What Does the Owner of ChristianityBoard Believe?

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New Member
Dec 11, 2006
I think a lot of this owner, too, and I think he's oftentimes too tolerant, and over time it seemed like trolls and whatnot came on and disrupted the board --- I then got upset and shied away for awhile, but I've been dropping in once in awhile again. But I spend a lot of my time on the other forum as well.

I agree tim, this board has changed a lot over the years. We use to post Bible studies, now we see a lot of false doctrine being taught as truth. I think hammer has lost his first love and if it does not change he will lose his church. (Rev 2:1-7)



New Member
Apr 14, 2010
I think that if people walk away from this board because they do not like how it is run, the people who remain will be the ones who benefit the most.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

I agree tim, this board has changed a lot over the years. We use to post Bible studies, now we see a lot of false doctrine being taught as truth. I think hammer has lost his first love and if it does not change he will lose his church. (Rev 2:1-7)

Well, why not start a Bible study?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
Fair enough, Tom. My only counter to that is that I have watched the kinds of forums those places develop only splinter off to more people who cannot seem to agree even though they share more than the average amount of fundamental beliefs. We've seen the splintering here and you've been a part of it elsewhere. Becoming an exclusive forum for all the saved people is just not the goal. I think a lot of many, but I think some teachings and folks' opinions of teachers have begun to supplant Jesus and I'm just not interested in that.

Things like the three earth ages are important to understand, but there is a whole other half to a relationship with Jesus. For instance, Jesus addresses the topic of money fully 25% of the time he speaks. Obviously Jesus always teaches at multiple levels, but many perfectly good Christians cannot answer discussions and questions about topics that are a part of life. They try to use grand concepts when the Bible pretty clearly says something simple about the topic.

I just don't see Christianity as another world religion intent on it's own culture in the corner. Sometimes that means being more "tolerant" of diverse viewpoints that don't sacrifice fundamentals. If that makes me a bad guy to some...well that stinks but so be it. That is what I've had the calling on my heart to do and I will not revoke it. I trust God's interaction and guidance with me more than another's opinion of God's interactions and guidance with me.


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Fair enough, Tom. My only counter to that is that I have watched the kinds of forums those places develop only splinter off to more people who cannot seem to agree even though they share more than the average amount of fundamental beliefs. We've seen the splintering here and you've been a part of it elsewhere. Becoming an exclusive forum for all the saved people is just not the goal. I think a lot of many, but I think some teachings and folks' opinions of teachers have begun to supplant Jesus and I'm just not interested in that.

Things like the three earth ages are important to understand, but there is a whole other half to a relationship with Jesus. For instance, Jesus addresses the topic of money fully 25% of the time he speaks. Obviously Jesus always teaches at multiple levels, but many perfectly good Christians cannot answer discussions and questions about topics that are a part of life. They try to use grand concepts when the Bible pretty clearly says something simple about the topic.

I just don't see Christianity as another world religion intent on it's own culture in the corner. Sometimes that means being more "tolerant" of diverse viewpoints that don't sacrifice fundamentals. If that makes me a bad guy to some...well that stinks but so be it. That is what I've had the calling on my heart to do and I will not revoke it. I trust God's interaction and guidance with me more than another's opinion of God's interactions and guidance with me.

Hammer, this is the last place I would send a new Christian or someone seeking to know Christ, there are to many false doctrines being taught at ChristianityBoard. Universal Reconciliation, OSAS, "rapture", the Christ is not God crowd, etc, are these the "diverse viewpoint" you want to "tolerate." When you do not take a stand against false doctrine you are supporting it. What do you teach a new Christian? My warning stands, Denver, you are going to lose your church.



“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

Hammer, this is the last place I would send a new Christian or someone seeking to know Christ, there are to many false doctrines being taught at ChristianityBoard. Universal Reconciliation, OSAS, "rapture", the Christ is not God crowd, etc, are these the "diverse viewpoint" you want to "tolerate." When you do not take a stand against false doctrine you are supporting it. What do you teach a new Christian? My warning stands, Denver, you are going to lose your church.

