Will we have to rethink the age of the universe?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"

Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought

Even the big bang theory is up for debate!

Where is the centre of the universe?

If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"

Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought

Even the big bang theory is up for debate!

Where is the centre of the universe?

If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!

The Big Bang Theory can be easily dismissed when you see that some of the planets in our very own galaxy rotates in the opposite direction of Earth. There is no way cause and effect can establish that pattern in our galaxy by sheer chance from the so called Big Bang.

If we read His words, God created the heavens the fourth day to give light to the earth for governing of times and seasons. That means He created the firmaments in the heavens, ( the sources for that light ) and filled in the gap of that light from their sources, to govern the earth that fourth day.

So regardless of how fast light travel through space, we actually cannot tell how old the earth is when He filled in the gap of that light source to givern the earth that fourth day.

Indeed, there is a lot of evidence that God created mature living things as well as His word answers the question; which came first, the chicken or the egg? It was a full grown adult chicken. Just like man was created as an adult.

If we take the Star Trek point of view in setting up the holodeck program, we would find that we cannot build it from scratch whatever world we think to program into the holodeck. Indeed, your buddies would be very impatient for you to program a world for entertainment if you took the laws of physic approach in programming things. So even in set up for a holodeck program to run, there is an instant maturity in the things created in the holodeck program. God took six days in setting up creation to run and He rested on the seventh day as a testimony how long it took God to create everything.

God has created the entire reality of our universe and thus testifying that He is not limited when He exists in Heaven as outside the reality of our universe as He is the One that created it. He can intervene to alter the "events" or "people" in the program because He is the Programmer. He is God.

Science may stumble around in the dark for how everything was created, but we have His words to know the truth about how everything was created since Jesus, the Word of God; the Creator of our Universe, testified that the scripture cannot be broken and thus validating the seventh day of rest from God's creation that it was created for man and not man for the sabbath as well as validating how God made the first man and the first woman by how the first marriage came about. Jesus validated the scripture of the behemoth which is described as a dinosaur having a tail like a cedar which is a tree in Job 40th chapter as this behemoth was made with man and Jesus validated Noah's ark and the global flood to warn believers of the coming calamity of fire on the earth to escape by way of the pre trib rapture thus the call to be found abiding in Him by His grace & by His help to be ready to leave this life to join Him at the Marriage Supper table above.

There is real science; and there is a false science; lean on Jesus to know which is false in according to His words.

1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
i read something that postulated that the reason we do not see an unbroken blanket of white (stars) at night is strictly because there has not been enough time for light further than 15 billion light years from us to reach us.


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
The James Webb Space Telescope, also called Webb or JWST, is a large, space-based observatory, optimized for infrared wavelengths, which will complement and extend the discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope. It launches in 2018.

It will be interesting to see what this telescope sees when it focuses in on the darkness of space!

Hubble Space Telescope's replacement arrives at NASA’s Johnson Space Center



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
The world is 5777 years old according to the bible. For the Christian there is nothing to rethink. T

sorry, the bible don't tell us the actual age of the world/planet. it only give a timeline of recorded history of "fallen" man and not the planet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I can see that the Universe can be "forever" old...I doubt that any numbers can count it. This tiny little bit that we are on had a beginning of it's 'creation' ... wow, just think..God just chose a tiny bit, and then began creating...it was outside of time..and He declare T I M E ...and it was so. He had the Lamb prepared, slain, before He began creation of this wee speck..
It blows my mind. I am sure, as someone said.. ..that the galaxies go on forever...and yet there is nothing that has not come out 'from God'...He engulfs them all!!

Psalm 19:
19 "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"

Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought

Even the big bang theory is up for debate!

Where is the centre of the universe?

If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!
All things, including time and the universe, are a manifestation of things on high. Meaning, both truth and untruth, are projected into what is visible.

So... whether one writes it in a sentence on a blank piece of paper or in a history book, or writes it across the sky...lies appear just as valid as truth.

It really does matter what you believe.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
sorry, the bible don't tell us the actual age of the world/planet. it only give a timeline of recorded history of "fallen" man and not the planet.
See even me saying yes it does proves nothing. If I give you the scriptures in black and white you wont believe it. You have your mind set. Thats the way of man.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
See even me saying yes it does proves nothing. If I give you the scriptures in black and white you wont believe it. You have your mind set. Thats the way of man.
ok, go for it, give the scripture that give the date of the planet


Active Member
May 16, 2019
United States
For a very long time there was one group of scientists who could prove that the universe was not younger than 19 billion years. Another group could prove that the universe was not older than 13 billion years. Neither group could find any flaw in the other group's proof. This does not promote confidence in scientific reasoning.

Edwin Hubble observed red shifted light*. He did not speculate on the cause. Others assumed it was caused by Doppler effect, meaning stars were all moving away, without considering any other possible cause. Somehow they also concluded that they could estimate distance from the same data. So about half of everything astronomers think they know about the universe is based on an assumption and a totally wacko conclusion.

*Excited atoms shine with certain colors unique to the atom. Non-excited atoms absorb the same colors. So astronomers analyze the colors of light to determine what atoms are involved. Hubble found the patterns ok, but the colors were redder than they should have been. There are several known causes of that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"

Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought

Even the big bang theory is up for debate!

