The Key to all the Parables of Jesus

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
United States
I did listen & it reminded me of this.........
Inside these hollowed out seeds is a moth larvae.....trying to get into the shade out of the hot sun by moving inside the shell.

Jumping around w/o scriptural context on a straight forward scrip is as such also !

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I did listen & it reminded me of this.........
View attachment 32475View attachment 32476
Inside these hollowed out seeds is a moth larvae.....trying to get into the shade out of the hot sun by moving inside the shell.

Jumping around w/o scriptural context on a straight forward scrip is as such also !
Would you be willing to share the religious perspective of the parable so we can compare the two?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States

Nicely done!

But the "key" is this: That the parables of Jesus are a small sampling of the greater context of all scripture...literally stated as man being created "in the image" (of God) rather than being created as his own. This was first announced before Jesus presented His parables, which He said was a fulfilment of scripture; and yet it cannot be truthfully said that there are no other parables fulfilled in the rest of history, On the contrary, before Jesus spoke in parables, God said He would speak in parables, which are then evident in most if not all of scripture.

Thus, Jesus' classic parables recorded in the gospels are not just a form of poetic moral-based event regarding the short three year ministry of Jesus, but are rather a God method of communication by God confirmed by Christ, who more than eluded to the method as encompassing everything from the beginning to the end, saying such things as "if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father", and “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End."

The "key" then, is even greater than the classic parable examples given by Christ, and His saying "all parables" (as opposed to saying "all My parables") is rather meant in that greater context of all creation and scripture-- "all" then meaning almost all of scripture. We then see that in addition to many things of old that are recognized as "foreshadowings" of things to come, even those things seemingly of everyday life of our forefathers...actually refers to things that are fulfilled much later...and all of this in addition to classic prophecy, which is then also prophecy. Which Jesus has confirmed, drawing from the past and pointing to the future regarding all that was fulfilled in Him, some of which is still seemingly unfulfilled to the many of whom it has all yet to come "each one in his own order" (time). And this is the "why", that all should be revealed as made manifest, and come to light, before each person in their own times and the parables that make up their own lives.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Don't know what this man said. I get too many videos of 1/2 hour or longer to watch to watch them all.

But Jesus made it simple how to understand the parables from teh very firsat one He told and then explained to the disciples.

In Mark 4 Jesus gave the key to understand the symbolisms of the parables when He explained the first parable:

13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Well, we have to consider all of the information provided in the parables. In the Parables of the Sower, the one important piece of information that is given is TIME. The farmer is going to plant seed in a fertile field.

As he goes to the field, some seed falls onto the path that he is using on the way to the fertile field. This seed was consumed by the birds of the air.

Then, as he walks across rock ground on his way to the fertile field some more seed falls. This seed has fallen where there is little soil for the seed to draw nourishment from, and so the germinated seed grows for a time and then withers and dies.

Then on his journey to the prepared fertile field, some of his seed fell onto the ground where there were weeds and thistles also growing and the fallen seed was choked by the weeds and thistles and did not produce many heads of seed.

Then when the Sower reached the fertile field in which he intended to cast his seed, it fell to the ground and took root in the soil and was able to produce much in the way of new seed, some seed produced 100 fold, others 60 fold and the least productive seed still produced a 30 fold increase.

Now Ezekiel also told a similar parable/prophecy concerning the increase that will occur over time in Ezekiel 47:1-12.

Now the Holy Spirit as it flows out from under the Altar in the temple, like water in a stream, as it travels and increases in the saints that respond to the flowing water in the stream sees an increase in the volume of the saints and when the stream tumbles over the edge of the escarpment and flows down into the swampy ground below, the stream will bring healing to the earth at that time.

At this present time, the seed that is falling, is falling into fields that have weeds and thistles and thorns and as we consider this present time, the circumstances of the world around us is causing many of the seed that died to itself and brought forth new life in them, are falling away because of the cares of this present time and the hardships and oppressions that they are experiencing.

At this present time where there is much hardship and oppression occurring where the saints are living, the seeds that falls will still produce much seed when they are harvested. This is the Parable of the weeds. What has been the response of many of the "Saints?" They believe that Jesus will come and "rapture" them up to be with Him in Heaven so that the cares of the world and the hardships and oppression that they experience so that their faith in God to protect them from all of these things will keep them safe until the time of Christ's return. Jesus told us that those who try and save their lives will lose their life and that they will die the second death. These "rapture" dependent "saints," will still have the means to repent of their sins and their lack of faith in the power of God to keep them safe through all of the hardships that they may face before they pass from this world.

