We are dropping the pentagram.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
No. Salvation was the work of Jesus Christ. The work of Edward Christ is Veridicanism. I don't know what the work of Cassandra Christ is, but you would if you would accept Christ.
This Cassandra Christ thing is highly offensive to me. I don't think you meant it to be. Cassandra Christ will never exist. I don't worship the same Christ you do.

I am all God, but God is not just me.
And you heard it here, folks.
Spinoza's writings are not part of the Gospel or Revelation, or even the Book of Thomas , are they? Why use that as part of the doctrine then?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Becoming children to a Father.

Yikes! To equate God with all other father's is not honoring God.

Let me give you a hint. Becoming children of God is equivalent to becoming immortal. Sometimes, I am shocked at how little self-professed Christians understand the Good News.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
While the old Veridican Church logo had a pentagram in the center. The officers of Veridican Church, Inc., and myself have decided to return to the original Veridican cross and replace the pentagram. The pentagram represented the Star of Bethlehem, but it's just too difficult to keep explaining that when to most people it looks Satanic or Wiccan. Besides, The cover of the Veridican Gospel of Jesus Christ has the cross on it and we want to stay in uniform with that.

Here's what our church logo now looks like:


This is good, though I think these are things you should pray about before starting a religion. Pastors and teachers are held doubly accountable.
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
No. Salvation was the work of Jesus Christ. The work of Edward Christ is Veridicanism. I don't know what the work of Cassandra Christ is, but you would if you would accept Christ.
Edward Christ means Edward Messiah - or perhaps you don't know that Christ is the same meaning as Messiah.

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I have to say Robert I understand your argument and monism, although I do not agree, as I similarly do not agree with Trinitarianism.

Christ cannot be the same as his Father in any realm. I do believe Christ has the same mind conscience of God his Father, as we do in or being Christ. Therefore, Christ cannot be God, his own Father, who is the source of all consciousness, or I might as well say I am EXACTLY the same and that is impossible. There has to be ONE source of CONSCIENCENESS and DIVINITY in all realms in existence, whether visible or invisible. And that source is God Almighty the Father of all souls...so we disagree...I'm still on board with the intimacy a believer must have with Christ our Savior, our High Priest, and King of the Kingdom we are living in today as the representative Temples of his Father on earth.
God’s creation began nearly two millennia ago on a hill. Everything prior to that was a procreation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
How does this compare to Gal 2:20 'I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.'

This has something to do with “living by faith” and it’s not related to what we were talking about here but open another thread as I am in spectator mode in this thread now.
I got my answers in post number 40.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Edward Christ means Edward Messiah - or perhaps you don't know that Christ is the same meaning as Messiah.
Who got kicked out of heaven for wanting to be as God . THIS TEACHING comes from the serpent
Edward has been allured through the lusts of the flesh . YE shall be as gods .
YE shall be CHRIST
This man is lost big time . JESUS ALONE will be honored .
HERE is my title , I am naught but a man saved by grace , by Christ . LET GOD , LET CHRIST get the glory . LET me just be
thankful for HIS MERCY given me IN CHRIST .
This man is under the same condemnation as the devil , PRIDE . PRIDE has this man . I think others see this too .


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
yet he called is monism . I SAW IT TOO MY FRIEND . This man is in grave danger .

The best thing we can do for Edward at this point is point him to a movie called “The Case for Christ” where an atheist set out to disprove Christianity, Jesus Christ and his resurrection and in the process ended up turning into a Christian after he discovered the overwhelming evidence of the divinity of Jesus Christ and his resurrection, as well as his fulfillment of over 60 prophecies in the Old Testament a probability so high, that you’d need more time than the age of the universe for it to happen.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
So, Jesus is God. I am God. My Diet Coke can is God. The air you breath is God. Your cat is God, and so is the mosquito you swat. But those things being "modalities of the substance of God" does not mean that God is them (that would be pantheism, not monism). I am all God, but God is not just me.

