What was the date of the Crucifixion?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Preparation Day
Background information about Preparation Day.

It is not an official Jewish event, in other words the phrase “Preparation Day” does not appear in the Old Testament. It does appear in the New Testament so apparently at some point people started calling some days before Jewish holydays Preparation Day.

Most notably the day before the Saturday Jewish Sabbath was called Preparation Day for good reason….

Exodus 20:8-11
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy..

Exodus 31:14
Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you.
Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people.

The biblical ban against work on the Sabbath….what is “work?” While never completely defined by the scriptures, in practice it included activities such as harvesting, bathing, changing clothes, cleaning, cooking, traveling, kindling fire, gathering firewood, buying and selling, feeding or herding livestock….do not pick up and carry anything. Simply put they could not do…much of anything on the 7th day, the Jewish Saturday Sabbath….upon penalty of death. The Sabbath was commanded to be a day of rest.

In order not to violate the Saturday Jewish Sabbath or as the Bible says “profane the Sabbath” they had to prepare for the Sabbath. Things to be done prior to the Sabbath like feed and water the live stock enough to tide them over to the next day….setup the winter fire so it was self feeding ….prepare finger food that did not require cooking….if you needed to bath, do it on Friday….Go to bed with the clothes you intended to wear on the Sabbath. And this is not a complete list but it illustrates why the Preparation Day before the Saturday Jewish Sabbath was the most important and involved....

So for practical purposes because of the restrictions of the Sabbath…. Preparation Day was in preparation for the Saturday Jewish Sabbath. So it occurred on Friday….every Friday.

Now on the Friday that Christ was crucified the Preparation Day occurred because Passover fell on the same day as the Saturday Jewish Sabbath…. both started at dusk.

Now that does not mean that no preparations were required for the Passover when it occurred during the weekdays, but maybe not as much as you would think. In this time period it was not unusual to kill and cook an animal for dinner during any day of the week. The difference was that on the day before the Passover the animal had to be a lamb or goat without blemish and the blood of the animal was brushed on the doorways and the animal had to be completely eaten. Then on the other hand a lot of the restrictions that applied on the Saturday Jewish Sabbath did not apply if the Passover occurred during the weekdays. But still all of the leaven in the house had to be removed because Passover occurred during the feast of unleavened bread.

As far as the day before the Passover being called the “Preparation Day” there is no biblical or historical evidence of this. The day before Passover was called the fast of the first sons which commemorated the salvation of the Hebrew firstborns.


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Nov 8, 2020
United States
Jesus' death in the year 33AD seems accurate. To be more specific, it took place in the spring, on the Passover Day, Nisan (or Abib) 14, according to the Jewish calendar. That year the Passover occurred on the sixth day of the week (counted by the Jews as from sundown on Thursday to sundown on Friday). This is evident from John 19:31, which shows that the following day was “a great” sabbath. The day after Passover was always a sabbath, no matter on what day of the week it came. (Leviticus 23:5-7) So Jesus’ death took place on Friday, Nisan 14, by about 3:00 p.m.-Luke 23:44-46.

Abib was the original name of the first lunar month of the Jewish sacred calendar and of the seventh month of the secular calendar. (Exodus 13:4; 23:15; 34:18; Deuteronomy 16:1) Following the Babylonian exile this name was replaced by the name Nisan. It corresponds, generally, with part of March and part of April.

The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
United States
United States
Agreed, and tick for your post #186 too, except a small part I'll get back to you about.

As for the various theories concerning when Passover best fitted the Crucifixion, I wrote a paper on Academia.edu which you may like. Scroll down to 'The Moon and New Testament Passover dates.'

Download PDF. You may like some of my other papers too.
I have done some additional RE-Seach and I have some facts that I think you will find interesting.

So where are we? You think that the decree made in 457 BC is used to determine the arrival of Messiah which you say is in 27 AD. I don't recall if you start with an exact date or not and I don't recall if you arrive at an exact day or just the year. What I do recall is when I look at that decree, I do not see anything that has to do with the rebuilding of Jerusalem. We do have the verse about judges and a few other things but no way to nail down the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The prophecy has to do with both the restoring and rebuilding of Jerusalem, so the judges would certainly count toward the restoring.