Here's the problem - if you only allow like-minded Christians onto a forum, conversation ends and people drop away. I am a member of a message board that is full of the kindest people you could find anywhere...there is zero conflict. One person posts a verse from the Bible without commentary and five or six people comment "yep". They all agree and it is the most boring place on the web.

Also, discussion is different than teaching. I believe HS has done a nice job of booting false teachers. I realize that I have differing views about Christianity than you and HS, but I am honest about them and I am not here to teach. Everything I say here is my opinion.


May 17, 2011
United States

Hammer, this is the last place I would send a new Christian or someone seeking to know Christ, there are to many false doctrines being taught at ChristianityBoard. Universal Reconciliation, OSAS, "rapture", the Christ is not God crowd, etc, are these the "diverse viewpoint" you want to "tolerate." When you do not take a stand against false doctrine you are supporting it. What do you teach a new Christian? My warning stands, Denver, you are going to lose your church.

I have no desire to get into this Hammerstone knows my feelings
I am only posting here now because I must fully support Tom here ...
I would never send a babe here and fear when I see one here ....
The only question I would have hammerstone consider is

who do you work to please ? Men or God .......

Every site has its issues as does every church or every group ect.
Its only in keeping our heart and eyes on Christ...On Gods truth ... being of the world and not in it ..that will keep us on the right path.

You will be hated for my name sake ..those are Christs words ..
He never said his truth would be loved by all ...

Supporting Popular lies and deceit and false teaching that lead the babes astray is nothing I want to stand before God on judgement day and try to defend.


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
Just trust Jesus... His sheep hear His voice and won't follow the voice of strangers...

As far as silencing people you don't agree with... what if you're the one that's wrong... I don't mind people having different beliefs than me because I believe the Light is greater than the darkness... if what I'm saying is wrong let the Light smash whatever I'm saying... if what I'm saying is right let it smash any darkness... silencing people with different opinions just sets people up to eventually not have any accountability... which eventually leads to insanity... people drinking fruit punch in the name of Jesus or thinking they're offering God service by killing, etc...

I mean how many people have done insane things in the name of God because they were sure they were right and didn't have someone with different beliefs to show them they were trippen.


May 17, 2011
United States
Just trust Jesus... His sheep hear His voice and won't follow the voice of strangers...

As far as silencing people you don't agree with... what if you're the one that's wrong... I don't mind people having different beliefs than me because I believe the Light is greater than the darkness... if what I'm saying is wrong let the Light smash whatever I'm saying... if what I'm saying is right let it smash any darkness... silencing people with different opinions just sets people up to eventually not have any accountability... which eventually leads to insanity... people drinking fruit punch in the name of Jesus or thinking they're offering God service by killing, etc...

I mean how many people have done insane things in the name of God because they were sure they were right and didn't have someone with different beliefs to show them they were trippen.

Its not people having different beliefs that's at issue IMO ..

It's the attitude of many today they are more interested in proving their opinion is right than learning to listen to what God really teaches.
They have little respect for each other or the Word. God only says one thing whether we like it or not .

He doesnt have different opinions...If everyone was interested in searching out that one truth ..
rather than defending their own . there wouldn't be this attitude among believers. Thinking your right isn't the same thing as desiring to be right in God eyes.

Its the job of a site leader to keep the lies to a minimum in my opinion as the members can not ...
they are at the mercy of a leader and his staff.
If the staff doesnt care about any truth then babes have no chance at all.


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
Yet everytime people argue on here about different beliefs it's because they both think the other person isn't listening to what God really teaches... haha... this is an open forum... so the job of the site moderators is to make sure no one is being threatening or antagonistic, etc... if this was a forum built for the purpose of shoving set beliefs down people's throats I'd have nothing to do with it... I like that people share different beliefs... even if I don't agree with them... I don't like when people act antagonistic or mean... but I'm not worried about false teachings... His sheep hear is voice... if people follow the voice of strangers that just means they're not His...