With that in mind, we have to ask what Christ is. When we look at Jesus Christ, we see that he was God, but not like my dog is God, and not like I am God or you are God. He was God conscious of Himself within His physical universe.

There is no blasphemy here.

Monism is the the premise of the occult, Edward, and I have been telling you from the beginning that is what you really teach.

Here. Here's an artcle on it, for anyone interested:

The Worldview And Practices Of The Occult – Introduction
Ideas have consequences. —Francis Schaeffer
The basic philosophy and premise of the occult is described by a specific term: “monism.” Monism is defined as a “philosophical theory that everything consists of or is reducible to one substance.” [1] The Encyclopedia of Philosophy observes that monism “is a name for a group of views in metaphysics that stress the oneness or unity of reality in some sense.” [2]

There are different forms of monism. The occult may be described as a mystical form of monistic belief that characteristically accepts some form of pantheism. Pantheism teaches that everything is God. For example, as one magical text teaches, “God and the universe… have always existed: visible and invisible, both make up the divine being.” [3] The modern influence of monism can be seen in that several major world religions are monistic. Hinduism and Buddhism are examples of world religions that reflect monistic teaching. In monistic (advaita) Hinduism, the one ultimate reality is defined as “Nirguna Brahman.” In monistic Buddhism, the one ultimate reality is defined as an indescribable state of impersonal existence termed “Nirvana.”

Christianity, on the other hand, is not monistic. Christianity teaches that an infinite-personal Triune God, who is Spirit (John 4:24), created the physical world distinct from Himself. (For an excellent study, see Francis Schaeffer’s He Is There and He Is Not Silent.) This idea that God made the universe apart from Himself is known as “religious dualism,” and it stands in contrast with occultic monistic philosophy. Thus, Christianity does not teach that reality is only one thing, but rather that reality is composed of both an eternal spiritual reality (a personal God) and the created universe (itself involving a material and spiritual realm of existence).

Occult monism claims, in contrast to Christian teaching, that “God” and the “creation” are ultimately the same thing—they are one in essence. Christianity maintains that because God created the world apart from Himself, God and the creation are not the same thing. Thus, the basic Christian doctrine which rejects monistic teaching is the biblical doctrine of creation.

In essence then, the occult (which is monistic) and Christianity (which is not monistic) are based on entirely different and opposing beliefs. The underlying premise of each system powerfully conditions how their proponents view God, man’s relationship to God, the world, and man’s place in the world. So let us further compare and contrast Christianity and the occult to understand how fully in opposition these worldviews are.

In Christianity, God is personal. The material world is a real place created by God and distinct from Him. Man is a creation of God, made in His image, having as his ultimate purpose in life a loving, personal, and eternal relationship with His Creator.

But in the world of the occult, all of this is rejected. God is ultimately impersonal and/or personal only in a provisional sense. The material world is ultimately a secondary or illusory manifestation of God. Inwardly, all men are part of God, currently existing in ignorance of their divinity, and whose ultimate purpose is a merging of their true nature back into impersonal reality.

This is why the final goal of occult practice is to experience a condition of alleged spiritual “enlightenment” where a person supposedly understands the true nature of reality (“All is One”) and his proper place in the world (seeking a final “reuniting” with the One).

The alleged truth of occult monism is supposedly “confirmed” through occult practices such as altered states of consciousness, magic ritual, spirit possession, drug use, meditation, or other means whereby monistic consciousness (the feeling that “All is One”) is directly “experienced” and interpreted as “evidence” for the truth of one’s occult philosophy.

