Adam, but she was too headstrong and would not submit.

Just as satan rebelled against God Lillith rebelled against man and God also in failing to submit to Adam. This makes me wonder if Lillith is another enemy who may be independant of satan or certainly his equal in evil rather than just one of his demons. Remember though that evil is a house divided agaisnt itself.

I am open to all forms of protection as I hate being woken up by some demonic tone humming in my ear which has happened a few times in the past month. So if I say in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and cross my self a few times it should keep these things away ? I would be awesome to have dreams where I say something to the father or some type of prayer instead of the wierd dreams I have been having. Do you know anything about how whistling is used by demons, I go into starbucks today and this girl is giving me the creepiest look ever and she is whistling at me, it is the most irritating ungodly ear piercing whistle I have ever heard and I tell her to be quiet and she tries to turn it into this big fight between one of her coworkers and I. Anyways once I opened my bible it seemed to calm everything down.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
One thing I've heard that exorcists use is to get peopel to say "Jesus is Lord." If they physically can't do it then there is something demonic going on in them. When an exorcist gets a demon out of someone they get the former posessed person to say "Jesus is Lord," as a test to see if the demons ahve all fled. If they can't say it then there might be one or two lurking around deep down.

I also found a video on youtube with a woman who had inherited demons, in that they were part of her bloodline. That to me is very scary to think that a person could be congenitally affected by evil spirits.

i don't know abou the whistling but I'd say that

The Sign fo the Cross and the trinitarian formula; In nomine Patris et Fillii et Spiritus Sancti does work. Don't think of it as superstitious, it is a very powerful demonstration of your faith and shows you mean business to any undesireable spirit. Don't ask me why but it always seemed more effective in latin than English. Some say that the older a language is the more authoirty it has when dealing with spirits, for example Old English has more authority than modern English and Latin has more authority than old English beecause it is older, Greek has more authority than Latin and Hebrew has more authority than greek. The language which has the most authority is Enochian which is the language of Heaven, which Adam spoke before the fall.

As for the dreams I think I'll always get them too because I think some people are just more tuned into spiritual warfare than others. Mine frighten me but sometiems I feel I am beating them and soemtimes I find they get me down and what really frightens me is what woudl happen if in a moment of terror I was to have a heart attack and die.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
God gave Christians power over Satan and his. But if Christians don't use it or don't know how to use it then Satan will oppress them until they die. The power is useless if not used by Christians.

Luke 10:19 (NKJV)
19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Read "Glamarous Powers." by Susan Howaitch. It deals with an English monk who leaves his monastry to become a country vicar an discovers he is called to a minsitry of healing and exorcism. Before I read that book I didn't take posession seriously but it has really made me re think it.

I would urge you to try what I mentioned but you have to do it with real conviction and really mean it, really challenge the demon so it know it can't mess around with you. Let it know that God loves you and won't give up onyou and that even though you are a sinner you are still beloved of God. Tell the demon or even the devil that they are just filth and scum and make them fear you. In other words put the fear of God into them. From what I've seen demons like a pushover, an nice soft easy target, so really show em you mean business.

I only thought that you might not be open to it because I expected you to be an evangelical Christian and not be too keen on Catholic Practices. You could also keep a crucifix near the bed or even some holy water and having a Bible nearby is a good idea too. Do you ahve a holding cross, if so you could hold one in bed.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
One thing I've heard that exorcists use is to get peopel to say "Jesus is Lord." If they physically can't do it then there is something demonic going on in them. When an exorcist gets a demon out of someone they get the former posessed person to say "Jesus is Lord," as a test to see if the demons ahve all fled. If they can't say it then there might be one or two lurking around deep down.

I also found a video on youtube with a woman who had inherited demons, in that they were part of her bloodline. That to me is very scary to think that a person could be congenitally affected by evil spirits.

i don't know abou the whistling but I'd say that

The Sign fo the Cross and the trinitarian formula; In nomine Patris et Fillii et Spiritus Sancti does work. Don't think of it as superstitious, it is a very powerful demonstration of your faith and shows you mean business to any undesireable spirit. Don't ask me why but it always seemed more effective in latin than English. Some say that the older a language is the more authoirty it has when dealing with spirits, for example Old English has more authority than modern English and Latin has more authority than old English beecause it is older, Greek has more authority than Latin and Hebrew has more authority than greek. The language which has the most authority is Enochian which is the language of Heaven, which Adam spoke before the fall.

