Trump using the Bible as a prop...

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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Is God using Mr Trump "to restore the rights of Christians that were lost during the previous administration" ? In a word, No. How can this be known ? Well, Mr Trump is amoral, egocentric, tells falsehoods without flinching, is "part and parcel" with what Revelation 13:1, 2 says is the political "wild beast" (see Dan 7:1-8 that shows what symbolic "wild beasts" are) that is under the direct influence or manipulation of the "dragon" or Satan the Devil, so that anyone who is in any "form or fashion" touching the political system is worshipping Satan.(see Rev 13:4 that says that "they (peoples of the earth) worshipped the dragon because it gave authority (or gave its power) to the wild beast, and they worshipped the wild beast")

Trump's executive order allows religious organizations greater freedom in political speech

Trump issues new rule ensuring prayer in schools is protected

Religious Freedom: A Consistent Priority for the Trump Administration

Trump Defends School Prayer. Critics Say He's Got It All Wrong

Trump ordered states to open churches. Can he do that?

Trump administration announces new 'conscience and religious freedom' division at HHS
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John Caldwell

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2019
North Augusta
United States
John, Your trolley obviously ran off the tracks a long time ago!!

I don't know where you ever got the impression that I hate Donald Trump. I revere him highly!

I apologize if God has appointed you to be President Trump's special judge and executioner, but you seem more to be "The accuser of the Brethern", and that was Satan.

"But with the Bible, I believe he is pandering. I hope I am wrong, but it seems that this "conversion" has been mostly if not entirely for political gain as his platform mostly aligns with the Christian conservative view."

Get thee behind me Satan!

I have never before heard a Christian spew the hate-filled kind of Satanic judgemental ugliness you have presented here. "Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4
I got the impression because when I said that I like and support President Trump in post # 52 you responded that I was serving another god.

How does my support of President Trump equate to serving a false god?

How does my support of President Trump equate to "hating Trump"?

I cannot make sense of your accusations.

John Caldwell

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2019
North Augusta
United States
Who are you addressing??
I am addressing you.

You accused me of idolatry in post 52 because I support President Trump

Evert time I expressed support for President Trump you responded that I was serving a false god.

That led me to believe you are a Democrat insulting anyone who expresses support for President Trump.

I stand by that conclusion.

If I am guilty of serving another god because I support our President then you are guilty of worshipping the DNC.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2020
United States
… after violently getting peaceful protestors out of the way Hong Kong style ...

Being a night-owl I watched this disgusting incident live and nearly puked when I saw this blasphemy. Just when I thought this man couldn’t shock me anymore!

So I wondered what you guys on this forum made of this and to my surprise: I can’t find a threat on it. What’s up?

I wasn't offended, I'm glad that President Trump displayed the Bible to everyone because people need to read more of it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
They say that he didn't have a choice. He is the President. Whenever something dramatic happens they whisk the president ( and Queen) to a safe place because they are the 'leaders'. They are told, not asked.

I don't think he has as many choices as we think he has, he's no more 'free' than the Queen is.
Im sure that is why he Twitters so much...and...sadly puts his foot in his mouth so many times.

People may hate him.... but the ALTERNATIVE is horrifying!!
The Secret Service "recommended" it.

The mystery is why he claimed he was inspecting it, only to be contradicted by AG Barr.

Barr contradicts Trump on the bunker 'inspection' story

Attorney General William Barr said Monday that the US Secret Service recommended moving President Donald Trump to the underground White House bunker during late May protests, contradicting the President’s earlier assertion that his visit to the bunker was for “inspection.”

Barr told Fox News that the June 1 action to expand the perimeter around the White House and Lafayette Square was a reaction “to three days of extremely violent demonstrations right across from the White House — a lot of injuries to police officers, arson.”

What did Trump say?

Last week, Trump sought to explain his time in the bunker during clashes outside the residence on May 29 as an “inspection,” rather than a retreat for his own safety, telling Fox News Radio’s Brian Kilmeade he was only in the safe room for a “tiny” amount of time.

