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Would you vote for / support Ron DeSantis for President of the USA in 2024?

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
The White House is absurd, and has no clue.

Inflation caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods. As in government spending which has become extreme in recent years. And like the article says, other countries dont want to keep supporting our debt and lifestyle what with the US government policies. It is no longer American Hegemony that will save the US dollar from inflating.

Dollars keep going down in value. Over a few years the buying power of US dollars plummets.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Dollars keep going down in value. Over a few years the buying power of US dollars plummets.

It goes down and it goes up and it goes down and it goes up. It's a cycle. Nothing has changed except that more people are falling for the doomsayers.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
It goes down and it goes up and it goes down and it goes up. It's a cycle. Nothing has changed except that more people are falling for the doomsayers.
There is a continual downward spiral for the dollar over the years. That means the value of your dollars drops over time, due to inflation.
If you held a dollar in 2021, today it is worthless than a dollar due to inflation, it is only worth 89 cents in 2 years time due to inflation being 11% since 2021. We are only in April 2023.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
There is a continual downward spiral for the dollar over the years. That means the value of your dollars drops over time, due to inflation.
If you held a dollar in 2021, today it is worthless than a dollar due to inflation, it is only worth 89 cents in 2 years time due to inflation being 11% since 2021.
View attachment 31003

And inflation will end and the dollar will go back. That is what I am trying to say. I have seen this happen over and over in my 48 years of walking this earth.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
And inflation will end and the dollar will go back. That is what I am trying to say. I have seen this happen over and over in my 48 years of walking this earth.
Purchasing power of a dollar shows steady decline.
imagine what value a dollar today will be in 20 years, maybe 50 cents.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
Purchasing power of a dollar shows steady decline.
imagine what value a dollar today will be in 20 years, maybe 50 cents.
View attachment 31004

Eh! I'm still here, still alive, and still doing what I do. I am not concerned. Nothing we can control anyway. So, I tend not to worry about things I cannot control.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
You don't get it, do you?

Very few American political fanatics 'get it'.

The entire political thing is a horse race and it doesn't matter which nag gets the prize at the end of the track.

The nation is ruled by the Deep State, not by POTUS or the elected members of congress.

The President of the United States is a middle management position. He does what he is told to do by the powerful triumvirate elite.


Keep on listening to your favorite pod cast or TV news channel. Most of what we read about or hear about it lies.

What's really wrong with this country? Too much money is being spent on WAR.

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. circa 1967)

EVERY SINGLE candidate for political office in this country supports WAR. We are suffering a war economy first imposed upon us during WWII and which has continued to be forced upon us BECAUSE its good business for everyone involved EXCEPT the American citizen.

I don't care how many positive accomplishments one points to regarding Sleepy Joe or Mad Dog Trump. Both are puppets of and subservient to the Deep State; military-industrial complex, financial cartel & intelligence community. Whoever sits in the oval office MUST obey his or her masters of the Deep State.

The BIG LIE is that voting for one or another will actually change the direction of our nation as it circles the drain of history.

America has passed the point of no return. We are, all of us, bound to a destiny which is dark and destructive of all we now hold dear - including our illusions about our leadership. It's all madness, madness. The Supreme Court, highest court in the land, can no longer agree on the definition of a woman. MADNESS. MADNESS.

It's been said that if a man wants to go crazy he should move to Washington, DC where it will not be noticed.

Watch and learn pilgrim.

In the coming months you are going to see changes you cannot imagine - and most likely will wish hadn't happened.

Is God still in charge? Indeed He is, but God will NOT bless a nation that's turned its back upon Him as we have done. Again - every pundit that approaches the truth of things has admitted we've crossed the Rubicon. Even a few theologians have done so.

Everybody else will wave their blood soaked striped flag, stick their head up their ASSumptions and ignore the signs now clearly visible to all.

Watch and learn, pilgrim.

that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
Trump 2024
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
I believe the indictment sealed his landslide re-election. So, does Elon Musk.https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/03/18/elon-musk-says-trump-will-win-landside-victory-if-indicted/? Bysh=6c850a0328ad

