The Doctrine of Purgatory in Catholic Biblical Perspective

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
And you anti-Protestants Made Up Mary being Sinless from her natural birth....Why?

You Don't TRUST Gods WAY is sufficient?

LOL...Babies "CAN'NOT SIN"??
Boy oh boy, I thought by now the anti-Protestant catholics would have revealed all their MADE-UP claims on this forum...

Got any more?

I didn't tell you that.

Of course it is contradictory nonsense, it came out of your thoughts, not mine. LOL

Glory to God,
If you disagree with anything I said – then that’s pretty much par-for-the-course since Protestants usually make up their own sets of beliefs - even quasi-Protestant Christians like yourself.

MOST Protestants that I have debated claim that babies can and DO sin.

As for Mary’s sinlessness – it is implicitly taught in Luke 1:28 – a FAR stronger implicit teaching that YOUR claim about the Ethiopian Eunuch having “repented” before he was Baptized.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
Sooooo, by the same type of “implication”, Mary’s status as “Kecharitomene” makes her sinlesscorrect??
No since that isn't what the word means.
By the same type of “implication”, Mary’s question to the Angel in Luke 1:34 makes her a perpetual virginright??
It is beyond me how anyone with half a brain reads Luke 1:34 and somehow gets an implication of a perpetual virginity in Mary. That is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You should have learned what Jesus taught to the Disciples before Jesus sent them out to Preach... It's not complicated...well maybe for an Anti-Protestant Catholic it's too difficult, since even you omitted you skipped believing, confessing and repenting.
Hear, Believe, Confess, Repent and Be Baptized.

Glory to God,
Yup – that’s usually the case with adults.
Ummmmmmm, where did he tell babies and small children to “repent”??

While you’re at it – where did He tell the severely mentally-retarded to “repent??
How about the unborn??

Chapter and Verse
, please . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
LOL...Repentance IS in Scripture...but maybe not in your catechism.

Glory to God,
Then why is it in every
conversation we've had about salvation YOU and others have stated adamantly that ALL you have to do is "believe"??

Ummmmmmm, what happened to that position, hmmmmm??


Active Member
Sep 14, 2019
United States
We don't. Mary needed salvation as much as any body else. She even said so herself. "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior". We can quibble about WHEN she was saved until the cows come. God didn't NEED to make Mary sinless, He CHOSE to. That is Catholic teaching that you have deliberately CHOSEN to reject, or you do so out of ignorance or blind prejudice. This is a lie from the pit of hell. Simeon's prophecy that a sword will pierce her soul means more to Catholics than text. Wrong again. A "fiat" comes from humans. Mary's fiat starts in Luke 1:38. God's divine words were DELIVERED by a high ranking angel. Words that come to us from eternity into temporal time. God doesn't say "YES" to himself, that's absurd, and your avatar nauseates me.


Because not everyone gives physical birth to a divine Messiah. If you deny the Incarnation, you have no business being here.


A pro-abort Christian is a contradiction in terms.​
IMHO, those Catholics-who are true Christians -have the basis of the belief that. 1. The Mother of Christ is the Immaculate Conception. The defining of that came at a time when the majority did not have access to the scriptures to argue and debate about it. But as it was defined by Pope Pius IX , it was also challenged by those whom the Catholic Church calls saints and doctors of the Church

We don't. Mary needed salvation as much as any body else. She even said so herself. "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior". We can quibble about WHEN she was saved until the cows come. God didn't NEED to make Mary sinless, He CHOSE to. That is Catholic teaching that you have deliberately CHOSEN to reject, or you do so out of ignorance or blind prejudice. This is a lie from the pit of hell. Simeon's prophecy that a sword will pierce her soul means more to Catholics than text. Wrong again. A "fiat" comes from humans. Mary's fiat starts in Luke 1:38. God's divine words were DELIVERED by a high ranking angel. Words that come to us from eternity into temporal time. God doesn't say "YES" to himself, that's absurd, and your avatar nauseates me.


Because not everyone gives physical birth to a divine Messiah. If you deny the Incarnation, you have no business being here.


