Where is "The Beloved City" and "the camp of the saints" of Revelation 20?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Really? Literal nature? Okay then you also must believe that your two men will spew fire from their mouths upon the enemies in literal city?

Rev 11:5
(5) And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

Do you understand what God is talking about here? Have you studied with the rest of Scripture to find out exactly what God talked about in Revelation 11? By comparing Scripture with Scripture, God spiritualized:

Jer 5:14
(14) Wherefore thus saith the LORD God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them.

Leave your literal doctrine to the circus with a show of fire-breathing men.
it is literal maybe its your doctrine that needs revising.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
No, it's the literal nature and details of the passage that tells us that. It's the carnal mind that often wants to spiritualize what is written to create something new, and different than what God has given.

The two prophets are killed in Jerusalem like Christ was, and will resurrect and even ascend into heaven as Jesus also did.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
That is what your carnal mind wants you to think but that is not what God talked about according to the rest of Scripture.

You missed the point that Christ was trying to tell you. He did NOT tell us to look for a literal city in the Middle East where Christ was crucified since we already knew that. But here in Revelation 11, after the Cross, it is the the New Testament Church that God is talking about here! The home of the camps of the Saints, and the crucified Christ.

When we carefully examine passages like Revelation 11, the two witnesses (representing the elect within the Church - not two men) are overrun there because the leaders, pastors, and ministers are all gone away from the Word of God. They have usurped God's authority by accepting man's authority. In other words, they rule by the precepts of men, rather than God.

It is a sad fact of the Church that Christians today are happy to point at the leaders, nations, politicians, and unbelievers as to the apostasy in the world, but God points right at them. ...judgment begins at the house of God. They have neglected to look in the mirror at their own wilfull voluntarily neglect of the word of God. And this is the "why and how!" The why of the judgment is because of their falling away, the forsaking the precepts of God in favor of the precepts of men. The how of the judgment is by God recompensing upon their heads exactly what they desire. For they desire the words of men over the word of God, and thus God sends them strong delusion because they have no love for His truth. They deceitfully handled the word of God, Wilfully sinning against the crucified Christ, who they claim has died for them but where they are preaching has become spiritually Sodom and Egypt.

Hebrews 10:26-29
  • "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
  • But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
  • He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
  • Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?"

That's why God had before cautioned His House to:

Romans 16:17-18
  • "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
  • For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."
The smooth talkers in the Churches, like Joel Osteen, preaching peace and love, where there is no peace and love. The politically correct preachers and leaders whose only desire is to please men, glorify themselves or give themselves an advantage.
So, no, God is NOT talking about literal city, literal temple, literal Jews in the Middle East at all. They already lost the kingdom representation at the Cross which was given to the New Testament congregation where Christ, as chief cornerstone NOW STANDS! And here God is warning that the New Testament congregation will also fall just like Israel was in the same way where the unfaithful are attacking the Chosen believers.
Its a literal city 1500 by 1500 described in the greatest of detail. Maybe you should try believing the literal word of God instead of spiritualizing it to fit your own personal systematic on the end times.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States

No it’s you that lacks spiritual discernment.
not a chance lol- been studying this before you were born my friend. :) no one on this earth believes what you have developed as your own doctrine. Your youtube videos bear this out. You alone have this " special " revelation where you have figured out Gods timeline.

You have set yourself above Christ who said He did not know the day/hour/time of His return but somehow God the Father gave you knowledge that was withheld from Jesus.

Sure lol. Thats the same garbage David Koresh told gullible people who were also mislead.


Active Member
May 1, 2023
Somewhere west of Mississippi River
United States
Its a literal city 1500 by 1500 described in the greatest of detail.

LOL. who told you this? Where do you find that in Scrioture.

Maybe you should try believing the literal word of God instead of spiritualizing it to fit your own personal systematic on the end times.

Says the foolish man who lacks spiritual discernment.

1st Corth 2:12-13
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


Active Member
May 1, 2023
Somewhere west of Mississippi River
United States
not a chance lol- been studying this before you were born my friend. :)

Nothing to do with how long you have been studied. Even the the Pharisees and their scribes has studied all of their life but lack understanding because they’re blind. Only the spirit of God gives His people to discern what He actually talks about. You may think Christ talked about literal fulfillment but you still dont get it which I am not surprised.