The decree of March 5, 444 BC has direct information that has to do with the restoring of Jerusalem. So to me it would have an edge.

When doing the calculation to prove Daniel 9:25 you use the 483 years as the prophecy states from 457 BC. And as I said, I don't recall if you start at an exact day or just the year. That brings you to the 26- 27 AD and claim that is when the Messiah arrives, as it is when He is baptized.

My example uses 483 years converted to days (483x360 = 173880 days) As God gives several examples where a year is 360 days. When we convert back to the years of the calendar, it appears that we arrive at Palm Sunday in 33 AD when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9. Pretty compelling evidence I would think.

Secondly, there is the evidence of Luke 3, stating that John the Baptist started His ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius. The 15th year of Tiberius would be 29 AD. That would seem to make it impossible for Jesus to have started his ministry in 27 AD as you claim. Yes, there is the fact that Tiberius had a co-regency with Caesar Augustus, but it does not seem logical that Luke would mark time like this as it would not be the norm. That said, that doesn't mean that we can know for sure that Luke didn't mark time like this, it just doesn't seem likely.

That brings us to the date of Passover, and your chart. God clearly tells us that Passover is the 14th of Nisan and yet your chart shows that you put Passover on the 15th of Nisan. I took strong exception to this as God tells us that Passover is the 14th of Nisan. To me you are intentionally misleading as your chart does not agree with the facts. Your chart should show that Passover is the 14th of Nisan as those are the facts and the truth.

I spent a lot of time reading all the reasons and explanations that people give as to what was happening and why the scriptures didn't seem to agree and all the ins and outs of the things of the feasts and other such things and it offered no help. I usually don't do things like this as I feel we just need to read what the scriptures say and accept what they say. If you don't understand something, come back to it latter.

So here are the facts.

Luke 22
7 Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.

8 And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.

Luke 22
13 And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.

14 And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

15 And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:

So the Passover meal was prepared on Thursday. Therefore, your chart should say that Passover is Wednesday/ Thursday not Thursday/ Friday. So, as Fullness of the Gentiles said, Jesus died on Nisan 15, not Nisan 14. This of course would mean that 33 AD could not be the year that Jesus died as Passover was on Friday in 33 AD and the facts say that Jesus died on Nisan 15. This would mean that your date of 30 AD has to be the year that Jesus died.

Which brings us to the apology. Brother, I am truly sorry. I ask you to forgive me. When I saw you put Passover on the wrong date on your chart, I thought you did it on purpose. What I saw was what appeared to be a wrong decree date as already mentioned. I saw the other decree date could be used to show Jesus arriving as Messiah on a donkey on what I thought was the correct year, further solidifying 457 being the wrong decree. Additionally, it appeared a wrong date for the 15th year of Tiberius was being used. Then when I saw you had the Passover on the wrong days all analysis failed from that point. So again, I am truly sorry. You stood strong and held your tongue being a solid example of who we are supposed to be. As for me, despite the error, I can't say I would change anything. If I honestly, in my heart, think someone is leading others astray, I believe I am expected to stand up. What good is a sheep dog that doesn't protect the sheep. My father knows my heart and the truth, so I am good with Him. He knows I am a truth seeker, and that the truth determines my belief, not any religion.

What I also know is that it was important for me to understand that Christ died in 30 AD so this exercise was very important. It makes some things line up correctly for me, and gives me understanding, as the time runs very, very short. Again brother, I am truly sorry, please forgive me.
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Christian Gedge

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2022
New Zealand
If I honestly, in my heart, think someone is leading others astray, I believe I am expected to stand up. What good is a sheep dog that doesn't protect the sheep. My father knows my heart and the truth, so I am good with Him. He knows I am a truth seeker, and that the truth determines my belief, not any religion.

What I also know is that it was important for me to understand that Christ died in 30 AD so this exercise was very important. It makes some things line up correctly for me, and gives me understanding, as the time runs very, very short. Again brother, I am truly sorry, please forgive me.
Yes, the Lord does know your heart and your love of the truth. You are very frank, but humble to go with it. I truely appreciate your reply.