A pro-abort Christian is a contradiction in terms.​
The cows have come home then it would seem . Since you clearly stated she of course needed salvation like anyone else. That would mean , she being conceived like everyone else, would have the same unfortunate stain . That is until her Immaculate Conception in the Holy Seed - the WORD of God. In that sanctification she is too the Immaculate Conception of Christianity-Christ, by being Holy Born of God and also Conceiving Him in her womb through the Immaculate Conception - Supernatural placement of the Word in her womb, the Christ. And of her Holy flesh through placement in her egg ,the Word became flesh . That was an Immaculate Conception by the Holy Spirit and of course she is and will always be the only woman to lay claim to that.

HISTORY and the Church "fathers":
It is admitted that the doctrine as defined by Pius IX was not explicitly noted before the 12th century. It is also agreed that "no direct or categorical and stringent proof of the dogma can be brought forward from Scripture".

I am not the only to disagree with its definition as it stands in the Catholic assembly.Two men called saints by the same assembly too disagreed.
Saint Thomas Aquinas rejected the Immaculate Conception, saying if the Virgin Mary had been sanctified before her conception, she would not have needed the redemption of Christ concluding that "Blessed Virgin was sanctified after animation"
He is considered to be a doctor of the church.

AND:Bernard of Clairvaux in the 12th century raised the question of the Immaculate Conception. A feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin had already begun to be celebrated in some churches of the West. St Bernard blames the canons of the metropolitan church of Lyon for instituting such a festival without the permission of the Holy See. In doing so, he takes occasion to repudiate altogether the view that the conception of Mary was sinless, calling it a "novelty".

Yet by certain people of that assembly I am rejected. but I am sure they would not say St. Thomas Aquinas is not a saint, nor Bernard of Clairvaux.

THE PROBLEM: If they are saints, they cannot say anything against the Blessed Mother. So did they? Or did Pope Pius IX get it wrong? The point is I am not alone in my objection to how it is defined. And it is clear there is no scriptural evidence for how it has been and is defined.

The COMPLICATION:First Vatican Council. In the doctrine of papal infallibility itself there was nothing new. It had been employed to define, on December 8, 1854, the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which asserted that the freeing of the Virgin Mary from all taint of original sin had occurred at the moment of her conception in her mother's womb.

Now someone has to be wrong. I am told I am not Catholic so be it. Yet what I say does align and greater yet expounds upon what two important saints of that assembly say. And what they say can be supported by the scriptures because I have shown that. So, it is clear, Papal Infallibility or anyone's Infallibility is determined by alignment to the foundation- the scriptures. That we can take to the bank.

It would seem being Catholic for some , means never conceding to the fact that someone got it wrong who is considered to be a leader of them. To me it is what the word denotes (A Universal consensus among a body of people). I obviously am part of a group among that assembly . And I would say that the body of Rome that is actually part of the Body of Christ are those who do not contradict the foundation. As I have said there has been two bodies which have come from Rome : 1. An actual body in Christ 2. A Harlot body.
With the scriptures you find out who is who of the assembly. For we have been told that wolves will arise from among even our own.
So, there can be two BODIES with a universal consensus among its members . One body accepts false doctrine for the sake of Laws in the traditions of men, and those who are for VIRGINITY in doctrine.

I know it is safe to say Pope Pius IX was Fallible , because he leaned own his own strength and not the Beloved in NOT testing his doctrine according to the foundation.

Song of Solomon 8:5
5Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
There was nothing to refute in that post. Another question you have not answered. If Mary was sinless, which she was not and Scripture doesn't teach that she was, but if she were, why would she need a savior? What would she need to be saved from?
No – I’ve answered this question SEVERAL times – and so have the other Catholics her. It's been explained to you that she was saved at conception.

Now - please REFUTE mu Scriptural arguments in post #1838.
If I don’t have a leg to stand on – then it should be EASY for you.

Stop running, already . . .


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
It's been explained to you that she was saved at conception.
You have stated that, but not shown any evidence for it. That's not in the Bible. That's only in Catholic teachings.
Now - please REFUTE mu Scriptural arguments in post #1838.
If I don’t have a leg to stand on – then it should be EASY for you.
There was nothing really to refute on its own. Taken out of context? Yes. Used incorrectly? Also yes, irrelevant to my statements about Mary? Most definitely.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
No since that isn't what the word means.

It is beyond me how anyone with half a brain reads Luke 1:34 and somehow gets an implication of a perpetual virginity in Mary. That is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
I have produces at least THREE scholarly definitions of “Kecharitomene” from Greek scholars that AGREE with the Catholic position.

Your denials don’t mean squat because you haven’t produces a SINGLE scholarly source that DISAGREES with that definition. You’ve only produced some definitions that don’t go in-depth.

