What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Not only from reports from hospitals nationwide, but from teh hospitals my family worlks at, mpost of these people sent home are sent home for they are not sick enough! Why? Because every hospital bed is full, they have peop-le on stretchers in the hallways.

They are sent home with no early treatment, no plan for getting an ant-inflammatory if they start having breathing problems - symptomatic or asymptomatic, they are sent home with NOTHING and just told to come to the hospital when they can’t breathe, BECAUSE the NIH says there’s no early treatment that can be given - this is a huge, evil, lie that has caused a massive death toll with the do noting protocol.

If hospitals are busy now, it’s the surge of the vaccinated, or from the huge influx of those having 1 of the 110 known vaccine complications - there is a huge increase ongoing right now of heart attacks, strokes, and everything else that is caused by blood clots, which are caused by spike proteins manufactured by the body after vaccination.

Israel is the most vaccinated nation on earth, with 95% vaccinated, yet 60% of those hospitalized for COVID are fully vaccinated, as exposed by yet another of those hundreds of whistleblowers worldwide, whom you ignore.

In an August 2021 paper entitled “Young adult mortality in Israel during the COVID-19 crisis,”Dr. Ohana examined a surge in Israeli youth deaths which he says are unexplained by anything other than a surge in vaccinations for the age group 20-49. Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, and is heavily studied as a prime ‘test tube.’

In August Beckers Hospital Reviewreported that nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel are fully vaccinated, contrary to US media reports claiming that it is overwhelmingly the “unvaccinated” who are getting COVID, which is anyway a 99.8% recovery ratevirus. As Anthony Fauci himself wrote in February of 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine: “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.”

Dr. Steve Ohana concluded that his findings should “urgently prompt a pause in the vaccination campaign, until the reasons of the youth excess mortality observed in mass vaccination countries are clarified.”

Dr. Ohanu wrote:

“[The] unexpected rise in excess mortality among young adults was also found in two other countries, the United Kingdom and Hungary, which have in common with Israel a massive vaccination of their populations…”

“from the data put altogether, the only event that can plausibly account for the repeated highest rises in excess deaths both in February and March 2021 is the vaccination.”

Below: Steve Ohana, Economist/Mathematician, on Israeli i24 (program episode)

Possibly - vaccine-caused deaths in the US reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), are now over 16,000. The CDC admits, in a page on VAERS in general, that reported events are “only a small fraction of actual adverse events.”

The CDC says at its official website:

“VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. “

Dr. Ohana’s conclusions follow a year of hundreds, if not thousands, of doctors and scientists, none of whom are against all vaccinations, or “anti-vaxxers,” calling for a halt to the mass COVID injections. [Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ]

Israeli Mathematician Says Vaccination Causing Surge in Youth Deaths



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
The vast majority of the 6 million Jews murdered in the holocaust, voluntarily got on the death trains that took them to the ovens, because the government lied to them, and said the trains would relocate them to a place of safety.

There were those who warned them not to get on the trains, and warned them they were being lied to - they couldn’t conceive of their government turning evil, and ignored those warnings as false.

That scenario is directly applicable to the COVID situation and the vaccines.

The vaccines are the death trains, and most people don’t believe the warnings of the brave doctors, nurses and others with impeccable credentials, not t get on those trains.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Read post #92 to educate yourself on why the vast super majority of asymptomatic or mild case people are sent home!

See Dr. McCulough on the need for early treatment that could lower the fatality rate by 85%.

They don’t come with better credentials than he has:

Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the importance of early treatment for COVID-19, and the potential motivations behind the suppression of safe and effective treatments.

McCullough has impeccable academic credentials. He’s an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas. He also has a master’s degree in public health and is known for being one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the United States and is the editor of two medical journals.

An excerpt from the article:

  • Perhaps one of the greatest crimes in this whole pandemic is the refusal by reigning heath authorities to issue early treatment guidance. Instead, they’ve done everything possible to suppress remedies shown to work, whether it be corticosteroids, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with zinc, ivermectin, vitamin D or NAC
  • According to Dr. Peter McCullough, 85% of COVID deaths could have been prevented had early treatment protocols been widely implemented rather than censored

