Why is God So Mean?

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Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011
haha... Groundzero... your attempt at insulting me was weak and really just showed how deaf and blind you really are... because you can't hear or see anything I'm saying... you fight to defend a book and you don't even believe what it says...

Jesus is my foundation... if you see that as a shame because it disagrees with your religion that sucks for you... like I said... Jesus is the only way to the Father and not a book... Jesus is the Word of God and not a book... Jesus died for my sins on the cross and not a book... Jesus is the foundation I build on and not a book... Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father and not a book.... if you think that's me not having a foundation... well when the storm comes we'll see who's house stands... I have faith my house will stand because I know my foundation is Jesus and He can't be shaken... and I don't know Him through a book... I know Him because He's alive and I talk to Him.

So go ahead and read what I just wrote and slander it because my guess is you won't even be able to hear it or see it... although I hope you do hear it and see it... and as I continue to proclaim my foundation who is Christ alone... you can continue to tell me I have no foundation because you can't hear or see my foundation...

I don't believe what it says . . . lol, that is exactly why I have defended it! Sounds like Aspen's 'damn thinking' really has occurred!

" Let him who is without SIN, cast the first stone " Jesus himself hung around sinners, what gives us the right to become religious and say ohh they is sinners, we won't hang around them? Jesus did, and look what we did to HIM!

( and now i'll shut up bye lol )

Something interesting: In the example Jesus gave of the candle lit in the house, he NEVER mentioned any other light. Just ONE candle for the WHOLE house. That must have been quite alot of darkness surrounding that candle, but oh how much brighter it was with that one candle! It only takes one candle to light a whole house.

Mat 5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.


New Member
Mar 29, 2009
Are you really saying that God will bless us for disobeying Him? Another thing is that God will not only bless us for obeying Him, He will also bless our unsaved loved ones. So by disobeying God we not only hurt ourselves we hurt those we love.

I completely understand what you're meaning and what you're getting at. I also understand how you can view that particular scripture the way you do. There was a time I thought the same thing. That verse doesn't mean the same to me as it does to you.

My belief is "friend of the world" meaning, going along with the things the world likes to do, sinning, etc, I don't see it so much as about people. However, I do believe bad company corrupts good character.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
However, I do believe bad company corrupts good character.
Very true!

2 Corinthians 6:17 (ESV)
17 Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,

1 Corinthians 15:33 (ESV)
33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”


Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011

Very true!

2 Corinthians 6:17 (ESV)
17 Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you,

Ducky, don't take this personally. I have this same argument with my parents, etc.

What is your definition of separate? I view it this way: separate is IN the world NOT OF the world. Separate is BEING DIFFERENT not NO CONTACT. Separate is DISTINCT, not ISOLATED from EVERYTHING. If you want 'real' separation, why don't you go and do what the Mormans did? Set up your own city, etc. Fat lot of good that was! What about those servants who were in Caesar's household?

Php 4:22 All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caesar's household.

Paul never reprimanded them for being there! If there was anywhere which was susceptible to sin, Caesar's household was a great place to be!

Separation should NOT have to be that we completely cut ourselves off. If we cannot be on a rugby league team and show that we are different just through our actions, how we speak, then we are in serous trouble! I can assure you right now, that I get together with my footy mates, and I chat with them, and I encourage them, I backslap, I high-5, I am a full-on team member, but at the same time, not only my coach, but other administrative people have mentioned, not only to me, but to my parents and teammates, that I am different. That, to me, speaks volumes.

You don't have to cut yourself off completely to be separate. You can be surrounded by worldly people and still be separate from them!

The only way one can be a light, is to shine in the darkness. A light shining in the light is merely wasting energy.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
You don't have to cut yourself off completely to be separate. You can be surrounded by worldly people and still be separate from them!
Exactly. But that's different than being friends with them. Friendly? Yes. Friends? NO!
The only way one can be a light, is to shine in the darkness. A light shining in the light is merely wasting energy.
But too many Christians' lights go dim or totally out by associating too much with unbelievers. It's a dangerous thing, because when a Christian's light grows dim or out they may not even know it. Satan has used his SUBTLE deception to ensnare them. If a Christian lives a Christian life most unbelievers will separate from them. They don't want hear about the Gospel of Jesus. If we are not preaching the Gospel of Jesus to them then our light is dim or out.



Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011

Exactly. But that's different than being friends with them. Friendly? Yes. Friends? NO!

But too many Christians' lights go dim or totally out by associating too much with unbelievers. It's a dangerous thing, because when a Christian's light grows dim or out they may not even know it. Satan has used his SUBTLE deception to ensnare them. If a Christian lives a Christian life most unbelievers will separate from them. They don't want hear about the Gospel of Jesus. If we are not preaching the Gospel of Jesus to them then our light is dim or out.

Umm, what is YOUR definition of 'friend'? My definition is this: not an enemy.

I haven't preached to any of my footy mates or my work mates. I simply shine my light by living my life.

The religious leaders of Jesus' day were offended with him because he associated alot with those of the 'sinners and publicans.' I suppose that we are going to condemn Jesus for his association with those sinners? Tell me, wasn't Jesus being their friend when he had dinner with them? Yes, he was! I don't think he preached to them so much as he lived it!

THE Gypsy

New Member
Jul 27, 2011
Duckybill...I understand what you are saying, however it is indeed possible to be a friends with someone of the world.

Here's a couple examples of what I'm talking about...Yes...From personal experience.

Remember a few years back when FL was hit with a series of hurricanes? Well...My sister had just bought a house there, literally, when the first one hit. I was living with her because she had open heart surgery and needed the care. Needless to say, since she had just purchased the house, we were not prepared. We were left without power for a week, no water (no power, no well pump) and it was miserable. As soon as we got it cleaned up, another one was on the way. By that time ALL SUPPLIES were gone...Nothing in the stores...I mean NOTHING! We desperately needed Tapcon screws and waterproof tape to get prepared for round 2. Now...Many people knew of our needs...Both Christian as well as secular people from all over the country. You know WHO came through for us? An atheist that lived in OH that I knew from a forum. I had never met him yet the very minute he heard the need he sent me an email asked for my address and the supplies were on Fedex by the end of the day. No one else even offered!

Another story...Awhile back my husband was in failing health at the same time we were in the middle of a financial reversal. We went for months without him working. God says if you have needs to let the brethren know..Which we did. What we received from the "brethren" was the exact same thing Job received from HIS brethren. And, remember, they angered God and it was only through the prayers of Job that God spared them. Guess who came through for us this time? An atheist and a Muslim. Both are good friends.

Needless to say...These two experiences caused a great deal of confusion for the two of us. WHERE WERE the "brethren"? Where were the people that listen to God's instruction on taking care of each other? I'm not talking about "Sunday go to meetin'" Christians. I'm talking about strong, Bible believing, God worshiping Christians. And I'm also not talking about people that don't have the means. Not only did they not offer any assistance, and I don't just mean $, they disappeared in our time of need.

I have good friends that are not Christians...Atheists, Muslims, Agnostics, etc. I do not "hide my light" and they do not pretend to be other than what they are.

For whatever reason, God has not only seen fit to bring these people into my life, but He has allowed us to build a relationship with them. We have learned a lot about love, sacrifice, standing our ground, ministering to these people, etc. Jesus was not an isolationist and I do not believe He wants us to be either.

I just believe there's a little more to life.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Umm, what is YOUR definition of 'friend'?

2 Corinthians 6:14 (ESV)
14 Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
The religious leaders of Jesus' day were offended with him because he associated alot with those of the 'sinners and publicans.' I suppose that we are going to condemn Jesus for his association with those sinners? Tell me, wasn't Jesus being their friend when he had dinner with them? Yes, he was! I don't think he preached to them so much as he lived it!
Jesus was always preaching.



New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
I see wrongful friendship with the world more being 501c3 incorporated with the government... or pledging allegiance to a flag... than hanging around sinners... I could just see Dickybill saying, "If He was godly He would know what manner of woman this is and not let her touch Him" haha... or in this case, "If He were Godly He would know what manner of man Fire7 is and not be kind to him" The leaven of the Pharisees has spread... and it is a way which seem right to man but really just leads to death... because it is hypocrisy... and because the same way you pass sentence on others... sentence will be passed on you... and there's no one who's not guilty... so by condemning others... we condemn ourselves...

