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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
He is our reconciliation.
The legalist believes that that doing something is the reconciliation, or keeps it.
Either our reconliation is complete, or it's not, and God already did what He is going to do to reconcile us.

God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself

I think this is something else that can go unrecognized. God ALREADY has reconciled the whole world to Himself! Enemies, sinners, the lot of us! Everything God had against humanity was put on Jesus and removed.

So even before we believe, God already restored His friendship to us, now He urges us, be reconciled to Him. Receive the reconciliation!

It's Already There!!

Cash the Check!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Either our reconliation is complete, or it's not, and God already did what He is going to do to reconcile us. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself

The only thing that separates a person from God, is the sin of unbelief.
This is the unpardonable sin.
All others are dealt with 2000 yrs ago, on the CROSS.

So, if you are born again, then that is PROOF< you gave God real faith that God accepted to save you. = born again.
This salvation is ETERNAL Life........not temporary life..

And the best part? Its based on what Jesus did for us, which removes the responsibility from us.
This is why God calls it a "GIFT">. The GIFT of Salvation. The GIFT of Righteousness.
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Feb 6, 2018
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[QUOTE="Taken, post: 949388, member: 7756"

We have NOT "YET" been Raised SINLESS.
We are NOT Born Again "INTO" Gods Spirit.

Of course you are "raised sinless".......as if you are not sinless, you are not born again.

See, when we are born again, we are born again INTO this position...."ONE with God and Christ".

So, to be ONE with God, is to exist "in Christ", Spiritually.

This is the "NEW BIRTH"< WHERE OUR BORN Again Spirit has become risen, which is to be "in Christ".

The reason we are water baptized after we are saved (Born again) is to symbolically show that our old man is dead and we are RISEN up out of that water, as a NEW CREATION, who is born again, into God's Spirit.

Being born again, is God birthing your dead spirit into His Spirit, by THE Holy Spirit.

I Have stated in Brief what occurs, concerning A man's "soul" (Restored/Saved) and "spirit" (Born Again into A NEW Creature) and his crucified "BODY", which IS Spiritually DEAD and has NOT been Risen in Glory (SINLESS.)

Male Human Seeds ARE Planted a Female, Grow and Developed in a Womb, Born from a womb, and Shall Die.

Gods Spiritual Seed is planted in a humans Circumcised Heart, Grow and Develop in the Heart, ARE Spiritual, Never Die, and Are Revealed TO Sight, When Risen IN an Immortal Body.

Without Seeing...you Know IF another is Born Again...by what he Says and Does.

A Born Again man Can NEVER Disbelieve in God.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
No, I've been saying you CAN know that you are saved and have eternal life! You know it by if you are continuing to sin or not. John said so.

John does not say you know you have eternal life because you keep believing.
Those are your words and your theology.
Dont impugn John with that legalism stuff, as that is really offensive to the Cross.

John said that we can know we are saved, and have eternal life, = because the One who IS Eternal Life, JESUS....lives in us and we are "in Christ".

a legalist does not understand that Salvation IS JESUS.
He is Salvation.
He is GRACE.
Its not faith that you keep, or works that you do.
Its JESUS who is Salvation, and this same Jesus, as John teaches , IS our Eternal Life.
If we have Christ inside us then we are "In Christ" = we HAVE Eternal Life.


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Feb 6, 2018
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marks- added a revision to my post...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
No, I've been saying you CAN know that you are saved and have eternal life! You know it by if you are continuing to sin or not. John said so.
John said the one who is born again does not commit sin. Period. Simple statement.

John's Greek is very simple. That's why they tend to start Koine Greek student with reading and translating John.

What did John actually say about how we know?

1 John 1:6
If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

1 John 2:9-11
9) He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
10) He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
11) But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.

This part . . .

1 John 3:9-10
9) Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
10) In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

This is descriptive, this is how others know we're born of God. This is looking from the outside in.

How do we know??

1 John 3:16
Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

We know He loves us, because He died for us.

1 John 3:18-19
18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
19) And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him.

And we know we are of the truth if we love, in deed and truth.

Not, count your sins, test your determination, your power of the will, your opinions of your self-control.

Do you love others?

I've heard so many times, "Well, love will be shown by keeping the 10 commandments".

The love that shows to us that we are of the truth is something inside us, the genuine concern and desire for the wellbeing of others. The genuine desire and motions to give ourselves to others, to care for them, to improve their lives, their reward, their fruitfulness.

It's an entirely different way of looking at things.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Of course you are "raised sinless".......as if you are not sinless, you are not born again.

See, when we are born again, we are born again INTO this position...."ONE with God and Christ".

So, to be ONE with God, is to exist "in Christ", Spiritually.