Blessings brother,
and may you have a wonderful Christmas. :)
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Jul 19, 2023
north america
That’s because Jesus was crucified on Passover day and Passover day was the 15th of Nisan. (Numbers 33:3) The Paschal meal was eaten early 15th. The crucifixion was the following morning which was still the 15th.

That’s because John’s Gospel uses the Roman time system, the sixth hour being 6 am.

When are you going to let me get on to the next evidence of the AD30 position?
These statements are not according to what is found in Scripture. Passover is never said to be the 15th. It is always on the 14th of Nisan. The Feast of Unleavened Bread starts on the 15th.

I don't know how you can point to the verse and make your claim because it does not say what you claim.
[Num 33:3 LSB] 3 They journeyed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the next day after the Passover the sons of Israel started out with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians,

"On the next day AFTER the Passover". Passover is the 14th. Jewish days begin after sundown.
Here is the unrecognized detail that everyone misses. God's instructions.
[Exo 12:6 LSB] 6 'And you shall keep it[the lamb] until the fourteenth day of the same month, then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall slaughter it at twilight."
No English translation has this correct except for Young's Literal Translation and Darby's Translation.
[Exo 12:6 YLT] 6 ... and the whole assembly of the company of Israel have slaughtered it between the evenings;

The Hebrew does not say "at twilight". It says "between the evenings". That means the Passover could be eaten at evening at the very beginning of Nisan 14 or it could be done (as is common practice) at the very end of the Nisan 14, also evening. Either way, Passover is always Nisan 14.

Even in Ezra, it's specifically stated that Passover is the 14th day of Nisan (the first month)
[Ezr 6:19 LSB] 19 And the exiles celebrated the Passover on the fourteenth of the first month.

Passover is NEVER considered to be the 15th of Nisan.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
The Last Supper and the Passover meal and the Crucifixion

Passover---The Feast of Unleavened Bread----Hag Ha-Matzot.
Passover is one 24 hour period in the seven day Feast of Unleavened bread. The Jewish Passover occurs each year on the evening of the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.

One thing we know for sure, Christ was not crucified on the day He ate the His Last Supper nor on the Passover, He was crucified on the Day of Preparation. But the Jews would have normally been eating the Passover meal on the day Christ was crucified, that would be Friday before dusk.

Over the centuries there have been some confusion on which day the Last Supper occurred, and the circumstances of its occurrence. So before we go on let me explain. Traditionally in this time period, on the eve before the Passover the sacrificial lamb was slain and butchered ritually. The blood was collected ritually and applied to the doorways. (This is the Passover part of the ritual of the plaque of the first born, but this changed…Deuteronomy 16:2-6 The change was that the sacrificial lamb was slain at the doorway of the tabernacle….and then the Temple….This means that in the biblical era the Passover was a gathering of Jews at the Temple…

Then the entire lamb was cooked over a fire and eaten entirely, with unleavened bread. (The sacrifice could be either an unblemished goat or lamb. You can read about this ritual in Exodus chapter 12.) This is not exactly what happened during the evening of the Last Supper. But the Gospels use the term Passover meal to refer to the Last Supper and also reference the Passover lamb being sacrificed on Thursday evening, from there, confusion ensued.

The Jewish Passover which lasts around 7 days, that year occurred on Saturday April 8th 30 AD, and started at dusk (As the Full Moon rose) on April 7th. The Jewish Sabbath and the beginning of Passover occurring on the same day, that year. Computerized astronomical calculations (NASA) shows a full Moon on the evening of April 7th when the Passover began. So the Passover for that year occurred on the Jewish Sabbath...Saturday. Two Holy events occurring on the same day. Some refer to this as a High Holy Day, High Day, or High Sabbath for the Jews. John 19:31 (Note that the Passover day does not always occur on the Saturday Sabbath.) The Lambs would have been killed on Friday, the afternoon of the 7th of April. But Christ would not be alive Friday evening. So in this instance there was an honorary Passover meal for Christ. As I said, we know that Christ did not eat the Last Supper on the day He was crucified. If we look at Matthew 16:21-25 and Yeshua's disagreement with Peter, we can see that He knew what was going to happen and when.