As for Mary’s question to the angel in Luke 1:34 – this is FAR more implicit about Mary’s Perpetual Virginity than ANYTHING you’ve presented about the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 having “repented.”
Luke 1:34
Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”

Mary was a betrothed girl who knew about marital relations. She didn’t say “How can this be, since I have not known a man?
She said “How can this be, since I do not know a man?

She was stating her intention to remain a virgin and was puzzled by Gabriel’s announcement that she was to have a child. She knew that God was aware of her intentions. Her bewilderment and the words “I do not know”, as opposed to “I have not known”, is CLEAR evidence that she had NO intention of having marital relations.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You have stated that, but not shown any evidence for it. That's not in the Bible. That's only in Catholic teachings.

There was nothing really to refute on its own. Taken out of context? Yes. Used incorrectly? Also yes, irrelevant to my statements about Mary? Most definitely.
Then REFUTE the evidence.

Denial is not a valid refutation.
It's a cowardly escape . . .


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
I have produces at least THREE scholarly definitions of “Kecharitomene” from Greek scholars that AGREE with the Catholic position.
None of them said sinless.
Your denials don’t mean squat because you haven’t produces a SINGLE scholarly source that DISAGREES with that definition. You’ve only produced some definitions that don’t go in-depth.
I'm sorry, definitions MEAN things. Words Mean things. And nothing in the Bible says Mary was sinless. Not one verse.

As for Mary’s question to the angel in Luke 1:34 – this is FAR more implicit about Mary’s Perpetual Virginity than ANYTHING you’ve presented about the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8 having “repented.”
Luke 1:34

Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
Yeah, up until that point she was a virgin. There is NOTHING there that said after the birth of Christ she remained a virgin. That's just stupid.

Mary was a betrothed girl who knew about marital relations. She didn’t say “How can this be, since I have not known a man?
She said “How can this be, since I do not know a man?
Do you know how stupid this sounds? In fact, it's so stupid it doesn't even deserve an answer. Nothing about this says anything about FUTURE relations.

She was stating her intention to remain a virgin and was puzzled by Gabriel’s announcement that she was to have a child.
She was puzzled
is CLEAR evidence that she had NO intention of having marital relations.
Only in the minds of brainwashed Catholics.
because she was A VIRGIN at that point. This says nothing about an intent to remain a virgin after marriage. This is ridiculous.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2019
United States
There was nothing to refute in that post. Another question you have not answered. If Mary was sinless, which she was not and Scripture doesn't teach that she was, but if she were, why would she need a savior? What would she need to be saved from?
I agree with you David. And so do two men considered to be saints of the Catholic assembly that I know you are not apart of. But do not throw out the baby with the dirty bath water that certain men of that assembly have made. You said in part of this forum that, it is important to learn from scripture and I would add to that, to also learn what men believed throughout the history of Christianity. Not everything from out of denominations not our own, is wrong. I think, and you might agree, it is important to make an educated judgement. First consider the discussion. listen to what men's views are, then seek and find in our beautiful gift (The Scriptures) , if their doctrine can be dismissed , or upheld. But none of us should just cancel out another because of affiliation. I believe we should all help one another. Your view can be supported by scripture as can the TRUE meaning of Immaculate Conception. There has to be room for growth in all believers or they are not believers if they refuse. The gospel is eternal therefore so is the knowledge it gives. It is all Holy Spirit given- the scriptures and men's TRUE doctrines . The scriptures are the SOLE DOCTRINE REVEALED as FOUNDATIONAL, and is the means to test all men's doctrines, that we may know if they are on point.

Some people just produce hay , wood and straw others silver , gold and precious gems. Not addressing the dross, but men who are silver and gold can have it. That is unintentional sin due to not knowing certain things.As I said it is never intentional deliberate sin.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2013
Other Faith
United States

If God removed the free will of carnal believers to make them fit for Heaven,
How or why do you think that God removes the free will of carnal human beings?
(a) why does He abandon His respect for free will during our earthly sojourn
He doesn't.
and why doesn't he just give the wicked in Hell a righteous nature, so they can no longer choose the sinful way?
He does: Jer.31:31-34; Ezekiel 11:19:36:26: Hebrews 8:9,10
(2) Would many carnal Christians be unable to live in a sin-free heavenly realm?
Of course, and that fact illustrates the need for the purifying process in what Catholics call Purgatory