And Groundzero... if you don't believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father and not a book... that Jesus is the Word of God and not a book... that Jesus died for our sins on the cross and not a book...that Jesus is the foundation we build on and not a book... and that Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father and not a book....no... you don't believe what Jesus says... even what He's testified to saying in the book you think your defend. Really all you're defending is a watered down Word and a false gospel which is darkness disguised as light.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
I see wrongful friendship with the world more being 501c3 incorporated with the government... or pledging allegiance to a flag... than hanging around sinners... I could just see Dickybill saying, "If He was godly He would know what manner of woman this is and not let her touch Him" haha... or in this case, "If He were Godly He would know what manner of man Fire7 is and not be kind to him" The leaven of the Pharisees has spread... and it is a way which seem right to man but really just leads to death... because it is hypocrisy... and because the same way you pass sentence on others... sentence will be passed on you... and there's no one who's not guilty... so by condemning others... we condemn ourselves...
Those who believe the Bible is filled with errors and contradictions basically have issued themselves a license to sin, so no matter. You can do whatever you want.
And Groundzero... if you don't believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father and not a book... that Jesus is the Word of God and not a book... that Jesus died for our sins on the cross and not a book...that Jesus is the foundation we build on and not a book... and that Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father and not a book....no... you don't believe what Jesus says... even what He's testified to saying in the book you think your defend. Really all you're defending is a watered down Word and a false gospel which is darkness disguised as light.
How do you know all that isn't contradiction and errors? You don't.

As far as fellowshipping with unbelievers goes there are no black or white rules but clear warnings. But when someone says they have close friends who are unbelievers they have clearly crossed the line.


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
Because I know Him Duckybill... who knows the character of say a celebrity better... someone who's read a book about other people's relationships with them? or someone who knows them personally?

I know Jesus is who He is not because of the testimonies I read about Him... but because I know Him...

Dead religion denies this truth as it always has since it crucified Jesus... so stop listening to the liars... and believe in what Jesus did on the cross... He's standing at the door of our hearts knocking and wants to come in and get to know us... not on the cover of our books...


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Because I know Him Duckybill... who knows the character of say a celebrity better... someone who's read a book about other people's relationships with them? or someone who knows them personally?

I know Jesus is who He is not because of the testimonies I read about Him... but because I know Him...

Dead religion denies this truth as it always has since it crucified Jesus... so stop listening to the liars... and believe in what Jesus did on the cross... He's standing at the door of our hearts knocking and wants to come in and get to know us... not on the cover of our books...
The Bible is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Without it we are groping in darkness. You keep commenting about Jesus, things in the Bible. Then you say the Bible is erroneous. You're confused.



New Member
May 9, 2011
New Zealand
funny back in Jesus day they didn't have the new testament yet MIGHTY miracles was done, what happened? RELIGION came and thats what we have today


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
Look Ducky... I understand why you believe what you believe... there was a time years ago when I stood in a house and I held the bible and I said, "The Word became flesh" and as I said that I pointed to the bible and said... this is His Word... it's now become flesh.. it's become tangible. Why did I believe that? Because the foundation of my beliefs was that the bible was the Word of God... that the Word of God is a book... but that foundation is wrong... because the Word of God isn't a book... the Word of God is Jesus... the One sitting on the horse in John's Revelation of Jesus Christ Who's name is the Word of God isn't the bible... it's Jesus... when God spoke everything into creation through His Word it wasn't through the bible it was through Jesus... Genesis says that God spoke everything into creation... John says all things were made through Christ... That's because God speaking is Jesus... He is God's Word manifested as a man... not as a book.

If you can accept that you can understand that when we receive the Word into our heart it isn't through memorizing scriptures... receiving the Word into our heart is Christ taking residency in us... which is God's Word taking the place he rightly deserves in us... as we are the temple of God... and when Christ rules in us... God's Word rules in us... God rules in us...

In that day you'll know that the Father is in Him... and He's in you...

I hope you wont just shut yourself to this truth.. but meditate on it.. test it.. and hopefully believe it... so that through faith Christ can live in you.

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New Member
Feb 12, 2010
You're not being consistent Robbie. You cannot charge the Bible with being erroneous and then quote JUST the parts you like. That's why Aspen and I have gone round and round. No consistency.


Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011


2 Corinthians 6:14 (ESV)
14 Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Jesus was always preaching.

If we put in the previous part of the verse, we see that Paul makes point of saying UNEQUALLY yoked. I would classify dangerous outside fellowship as when I am BEING NEGATIVELY INFLUENCED instead of ME INFLUENCING POSITIVELY.