He was the symbolic and divine sacrificial lamb and He was slain around 3:00 pm on the 7th of April, around the time that the actual sacrificial lambs were being slain. The Passover dinner for Him was held on the evening of the 6th of April...Thursday and they had a sacrificial lamb. The next day, the actual Passover lambs would be slaughtered and eaten on Friday before dusk for the Passover dinners. Christ was the sacrificial lamb for the New Covenant and He was crucified during the day on Friday, about the time the sacrificial lambs for Passover were being killed. So Christ would not be observing the normal processes of the Passover and the Passover meal, and as it turned out, the same was true for the Apostles because they would be in hiding, not sacrificing lambs at the Temple. They may have arranged for food to be brought to them, but they probably were not sacrificing lambs while Christ was being crucified.

The meal that Christ attended was a meal that the Gospels refer to as the Passover meal, a Seder meal, put it was not the actual Jewish Passover meal. As I explained, the next day was the Jewish day of preparation for the Passover...Friday...and the Jewish Passover meal would occur then. This was the day that Christ was slain. Matthew 27:62, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, John 19:14, 31, and 42, all confirm that the day that Christ was crucified was on the Day of Preparation, which was Friday, April 7th 30 AD. John 18:28 also proves that early Friday morning, the day of Christ’s crucifixion, when Christ was taken to the Praetorium the Apostles had not eaten the actual Passover meal yet. The morning cock had crowed for Peter John 18:27 So when Christ was before Pilate in the Praetorium the Apostles did not enter because they did not want to be defiled because they wanted to participate in the actual Passover meal before the start of Passover. Another mystery solved....

Why April 7th 30 AD?
The death of Herod is well documented, so is the date of his successors. So in order to include the story of the Herod, the Magi, the Star, and death of the innocences, Christ's birth has to happen before Herod's death. March 12th 4 BC. Now if you go to add this up from Christ's birth to the day of his Crucifixion, keep in mind that you lose 2 years between 1 BC and 1 AD. No year zero, so one year passes between April 1 BC and April 1 AD. So in 30 AD Christ would have been 33 years old, give or take a few months.

We can consider April 3rd 33 AD, but Christ would be 36 years old and since it was said that Christ started His ministry when He was 30 years old, that would make His ministry 6 years long. So odds are, it is 30 AD.

Now the calculation for Passover is based on the cycle of the moon. And goes like this...Passover will occur on the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Most of the time that is in April on our calendar. Then Easter is the next Sunday after that.

So Christ is crucified on Friday April 7th 30 AD and then the Passover starts that evening at dusk along with the Jewish Sabbath. That night has a Full Moon. And this goes along with the double Sabbath tradition, ie Passover falling on the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday. Keep in mind that the Hebrew month always started on the New Moon, so the Passover would “always” occur 15 days later….that does not mean that the Passover would always occur on the Sabbath Saturday, because the new month did not reset the days of the week. (Jewish Sabbath Saturday…different than the Christian Sunday.) Hebrew days of the month vs Gregorian days of the month, there is a confusion factor there, but I will try to explain.

The Lunar Calculator below, shows the Full Moon on the evening of April 7th, 30 AD. This chart is based on our Gregorian calendar, but the first day of the Hebrew month started as usual on the preceding New Moon…which was on March 24th, then 15 days later on Friday, the evening of the 7th ….the Full Moon rises.


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Active Member
Jul 19, 2023
north america
The Last Supper and the Passover meal and the Crucifixion

Passover---The Feast of Unleavened Bread----Hag Ha-Matzot.
Passover is one 24 hour period in the seven day Feast of Unleavened bread. The Jewish Passover occurs each year on the evening of the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.

One thing we know for sure, Christ was not crucified on the day He ate the His Last Supper nor on the Passover,
There is so much inaccurate writing in that comment. And it's very easy to prove.

Messiah Jesus was indeed crucified on the Passover. The very pattern that the Passover celebrates proves this must be the case. That is the entire purpose behind the Passover. Denying this denies the very words of God.