“I went down during the day, and I was there for a tiny little short period of time, and it was much more for an inspection, there was no problem during the day,” Trump said.

“They said it would be a good time to go down and take a look because maybe sometime you’re going to need it,” Trump added. “I looked at it. It was during the day. It was not a problem … There was never a problem.”

Trump also told Kilmeade he’d been to the bunker before, what he said was “two and a half times,” also to get a sense of the space rather than to protect himself from harm.

But last week, multiple people familiar with the matter described a different scenario to CNN, saying Trump was rushed to the bunker for nearly an hour amid intense protests on the evening of May 29.

Why lie about that? Maybe Trump thought it made him look cowardly. So the next thing we see is him waving a Bible on the street in front of a church with boarded up windows. He was trying to look brave and pious. Everything is a show to him. He should have stuck with his television show.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
… after violently getting peaceful protestors out of the way Hong Kong style ...

Being a night-owl I watched this disgusting incident live and nearly puked when I saw this blasphemy. Just when I thought this man couldn’t shock me anymore!

So I wondered what you guys on this forum made of this and to my surprise: I can’t find a threat on it. What’s up?

Whatever Trump was trying to do, it did not work. He had hoped for a big reaction, but I think no one got what he thought he meant. His thinking was BLM is an anti-christian movement, so he wanted to show the damage that is being done, except he does not realise though some racist christians do exist, the majority know all people are loved by God equally, and of course every life matters including black people.

I live quite an isolated life in London in a multi-cultural society, but in the countryside and more "british" areas racist expressions are not unusual. I have no issues about anyone colour or faith, only with behaviour.

So I have an issue with Trump and his stunt. An ex-non believer interpreted the event as a call to war by the right wing. This is all so mixed up, but also an important point to highlight that my brothers and sisters in Christ are victimised because of their skin colour when their culture, background is the same as mine.

Part of the issues, as the protests in Bristol showed, the culture has now moved on from the past, and our celebrations and aspirations and the ways as a society expresses this needs to demonstrate this at the civic level.
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Active Member
May 20, 2016
Oh, you'll find some Trump haters on this forum, but not all of us hate him. Some of us believe that God is using him to restore the rights of Christians that were lost during the previous administration.
What rights have Christians lost during the previous administration? Sadly there are many countries where religious freedom is under threat. Since its founding the US has not been one of them.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
You confuse locations Enoch.
Not really. Where was the church of St. John burned down? And where was the Lincoln Memorial defaced?

June 1, 2020
George Floyd riots escalate in Washington, DC as Secret Service agents are injured, multiple law enforcement agents deployed and National Guard called in

The nationwide riots sparked by the death of George Floyd escalated to extraordinary levels in the nation's capital Sunday night...

A senior official in the direct chain of command for defending Washington D.C. told Fox News that at least 50 Secret Service officers were Sunday night and that some rioters were throwing bottles and Molotov cocktails. As observed in New York City and elsewhere, groups in D.C. are planting cars filled with incendiary materials, Fox News is told...
George Floyd riots escalate nationwide, carnage near the White House


Active Member
May 20, 2016
God blessed Israel with President Trump. The Dem leaders HATE Israel. They are fighting against God of the Bible. They will lose!
God blessed Israel with President Trump? He may have blessed Netanyahu with him, but many Israelis don’t see Netanyahu as a blessing. And even Nethanjahu may have wished for some sanity back in the White House when Trump withdrew from Syria, thus creating a great security risk for Israel + demonstrating to the world that the US isn’t a trustworthy ally any more.

Alas, it seems a lot of evangelical Christians wish for Israel to blow up in Armageddon rather sooner than later. That’s what I’d call hating Israel and not fighting for the God of the Bible, who tells us to be peacemakers.
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Active Member
May 20, 2016
Thank God we have a President that will take a stand on how wrong these "protests" are, pointing out the tragedy and crime of burning a Church! You never would have seen Obama there!
How about the crime of teargassing pastors who peacefully demonstrate in front of this church? They were there because that is what Christ calls us to: to stand with the margnalised and oppressed. Something that Trump would know had he ever actually read the Bible that he was holding up.