Early At-Home Treatments Could Save 85% of Covid Deaths
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
According to Dr. Peter McCullough, 85% of COVID deaths could have been prevented had early treatment protocols been widely implemented rather than censored
And perhaps he is being very conservative. It could even have been 95%. But because it was necessary to create fear and panic in order to control and subjugate the public, all the early treatments were DELIBERATELY SABOTAGED. Which means that the Scamdemic was mass murder or genocide. Anyone siding with the genocidal killers is a partaker of their evil deeds.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers?
OP ^

I’m Converted IN Christ.
I’m not AGAINST vaccines.
Vaccines PREVENT contracting a disease.
I am AGAINST twisting the Truth into a Lie.
Scripturally Twisting the Truth into a Lie is called Murder!
The vials being distributed and in injected as Vaccines, are not Vaccines.
The injections are a Human Experiment.
It has nothing to do with PREVENTING a disease.
...(the “stats” of who lives who dies, are scrappy, irrelevant, simply keeps the people at large busy debating, divided, arguing....)
It has everything to do with ACQUIESCENCE.
...(the “stats” of who will, who will not, is the KEY STAT, of corrupt, greedy, power sitters.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
What is wrong with all these Christian anti-vaxxers?
OP ^

I’m Converted IN Christ.
I’m not AGAINST vaccines.
Vaccines PREVENT contracting a disease.
I am AGAINST twisting the Truth into a Lie.
Scripturally Twisting the Truth into a Lie is called Murder!
The vials being distributed and in injected as Vaccines, are not Vaccines.
The injections are a Human Experiment.
It has nothing to do with PREVENTING a disease.
...(the “stats” of who lives who dies, are scrappy, irrelevant, simply keeps the people at large busy debating, divided, arguing....)
It has everything to do with ACQUIESCENCE.
...(the “stats” of who will, who will not, is the KEY STAT, of corrupt, greedy, power sitters.)
Correct, poison jabs are not real vaccines - the science behind real vaccines, of using a killed virus, is good.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Correct, poison jabs are not real vaccines - the science behind real vaccines, of using a killed virus, is good.

A true Vaccine does contain and historically has contained a small amount of the live virus.
Vaccines used historically over periods of years with good success....have been historically routinely administered to the very youngest of the population because, it is the youngest who typically do not have a compromised IMMUNE SYSTEM .... since they were not typically exposed to the world of diseases, as compared to adults.
(We have seen a huge change in the last 50 years...regarding small children...born, and immediately off to day care, regularly exposed in the public, and they have THICK Doctor charts and lists of medications associated with them, that reveals their immune systems are being compromised at very young ages.)

The covid shot (depending on which lab manufactures it) can contain, an isolated single gene of the virus, a mixture with synthetic poisons, foreign DNA, or simply be a placebo, (as like a harmless saline injection).

Individuals are reporting very negative reactions, and some reporting no negative reactions....<—-> That keeps the people busy debating.
It is the con artists, that are keeping tabs on who is and who is not going to simply do as they say without protest. It is about Control, not about preventing some pseudo invisible scary disease.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome aka: AIDS


Some COVID-19 vaccines could increase HIV risk: researchers
Some coronavirus vaccine candidates currently under development could increase susceptibility to HIV, a group of researchers has warned.

A modified virus being used in four COVID-19 vaccine contenders — called adenovirus 5 (Ad5) — has been shown to increase transmission of the AIDS virus in the past, the researchers wrote in a “cautionary tale” published in The Lancet medical journal Monday.

Adenoviruses — a group of common viruses which can cause a range of illnesses, including the common cold — are sometimes genetically engineered and used to create inoculations.

But the Ad5 strain used in a potential HIV vaccination a decade ago was found to make some men more vulnerable to HIV in placebo-controlled trials, according to Science Magzine.

It is unclear why Ad5 increased the risk of HIV infection in the trial, but following these findings, the National Institutes of Health, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, recommended against using the strain in vaccines.

The researchers are warning that more needs to be learned about this side effect before COVID-19 vaccinations are rolled out to vulnerable populations.

“If I were in a sub-Saharan African country and making a decision as to what I would want for my country for a general population use of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, I don’t see why I would pick an Ad5 vector [vaccine] when there are many other alternative choices,” Professor Lawrence Corey, one of the co-authors of the Lancet warning told Science Mag.

The researchers identify four potential COVID-19 vaccines containing Ad5 that are in development internationally, including in the US.

California-based ImmunityBio received approval from the Food and Drug Administration last week to begin preliminary testing of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, according to the LA Times. The vaccine uses Ad5 to deliver coronavirus proteins into the body to trigger an immune response which hopefully protects against infection.

