There remains no sacrifice for sins . . .

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
[insert irrelevant assumptions and false accusations here]

Is that what you see before replying @Behold ?

I dont make assumptions about you.

I said that every time you have confessed your sin, in the last 5 yrs..........those sins were all willfully committed.
I tell you that so that you will stop your "Hebrews 10:26" nonsense ranting,... because.... if you are sinning, you are then just like them.. as they are willful sinners.
You are welcome to post to these readers, and say.....>"no, my sin was all accidents", "none of them were willful".
And i will laugh outloud, at how ridiculous you are, to be posting that Hebrews 10:26, cant be about your "willful sin"., but it can be about all the other member's willful sin, according to you and your backwards nonsense salvation theology.

See yourself?
We see you, and i highlight you, and told you so.

So, Are you ready to talk about your willful sins that you confess, that according to your version of Hebrews 10:26, make you just like them.
Ready, Michiah-Imla?
This is the 5th time ive given you the option to be clear and honest.

So, if you post again 1 Jn 3:9, that you dont actually understand......... but better then that, read my Threads that explain it, so that you can understand it, and then what you are saying is then based in that verse, and not just based in you trying to dodge me and my question.

Im actually on your side here, but you dont realize it, yet.

Keep thinking.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I would have bet my life that you'd come back with this OSAS nonsense.


Do you have a Tattoo inside your skull that reads.



Is that why you can't go one day of your life without thinking about "OSAS" and trying to find a way to RANT ENDLESSLY about it on a forum?

Is that your ministry?
You have nothing else to do?

Turn off the obsession?
Is that possible?
GIve it a try.

Listen, you can't get Brother Mark's Thread closed by pretending that im talking about that nonsense.

Give up.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
What I love about your posts lately is how profoundly insightful they are in just a few words. Bravo! Bravo, dear sister!
A few words is understood by those who already understand the Big Picture and simply Reveals who is an others Brother IN Christ.

More “wordy” comments are for the Deaf (literally and hearing) who blend and confuse A committed one on one Relationship With the Lord, as being Dependent upon Relationships between and among men.

Statute - written law - Love God above all things.

Law - How to Love according to Gods order and Way.

Precepts - Behaviors between and Among men, That According to God, ARE Beneficial to individual men.

God forgives men Of SIN, For having HAD Disbelief.
^ Forgiveness - Once and Forever, by, through, of Christ.

Men forgive men Of TRESPASSES, For men who have Trespassed (lied, cheated, stolen,) ie. Infringed on their Liberty, property, person. ( on purpose or accidentally).
^ Forgiveness Repeatedly.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So, you must pretend this verse does not directly address the fallacy of your doctrine.

Listen ..

DEMAS.........Demas, was a Paul The Apostle Convert, just like Titus and Timothy, and me.
Demas, was born again.
What did he do with his Born again self?

"demas having loved this present world""'.....= Left the ministry.......turned His back on His God, Faith, all of it.
I think he was in love with lots of women, as that is the one core issue most normal males have...
Men like women, and they can become STUPID because of this lust, and i think that Demas, was like David and Soloman and Samson.
He became stupid. Carnally stupid. As all those men i listed, had issues with "the ladies".
Soloman kept at least 700 sex partners, women, all the time.
David murdered someone, to get Uriah's wife. (Bathsheba).
David was so obsessed with this woman, that even after he was punished by God, He was still begging God to let Him keep that girl.
See that?
That's a "man issue"... thats a normal male prob, and it can ruin your life for life., unless you get that under control and keep it there, like this..

""Christ always gives me the Victory"....

Just ask Samson, Soloman, David, and i believe Demas., how uncontrolled sexuality (fornication) will eventually break your life into pieces.
And that is why Paul said. " Demas loved this present WORLD"..........I think that is Pauline Code for...>"women"...."Lots of them"....

Now, im ""talking plain"", plain speech, no sugar coating, most especially for someone who may be hearing or is about to hear a call to go and do for God, in this world.
And brother, sister, im telling you, that the Devil will send to you, something irresistible, and you can count on it, if God has you picked out for service.
Here me now......If you are that one, and God will confirm that......then the Devil, at some point, will send someone into your life who is going to destroy your ministry and your life, ..... so you keep your eyes open for that one.....and they will seem like they are good, but they are sent to destroy your ministry, faith, and life., unless you are READY for that battle.
Be AWARE, as that devil goes about seeking to kill your ministry, life, health, all of it.. He's a KILLER.
The Devil is a serial killer and he will come to your life if you are called, most especially.