'They turned holy ground into a battleground': clergy teargassed by Washington police
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Hi, Rita, I don’t know if you’re ignoring me, but I gave you an explanation for why I said this. The bottom line is I’m tired of the hateful comments about Trump.

Edit: I will add that I don’t think a Christian forum is the place for any hateful comments to or about anyone.
Are you tired of Trump's hateful comments about other people? Do you think he's a good Christian when he makes so many hateful comments?

Is the office of the President a place for someone who likes to bully others with hateful comments? He is the first President I can remember who responds angrily to every little criticism. It doesn't make him look presidential. It makes him look weak. Most Presidents know that most of the time the smartest thing to if someone criticizes them or even insults them is silence. Why dignify them by remarking on what they say? Why give them publicity? If the media run a story a President doesn't like, in the past they mostly ignored it. But then in the past too, if the President said something, most people believed it. If the media disagreed, so what? Most people still believed the President. A President needs to look above ita all. People can agree or disagree -- that's their right -- but he's still the President who's calling the shots.

I find it fascinating that Trump seems to know what CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times say. Does he spend that much time reading and listening to them? Does he see them as powerful as he is, perhaps more powerful? Does he see himself as that weak? He must. I remember when Reagan was asked about some piece the New York Times printed. He gave a little amused laugh. I don't know if Reagan had bothered to read the piece. Why should he when the President has vast resources of intelligence the press doesn't know about?

Yet Trump seems to disbelieve what the intelligence community tells him. When the press and the intelligence community agree with each other and disagree with him, we hear attacks talking about the deep state and how the media are the enemy of the people. In short, Trump expects people to beleive him and think everyone else is a liar. Instead of a lot of angry words directed at some amorphous deep state, why not address some real issues with our bureaucracy?

Right now, the Democrats are making hay with talking about reforming the police system; but I say a lot more than the police needs reforming in our government. I could produce a list of reforms I'd like to see. I don't know if Triump has a clue about what things could be done. He approaches things too much on a personal basis, individual by individual -- and doesn't seem to know how to address systemic failures.

The government is broken badly; and Republicans all too often think the only solution is to reduce the size of government. Thus they've come to rely a lot on contractors. That costs more, and we've seen how contracts recently went to scammers and unqualified people. Now it's contractors who are getting rich by tax money being channeled their way. You saw this in how the loans to small businesses were made. Banks get to keep a cut on the money on those loans. Money allegedly being spent on the economic recovery was making banks richer. Congress did a lousy job writing the bill since it was so vague. They left it up to Mnuchin to fill in the details. He didn't know what he was doing. He'd issue some regulations one day only to reverse course later. The banks were confused since some of the regulations were vague to begin with. They got more confused when Mnuchin kept changing them. Congress should get most of the blame there, I think, for writing vague laws; but the executive branch won't object to vague laws since it gives the President and his cabinet more power in how they write regulations. Then when things go wrong, Congress holds hearings so they can blame the bureaucracy or the President.

Trump was right when he objected to the massive number of regulations; but what did he do? He repealed ones he didn't like and then issued ones he did like. He loves the power to issue regulations, so he's not complaining about Congress not doing its job properly.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
What rights have Christians lost during the previous administration? Sadly there are many countries where religious freedom is under threat. Since its founding the US has not been one of them.

I agree that Christians in other countries have fewer rights (if any) compared with Christians in the U.S., and I make it a practice to pray for them. But our rights here are being whittled away. Under the previous administration, I lost count of how many Christian business owners were sued in the course of following their conscience. I mentioned the baker in Colorado who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple. There have been others.

I see that you're in Germany. I have prayed many times for the Christian home school families there who are being persecuted. Some parents are going to jail and their children being taken away from them. It's a sad situation.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Are you tired of Trump's hateful comments about other people? Do you think he's a good Christian when he makes so many hateful comments?