Little do they know from the Prophet Ezekiel, that when God begins to once more gather the Israelites to Himself, that He will remove the judged Kings of the earth and the Heavenly hosts who oppress the saints for a time until the final time of proving our resilience of our dependence on God/Christ just before the final judgement of all of mankind. This is the time of the greatest tribulation that will occur on the face of the earth, and it begins after the Bottomless pit is unlocked for the little while period and the imprisoned kings of the earth and the heavenly hosts will swarm all over the earth in an attempt to overcome God and His Tribulation Saints.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed tells us that we have the ability to remove the false religions from the earth such that they are washed away into the sea. In this parable the "mountain" is a metaphor for "a religion." When the rock that comes down out of Heaven, as foretold by Daniel the Prophet in Daniel 2, it becomes the largest mountain in all of the earth and dwarfs all of the other "mountains" that are existing at that time. The Saints are able to remove the presence of other religious influences like idolatry from their regions of influence on the face of the earth.

As Saints when we receive God's seed of understanding we must die to our own self and be renewed in His Word such that we are able to put on the refurbished personhood that has God at its centre. God has desired this for all of mankind such that no-one is lost along the way.

God's salvation has been available to all of mankind since the time of Adam. What Christ has done on the cross was to refurbish the process by which mankind can be redeemed. God's Salvation of mankind has not changed since the time of Adam. Only the process by which mankind is redeemed, has.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
I'll let Jesus tell us what they were for and to whom the parables were to be understood by.

Mark 4:10-12
When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables 12 so that,

“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
I did listen & it reminded me of this.........
View attachment 32475View attachment 32476
Inside these hollowed out seeds is a moth larvae.....trying to get into the shade out of the hot sun by moving inside the shell.

Jumping around w/o scriptural context on a straight forward scrip is as such also !
or "all over the map" or " convoluted " to use a terms in the modern vernacular.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The good soil is found with those who not just hear the gospel but also understand it. To do that requires an immunity from the various religious vaccinations that impede such understanding. This requires an openness to the truth in a time where sound doctrine is no longer tolerated. It requires a courageous faith..that is centered on God and His ways...fully away from any self-interest. That is the sticking point for so many. It is the self-interest that many have been conditioned to filter out the truth of the bible with.

It isn't for nothing that first quality we are to add to our faith in 2 Pet. 1 is a manly courage (arete). But men aren't what they used to be.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
But the "key" is this: That the parables of Jesus are a small sampling of the greater context of all scripture...literally stated as man being created "in the image" (of God) rather than being created as his own.

The "key" then, is even greater than the classic parable examples given by Christ, and His saying "all parables" (as opposed to saying "all My parables") is rather meant in that greater context of all creation and scripture-- "all" then meaning almost all of scripture.

You missed it. Both of you.

As @Christophany points out, we don't need @Episkopos to 'mansplain' it for us. Jesus already did. He says understanding 'this parable' is the key to understanding all of them. Then he revealed to us this understanding-- a mystery that had been hidden since the foundation of the world. "The key" is provided, like a chart or legend on a map or blueprint that explains clearly what each symbol represents. You have to use the information given, to assign proper meaning to all the pages... It explains clearly what everything, means....


Here is that information:

He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.


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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Okay guys, it seems it's the same ones who are goading, mocking and following Episkopos around no matter what he posts. This happens EVERY time he posts ANYTHING. I don't see you all doing this to universalists, JW's Mormons and so on, just Epi. Please, we are to respect each other on here agreed or not. Can't you simply reply maturely and move on?

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Okay guys, it seems it's the same ones who are goading, mocking and following Episkopos around no matter what he posts. This happens EVERY time he posts ANYTHING. I don't see you all doing this to universalists, JW's Mormons and so on, just Epi. Please, we are to respect each other on here agreed or not. Can't you simply reply maturely and move on?

Agreed, or not. -I agree.

Which means we can disagree and voice our disagreement (with respect) and we don't have to acquiesce to your particular sensibilities of what is proper or not. He presents himself as a teacher. People are allowed to have opinions about what he teaches and what he presents.