Where is the centre of the universe?

If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!
Or the 15B is wrong, and we can go back to around 7000?

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
The only definitive historical record we have is that God created the whole universe and our world in six 24 hour days. He was the only One there at the time and who knows how it really happened.

Atheistic evolutionists will not consider the wealth of evidence that proves a young earth and universe because they deliberately choose not to believe it. They will not accept the authority of the Bible because they are rebelling against God as Adam did. It doesn't matter how much evidence is produced by faithful believers who honour the authority of God and the Bible He wrote, those who are in rebellion against God will always argue against it. They don't want God in the picture because they will have to admit that they have a moral responsibility to a Person who will judge them one day.

And, the only difference between atheistic evolution and theistic evolution is that the latter has inserted God into it - but it is not the God of the Bible, but a imaginary image of a god of their own making to try and provide an alternative explanation other than what the Bible clearly states as history.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The only definitive historical record we have is that God created the whole universe and our world in six 24 hour days. He was the only One there at the time and who knows how it really happened.
Actually that is not true. There are definitive time frames throughout the Bible.

Especially when God declares something finished and when God starts to work again.

Even genealogies are helpful, but they only confirm with sources outside of the Bible.

Written history itself is a key. Not the dating of artifacts. But humans themselves kept records. These do not contradict the Bible.

We know that God works in days, and days to God can be 1000 years. We just need to be smart and understand how God uses those terms in the Bible.

God's day of rest was God’s day, so 1000 years. The Day of the Lord is God’s day, so it is 1000 years. We just need to agree on the record of humans themselves how long recorded history lasted. We know the Flood was a beginning and end. Jesus' death on the cross was a beginning and end. The exact point of all the kingdoms of this earth given to Jesus Christ is a beginning and end.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
Actually that is not true. There are definitive time frames throughout the Bible.

Especially when God declares something finished and when God starts to work again.

Even genealogies are helpful, but they only confirm with sources outside of the Bible.

Written history itself is a key. Not the dating of artifacts. But humans themselves kept records. These do not contradict the Bible.

We know that God works in days, and days to God can be 1000 years. We just need to be smart and understand how God uses those terms in the Bible.

God's day of rest was God’s day, so 1000 years. The Day of the Lord is God’s day, so it is 1000 years. We just need to agree on the record of humans themselves how long recorded history lasted. We know the Flood was a beginning and end. Jesus' death on the cross was a beginning and end. The exact point of all the kingdoms of this earth given to Jesus Christ is a beginning and end.
If you choose not to believe that God created the world in six 24 hour days, you are rejecting the authority of the Bible record of Genesis 1-3. Therefore, if you reject the authority of one part of the Bible, you reject the lot.

If you want to base your faith on a gospel that is not upon the basis of the authority of the Bible, then that is up to you. In my opinion, rejecting the authority of the Bible, even in just Genesis 1-3 by adding man's opinion to it, then it is the same as rejecting God's authority itself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
How did what I posted draw that conclusion?

You said the only definitive historical record...

I said "no" there are other definitive time frames throughout the Bible.

That does not mean I counted Genesis out. I did not mention them, because I agree with you that they are definitive.

Not accusing you, just trying to clear up any misunderstandings on what I wrote. If my wording was confusing, I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"

Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought

Even the big bang theory is up for debate!

Where is the centre of the universe?

If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!
Rocky, Wether the universe is 15 billion years old, or 150 billion years old, isn't going to make a major difference in my daily life.

Are there any limits to the size of the universe? And could more big bangs be taking place at the edge or beyond the edge of the universe as we know it? All I see beyond the universe are endless possibilities.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
The Big Bang Theory can be easily dismissed when you see that some of the planets in our very own galaxy rotates in the opposite direction of Earth. There is no way cause and effect can establish that pattern in our galaxy by sheer chance from the so called Big Bang.

I think you've confused "solar system" and "galaxy." I don't think we're yet good enough to see which way planets in other solar systems rotate.

Taking into account the factors mentioned above, as well as tidal effects from other planets, the team concluded that Venus's axis could have shifted to a variety of positions throughout the planet's evolution. Regardless of whether it flipped or not, it is bound to settle into one of four stable rotation statestwo in either direction. The researchers add that Venus would be more stable in one of the two retrograde rotational states. So in essence, it was just a question of time before Venus started spinning the wrong way.
Why Venus Spins the Wrong Way

Gravitational forcings do all sorts of things like that. This seems to be why Uranus is tilted sideways and goes the wrong way.

So why, if a solar system is formed by gravity pulling pieces together, does almost everything rotate (and revolve) the same way? Conservation of angular momentum. Even if particle movement is chaotic intially, eventually, almost everything will be rotating and revolving in the same direction.

To see this effect, go to 2:48 on the video. Or watch it all. Worth checking out.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Will we have to rethink the age of the universe? "Hubble Reveals Observable Universe Contains 10 Times More Galaxies Than Previously Thought"

Hubble Finds 10 Times More Galaxies Than Thought

Even the big bang theory is up for debate!

Where is the centre of the universe?

If the universe contains 10 times more galaxies than originally thought then the 15 billion year theory goes out the window, it would be much older than that!

Or much more younger according to the one who called it all into existence and was there when it was formed! He can answer with authority rather than with untestable methodologies