So, Wrangler, i never teach, or think, that you can't lose your faith.
But, because Faith does not save you, as it didn't didn't die for you on the Cross... then a faith crisis is not going to have any say in eternity, once you are born again down here.
See that?

So, if you are born again, that settles.your eternal membership in Heaven.
Faith does not give you the new birth.....GOD DOES.

Jesus never said...."you must be water baptized to go to heaven".
Jesus never said..>"you must hold unto your faith till death, to go to heaven"., and He should know as "Jesus is the author and finisher of your FAITH".
See that?

Paul said there is something you lose by being a backslider , but its not your salvation.
JAMES, said you can have "dead faith", but he didnt say that your Salvation is Dead.
See that?
Faith, .. God accepts, to SAVE YOU.
God is the Savior, not Faith.
You have to see that to get out of your wrong belief system, Wrangler.
It seems that Ferris Bueller infected you with His idea that Faith is Salvation, to lose.
Its not.
GOD is Salvation, through Christ.
Faith is accepted by God, ONE TIME, and Eternal Life is given as "the Gift of Salvation".

Jesus said......"you must be born again".

Why is that the condition?
Because GOD does that, so that you can't mess that up, later, or you would.
See, the reason that Adam could not come back to God, is because there was no Cross or Blood of Jesus given that would have taken care of His sin.
We, have this, BECAUSE = God's Son's Blood and Death, redeems us, always, forever, forevermore.
Adam didnt have that, but we do. = Born again.
You can't stop being born again., and thank God for that, eternal fact.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I would have bet my life that you'd come back with this OSAS nonsense.

This is not a thread about OSAS.
However I know you and I differ on that topic.
The WHY is still the mystery.

Glory to God,
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There is a but.

There are many “buts” in scripture.

Just as there are many IFS . Problem is people had rather mold a GOD into their own image so as they can continue
to do the things THEY FIND pleasing and FEEL SAVED .
I think folks didnt bother to read the verse that follows it , but a certain FEARFUL .
The gospel by which we are saved , IF WE KEEP IN MEMORY . Too many today had rather believe
in this other god that has made a path for all under a love that is false .
And if we use our liberty as an excuse or an occasion to serve the flesh , GOD WONT BE MOCKED EITHER .
What we sow to is what we shall reap . And whose we are IS who we follow and obey . On the day of judmgent
many are gonna wail for they were workers of inquity who had created a version of GOD that served their flesh .
Today folks act like its a sin to remind the church to continue to the end . TO let inquitiy not once be named among you .
To endure faithful to the end , is all seen as legalism . YET LAMBS LOVE TRUTH , LOVE RIGHTEOUSNESS
LOVE the things PLEASING TO GOD . and lets be honest SIN AINT pleasing to GOD .
AND if one has the SPIRIT the fruit of the SPIRIT is in all goodness , righteousness and truth
Proving what is acceptable TO GOD . SO where is the proof of truly having been born again .
Where is the proof that who we follow IS CHRIST . WELL ITS IN THE FRUITS . The fruit of the wicked IS TO SIN
but for those who have the FRUIT of the SPIRIT , well its what is PLEASING TO GOD that is on their minds .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
JESUS sure did say YE must continue in me to the end .
So did the apostels too .
IF we hold our confidence , IN HIM , firm to the END .
Folks need to read the bible for themselves and not through the lens of men gone wrong .
They change so many things to suit their own ideals . But lambs embrace every promise to every warning , every reminder
of every WORD of the LORD and the letters of the apostels who were inspired by GOD to write as they wrote .
Every warning is for our good , every promise is true , every word is as honey to the taste and the soul of a lamb .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola


Why do you cheerlead for Legalism, self effort, and not for the Cross and the Grace of God.

You need to see that broken faith issue you have, and get it worked out.