It's a discussion board after all.

He spends almost 30 minutes on the key, without even mentioning what the key is, or anything about it. It isn't "disrespectful" to have, or voice, or share this opinion about what he posts. People simply disagree with what he is saying. That shouldn't be perceived as personal.

Jesus himself, gave us the key. We don't need all of scripture to understand the key. Just the opposite. We need the key to understand all of scripture.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Agreed, or not. -I agree.

Which means we can disagree and voice our disagreement (with respect) and we don't have to acquiesce to your particular sensibilities of what is proper or not. He presents himself as a teacher. People are allowed to have opinions about what he teaches and what he presents.

It's a discussion board after all.

He spends almost 30 minutes on the key, without even mentioning what the key is, or anything about it. It isn't "disrespectful" to have, or voice, or share this opinion about what he posts. People simply disagree with what he is saying. That shouldn't be perceived as personal.

Jesus himself, gave us the key. We don't need all of scripture to understand the key. Just the opposite. We need the key to understand all of scripture.

View attachment 32565
I have so many on ignore here...but Nancy's post got me a little curious about the carnal reactions I might be getting for posting deeper truth.

E said... He spends almost 30 minutes on the key, without even mentioning what the key is, or anything about it.

I identify the key right away. The key to all the parables of Jesus is within the parable of the Sower itself. The 4 possibilities or eventual destinies for all who hear the gospel. I use the rest of the video to show how that works.

Jesus is warning His people by laying out how WE are to measure ourselves in regard to the holy standard of God.

Now I realize that this might be too deep for those who have only a religious grasp of the bible. But then any greater knowledge or understanding is not meant for them. If only they could receive knowledge and instruction. Many will have an eternity to ponder that lack.

My detractors seem to have trouble with both reading skills AND hearing skills. (Also for the non-visually impaired the giveaway is also in the thumbnail...with the 4 categories of soil being displayed). Or is it just that whatever I post seems to go against the carnal nature of people who have been taught that they are saved IN their sin and rebellious ways.

I know I'm not the best public speaker...but the point gets across if you listen.

On whether I am a "good" teacher or not. Imagine 1st graders listening in on a university class on advanced physics. Now imagine those toddlers also having a bad attitude.

What would their reaction be?

Well, they wouldn't understand a word of it and they would complain that they weren't even offered any milk and cookies. Such a bad teacher... they would think.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
but Nancy's post got me a little curious about the carnal reactions I might be getting for posting deeper truth.

That curious need-to-know, is itself-- a carnal reaction. It's entirely ego based.

The key to all the parables of Jesus is within the parable of the Sower itself. The 4 possibilities or eventual destinies for all who hear the gospel.

No. That's not the key. That's the parable itself. The key is the info given regarding what each of those elements mentioned relate to. This is what you have missed, and in doing so-- you demonstrate yourself to be among those mentioned in the parable itself-- one who hears the word of the kingdom, but understands it not. You self-identify.

Now I realize that this might be too deep for those who have only a religious grasp of the bible.

Hubris. Lest we forget the deep waters of your teachings. hmmx1:

My detractors seem to have trouble with both reading skills AND hearing skills. or is it just that whatever I post seems to go against the carnal nature of people who have been taught that they are saved IN their sin and rebellious ways.

I know I'm not the best public speaker...but the point gets across if you listen.

The point gets lost in your ramblings. And when people are happy to discuss things with you, you take offense. Like you expect everyone to sit and listen and not interrupt. If anyone dare point out that the emperor has no clothes, they suffer your indignation and are called 'carnal' for noticing you are naked.

Your pattern here is well-established. Sorry for noticing, your highness.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Let's make this an actual discussion, rather than just another one of your lectures.

Let's examine 'the key' together. The key, as Jesus explained it.

What or who, is the following:

The sower--?

The field--?

The seed--?

The harvest--?

The reapers/harvesters--?

The kingdom--?

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
What or who, is the following:

The sower--? = Jesus

The field--? The world

The seed--? Simply put, truth

The harvest--? Citizens for Jerusalem above

The reapers/harvesters--? Workers chosen by God

The kingdom--? The hearts of men
This is my best attempt currently.

I’m still hung up on the whole world thing. Still leaning to all of it only applying to that specific age.