What prophesy are we looking for next?

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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Alexander the Great lived and died before Jesus was born. His life and dead was a speed bump on the road to fulfilled prophecy in Jesus.


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
Alexander the Great lived and died before Jesus was born. His life and dead was a speed bump on the road to fulfilled prophecy in Jesus.

You said: "Jesus is the fulfillment of all prophecy." I would assert that Jesus did not fulfill Daniel 11:21.

Daniel 11
21 In his place shall arise a contemptible person to whom royal majesty has not been given.

Furthermore, the Topic is not "Does all history arrive at Jesus?", but simply whether there are prophetic events in which we account at some point in time where some events are past, and some events are yet future. And at this point in time, what is the next event? But I don't believe you have an answer for either the next event, or even the most recent fulfilled prophetic event.

So where some say "hindsight is 20/20", I would propose that hindsight doesn't help a blind man.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Prophesy is not reading tea leaves. Prophets told the truth about past, present and obvious conclusions about what would happen if leaders did not change their evil path. They were the people that you guys hate on this board - critics of the status quo. False prophets warn about the consequences of not following their lies - therefore, their conclusions never come to fruition.

All prophecy in the Bible either happened before the the prophecy, during the time of the prophecy or was the obvious conclusion of wicked ways OR the eventual intervention of Christ.

Most of the Book of Revelation has already happened - Christ is simply waiting for His harvest to ripen and then He will reap it. Again, the Book of Revelation points to Christ.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
Tampa Bay, Florida
United States
Shalom, veteran.

That's an example of a pridefull belief in the elders of Judah, and not in Christ Jesus' Own words there.

The time of Christ's return is not dependent upon ANY man.

Those will not say that until... they see Christ's coming per Rev.1:7. It's Christ's coming that make them say that.

That's meshuggah (crazy)! Seeing the truth about how this prophecy is fulfilled is no more "prideful belief in the elders of Y'hudah" than "accepting Christ" is a form of works!

We know that "in my flesh dwelleth no good thing" and that it is "God that justifieth." It's the same thing here. It's not to any of the Elders' praise that they HUMBLE themselves to accept Yeshua` as the Messiah! HOWEVER, it was YESHUA`S words that declared that He would not return until they had humbled themselves enough to be able to speak those words!

It's the same thing about faith and prayer! The power is not in OUR faith, nor is it in OUR prayers! The power comes from GOD to whom we pray and in whom we trust! Don't react; just listen to Yeshua`s words! THAT'S when HE said He'd return and not before!


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prophesy is not reading tea leaves. Prophets told the truth about past, present and obvious conclusions about what would happen if leaders did not change their evil path. They were the people that you guys hate on this board - critics of the status quo. False prophets warn about the consequences of not following their lies - therefore, their conclusions never come to fruition.

All prophecy in the Bible either happened before the the prophecy, during the time of the prophecy or was the obvious conclusion of wicked ways OR the eventual intervention of Christ.

Most of the Book of Revelation has already happened - Christ is simply waiting for His harvest to ripen and then He will reap it. Again, the Book of Revelation points to Christ.

If you knew what you were defending, then you could answer the Topic question: "What prophecy are we looking for next?". But as it is, all you offer are accusations which are neither accurate nor deserved; and generic handwaving.

So in accordance with the Topic title, I ask once again, -- is there anyone who can identify the prophecy most recently fulfilled, and the next prophecy? Certainly in a Forum having 4.6K members and 141K posts, there MUST be at least TWO individuals who can answer "envolve's" question directly. (I would certainly be ONE that can answer.)


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Sorry Veteran, I missed reading your post until just now.

My point was that if someone offers to explain future prophecies, that they should equally be able to explain past prophecies, -- not that Scripture doesn't answer these.

So if you explain the prophecies-which-are-future as defined in your Post #8, then you should certainly be able to provide an account of the prophecies-which-are-past. Certainly the latter is easier than the former, and it's verifiable.

Yes, and I whole-heartedly agree with that.


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
Where you asserted the next prophecy-which-is-future, did you forget to cite the last prophecy-which-is-past? Or did you want to schedule a mind-meld?


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
No, I didn't forget to cite a previous fulfilled prophecy, for such was not asked for in the OP. Different words 'next' and 'past' ya know.

If you agree that a accurate understanding of past events can substantiate an understanding of future events, and refuse to provide both, then I would expect you have neither.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
what is generic hand waving?


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
What is the most recent fulfilled prophecy, and the next anticipated prophecy?

4,617 members, and no answer. It certainly doesn't speak well for the "church".


Son Of Man
Sep 14, 2011
I don't think it's wise for me, at this point when my heart isn't convinced either way, to choose whether I believe in the rapture or not. It doesn't matter to me. I need Christ's protection every day, and He will be with me until the end regardless. What I am interested in knowing is "what is the next prophesy to be fullfilled?" I really get confused reading Daniel and Revelations and Ezekiel. Just if someone can tell me what we're looking for next? Maybe it's Christ's return, maybe something else. What do you think?

It is the coming of Christ's two witnesses.


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
... if you explain the prophecies-which-are-future ..., then you should certainly be able to provide an account of the prophecies-which-are-past. Certainly the latter is easier than the former, and it's verifiable.

So in accordance with the Topic title, I ask once again, -- is there anyone who can identify the prophecy most recently fulfilled, and the next prophecy?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Shalom, aspen.

It's when the genes for the right hand are waving goodbye to the genes for the left hand during mitosis!

yes but do the right genes know what the left genes are doing?? ;)

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
What is the most recent fulfilled prophecy, and the next anticipated prophecy?

4,617 members, and no answer. It certainly doesn't speak well for the "church".