Is the office of the President a place for someone who likes to bully others with hateful comments? He is the first President I can remember who responds angrily to every little criticism. It doesn't make him look presidential. It makes him look weak. Most Presidents know that most of the time the smartest thing to if someone criticizes them or even insults them is silence. Why dignify them by remarking on what they say? Why give them publicity? If the media run a story a President doesn't like, in the past they mostly ignored it. But then in the past too, if the President said something, most people believed it. If the media disagreed, so what? Most people still believed the President. A President needs to look above ita all. People can agree or disagree -- that's their right -- but he's still the President who's calling the shots.

I find it fascinating that Trump seems to know what CNN, the Washington Post, and the New York Times say. Does he spend that much time reading and listening to them? Does he see them as powerful as he is, perhaps more powerful? Does he see himself as that weak? He must. I remember when Reagan was asked about some piece the New York Times printed. He gave a little amused laugh. I don't know if Reagan had bothered to read the piece. Why should he when the President has vast resources of intelligence the press doesn't know about?

Yet Trump seems to disbelieve what the intelligence community tells him. When the press and the intelligence community agree with each other and disagree with him, we hear attacks talking about the deep state and how the media are the enemy of the people. In short, Trump expects people to beleive him and think everyone else is a liar. Instead of a lot of angry words directed at some amorphous deep state, why not address some real issues with our bureaucracy?

Right now, the Democrats are making hay with talking about reforming the police system; but I say a lot more than the police needs reforming in our government. I could produce a list of reforms I'd like to see. I don't know if Triump has a clue about what things could be done. He approaches things too much on a personal basis, individual by individual -- and doesn't seem to know how to address systemic failures.

The government is broken badly; and Republicans all too often think the only solution is to reduce the size of government. Thus they've come to rely a lot on contractors. That costs more, and we've seen how contracts recently went to scammers and unqualified people. Now it's contractors who are getting rich by tax money being channeled their way. You saw this in how the loans to small businesses were made. Banks get to keep a cut on the money on those loans. Money allegedly being spent on the economic recovery was making banks richer. Congress did a lousy job writing the bill since it was so vague. They left it up to Mnuchin to fill in the details. He didn't know what he was doing. He'd issue some regulations one day only to reverse course later. The banks were confused since some of the regulations were vague to begin with. They got more confused when Mnuchin kept changing them. Congress should get most of the blame there, I think, for writing vague laws; but the executive branch won't object to vague laws since it gives the President and his cabinet more power in how they write regulations. Then when things go wrong, Congress holds hearings so they can blame the bureaucracy or the President.

Trump was right when he objected to the massive number of regulations; but what did he do? He repealed ones he didn't like and then issued ones he did like. He loves the power to issue regulations, so he's not complaining about Congress not doing its job properly.
Just won't let up, will you?? I don't control Trump's comments. I don't have his ear, but I can speak to the hateful comments on this forum...


Active Member
May 20, 2016
Of course, it all depends on your perspective. I have done quite a bit of reading on this subject and have tried to understand the story behind the story as there is always one, and putting that together with what I already know about the situation, what I saw was the agitators behind all this who are trying to use if for their own end to destroy the government of the USA.

These groups like Antifa are committed to overthrowing legitimate government and will use any means available to do this. This protest fell right into their lap so they got in on the action to stir up the hatred and violence. All of which achieved nothing more than to trash the memory of George Floyd killed by the police who they could not care less about. Ever heard of crocodile tears?
The Antifa????? Seriously?

That must be the most ridiculous scapegoat Trump came up with so far.

Guess I’ll be arrested as a terrorist soon, because back in the days of my wild youth I hung out with a gang of teens that self-identified with Antifa. We did reaaalllly radical stuff, such as plastering the local weapon’s shop with pacifist posters.

Must have lost my membership card though, or – hold on – I never had one: because, guess what: is no such thing as “The Antifa”. No leadership, no 100% shared ideology, no organized structure, just a bunch of left-wing freaks of all sorts.

