Why It Is Improper for Christians To Complain about the United States

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Justin Mangonel

New Member
Nov 7, 2012
Dear All,

I believe that it is improper for Christians to complain about the United States because we are not worth our salt anymore.

Our nation is going down because we have not stood up. We are so fractionalized that we cannot unify and thus we are weak and let those things we complain about grow. We are un-submissive to the Holy Spirit because if we were, as a group, in submission to the Holy Spirit this nation, of which we complain, would turn around very quickly.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
Personal opinion
There are far more that claim to be lead by the Spirit than are actually born of the Spirit.

There are dozens of polls, with even a conservative view of being inaccurate revel that professing faith has a broad range of meanings.
In a nut shell most in evangelical Christianity through their own laziness have become biblical idiots. They can not discern heresy from truth.

A recent survey said that 25 percent of Christians who say they are born again Christians, do not even believe that Jesus rose from the dead. A similar percentage believe other religions lead to God. Half of them believe that Jesus sinned. The vast majority of those surveyed do not believe in absolute truth.


[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
Justin Mangonel said:
Dear All,

I believe that it is improper for Christians to complain about the United States because we are not worth our salt anymore.

Our nation is going down because we have not stood up. We are so fractionalized that we cannot unify and thus we are weak and let those things we complain about grow. We are un-submissive to the Holy Spirit because if we were, as a group, in submission to the Holy Spirit this nation, of which we complain, would turn around very quickly.
I don't quite follow your statement. Initially you seem to be saying that unsalty Christians have no right to their opinion simply because they've lost their flavor before God. If so, that category would also include the unsaved. Your statement is confusing because it employs references to spirituality that have nothing to do with human rights under constitutional law. Instead you are twisting Romans 13:1 into some sort of mindless voiceless compliance with fascist federal policies.

"The unwillingness of the sinner to be regarded as a sinner is the ultimate form of sin."
- Martin Luther

According to the now obsolete primary document of law in these United States, the constitution, all citizens have a right to speak their mind. Are you now saying that the repressive practice of political mind control should be exercised upon Christians both salty and unsalty?

"Christ does not vindicate a nation. It is the sovereignty of God that is vindicated."
- Reinhold Neibuhr

Which is the primary law in your life? The law of Christ or the law of the United States? Which is highest? Where is your allegiance - to the righeousness of God or to the besmirched flag of America? You cannot serve God and mammon!

In the United States most churches display the American flag. According to display etiquette the American flag is to be displayed on its own right (google it if you don't believe me). All other symbols and flags are of lesser importance and are to be displayed to the left of the American flag. Therefore if you sit in the congregation of a church where the American flag is displayed you will see it on the extreme right (or left if you are in the congregation facing forward). All other symbols and flags of lesser importance are to the left of the flag (or to its right if you are still sitting in the congregation and haven't left the venue by now).

The cross of Christ (or the altar or both) are to the left of the American flag, symbolizing that they are of lesser importance. Long story short, according to law of the land the cross of Christ, the very symbol of Our God, is of lesser importance than the flag of the Federal government of the United States.

Is that what you believe?

It's only a symbol you may say, but what are symbols - especially the cross - if not the expression of the deepest intent of the human heart?

Where is it written in God's Holy Word that any Christian is supposed to give his or her political allegiance to a government INSTEAD OF the revealed will of God?
Where is it written in God's Word that any Christian is supposed to walk by and ignore a fellow human being who has been injured by the system (or anybody else)?
Where is it written that Christians are to embrace and give their wholehearted allegiance to the world system as expressed by the government of the United States (or any other since we're on the subject)?
Or are we to come out from them and be separate from them?
Where is it written that Christians are to remain silent when evil men work and speak?

"When good men do nothing, evil will flourish."
- Winston Churchill

Saying nothing, not complaining about our corrupt government and debauched society, is the very essence of submission and allegiance to the world system - it is evidence of extreme nationalistic confusion if not the rhetoric of the devil itself.

Our founding fathers rose up against tyranny and threw it off - first by COMPLAINING about it and second by risking their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. It is written by them somewhere if you care to google it. What a surprise you'll have when you discover where those words appear. Lack of complaint is the choice of cowards and wretched sinful men. Have you not read ANY of the words of the prophets of old? Their's are words of complaint and judgment. They were men of great courage and heroic effort.

AMERICA is not a word for a spectator sport!

The word of hope is expressed when sin is identified and when the desire to throw it off is stated openly, plainly and forcefully.

Until and unless that day comes, our nation will continue to circle the drain of empires lost in the pages of history.

but that's just me, hollering from the choir loft...


New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Justin Mangonel said:
Dear All,

I believe that it is improper for Christians to complain about the United States because we are not worth our salt anymore.

Our nation is going down because we have not stood up. We are so fractionalized that we cannot unify and thus we are weak and let those things we complain about grow. We are un-submissive to the Holy Spirit because if we were, as a group, in submission to the Holy Spirit this nation, of which we complain, would turn around very quickly.
If you see a person about to walk into a ditch,and you say nothing,and the person dies,does that make you a murderer?
Alot of people cant just sit by,and watch the country drive off the cliff.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I choose to be a person who leads others to the exit during a fire - not the idiot who runs around like a chicken with his head cut off yelling the obvious 'FIRE'.

Just because your message is true doesn't mean you are delivering it effectively. You can cry 'fire and brimstone' all you want, but you may be causing more damage than good.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Why It Is Improper for Christians To Complain about the United States

Easy trigger it is not improper, without complaint, the complacency is taken as acceptance and acceptance is used as a directive toward compliance. Compliance is used a validity and validity is used for enforcement. Then enforcement is used as a weapon by the government to achieve more complacency.

As example: Remember the "seat-belt" law... it was stated that one couild never be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt. They also claimed that the law would not be changed so one could be pulled over for not wearing a seatbelt... but that lie was proven a lie in less than 2 years. Now, not putting down the use of a seat belt.. i just do not believe this government should be able to enforce a persons right to decide.

Dang it aspen2. I liked being the one to run around yellin' FIRE.