[Num 9:2-3 LSB] 2 "Now, let the sons of Israel observe the Passover at its appointed time. 3 "On the fourteenth day of this month, at twilight, you shall observe it at its appointed time; you shall observe it according to all its statutes and according to all its judgments."
God is very clear that the Passover is to be on Nisan 14. Not 15 days later as you claim.

[Exo 12:15, 17 LSB] 15 'Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, but on the first day you shall remove leaven from your houses; for whoever eats anything leavened from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel. ... 17 'You shall also keep the [Feast of] Unleavened Bread, for on this very day I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt; therefore you shall keep this day throughout your generations as a perpetual statute.

The seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread started the day AFTER the Passover. Passover was not included. The Feast started on the day on which Israel left Egypt. That was the day AFTER the Passover, the 15th of Nisan.

Scripture is very clear.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I find it very interesting that not a bone of the cooked lamb was to be broken .
And They never broke one bone of Christ . YEAH . HE IS THE PASSOVER LAMB for the lambs . HE is our hope
and our salvation .
Let all that has breath HONOR THE SON . He who honors not the SON , honors not the FATHER .
Now lift those hands , ITS LORD PRAISING Time in the building .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Preparation Day
Background information about Preparation Day.

It is not an official Jewish event, in other words the phrase “Preparation Day” does not appear in the Old Testament. It does appear in the New Testament so apparently at some point people started calling some days before Jewish holydays Preparation Day.

Most notably the day before the Saturday Jewish Sabbath was called Preparation Day for good reason….

Exodus 20:8-11
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
10 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy..

Exodus 31:14
Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you.
Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people.

The biblical ban against work on the Sabbath….what is “work?” While never completely defined by the scriptures, in practice it included activities such as harvesting, bathing, changing clothes, cleaning, cooking, traveling, kindling fire, gathering firewood, buying and selling, feeding or herding livestock….do not pick up and carry anything. Simply put they could not do…much of anything on the 7th day, the Jewish Saturday Sabbath….upon penalty of death. The Sabbath was commanded to be a day of rest.

In order not to violate the Saturday Jewish Sabbath or as the Bible says “profane the Sabbath” they had to prepare for the Sabbath. Things to be done prior to the Sabbath like feed and water the live stock enough to tide them over to the next day….setup the winter fire so it was self feeding ….prepare finger food that did not require cooking….if you needed to bath, do it on Friday….Go to bed with the clothes you intended to wear on the Sabbath. And this is not a complete list but it illustrates why the Preparation Day before the Saturday Jewish Sabbath was the most important and involved....

So for practical purposes because of the restrictions of the Sabbath…. Preparation Day was in preparation for the Saturday Jewish Sabbath. So it occurred on Friday….every Friday.

Now on the Friday that Christ was crucified the Preparation Day occurred because Passover fell on the same day as the Saturday Jewish Sabbath…. both started at dusk.

Now that does not mean that no preparations were required for the Passover when it occurred during the weekdays, but maybe not as much as you would think. In this time period it was not unusual to kill and cook an animal for dinner during any day of the week. The difference was that on the day before the Passover the animal had to be a lamb or goat without blemish and the blood of the animal was brushed on the doorways and the animal had to be completely eaten. Then on the other hand a lot of the restrictions that applied on the Saturday Jewish Sabbath did not apply if the Passover occurred during the weekdays. But still all of the leaven in the house had to be removed because Passover occurred during the feast of unleavened bread.

As far as the day before the Passover being called the “Preparation Day” there is no biblical or historical evidence of this. The day before Passover was called the fast of the first sons which commemorated the salvation of the Hebrew firstborns.
And WHY was this necessary . What was this protecting them from .
THE WRATH OF GOD that was gonna come and destroy . Yet
how come today many folks seem to be trodding the dire necessity to have to BELIEVE ON CHRIST under foot .
How come many are trying to imply other religions are fine . HMMM
How come folks are trying to say muslims and christains worship the same GOD .
ITS the DUNG OF BULLS is what it is .