As for the dreams I think I'll always get them too because I think some people are just more tuned into spiritual warfare than others. Mine frighten me but sometiems I feel I am beating them and soemtimes I find they get me down and what really frightens me is what woudl happen if in a moment of terror I was to have a heart attack and die.

Thank you, this is some good knowledge you are dropping, it actually makes a lot of sense as the languages demons speak sounds like latin. We could almost write a book with all the stuff going on in this thread.

God gave Christians power over Satan and his. But if Christians don't use it or don't know how to use it then Satan will oppress them until they die. The power is useless if not used by Christians.

Luke 10:19 (NKJV)
19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Yes ducky bill, that verse is quite empowering, I can almost imagine myself walking across a bed of scorpions, I still get nervous about it but it doesn't get to me.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Yes ducky bill, that verse is quite empowering, I can almost imagine myself walking across a bed of scorpions, I still get nervous about it but it doesn't get to me.
The point is:

"over all the power of the enemy"

Satan is the enemy.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
comm.Arnold how often do you recieve Holy Communion?
I find that it helps because I believe in transubstanciation, so that when I've recieved communion I've litterally got the Body and blood of Christ in my bloodstream, so not only is Christ spiritually present with me but physically and when i've recieved the Eucharist I can deal with the apparitions a lot better.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
There is nothing scriptural to support the idea of Transubstantiation.

It is a man-made concept that has no foundation.

Christ's body was sacrificed once and for all for our sins.

Apparently that isn't good enough for the Catholics.

To think that the Son of God because a meal for them hundreds of thousands of times a day around the world is baseless and counter to God's teaching.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010

if you want to discuss transubstanciation then do it in another thread.

What we are sicussing here is spiritual warfare; evil spirits and how we have dealt with them


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
comm.Arnold how often do you recieve Holy Communion?
I find that it helps because I believe in transubstanciation, so that when I've recieved communion I've litterally got the Body and blood of Christ in my bloodstream, so not only is Christ spiritually present with me but physically and when i've recieved the Eucharist I can deal with the apparitions a lot better.

You know it has probably been a few years. I have not been actively engaging for a while.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
The Eucharist is the most amazing thing that we can recieve in this life because in it Jesus feeds us with his own body, blood, soul and divinity. He feeds us spiritually to give us the strength to face these challenges and I believve that by comign to God in the act of Holy Communion you will recieve a kind of spiritual recharching that will renew your strength. Wether you believe the Eucharist to be physical or symbolic is not the point I'm trying to make because either way it is food for the spirit.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
[sup]John 6[/sup]

[sup]30[/sup] So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? [sup]31[/sup] Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’[sup][c][/sup]”

[sup]32[/sup] Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. [sup]33[/sup]For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

[sup]34[/sup] “Sir,” they said, “always give us this bread.”

[sup]35[/sup] Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
I am open to all forms of protection as I hate being woken up by some demonic tone humming in my ear which has happened a few times in the past month. So if I say in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit and cross my self a few times it should keep these things away ? I would be awesome to have dreams where I say something to the father or some type of prayer instead of the wierd dreams I have been having. Do you know anything about how whistling is used by demons, I go into starbucks today and this girl is giving me the creepiest look ever and she is whistling at me, it is the most irritating ungodly ear piercing whistle I have ever heard and I tell her to be quiet and she tries to turn it into this big fight between one of her coworkers and I. Anyways once I opened my bible it seemed to calm everything down.

If you belong to Christ then He gave you power over demons and evil spirits (Luke 10). Cast them away from you in the Name of Jesus Christ, and don't forget to tell them in Christ's Name to get behind you and go back to the 'pit' (they don't like that). After a while of you casting them away, they'll leave you alone.

Take some oil (olive oil, or basic cooking oil if that's what you have), and anoint your forehead and the doorposts of your house/apartment, casting them away in the Name of Jesus Christ. This may need to be done after you allow strangers in your home.

Some things in general for those to whom it might apply:

Water baptism in Christ's Name is important, as it especially puts Christ's covering over us.