This is the "NEW BIRTH"< WHERE OUR BORN Again Spirit has become risen, which is to be "in Christ".

The reason we are water baptized after we are saved (Born again) is to symbolically show that our old man is dead and we are RISEN up out of that water, as a NEW CREATION, who is born again, into God's Spirit.

Being born again, is God birthing your dead spirit into His Spirit, by THE Holy Spirit.

I Have stated in Brief what occurs, concerning A man's "soul" (Restored/Saved) and "spirit" (Born Again into A NEW Creature) and his crucified "BODY", which IS Spiritually DEAD and has NOT been Risen in Glory (SINLESS.)

Male Human Seeds ARE Planted a Female, Grow and Developed in a Womb, Born from a womb, and Shall Die.

Gods Spiritual Seed is planted in a humans Circumcised Heart, Grow and Develop in the Heart, ARE Spiritual, Never Die, and Are Revealed TO Sight, When Risen IN an Immortal Body.

Without Seeing...you Know IF another is Born Again...by what he Says and Does.

A Born Again man Can NEVER Disbelieve in God.

I still like it!

Much love!
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Receiving Salvation of ones soul AND Receiving Gods Seed in ones Heart (Baptism of The Holy Spirit);
IS a Personal, Unseen, Event Between that ONE MAN and the Lord God.

•Other men, Have the "eye seeing" ceremony, and "ear hearing" confessions...
•Other men, DO NOT KNOW, "for surety"...
IF the man's Confession was "Heartful OR Mindful".
•And the "SEEING" Ceremony, neither "proves" a Required "HEARTFUL" confession Occured.

It is AFTER the FACT, other men can Observe...SEE and HEAR...what the MAN Says and Does.

Other men can be Fooled, for a moment, for years...But God is Never Fooled.

•It has been Revealed...other men; claimed "they WERE Baptized", Believed, But Believe No more.
• It has been Revealed...other men; claimed
"they WERE Baptized", But, NEVER Believed.

^ Those are men WHO LIED TO God, IN the presence of OF other men (witnesses), in a Ceremony to honor them, IN a charade mock Water Baptism...that has ZERO standing IN Truth.

They Fooled men...they did not Fool God, and neither was their Soul Saved or their Heart Circumcised or their spirit Born Again of Gods Seed.
They HAVE Openly (before witnesses) Lied To The witnesses, Lied to God and put Gods Gift of Salvation and Baptism of Gods Holy Spirit...to Shame.
Their Day shall come to Appear before the Court and BE Judged, for their LYING to God.

God Does NOT Force Anyone To Confess Belief.
However, God Does Require An Individual TO "BE SURE", before a Confession, and that his Confession IS Heartfully TRUE.

Confession IS a BIG BIG Deal...Truth IS a BIG BIG BIG Deal....
Churches, Parents, Friends....pressuring An Individual to partake in a Ceremony of Confession and Water Baptism has become more of a fan-fair Of Ritual, clothing, center of attention, pleasing a parent, friend....than focus on the individuals Preparedness In Gods Word and Seriousness of Gods Gift of Salvation and Baptism of ones spirit.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Eternal Life IS "Spiritual Life".

Holy / Fallen Angel's ARE spirits, they Are Eternally Alive.

Humans are Body's that HAVE a spirit.
A natural spirit. It along with its Body ARE Subject to Death.

All human Body's SHALL DIE.

A humans spirit MAY become Born Again BY Gods Seed....and Thereafter that "spirit HAVE Eternal Life"....
A humans spirit may Die with his natural body.

The conundrum appears most ARE UNAWARE...exactly WHAT "a human spirit IS."

•A human "spirit"...IS a Humans "TRUTH" in his "HEART".....
•NOT his "Logical, gaining new knowledge, weighing, ciphering, wondering, psychologically testing, leaning on his senses, to decide a tangible truth...until new knowledge comes along and he "changes HIS "MIND"!

• While still IN our disbelieving SIN...God Listens to The True "Heartful" Confession of a Sinful Man....True "Heartful" Confession of Belief....
•And at THAT MOMENT...Gods Unseen Hand and Power....instantly...Forgives that man, Circumcises that man's Heart....
Restores his soul, Gives Him a NEW Heart, A New TRUTH....Gods TRUTH, (among other things previously mentioned).

That Truth, Gods Truth In a Man's New Heart....IS Precisely MANS Gift of a "Tool and Powerful Strength"...
To Rely on his NEW Truth... OVER his Logical Mind, in all things Pertaining TO:
his Relationship with his Spiritual God...
And his relationship "with other men".