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Messiah Jesus was indeed crucified on the Passover.
You are absolutely wrong. For one if Christ would have been crucified on any part of the Passover the Romans would have had a Jewish uprising on their hands. No Christ was not crucified on Passover.
[Num 9:2-3 LSB] 2 "Now, let the sons of Israel observe the Passover at its appointed time. 3 "On the fourteenth day of this month, at twilight, you shall observe it at its appointed time; you shall observe it according to all its statutes and according to all its judgments."
God is very clear that the Passover is to be on Nisan 14. Not 15 days later as you claim.
Date and duration. The Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which at present falls between March 26 and April 25 of the Gregorian calendar. The 15th day begins in the evening, after the 14th day, and the seder meal is eaten that evening. The 14th day of that month was on Friday, the day Christ was crucified.

What does Nisan mean biblically?
ni'-san (nican): The first month of the Jewish year in which Passover occurred and which corresponds to April. The month is the same as Abib, which occurs in the Pentateuch. Nisan occurs in Nehemiah 2:1 and Esther 3:7. It denotes "the month of flowers."


Active Member
Jul 19, 2023
north america
You are absolutely wrong. For one if Christ would have been crucified on any part of the Passover the Romans would have had a Jewish uprising on their hands. No Christ was not crucified on Passover.

Date and duration. The Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which at present falls between March 26 and April 25 of the Gregorian calendar. The 15th day begins in the evening, after the 14th day, and the seder meal is eaten that evening. The 14th day of that month was on Friday, the day Christ was crucified.

What does Nisan mean biblically?
ni'-san (nican): The first month of the Jewish year in which Passover occurred and which corresponds to April. The month is the same as Abib, which occurs in the Pentateuch. Nisan occurs in Nehemiah 2:1 and Esther 3:7. It denotes "the month of flowers."
You go against the very word of God. It's stated there in Numbers 9:2-3. Very clearly. I'm just flabbergasted at your attempt to get away with this blatant error.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
You are absolutely wrong. For one if Christ would have been crucified on any part of the Passover the Romans would have had a Jewish uprising on their hands. No Christ was not crucified on Passover.

Date and duration. The Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan, which at present falls between March 26 and April 25 of the Gregorian calendar. The 15th day begins in the evening, after the 14th day, and the seder meal is eaten that evening. The 14th day of that month was on Friday, the day Christ was crucified.

What does Nisan mean biblically?
ni'-san (nican): The first month of the Jewish year in which Passover occurred and which corresponds to April. The month is the same as Abib, which occurs in the Pentateuch. Nisan occurs in Nehemiah 2:1 and Esther 3:7. It denotes "the month of flowers."
JESUS CHRIST IS THE CHRIST OF GOD , LET all that has breath praise and thank the glorious LORD .
AND IF JESUS SAID IT , GOD SAID IT . Now raise those hands and let the LORD be praised .
GOD SAID IT . That is about as simple as i know to put the truth . Now raise those hands , ITS LORD PRAISING TIME
in the building , in the streets and round the world .
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Active Member
Jul 19, 2023
north america
Ok, I will play your game....where do you think we are disagreeing?
And what date do you think he was crucified on?
It's NOT a game. The very reputation of God is at stake if this subject is not understood correctly. Messiah Jesus was crucified on the exact day of the Passover. He fulfilled all the prophecies described by the Passover.

You state that the Passover was on Nisan 15. That is plainly against what Scripture says in multiple places. Including:
[Ezr 6:19 LSB] 19 And the exiles celebrated the Passover on the fourteenth of the first month.

If you truly don't know where we disagree re-read my answers to your posts. I give very clear Scriptural rebuttals to your views.

Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
We can speculate but if the bible doesn’t give a date then it really doesn’t matter at all when it happened what really matters is that it happened.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2023
north america
We can speculate but if the bible doesn’t give a date then it really doesn’t matter at all when it happened what really matters is that it happened.
If you are looking for a literal date in the Bible, then you are correct. But the Bible narratives include details when understood correctly according to Jewish culture and the CORRECT jewish calendar, the actual date of the crucifixion can be known. There are at least 10 proofs which show that the crucifixion happened on April 25, 31 AD.

This is all laid out in my presentation "The Date Hidden From History". All sources are given for anyone to verify for themselves. It's not a mystery.