It is the monistic premise of occultism that makes its philosophy so fundamentally anti-Christian. Dr. Gary North observes in his excellent evaluation Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism:

Because God created the universe, there is a permanent, unbridgeable gap between the ultimate being of God and the derivative being of creatures. There is a Creator-creature distinction. Though men are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), they do not partake of God’s being. They are like God, but they are not of the same substance as God. There is no more fundamental doctrine than this one. Significantly, in every form of occultism this principle is denied, sometimes implicitly and usually explicitly. Satan’s old temptation to man hinges on his denial and man’s denial of the Creator-creature distinction…. In direct contrast to the biblical view of man and God, the occult systems, from the magical sects of the East to the gnostics of the early church period, and from there unto today’s preachers of the cosmic evolution and irresistible karma, one theme stands out— monism. There is no Creator-creature distinction. We are all gods in the making. Out of One has proceeded the many, and back into One are the many traveling… It is such a convenient doctrine, for it denies any eternal separation of God and His creation and therefore it denies any eternal separation of saved and lost. It denies any ultimate distinction between good and evil, past and present, structure and change…. [It] leads to rampant immorality, and… to a dismissal of earthly affairs and earthly responsibility. The result… is moral nihilism. [4]

Of course, if one can indeed be a god, then to be as God and exercise one’s divinity demands above all else the exercise of power—power over personal limitations, power over others (human and nonhuman), power over the creation, etc. Thus, personal “realization” of one’s godhood finds “confirmation” through the development of supernatural mastery over one’s environment. In other words, occult practice develops occult abilities which “confirm” personal divinity outwardly in the acts of supernatural power:

The power that is used in magic is derived from the forces we have been describing and so comes from both within and outside ourselves. It is formed by linking one aspect of the magician’s personality with the corresponding aspect of the cosmic mind. This at once sets up a current of power which the magician can draw upon for his own purposes. [5]

The above brief discussion of the differences between Christian and occult philosophy reveals why occultism in all its forms is so fundamentally hostile to Christian faith.

For the full article, read here:
Worldview and Practices of the Occult - Introduction - JA Show Articles
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The best thing we can do for Edward at this point is point him to a movie called “The Case for Christ” where an atheist set out to disprove Christianity, Jesus Christ and his resurrection and in the process ended up turning into a Christian after he discovered the overwhelming evidence of the divinity of Jesus Christ and his resurrection, as well as his fulfillment of over 60 prophecies in the Old Testament a probability so high, that you’d need more time than the age of the universe for it to happen.
Two things need to happen RIGHT QUICK . Shut his posts down and let us be in prayer that the man repents .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Matthew 24:3-5
[3]And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
[4]And Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you.
[5]For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Monism is the the premise of the occult, Edward, and I have been telling you from the beginning that is what you really teach.

Here. Here's an artcle on it, for anyone interested:

The Worldview And Practices Of The Occult – Introduction
Ideas have consequences. —Francis Schaeffer
The basic philosophy and premise of the occult is described by a specific term: “monism.” Monism is defined as a “philosophical theory that everything consists of or is reducible to one substance.” [1] The Encyclopedia of Philosophy observes that monism “is a name for a group of views in metaphysics that stress the oneness or unity of reality in some sense.” [2]

There are different forms of monism. The occult may be described as a mystical form of monistic belief that characteristically accepts some form of pantheism. Pantheism teaches that everything is God. For example, as one magical text teaches, “God and the universe… have always existed: visible and invisible, both make up the divine being.” [3] The modern influence of monism can be seen in that several major world religions are monistic. Hinduism and Buddhism are examples of world religions that reflect monistic teaching. In monistic (advaita) Hinduism, the one ultimate reality is defined as “Nirguna Brahman.” In monistic Buddhism, the one ultimate reality is defined as an indescribable state of impersonal existence termed “Nirvana.”

Christianity, on the other hand, is not monistic. Christianity teaches that an infinite-personal Triune God, who is Spirit (John 4:24), created the physical world distinct from Himself. (For an excellent study, see Francis Schaeffer’s He Is There and He Is Not Silent.) This idea that God made the universe apart from Himself is known as “religious dualism,” and it stands in contrast with occultic monistic philosophy. Thus, Christianity does not teach that reality is only one thing, but rather that reality is composed of both an eternal spiritual reality (a personal God) and the created universe (itself involving a material and spiritual realm of existence).

Occult monism claims, in contrast to Christian teaching, that “God” and the “creation” are ultimately the same thing—they are one in essence. Christianity maintains that because God created the world apart from Himself, God and the creation are not the same thing. Thus, the basic Christian doctrine which rejects monistic teaching is the biblical doctrine of creation.