However, the company’s CEO Patrick Soon-Shiong insists that ImmunityBio’s Ad5 has four deleted genes that reduce the immune responses it triggers.

“It’s 90% muted,” he told Science Mag.

Two other coronavirus vaccine contenders containing the modified virus are currently in advanced trials in Russia and Pakistan, according to the outlet.

COVID-19 vaccines currently in development by Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca use different adenoviruses as vectors to deliver the proteins, it added.
it aint over.....
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
It hasn't? My bad. It didn't share that bit of info. I just assume. Here is the link proving how they were making the vaccines for covid 19.

Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Quoting from link "The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are messenger RNA vaccines also called mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are some of the first COVID-19 vaccines authorized and approved for use in the United States." end of quote

The love of money is the root of all evil. Dr. Fauci has not denied having invested in that Wuhan research facility. For all the other Chinese viruses that came into US like SARS, and there is a photo of Biden as Vice President being on top of it then, but the government has not been on top of it?

Then you have to wonder why we get reports on YouTube about a doctor complaining about an order to inflate the numbers of deaths by covid 19. I cannot find that video again but here is an elected official addressing this.

And although below this video report the love of money can be the cause, it denies it being the motivation because of civil lawsuit but then who could prove it otherwise without losing their jobs at that hospital?

Thanks for the cite on how mRNA vaccines work. I read that one, but is the most accurate out there.

Sadly hospitals will push the pencil if someone dies and also have covid. It is hard when your hospital is struggling financially to not take the largesse teh government is willing to give away.

But as I have said , I believe covid deaths are overstated and covid vaccine deaths are overrated.

Without autopsies and forensic testing we will never get a real accurate count of the deaths for both.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2022
Pennsylvania / Hermitage
United States
Thanks for the cite on how mRNA vaccines work. I read that one, but is the most accurate out there.

Sadly hospitals will push the pencil if someone dies and also have covid. It is hard when your hospital is struggling financially to not take the largesse teh government is willing to give away.

But as I have said , I believe covid deaths are overstated and covid vaccine deaths are overrated.

Without autopsies and forensic testing we will never get a real accurate count of the deaths for both.

Well, surely from this, one can understand some believer's skepticism as well as being unwilling to follow the crowd on this one.

BTW, if a mass on the pancreas is not cancerous, but a cyst, thus no chemo therapy needed after removing the mass, does it sound right to you that removing the spleen and the surrounding lymph nodes should also be done because of what may be lingering infection? Why can't antibiotics take care of that if it is an infection? Or is he just wanting the spleen out of the way so it be easier for him to remove the mass from the pancreas?

Seems odd that the doctor is treating it like a cancer even though the mass is not, but still removing the surrounding lymph nodes and spleen.

Just citing an example and wondering what your take on that be or do you have a medical site that can answer that question?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
If hospitals are busy now, it’s the surge of the vaccinated, or from the huge influx of those having 1 of the 110 known vaccine complications - there is a huge increase ongoing right now of heart attacks, strokes, and everything else that is caused by blood clots, which are caused by spike proteins manufactured by the body after vaccination.

I await your evidence that contradicts teh reports from multiple states. According ot most reports over 90% of the hospitalized in serious condition are unvaxxed!

They are sent home with no early treatment, no plan for getting an ant-inflammatory if they start having breathing problems - symptomatic or asymptomatic, they are sent home with NOTHING and just told to come to the hospital when they can’t breathe, BECAUSE the NIH says there’s no early treatment that can be given - this is a huge, evil, lie that has caused a massive death toll with the do noting protocol.

some are given protocols, most aren't. but this is a different issue to discuss rather than why they are sent home! But I ould agree, if they are sent home without even a course of steroids (if they are covid positive) then that is wrong!

Israel is the most vaccinated nation on earth, with 95% vaccinated, yet 60% of those hospitalized for COVID are fully vaccinated, as exposed by yet another of those hundreds of whistleblowers worldwide, whom you ignore.

In an August 2021 paper entitled “Young adult mortality in Israel during the COVID-19 crisis,”Dr. Ohana examined a surge in Israeli youth deaths which he says are unexplained by anything other than a surge in vaccinations for the age group 20-49. Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, and is heavily studied as a prime ‘test tube.’