We are not saved by TRYING to continue to be in Christ., as that is always going to Continue, as all the born again are become "the temple of the Holy Spirit".
That's final.
We are saved because" "Christ in you, the hope of Glory" is our Salvation, for eternity.

You like to hear "works", as the Gospel.
You are all about SELF EFFORT, However the Cross of Christ denies your Self Righteousness Theology, for over 2000 yrs.
The devil, tho, is happy to supply that false Gospel to you, on this forum, or from your local Pulpit.

Just remember that "faith without works', is "justification BY faith", ...which is Paul's Gospel, and it is THE Gospel.
There is no other in the "time of the Gentiles", and you are in that "time", Michiah-Imla.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
IF we hold our confidence , IN HIM , firm to the END .

Let me show you a good Translation of that verse..

"""For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.""""

See that?
That is not talking about Salvation, being kept, or lost.
That is explaining that there is an inheritance that is in Heaven, waiting, and this has to do with rewards, and position.

The faithful, in that verse, wont lose some of that Heavenly inheritance, because they "kept the faith", and never backslid.

This is not the same idea as "the gift of Salvation" that is FREELY GIVEN, never EARNED.

See that?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Is it “legalism” and “self effort” to keep Christ’s commandments?

Only if you are trying to go to heaven, by keeping them.

This is the same as believing that if you dont keep those commandments, you wont go to heaven.

So, what is happening in the head of THAT person?

They are TRUSTING IN COMMANDMENT KEEPING, to save them, and to keep them saved.
See that?
That is LEGALISM, that is OLD TESTAMENT Mosiac= Lawkeeping JUDAISM, and that is not faith in CHRIST.
The only difference is that its Christ's commandments..but the wrong faith is the SAME.

Just ask yourself a question, Michiah-Imla.

Did the commandments of Jesus, DIE for your sin, on THE CROSS?
If they did then keep trusting them, or any other SELF EFFORT, to get you to heaven.



Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
So, if you are born again, that settles.your eternal membership in Heaven.
There is your OSAS.
Jesus never said..>"you must hold unto your faith till death, to go to heaven"., and He should know as "Jesus is the author and finisher of your FAITH".
See that?
Not in those words but in other words he did. Not all who call him Lord, Lord will be saved. This contradicts your OSAS.

Paul said there is something you lose by being a backslider , but its not your salvation.
Paul? It most certainly IS what Jesus said you'd lose. See above. Also reference to vines not producing fruit being burned. Also reference salt being thrown away if it loses it's flavor.

And the author of Hebrews says those who KNOW (born again) and continue to sin, there is no sacrifice for, which means the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross does not save them. To attempt to get around this you Appeal to Post Hoc, pretend that the person who KNOWS the truth was never born again. Talk about word games. Sad, really.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The passage specifically talks about those who KNOW the truth, which means were born again.
Knowing the truth = born again?


Before I was born again, I knew the truth. I resisted it. But then I yielded. Not to mention, each expression really does have it's own meaning.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
And I do believe @marks brought up this very verse to address this very denial of your doctrine.
I brough up this verse because it came up in another thread and I didn't want to hijack that thread.

I believe this verse is frequently misunderstood, and by looking at the simple statement it makes we can see what it's really addressing, which is the matter of the Jew learning about Jesus Christ, maybe even having witnessed what happened, and then continuing with offering temple sacrifices for sin.

As if Jesus' blood were no better than a goat's blood.

As if . . .

We offer a goat, we offer a goat, we offer Jesus, we offer a goat,

Hebrews 10:29 LITV
29) how much worse punishment do you think will be thought worthy to receive, the one trampling the Son of God, and having counted common the blood of the covenant in which he was sanctified, and having insulted the Spirit of Grace?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Ananias found Saul at Judas' house, praying for help. Ananias laid his hands on Saul, telling him Jesus had sent him to restore his sight and that Saul might be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Aren't you assuming that Ananias was one of those who heard from the Lord Himself, and discounting Paul's statement that this in fact describes himself?

Paul specifically said he did not receive it from man, but from Jesus, while of Ananias we have no such statement.

I'm not saying who did or didn't write Hebrews, I'm showing certain inconsistencies if we say it was Paul. I'm OK with whomever it was.

Much love!