Think a Logical thinking man wouldn't like to Destroy those Pus Sacs that have Deceivingly seated themselves in DC? I would...Logically, Mindfully.
However; Spiritually...Demise of Evil and Wickedness and Revenge IS Expressly Reserved unto Gods Authority.
We Suffer, At the Doings of the Wicked Pus Sacs in DC...And OF the World...And Wait "IN Gods Peace and Gods Comfort"...for the Day of Gods Intervention....
We Wait for the Glorious Day, Of Utter Complete Separation from the Evil spirits and Wicked men OF this World.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Where is you Sin ?
OP ^


Heb 1:
[1] For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.

The Good Things (partially revealed):
Rom 4:
[7] Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

1 John 2:
[1] My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
[2] And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

John 1:
[9] That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Rev 21:
[7] He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Does God still see sin on/in the born again, ever again, subsequent to Salvation.?

A.) NO He does not.

Because He has no longer any justification to see it.
In other words, when sin is redeemed (forgiven and forgotten) based on the Blood Atonement, then God no longer has the right to see what He has, though Christ's blood, resolved for you, 2000 yrs ago on THe Cross.
This is wny Romans 4:8 tells you that God does not ever again charge you with sin, or with sinning.
This is because all your sin has been JUDGED.......already........ on the Cross.
Jesus became your sin, and died... and so..... that resolves all your sin.
See, you will never be judged in eternity after you die for your sin...= because Christ has already been judged for THEM ALL, on Earth, on the CROSS..... 2000 yrs ago.
THAT....is Salvation.

Now most of you are stuck in the : "im a sinner, sinning, and confessing", theology of self righteousness.
An in that wrong belief system, you do not see yourself as the blood of Jesus has cause God to see you.
So, many of you are at odds with God's eternal perspective of you, = if you are confessing sin, and believe you can lose your salvation.
So, you have to bring yourself into the right MIND alignment that exists as co-equal to God's perspective of who you are and who you remain, as Born again... "in Christ".
YOU have to renew your mind into RIGHT BELIEVING, and until you do, you will not have the power of Christ to deliver you from the sinning and confessing "babe in Christ" status.
God will not do this for you... because He expects YOU to do it.
So....Once you see yourself as God has recreated your born again Spirit to be, .. as "ONE with God and Christ",... or "As Christ is, so are the born again ON Earth"....then you will stop existing in a broken faith that is theologically resisting God's Grace, which denies it the power to deliver you from the sinning and confessing failed discipleship.

Now....Hebrews says ALL your sins are "purged".... and it says you are "perfected".... and that by Christ's (blood atonement) offering = All your sins are resolved.
2nd Corin says that Jesus became your sin, and Jesus Died for them all., including tomorrow's.
Romans 4:5 says that God does not charge your sin to you, ever again.

So, i'll ask you 4 questions.

1.) If the born again, are "IN Christ", and are "ONE" with God and Christ, can sin exist there?

2,) If being born again, means to be born INTO GOD's Spirit, being made worthy to be there by "the righteousness of God in Christ", as "made Righteous", as "The gift of Righteousness", is there any sin found there?

3.) If we the born again, are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are IN US, can sin be found there?

4.) If all the born again exist eternally as #1 and #2, #3 then does any sin exist there?

Now, answer those 4 questions in your own heart, is the best way for you to do it.

Born again. Born again. Born again... That is all that is required, don't worry about sin or the temptation of the evil one or repenting or being a decent human being. Just do whatever u like cos your already saved...

Hehehe... So certain you are of yourself, despite there being various interpretations and contradicting scripture...
There are several passages that clearly say that we will all be judged on what we have done. And you are basically dismissing all of Pauls's writings since he was obviously having a war with evil and sin... A spiritual war...

So while u claim to be infallible u are actually prone to be the most fallible.
You don't have all the knowledge, no one does... And without all that information one can only speculate.
Thats what u are doing, speculating. Nothing more... This claim of infallibility comes with pride...
A massive dose of pride u have there. Elevating yourself above Jesus even...

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
So, your faith is....."im not quite saved till im with God, so, till that day, i keep myself saved by my faith
No, the believing person is saved right now. And they remain in that saved position if they let the word that they heard in the beginning remain in them.

24As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25And this is what he promised us—eternal life. 1 John 2:24-25

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
The choice is made, and we've been born again. I've repented, been converted, and God owns me. He's set His seal of ownership on me, and do you suppose I can break that? I don't. I don't see anything like that in the Bible.

Much love!
You can think whatever you want about that. What's important is that you keep believing. Because Christ rejecting unbelievers don't get to go into the kingdom at the end of the age.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
However, a Christian that is not a novice, who understands that they can "KNOW they have eternal life", and are not to be found trying to prove you can't know it
Who's trying to prove you can't know if you have eternal life? Everyone who is believing in Christ has eternal life. And we know if we are truly believing by if we obey God's commands in a changed life.