In August Beckers Hospital Reviewreported that nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel are fully vaccinated, contrary to US media reports claiming that it is overwhelmingly the “unvaccinated” who are getting COVID, which is anyway a 99.8% recovery ratevirus. As Anthony Fauci himself wrote in February of 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine: “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.”

Well if that Dr. Ohana did not do indepth testing He is speculating or hypothesizing. There could be multiple issues! It could be due to being vaccinated, but until in depth study is done, all conclusions are very speculative at best.

Israel is only one of 200+ nations on earth. What studies have been done on the hospitalized to find out why?

Just like there is fake news attributing deaths to covid when they are not
There is also much fake news attributi9ng deaths to the shot when it is not.

Just liek the supposed surge in myocarditis hospitalizations and deaths. Doctors do not even know if the teen athletes even had myocarditis prior or not. It is only discovered if specifically looked for or multiple cardiac tests are done and discovered that way!

Yes statistically teh recovery rate from covid is high! and the decrease in cases of covid after being shot is high as well!

I cannot speak for Israel but in America since mid June of 22020 on the bulk of hospitalized people in areas where the vaccines were being given in large numbers, are "unvaxxed"

Vaccinated people have fewer severe cases, fewer deaths and fewer instances of needing ICU care. If that is a lie as you have said, I still await the data to bvack up the claim.

Possibly - vaccine-caused deaths in the US reported to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), are now over 16,000. The CDC admits, in a page on VAERS in general, that reported events are “only a small fraction of actual adverse events.”

Correct VAERS recieves only a %age of adverse effects because most peo
ple do not report sore ness at th e injection site, flu like symptoms, muscle aches etc. They just live thorugh it.

Deaths are different. and VAERS reports only count the intial data given. As teh deaths are studied and more facts are given, those numbers go down.

“[The] unexpected rise in excess mortality among young adults was also found in two other countries, the United Kingdom and Hungary, which have in common with Israel a massive vaccination of their populations…”

“from the data put altogether, the only event that can plausibly account for the repeated highest rises in excess deaths both in February and March 2021 is the vaccination.”

Just because he says, don't make it so. what actual research did he pore through, what clinical studies from forensic experts did he look at?

Just like a person dying from a heart attack who tested + for covid is called a covid death, so also people who die and had the shot are called vaccine deaths.

So we have have Israel, UK and Hungary seeing a higher mortality rate. Could it be the vaccine they are using? Was it a bad batch? did they have other issues that became increased? Just reproting a rise in teenage deaths and thay are vaccinated is no conclusion! It is only stating two factrs that may or may not be connected. If they are we need to find out why t3hey are connected for three nations out of 200+ is an anomoly that needs further study to find out why three out of 200+ are experiencing these things.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Well, surely from this, one can understand some believer's skepticism as well as being unwilling to follow the crowd on this one.

BTW, if a mass on the pancreas is not cancerous, but a cyst, thus no chemo therapy needed after removing the mass, does it sound right to you that removing the spleen and the surrounding lymph nodes should also be done because of what may be lingering infection? Why can't antibiotics take care of that if it is an infection? Or is he just wanting the spleen out of the way so it be easier for him to remove the mass from the pancreas?

Seems odd that the doctor is treating it like a cancer even though the mass is not, but still removing the surrounding lymph nodes and spleen.

Just citing an example and wondering what your take on that be or do you have a medical site that can answer that question?

Today given the increased knowledge, if a biopsy show the cyst benign, then yes I agree removing other organs is unwarranted. In the early history of these procedures, I can understand why they would take the extra precautions, simply from lack of time and learning and increase in knowledge.

I do not know why these doctors made these decisions. Best I can do is guess and my guess would be accurate in the range of 0-100%


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Here are the precise reasons why discerning Christians have serious doubts regarding the honesty and integrity of the health systems, and the politicians that run them. If you cannot see the significance, which ought to be self evident, I'll be happy to explain.Screenshot_2022-02-08-12-29-08-32.jpg Screenshot_2022-02-08-12-16-14-00.jpg
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Here are the precise reasons why discerning Christians have serious doubts regarding the honesty and integrity of the health systems, and the politicians that run them. If you cannot see the significance, which ought to be self evident, I'll be happy to explain.View attachment 20471 View attachment 20472

Well as this debate has nothing to do with god's Word in our heart- I wonder why you quote that.

Once again you are pulling a limited number of statistics from a country that uses a different vaccine! What is the reason? there can be 100 reasons for these hospitalizations with 2nd and booster shots! Other than raw data , this gives us little to go on! Is this common throughout the UK? Is it localized?