In essence then, the occult (which is monistic) and Christianity (which is not monistic) are based on entirely different and opposing beliefs. The underlying premise of each system powerfully conditions how their proponents view God, man’s relationship to God, the world, and man’s place in the world. So let us further compare and contrast Christianity and the occult to understand how fully in opposition these worldviews are.

In Christianity, God is personal. The material world is a real place created by God and distinct from Him. Man is a creation of God, made in His image, having as his ultimate purpose in life a loving, personal, and eternal relationship with His Creator.

But in the world of the occult, all of this is rejected. God is ultimately impersonal and/or personal only in a provisional sense. The material world is ultimately a secondary or illusory manifestation of God. Inwardly, all men are part of God, currently existing in ignorance of their divinity, and whose ultimate purpose is a merging of their true nature back into impersonal reality.

This is why the final goal of occult practice is to experience a condition of alleged spiritual “enlightenment” where a person supposedly understands the true nature of reality (“All is One”) and his proper place in the world (seeking a final “reuniting” with the One).

The alleged truth of occult monism is supposedly “confirmed” through occult practices such as altered states of consciousness, magic ritual, spirit possession, drug use, meditation, or other means whereby monistic consciousness (the feeling that “All is One”) is directly “experienced” and interpreted as “evidence” for the truth of one’s occult philosophy.

It is the monistic premise of occultism that makes its philosophy so fundamentally anti-Christian. Dr. Gary North observes in his excellent evaluation Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism:

Because God created the universe, there is a permanent, unbridgeable gap between the ultimate being of God and the derivative being of creatures. There is a Creator-creature distinction. Though men are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), they do not partake of God’s being. They are like God, but they are not of the same substance as God. There is no more fundamental doctrine than this one. Significantly, in every form of occultism this principle is denied, sometimes implicitly and usually explicitly. Satan’s old temptation to man hinges on his denial and man’s denial of the Creator-creature distinction…. In direct contrast to the biblical view of man and God, the occult systems, from the magical sects of the East to the gnostics of the early church period, and from there unto today’s preachers of the cosmic evolution and irresistible karma, one theme stands out— monism. There is no Creator-creature distinction. We are all gods in the making. Out of One has proceeded the many, and back into One are the many traveling… It is such a convenient doctrine, for it denies any eternal separation of God and His creation and therefore it denies any eternal separation of saved and lost. It denies any ultimate distinction between good and evil, past and present, structure and change…. [It] leads to rampant immorality, and… to a dismissal of earthly affairs and earthly responsibility. The result… is moral nihilism. [4]

Of course, if one can indeed be a god, then to be as God and exercise one’s divinity demands above all else the exercise of power—power over personal limitations, power over others (human and nonhuman), power over the creation, etc. Thus, personal “realization” of one’s godhood finds “confirmation” through the development of supernatural mastery over one’s environment. In other words, occult practice develops occult abilities which “confirm” personal divinity outwardly in the acts of supernatural power:

The power that is used in magic is derived from the forces we have been describing and so comes from both within and outside ourselves. It is formed by linking one aspect of the magician’s personality with the corresponding aspect of the cosmic mind. This at once sets up a current of power which the magician can draw upon for his own purposes. [5]

The above brief discussion of the differences between Christian and occult philosophy reveals why occultism in all its forms is so fundamentally hostile to Christian faith.

For the full article, read here:
Worldview and Practices of the Occult - Introduction - JA Show Articles
Ask him the question i did . Does he believe that other relgions serve the same GOD we do .
Monism is all over the place in parts . its all over the all inclusive . This is nothing but new age cloaked in yet another dress .
Your right ITS OCCULT NEW AGE . BUT its all over pope francis , in yet another dress .
THIS IS THE NEW ONE WORLD RELIGON . A religion that has no basic structure in doctrine per say
but agrees we are ONE . YEAH its all over the churches in a different dress . AND MOVING fast to lead
all into much greater darkness .
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