Get rid of any pagan paraphernalia in your home or possession. To those in Christ Jesus pagan paraphernalia is nothing. But others like little children who might visit, it could turn into something.

Be careful what or who you invite in your home, including influence of popular media sources. We don't have to bring unbelievers home with us to witness Christ Jesus to them.

Have no fear. The demons and evil spirits are scared of us who have believed on Jesus Christ.



New Member
Apr 7, 2011

If you belong to Christ then He gave you power over demons and evil spirits (Luke 10). Cast them away from you in the Name of Jesus Christ, and don't forget to tell them in Christ's Name to get behind you and go back to the 'pit' (they don't like that). After a while of you casting them away, they'll leave you alone.

Take some oil (olive oil, or basic cooking oil if that's what you have), and anoint your forehead and the doorposts of your house/apartment, casting them away in the Name of Jesus Christ. This may need to be done after you allow strangers in your home.

Some things in general for those to whom it might apply:

Water baptism in Christ's Name is important, as it especially puts Christ's covering over us.

Get rid of any pagan paraphernalia in your home or possession. To those in Christ Jesus pagan paraphernalia is nothing. But others like little children who might visit, it could turn into something.

Be careful what or who you invite in your home, including influence of popular media sources. We don't have to bring unbelievers home with us to witness Christ Jesus to them.

Have no fear. The demons and evil spirits are scared of us who have believed on Jesus Christ.

Oil and cast them away in Jesus name, sounds crazy enough to work.

Pagan Paraphernalia ? Is a chemistry textbook ok ?

Ive got a copy of Doctor Faustus and this other one called the diamond age that this wierd feminist University proffessor made us read, not really my first choices should I just burn them ?


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Oil and cast them away in Jesus name, sounds crazy enough to work.

Pagan Paraphernalia ? Is a chemistry textbook ok ?

Ive got a copy of Doctor Faustus and this other one called the diamond age that this wierd feminist University proffessor made us read, not really my first choices should I just burn them ?

Christian anointing with oil is given in the NT Book of James. Still a good thing for us to do.

A chemistry book? Depends... is it on pagan Alchemy? The European alchemists included pagan symbology and occult references in a lot of their study, even Cabbalah. But a public school chemistry book, naw. I'm not trying to push superstition with this. But I can tell you, God doesn't like for us to have idolatrous items from pagan arcana. Those things are an abomination to Him.

If you have books and paraphenalia from the local New Age occult bookstore on incantations, witchcraft rituals, items that were historically worshipped as idols or used in the practice of ceremonial magic, etc., especially things like the Quija Board, I'd get rid of them. As for a book on Feminism, why keep it if you don't have to, since you apparently know most of that junk is anti-God? If you still need it for a class, use it to pass, then lose it. Don't necessarily have to burn those items, just throw them in the garbage where they belong. Don't go crazy with this, turning it into superstition. Simply get rid of those things that you clearly know are of the antichrist working.



New Member
Apr 7, 2011

Christian anointing with oil is given in the NT Book of James. Still a good thing for us to do.

A chemistry book? Depends... is it on pagan Alchemy? The European alchemists included pagan symbology and occult references in a lot of their study, even Cabbalah. But a public school chemistry book, naw. I'm not trying to push superstition with this. But I can tell you, God doesn't like for us to have idolatrous items from pagan arcana. Those things are an abomination to Him.

If you have books and paraphenalia from the local New Age occult bookstore on incantations, witchcraft rituals, items that were historically worshipped as idols or used in the practice of ceremonial magic, etc., especially things like the Quija Board, I'd get rid of them. As for a book on Feminism, why keep it if you don't have to, since you apparently know most of that junk is anti-God? If you still need it for a class, use it to pass, then lose it. Don't necessarily have to burn those items, just throw them in the garbage where they belong. Don't go crazy with this, turning it into superstition. Simply get rid of those things that you clearly know are of the antichrist working.

:lol: Good advice veteran I think it was this Faustus book it has a lot of latin parts in it where the main character conjures up satan himself. I actually burned it as well as a few others as I passed that class a long time ago. Feels great ! feels like I definitely removed an unclean article from my house.