Every person is important, but when it comes to statistical reporting- this could be just a blip!

Example VAERS reports 16,000 deaths from shots. Let us assume all those deaths are direct from the shot. Superficially that is a very scary number! 16,000 people is a small town!

but now let us look at it in light of doses administered.

As of 2/6/22 there have been 670,573,255 doses administered. Of these VAERS has reported 16,854 deaths. So the % of deaths per dose administered is: .00002513%. In other words the % of people who have not died with either 1,2,3 shots is 99.99997487%

Though 16,000 deaths is truly sad and tragic, in comparison to how many doses given, it is but a drop of water in a lake.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Well as this debate has nothing to do with god's Word in our heart- I wonder why you quote that.

Once again you are pulling a limited number of statistics from a country that uses a different vaccine! What is the reason? there can be 100 reasons for these hospitalizations with 2nd and booster shots! Other than raw data , this gives us little to go on! Is this common throughout the UK? Is it localized?

Every person is important, but when it comes to statistical reporting- this could be just a blip!

Example VAERS reports 16,000 deaths from shots. Let us assume all those deaths are direct from the shot. Superficially that is a very scary number! 16,000 people is a small town!

but now let us look at it in light of doses administered.

As of 2/6/22 there have been 670,573,255 doses administered. Of these VAERS has reported 16,854 deaths. So the % of deaths per dose administered is: .00002513%. In other words the % of people who have not died with either 1,2,3 shots is 99.99997487%

Though 16,000 deaths is truly sad and tragic, in comparison to how many doses given, it is but a drop of water in a lake.

Great post! Thanks for being a voice of reason and sanity amidst all the disturbing misinformation about COVID-19. 8^)
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Great post! Thanks for being a voice of reason and sanity amidst all the disturbing misinformation about COVID-19. 8^)

And I feel sad that I seem to be a very small voice in believing circles. We as followers of Jesus should overflow with voices of reason and we of all should be critical of conspiracy theories. I know that conspiracy theories have a germ of truth but in Christian circles people are taking minor reports of death and blowing them way out of proportion. I follow lots of these theories, simply because they are fascinating. I just wish Christians would be better fact checkers before running around like Henny-Penny.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
What is the science telling us...without public media hysteria and intentional politically calculated misreporting?



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Though 16,000 deaths is truly sad and tragic, in comparison to how many doses given, it is but a drop of water in a lake.
This is the kind of nonsense that should never be presented by anyone, especially a Christian.

So to set the record straight here are the facts. Anyone with any intelligence and any integrity can confirm these facts for themselves. [And that number 16,000 is less than half of what it really is. So a lie to begin with].

1. Vaccines -- by definition -- are meant to produce immunity, NOT KILL PEOPLE.

2. Not a single bogus COVID vaccine has produced any immunity whatsoever. Israel is a good case in point. The highest vaccinated country in the world also has the highest number of vaccinated people in hospitals.

3. All mRNA vaccines have seriously damaged people's immune systems, circulatory systems, and reproductive systems. Not to mention many other serious adverse effective. This is all officially recorded.

4. In the history of vaccinations, if a vaccine produced close to 30 deaths, it would have been banned. The bogus vaccines have produced HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of deaths, and not a single government has totally banned all COVID vaccines.

5. Under the Nuremberg Code, which was specifically created against medical experimentation (after the Nazi atrocities) those administering these lethal and toxic injections should have stated very clearly to each person "This injection could either kill you or produce very serious adverse effects in your body. Do you still want to go ahead?" Chances are that absolutely everyone would have refused to be vaccinated. There was never full and transparent disclosure about anything.

6. Since the Nuremberg Code was ignored all governments have committed crimes against humanity, and there are now proceedings in this direction.

7. For people -- especially Christians -- to attack the truth and call it "conspiracy theories" means that they too are partakers of the evil deeds of the genocidal killers. It is the Fake News media that called everything a conspiracy theory until the actual conspiracy was discovered and acknowledged.

8. And there was indeed a criminal conspiracy to release a lethal bioweapon created with "gain-of-function" and then followed up with lethal mRNA injections. The facts speak for themselves. If this was 1946 Anthony Fauci would have been hung already.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
This is the kind of nonsense that should never be presented by anyone, especially a Christian.