The same claim could be made for reincarnation as well, and would be just as valid.
and what Paul believes takes place in the 2nd Heaven (1 Corinthians 3:15; 2 Corinthians 12:2, 4).
The second heaven is the one that exists today. The third heaven is what exists when this one is utterly destroyed along with the second earth. There is the heaven and earth "that then was", and the one that is to come. Again, this fits much better with reincarnation.
Hell, then, is a mirror in which people get to see what it would be like to live in a world of spirits who share our selfish core desires. People there are victimized in the same way they victimize others in life. So Hell serves as an educational tool.
Welcome to hell. You're describing life on earth. The word "Hell" refers to the grave. It is where dead bodies are tossed so we don't have to look at them anymore.
(4) Might not Hell be a realm of both reformative justice and retributive justice?
It must be if God is Love in His essence (1 John 4:8) and if God truly wants to save everyone.
That's not referring to Hell. Hell is the Greek word "Hades" which means "unseen", and it translated from the Hebrew "Sheol" which means "the grave".
(5) Because of their secular upbringing or negative life experience, millions of people have heard the Gospel with no conviction that it is true. Is it just to send them to eternal conscious torment because their spiritual intuition is fatally flawed?
I just noticed this question is flawed as it assumes eternal conscious torment. It is no different than the prosecuting attorney who asks the defendant how long he has been beating his wife.

(7) If there are multiple Heavens and Hells with different levels, might not continual progress be made from one level to another?
Such progress is implied by Paul's location of Paradise in the 3rd of multiple Heavens and by the status of Paradise as the preferred initial point of arrival in the Heavens.
What you see implied contradicts what scripture explicitly states, i.e. " Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." 2 Pet.3:6-8

1 Peter 3:19 and 4:6 teach that unrighteous in Hell get a chance to repent and be by implication be retrieved from Hades.
False. Your first reference is to Christ heralding his victory over death to those angels who sinned in Genesis 6:2,4 "in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing"(vs.20). The word "preached" is not a reference to the gospel. It has nothing to do with the content of his proclamation, but to the manner. It is the Greek word "kerusso" from "kerux": to proclaim as a herald. He is announcing or heralding his victory over death, which is the very same punishment that was granted to Adam and Eve for their transgression.
Your second reference is not to preaching the gospel to the dead, but to the fact that they had the gospel preached to them before they died. it is a reference to persons, not dead bodies.
(10) What keeps sinners in Hell--God, Satan, or the sinners themselves?
Evangelical scholar, C. S. Lewis, succinctly replies, "The gates of Hell are locked from the inside." Escape from Hell depends on the choices of its denizens. Of course, C. S. Lewis grasps and accepts the biblical case for Purgatory.
Lewis was Anglican, and an avid follower of G.K. Chesterton as well. C.S. Lewis is not the final authority on validating Purgatory.
(11) Shall the will of an omnipotent God to save everyone be eternally thwarted?
"Who can resist His will (Romans 9:19)?"
Can God change wolves into sheep, or tares into wheat? Why would he? It makes no sense to claim that they will be destroyed, and then to suggest this implies that they're now sheep or wheat.
(13) Could Heaven truly be a realm of bliss for the redeemed if they knew that close family members and other loved ones were confined to eternal conscious torment?
Of course not.
Therefore there is no such thing as eternal conscious torment.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
If you disagree with anything I said – then that’s pretty much par-for-the-course since ...

It has already been established most of what you teach is Not in Scripture.

Protestants that I have debated claim that babies can and DO sin.

Uh huh. They do.

As for Mary’s sinlessness

And WHO exactly made that Claim FOR Mary, Besides catholics... LOL...duh, no one.

YOUR claim about the Ethiopian Eunuch having “repented” before he was Baptized.

You certainly prove you have not a clue HOW or WHY a person receives the Indwelling Spirit of God. I will attribute that to you being taught catholic doctrine instead of Jesus' Doctrine.

Even your first pretend pope knew Jesus' teaching, how come you don't?

Acts 2:
[38] Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Yup – that’s usually the case with adults.
Ummmmmmm, where did he tell babies and small children to “repent”??

While you’re at it – where did He tell the severely mentally-retarded to “repent??
How about the unborn??

Chapter and Verse
, please . . .

Why ask me for chapter and verse for something you said?

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
None of them said sinless.

I'm sorry, definitions MEAN things. Words Mean things. And nothing in the Bible says Mary was sinless. Not one verse.