I grant you that some of those freaks are violent, which in my mind is totally unacceptable. But if you look at the death-toll of US’ homegrown terrorism you’ll see that it’s not the far left, but the far right you have to worry about.

As for the occasions on which todays widespread peaceful demonstrations got violent: I Haven’t seen anything resembling the Antifa’s black block there. I hear though that quite a few guys in Hawaii-shirts were spotted. They are far more likely to have cried the crocodile tears:

Far-right civil war accelerationists called the Boogaloo Bois are appearing at protests around the country with guns and Hawaiian shirts

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
I grant you that some of those freaks are violent, which in my mind is totally unacceptable. But if you look at the death-toll of US’ homegrown terrorism you’ll see that it’s not the far left, but the far right you have to worry about.
They are both a big threat. Antifa has been allowed to go wild harming people and property in protests in the western U.S., while police have been instructed to stand down. (Videos prove this assertion.) In fact, Antifa has said that violence is "necessary," like all good Communists say.

Antifa activists say violence is necessary

But you're right about the far right being a threat as well, especially the Neo-Nazis.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Not really. Where was the church of St. John burned down? And where was the Lincoln Memorial defaced?

June 1, 2020
George Floyd riots escalate in Washington, DC as Secret Service agents are injured, multiple law enforcement agents deployed and National Guard called in

The nationwide riots sparked by the death of George Floyd escalated to extraordinary levels in the nation's capital Sunday night...

A senior official in the direct chain of command for defending Washington D.C. told Fox News that at least 50 Secret Service officers were Sunday night and that some rioters were throwing bottles and Molotov cocktails. As observed in New York City and elsewhere, groups in D.C. are planting cars filled with incendiary materials, Fox News is told...
George Floyd riots escalate nationwide, carnage near the White House
You misrepresent, Enoch. At the time of Police violence there was peaceful protest.....later after darkness fell there was damage done to St Johns.....who did it? assume the earlier protesters.....and to capitalise on your position you say St Johns was burnt down which is also not true.
Playing this type of game Enoch, you discredit yourself......using information incorrectly to shore up your position.....shame on you

John Caldwell

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2019
North Augusta
United States
I apologize if God has appointed you to be President Trump's special judge and executioner, but you seem more to be "The accuser of the Brethern", and that was Satan.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I posted that I support President Trump. You responded that this means I serve another god.

This happened twice.

How can you accuse me of idolatry simply because I support President Trump and his platform yet claim you do as well?

Your post does not make sense to me.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
You misrepresent, Enoch. At the time of Police violence there was peaceful protest.....later after darkness fell there was damage done to St Johns.....who did it? assume the earlier protesters.....and to capitalise on your position you say St Johns was burnt down which is also not true.
Playing this type of game Enoch, you discredit yourself......using information incorrectly to shore up your position.....shame on you
Lol, Enoch111 is quoting a Fox News report in his post that you replied to.


Active Member
May 20, 2016
My understanding is that the church in the “photo op” had been attacked by protesters and set on fire. Whatever else you might say about Trump, he has shown respect for Christianity and has supported our ally Israel.

Yes the church was damaged the night before. But the protest Trump violently cleared was peaceful and legitimate.

As for Trumps supposed respect for Christianity: The bishop of that very church feels disrespected by Trump. In fact she says she’s outraged by his actions:

““I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop,” Budde said.

She excoriated the president for standing in front of the church — its windows boarded up with plywood — holding up a Bible, which Budde said “declares that God is love.”

“Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence,” Budde of the president. “We need moral leadership, and he’s done everything to divide us.”


Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Yes the church was damaged the night before. But the protest Trump violently cleared was peaceful and legitimate.

As for Trumps supposed respect for Christianity: The bishop of that very church feels disrespected by Trump. In fact she says she’s outraged by his actions:

““I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop,” Budde said.

She excoriated the president for standing in front of the church — its windows boarded up with plywood — holding up a Bible, which Budde said “declares that God is love.”

“Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence,” Budde of the president. “We need moral leadership, and he’s done everything to divide us.”

Thank you for clearing this up, junobet.