"Doesn't speak well for the church". Actually I believe you've hit upon one very real possibility for 'what's next' on the stage of prophecy.

To know what's next, we need to know where we've been and what's happening now.

Where we've been:
Since the days of the apostles, the church fathers have established new churches and spread the gospel from one end of the earth to the other. In the last 2,000 years, Christianity has become the largest religion on the planet. It has experienced unparalleled and unchecked growth.

That was then, this is now:
Christianity is withering on the vine. Every social and religious survey known has revealed that Europe is now a completely secularized society. Once the bedrock of Christendom, it is now a religious orphan. Not for long, though. Islam is experiencing growth in direct proportion to the Churches demise.

In the united States, the church is on the defensive. Not so much from secular attack, although that is a factor, but from its own peculiar form of theological and philosophical suicide.

In S.A., traditional ancient pagan religions are on the rise. I've heard and read personal testimony from several missionaries from Central and South America to attest to this fact. The church is dying there.

No one really knows the condition of the church in China. Its underground for the most part. For a brief period, the doors to religious tolerance were open, but they have closed. In fact, the orient including Japan and China are experiencing a tremendous revival of ancient cultural values and philosophy. In the west the reverse is true.

In the middle east, Islam is becoming mighty. Not so much by its own power, but by the indirect intervention by means of war of the western powers of America, France and UK. In Afghanistan, for example, once numerous Christian churches and schools no longer exist. America military influence has contributed in large part to their extinction. That is not generally known in the uSA, however.

Bottom line is a great loss of Christian 'face', influence and coherent philosophy and attraction. We are now in the period predicted by the Bible called THE GREAT APOSTACY or falling away from the faith.

The previous point made is probably why many Christians cannot answer the question as to 'what's next' on the prophetic time table. They simply don't want to believe, for a number of reasons, that their religious club is ending. Personally, I prefer to believe that Jesus, our Christ, is merely tossing out the dead wood. The real church is stronger than ever. It just cannot be seen.

Be that as it may, the Great Apostacy is upon us - in spades. The Bible says that the next thing to happen is the revealing of the Anti Christ, the great heathen master of many who will seduce the world into dancing his devilish jig.

Look for him soon in a newspaper near you. It will not be long before his murderous face appears.


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
It seems everyone has a response, but no one has an answer to the Topic. The closest answer was by "rockytopva" per the following:

I would say Ezekiel 38-39... That is the prophecy most imminent.

Hithout understanding the prophetic sequence of events, this is probably a luck guess which is partly correct and partly wrong. For this is NOT the next prophecy, but another is. However, it is the next obvious prophecy. But to evaluate these prophecies in context with history is not to wax eloquent about the history of the church, or to take such broad brush strokes as many have made. It's to define what the concise prophetic Scripture says in context with the concise historical record.

And as previously proposed, there are 4,617 members, but none can provide an answer in the full context of most-recently-fulfilled and next-pending prophecy.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Could you explain?

To make a long story short.... Israel is going to anger the United Nations and they will unite against Israel. When the multi-national force comes against the un-walled cities God is really going to get angry... Also... As the world is being over-populated, there will be many Islamic souls desire to rid the land of Judaism to make way for more Islamic folds.

This will indeed occur in modern Israel

After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them. -Ezekiel 38:8

And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army: And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes -Ezekiel 38:15-16

And when God sees the multi-national force against Israel he is going to really be angry... And when God the Father is angry... Souls better be scattering!

And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face. - Ezekiel 38:18

All of this is going to leave a power vacuum for the anti-Christ to make his scene. As I would have it in my biblical timeline (which I do not claim to be exact by the way, it is God that instigates the times and the seasons independent of my reasoning).



New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
If you agree that a accurate understanding of past events can substantiate an understanding of future events, and refuse to provide both, then I would expect you have neither.

You're only trying to create space for turning your original argument into a totally different direction. No past prophetic event was asked for by the OP. Since you desire to make your own qualifications for accurately interpreting Bible prophecy, then the benefit of the doubt rests upon yourself to prove that.

It is the coming of Christ's two witnesses.

I would have to somewhat agree with that, since they are to prophesy for 1260 days per Rev.11. And at the end of their prophesy they are killed in Jerusalem by the beast that ascends up out of the bottomless pit. And then very quickly, the 3rd last Woe follows.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
The previous point made is probably why many Christians cannot answer the question as to 'what's next' on the prophetic time table. They simply don't want to believe, for a number of reasons, that their religious club is ending. Personally, I prefer to believe that Jesus, our Christ, is merely tossing out the dead wood. The real church is stronger than ever. It just cannot be seen.

Be that as it may, the Great Apostacy is upon us - in spades. The Bible says that the next thing to happen is the revealing of the Anti Christ, the great heathen master of many who will seduce the world into dancing his devilish jig.

Look for him soon in a newspaper near you. It will not be long before his murderous face appears.

I don't find it all that difficult, not for one who stays in God's Word as written.

The irrational part is the idea of a single next, or single past prophecy, simply because many of the prophecies are general in nature, include multiple events, and oft times overlap each other.

For example, I strongly believe the 5th Trumpet has already begun, and was one of the largest general prophecies begun in the past several decades. That trumpet involves two major events, a time of the sealing of God's servants for the end, and the locusts prophecy involving portions of Joel. It's still going on, and most likely will not complete until the final Antichrist arrives and the world beast kingdom of Rev.13:1 is finished and fully manifest on earth.

The appearing of God's two witnesses is a 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe event, which coincides with a 1260 day period, and the four angels bound at the river Euphrates being loosed (Rev.9). The locusts of Rev.9 are linked with that 6th trumpet also, but in a different manner for that trumpet.