Yeah, up until that point she was a virgin. There is NOTHING there that said after the birth of Christ she remained a virgin. That's just stupid.

Do you know how stupid this sounds? In fact, it's so stupid it doesn't even deserve an answer. Nothing about this says anything about FUTURE relations.

She was puzzled

Only in the minds of brainwashed Catholics.
because she was A VIRGIN at that point. This says nothing about an intent to remain a virgin after marriage. This is ridiculous.
And there is nothing in Scripture that tells us that Mary had other children.

Do YOU know how stupid it is to claim that she did when the text doesn’t say she did??
This is only “ridiculous” because you don’t have an educated response for this.

As for Mary's status as "Kecharitomene" - the scholars I quoted define this word as:
"A perfect participle that means completely, perfectly, enduringly endowed with grace."
"A verbal form that refers to a past that is prolonged in the present. "
"It denotes continuance of a completed action."

You cannot be COMPLETELY, PERFECTLY and ENDURINGLY endowed with grace and have sin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
And there is nothing in Scripture that tells us that Mary had other children.
So you are going to argue from a negative something that is not even implied or even come close to being implied? In fact, we know Jesus had siblings and there is no reason to believe they were not from Mary and Joseph.

Do YOU know how stupid it is to claim that she did when the text doesn’t say she did??
This is only “ridiculous” because you don’t have an educated response for this.
Why should I give an educated response to an ignorant argument? Besides, your educated response is above.

You cannot be COMPLETELY, PERFECTLY and ENDURINGLY endowed with grace and have sin.
Under grace does not mean sinless.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2019
United States
It is clear that all the denominations have flaws. So I am not sure what certain people are going on about. We can be a Virgin bride by learning what men in the past taught and test it all. But those pointing their self righteous fingers at others, when they too have beams in their own eyes, is self defeating. The bottom line , all the Body of Christ would have to be of a like minded view concerning truth, so in that is a " universal" consensus. All the Body of Christ is to stand on the ORTHODOXY of foundational teachings and should only Protest against lies.

Those titles are not our name but rather the official status of all practicing Christians. Each season of assemblies, outside of the original tree, meaning after the foundation and are grafted in of gentile nations has contributed something. This is the season of revealing.The tares are in their fullness= no more tare doctrines to build from and the wheat doctrines = that which has grown in truth is in its fullness concerning who are wheat. The names of affiliation are BRANDS. Christianity is the original that you should be right with. Clearly their is only ONE Christianity, and that has been revealed to us form the Elect Jew. What men have done is create divisions. They have made , through BRANDS ,what is more in the resemblance of POLITICAL PARTIES not a united Body solely built on TRUTH. No matter what truth one says across the line from another "party" it is rejected because it did not come from ones party of affiliation. I was brought up knowing the Christ through the Catholic Church. Once I reached maturity I searched out all things Christian and could not believe the HATE I found among the denominations. More hate than love for others. I took it upon myself to know Christ personally. And have grown a lot. I listened to all the denominations . Their histories and experiences, I took into account. I studied all their doctrines. I took the foundational doctrine HOLY SCRIPTURE and researched all I could with the scope of a human mind. I prayed and because I know Jesus loves me and I love Him , I asked for His wisdom when I was 18. And I got more than I bargained for.

I have found that many are not Christian who claim to be. Because I do not see love among them. That is the way we know that men are followers of Christ. BY HOW THEY LOVE. Each denomination dismisses the other. I chose to consider and learn , to test and prove. I do not sweat it, I know with the foundation I cannot go wrong in knowing TRUTH. And because I love truth, I find truth in all and reject the bad that has arisen among them all. Yes some hold more truth than others, but all have flawed doctrines they cling to.That is why people hear things that sound Catholic from me and other things sound related to Orthodoxy and the best one, it sounds like it comes from what people call the worst one , the Protestants. In that ,I know the scriptures are the sole doctrine given us through the Elect Jew to test all men's doctrines. And any truth any man utters, even if it is the anthem SOLA SCRIPTURA was not coined by men as though the foundation does not say it in sum or in equation in so many words . All men's true sums are always from the equations of the written word and sometimes the written word is direct and gives the sum of action of God directly. The scriptures are the foundation of any true doctrine, PERIOD. Now only if men believed that, then no truth would elude them and there would be peace, such as in the church of the saints. Those not in that peace are not saints PERIOD!
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