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
PS: and not having everything perfectly figured out doesn't mean someone isn't following Him... the disciples followed Him everywhere and look at how often they were wrong about things... it's like should we forbid people to speak? Nah... anyone who does stuff in His name can't soon speak evil of Him... I hate forced religion... let people seek the truth and they'll find it...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States

Hammer, this is the last place I would send a new Christian or someone seeking to know Christ, there are to many false doctrines being taught at ChristianityBoard. Universal Reconciliation, OSAS, "rapture", the Christ is not God crowd, etc, are these the "diverse viewpoint" you want to "tolerate." When you do not take a stand against false doctrine you are supporting it. What do you teach a new Christian? My warning stands, Denver, you are going to lose your church.

Well, I kinda agree. New Christians shouldn't come to this site nor any other board. They should go to the Bible and the preacher they are under. Once they get a solid foundation, then they should come to this message board. I am strong enough in faith to stand up for what my opinions are because I've read the Bible and I've heard the preaching. Someone who hasn't read the Bible and hasn't had training (in other words, hasn't been to Chruch) is going to be a reed shaking in the wind. The funny thing is, true Christians will soon stumble on this website eventually. If they hunger after truth! Maybe not this page, but they will google Jesus, look for discussion boards and want to share their excitement.

So tomwebster.... You got a beef with Hammerstone. Fine. When Hammerstone steps outside the lines of the Bible, I'll join ya. But for the meantime, He's just providing a place for Christians to meet, chat, and draw their swords and allow iron to sharpen iron.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Well, I kinda agree. New Christians shouldn't come to this site nor any other board. They should go to the Bible and the preacher they are under. Once they get a solid foundation, then they should come to this message board. I am strong enough in faith to stand up for what my opinions are because I've read the Bible and I've heard the preaching. Someone who hasn't read the Bible and hasn't had training (in other words, hasn't been to Chruch) is going to be a reed shaking in the wind. The funny thing is, true Christians will soon stumble on this website eventually. If they hunger after truth! Maybe not this page, but they will google Jesus, look for discussion boards and want to share their excitement.

So tomwebster.... You got a beef with Hammerstone. Fine. When Hammerstone steps outside the lines of the Bible, I'll join ya. But for the meantime, He's just providing a place for Christians to meet, chat, and draw their swords and allow iron to sharpen iron.

I agree. There isn't a message board on the web that is going to provide orthodox teaching for neophytes 24 hours a day.


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
North Carolina

Hammer, this is the last place I would send a new Christian or someone seeking to know Christ, there are to many false doctrines being taught at ChristianityBoard. Universal Reconciliation, OSAS, "rapture", the Christ is not God crowd, etc, are these the "diverse viewpoint" you want to "tolerate." When you do not take a stand against false doctrine you are supporting it. What do you teach a new Christian? My warning stands, Denver, you are going to lose your church.

You could go start your own forum Tom and then run it the way you want.


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
So why are you here trying to control the path of this forum?

I have put a lot of time and energy into ChristianityBoard and I do not like seeing people deceived by all the false theology that has flooded into it. God's judgment will begin at the top with the church leaders. When I stand before Him I want to hear the words, "well done," not "I never knew you."



New Member
Apr 14, 2010

I am the owner and administrator of two Scripture study forums that have been going for 5 years now. Membership is by invitation.

-- Yet you have time to come here and criticize how things are run.

Membership only? Great idea Because nothing says, "Welcome to the body of Christ" for people searching for the truth like "By Invitation Only"...;)


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
-- Yet you have time to come here and criticize how things are run.

Membership only? Great idea Because nothing says, "Welcome to the body of Christ" for people searching for the truth like "By Invitation Only"...

That's right, my forums are Scripture study forums not seeker forums. I am not called to be an evangelist and I am not an Evangelical." I am a student of the Word of God as are all of our members. But I am not here to discuss or promote my forums. We are talking about this forum, ChristianityBoard and what it believes and teaches.