So to set the record straight here are the facts. Anyone with any intelligence and any integrity can confirm these facts for themselves. [And that number 16,000 is less than half of what it really is. So a lie to begin with].

1. Vaccines -- by definition -- are meant to produce immunity, NOT KILL PEOPLE.

2. Not a single bogus COVID vaccine has produced any immunity whatsoever. Israel is a good case in point. The highest vaccinated country in the world also has the highest number of vaccinated people in hospitals.

3. All mRNA vaccines have seriously damaged people's immune systems, circulatory systems, and reproductive systems. Not to mention many other serious adverse effective. This is all officially recorded.

4. In the history of vaccinations, if a vaccine produced close to 30 deaths, it would have been banned. The bogus vaccines have produced HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of deaths, and not a single government has totally banned all COVID vaccines.

5. Under the Nuremberg Code, which was specifically created against medical experimentation (after the Nazi atrocities) those administering these lethal and toxic injections should have stated very clearly to each person "This injection could either kill you or produce very serious adverse effects in your body. Do you still want to go ahead?" Chances are that absolutely everyone would have refused to be vaccinated. There was never full and transparent disclosure about anything.

6. Since the Nuremberg Code was ignored all governments have committed crimes against humanity, and there are now proceedings in this direction.

7. For people -- especially Christians -- to attack the truth and call it "conspiracy theories" means that they too are partakers of the evil deeds of the genocidal killers. It is the Fake News media that called everything a conspiracy theory until the actual conspiracy was discovered and acknowledged.

8. And there was indeed a criminal conspiracy to release a lethal bioweapon created with "gain-of-function" and then followed up with lethal mRNA injections. The facts speak for themselves. If this was 1946 Anthony Fauci would have been hung already.

Well when Curtis and you do more than make howling accusations and acrtually present hard data, I ammore than willing to read and join your side. but sorry I need facts, not just vacuous accusations.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
after several threads and legions of posts and back and forth, I am truly baffled by the response of so many of my brothers and sisters on this forum who are against the shot. I will not list all the accusations hurled at me, the medical industry (hospitals, doctors and nurses) and pharmaceutical companies, it would take up lots of space.

Have we forgotten we are christians? Have you forgotten you serve a different kingdom? Let us assume that all of your accusations are true. And so? Should we list all the things okayed by governments and medical science at one time that have killed far more people than even the worst numbers produced on this thread say are killed by the jab? Once again and so?

We are called to a higher kingdom and far greater standard than just spewing bitterness and vileness and vague evidence of intentional evil in teh world. If it is all true- it is the world! should we be so surprised as to be just like the world in you attacks against them?

We are not called to nit pick every thing the world does- but to lift high the name of Jesus. The conspiracy theories and half truths of the void shot are most carried by believers! We should be the last group carrying this stuff. I have just a little concern if covid was accidental or intentionally released. I want to see those who can do something about it to do the best. Yes, we are in Satan's world, but we serve a God who has better for us than the accusations and evil many here have said about me and other believers because we won't condemn the world for pushing a "vaccine" out 8 times faster than normal. whether this "vaccine" is designed for murder- not one of us can know with certainty unless we uncover teh paper trail that shows so. I still believe God works through medicine and drug companies to impriove and saves lives. They make mistakes and the billions they pay in law suits show they are held accountable often.

Even if this is part of the great reset, and while I do not know if covid 19 itself is part of the reset, I know the manipulations surrounding it are, so what? It is going to happen, we can patiently and with knowledge inform people, but running around condemning anyone who dares disagree with conspiracy crowd is definitely unChristian.

Many here ( and they know who they are if they read this from me) are running around like that tribulation force in that series of books by Jenkins and LeHaye trying to kill the antichrist, thinking they can change the Word of God from happening.

Thanks for letting me unload. As much as I loathe it, I will fight half truths, anecdotal evidence as the absolute truth and unverified "facts" being what Christians proclaim! We have a truth and His name is Jesus, not some people who have been fact checked and found dubious.

but for some of you- do you really really believe that one or two nobel virologists count more than 100 nobel vorilogists? When you say they are all conspiring- what is your evidence?" Remember evidence is either circumstantial or actual. In any thing we all can come up with loads of circumstantial evidence. It is the empirical stuff that proves or disproves a case.

thank you all for letting me rant!

Whether the evidence is in favor of the vaccine or not, I support people having a choice to get vaccinated or not. It should not be mandated.

Do you at least agree that people should have a choice in the matter?