If a person is not your friend, they are your enemy. Simple as that. Everyone I meet becomes my 'friend'. Very few become my enemies. Very very few actually become true friends.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
If we put in the previous part of the verse, we see that Paul makes point of saying UNEQUALLY yoked. I would classify dangerous outside fellowship as when I am BEING NEGATIVELY INFLUENCED instead of ME INFLUENCING POSITIVELY.

If a person is not your friend, they are your enemy. Simple as that. Everyone I meet becomes my 'friend'. Very few become my enemies. Very very few actually become true friends.
Fellowship is being more than friendly, like hanging out together, marrying ...

"Come our from among them and be ye separate"



Not Afraid To Stand
Jul 20, 2011
And Groundzero... if you don't believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father and not a book... that Jesus is the Word of God and not a book... that Jesus died for our sins on the cross and not a book...that Jesus is the foundation we build on and not a book... and that Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father and not a book....no... you don't believe what Jesus says... even what He's testified to saying in the book you think your defend. Really all you're defending is a watered down Word and a false gospel which is darkness disguised as light.

Robbie, you said that I have slandered you. Where is that? Tell me, because I would like to know. I NEVER said that I don't believe Jesus is the only way to the Father. I believe that NOT only is he the only way to the Father, HE is the Father!

Strange that you should say the Word is watered down. In that case, you came to a knowledge of Jesus from an unreliable source! God help our unbelief! What about you read your posts carefully and think over what you have written! Or have you damned thinking?! You are going on about stuff about Jesus, which you can only find in the Bible, which is backed up by the Bible alone, then you turn on the Bible and say that you cannot trust it and it's full of contradictions!

Leave it alone, I tell you. Stop meddling. Any person who reads this in their sound mind will think you are an absolute idiot!

You have said that the Bible is watered down and proclaims a false gospel, YET, you say that:

Jesus is the only way to the Father: Found in Joh_14:6

Jesus died on the cross: only the Bible proclaims this.

That the Word, Logos, was made flesh: found in John 1

That Jesus created everything. Found in NT

That God created everything. Found in Genesis 1.

AND THEN YOU SAY THAT YOU DON'T NEED THE BIBLE AS A FOUNDATION! Pray, tell me, where did you find out about all the above points? The Bible! How do you know they are correct if the Bible is watered-down as you say? Oh, I know, a feeling. Guess what? We can't live by feelings alone. If we did, we would be completely lost! If you really don't need the Scriptures as a foundation, don't even think about mentioning the above points, because the ONLY foundation that those points have is Scripture!!!!!


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Hey Fire-7...
I just thought that something you said was interesting. You said you felt no love in what they said. I've seen that two, people who are very passionate, but when you hear them it doesn't stir something in you. It is not 'deep calling to deep'.

It just made me think of this; God is love. What we need is the Lord's presence, not empty doctrine. Doctrine is important, but first and foremost we are called to share the LIFE of God and his son Jesus Christ. If the Lord's presence is not in the words of those people, you need not go to them. Go to the Lord, come out of the 'camp', separate yourself from the crowd and search HIM and HIS life, and you will find him.

I've found in my own life that my nature is to always look to men and try and use my own reasoning, but the Lord says NOT to lean on our own understanding. Seek him and you will find him. As usual, he's not where carnal reasoning says he is. :)

Come to Him without any prejudice or any assumptions made according to what you've heard... He is the master of the universe, and his justice is far above what is so often preached. He loves those who do right. Seek his life. He is not into any of our systems... God loves a contrite heart. When we get on our knees and seek him, we find him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
God is mean because there is not shuch thing as the grey zone. You are good or evil, it is true or lie; we are life or dead. God is mean and he expect christians to be hot or cold, to be with him or against him, not grey zone. God is mean and he expect we are mean.

Congratulations are in oreder... Goinheix said something that I partly agree with! The "partly" comes from the point that I don't think God's mean at all. He's merciful, loving, corrective, giving and overall great to be around. Sure, he's not a nice guy to evil, but ok.... Neither am I. I let grace cover the sins of the flesh, but I don't put up with spiritual wickedness and don't even like fleshly wickedness.