DeSantis is good. Trump is great. We are blessed to live during the era of greatness! Trump was, by far, the best President America ever had since the Founding Father's. His record of conservative achievements is far greater in one term than any had in 2 terms. Just off the top of my head:
  1. Defeated the Witch. He was anointed by God for that mighty purpose. See The Trump Prophecy.
  2. Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in opposition to the Islamic world.
  3. Destroyed ISIS (which causes me to credit him with saving my grandchildren's life)
  4. Began building wall @ Southern Border.
  5. Biggest tax cut in history credited by Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, who said it could not be done.
  6. Cut more regulations than any POTUS
  7. Appointed 3 SC justices
  8. Appointed more federal judges than any POTUS since Washington
  9. Passed more laws in first year than any POTUS besides Truman.
  10. Kept America out of war with Russia (that Deep State wanted). Kept America at peace with all countries.
  11. Made America energy independent.
  12. While Obama said economy could not grow over 2%, Trump made deals resulting in over 3% growth.
  13. Trump was God's gift to labor, as he said. Indeed known as the greatest job creator in history, as he aspired.
    • Lowest unemployment of women since records kept.
    • Lowest unemployment of Blacks since records kept.
    • Lowest unemployment of Hispanics since records kept.
  14. Established new military agency, 1st in 70 years. Space Force.
  15. Greatly improved services to our vets.
  16. COVID. Showed great leadership in marshaling private companies to ramp up mask production and other needed products during the unprecedented global pandemic, released to defeat him in re-election.
  17. COVID. Developed a vaccine in 18 months to the CCP virus. Political class said vaccine could not be released so quickly.
  18. Replaced horrible NAFTA with USMCA
  19. Made NATO countries pay their dues
  20. Negotiated with North Korea, returning relationship to sanity, by showing how North Korea could prosper in a 3-minute marketing commercial. Trump appealed to the dictator's self interest.
  21. Re-established America's greatness. Walking across the 38th parallel - by himself - shows the man needs a wheel barrow to carry his stones
Trump has all the right enemies. As if these accomplishments are not enough, every day was Christmas during the Trump Administration. His legendary tweets made the legacy media go apoplectic that was such a joy to see all the snowflakes melt under their sacred cows being slaughtered daily.

Trump's election was nothing short of a miracle. No one ever became president with no government experience at all. The witch had 5x the money and 5x the staff. Plus the legacy media engaged in the greatest take down of human history. Still, his poll numbers rose. Hear me well, BREXIT & nationalism growing around the world, led by Trump, is rightly seen by the globalists as the existential threat it is.

Trump is the blue collar billionaire who proved the people do not need a political elite.
As POTUS, he worked 18 hours a day for $1 per year. He is my voice. I love him. I campaigned in 3 States for him and was his top 1% donor. I saw him inaugurated and told him I will stand with him to the end - no matter what end. I hope I answered your question of why people like Trump.
Good post, thanks for the detail!

It's really hard to believe what President Trump accomplished for the country in 4 years, being under constant attack from all sides, add to that the Chinese biological weapon used against the world's population and economy "Covid"

You could add many more to your list, going against the "deep state" establishment and "globalist", and it's still not complete

1. Trade tariffs on China
2. lowered prescriptions costs by opening up competition, going against big Pharma
3. Stay in Mexico policy
4. Cut off foreign aid on hostile nations
5. Opened up North/East fisheries that liberals closed without cause
6. Filled America's strategic underground reserves with basically free oil when the market was giving away oil
7. Withdrew America from the climate boondoggle Paris Accord
8. Made members of NATO pay their back payments and fair share
9. Promoted a conservative agenda and movement that flowed to other Nations, Australia, Brazil, UK, etc

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Eh! I'm still here, still alive, and still doing what I do. I am not concerned. Nothing we can control anyway. So, I tend not to worry about things I cannot control.
You would not want to own a business would you, because then you would have to take account !
But like all Socialist they just stich their head in the sand and make out all will be ok.

In Germany before Hitler ? They had totally moronic Governments that could not be worthy of running a Chook raffle ! and the Powers that be ? the ones who dominate ? set Germany up in fact ! and they ended up with a 200% inflation in fact.
One would be best to seek out that history in depth ? But hang on ! lets be totally ignorant of the facts ! and believe that the USA and other Nations are not walking into a Trap ! This Trap has been set ! But the majority are to ignorant to give a rats ! because they truly believe that they could not be slugged with out of control inflation or way out of control inflation.
Anyone who is indebt is a Slave ! Proven not worthy if you can not pay such off.

Now who owns the USA debt ? Jews and Islam ? but what % do they own you ?
Did anyone bother to ask what % of debt is own by Islamic forces ? oh hang on, you have no right to know anything about such as that !

Who is the dark forces hidden behind the Governments ? do you care ! no one I know really gives a rats, what is Out of sight, all is all good ? :rolleyes:
But who owns you ? You don't care ? You meaning the majority !

If one was in a Boat or a Ship ? would one have no regards to the reality's that could come about ? Faith in the Captain ?
I was way out at Sea once in a tinny and the reed valve broke so the motor would not start, the waves started to get real high and the night was coming on.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Biden has no control? Who closed down oil production and drilling in the USA? It wasn't OPEC! We are under Biden and Democratic leadership policies that have made us now dependent upon enemy nations and OPEC to supply our oil. So, yes, now OPEC will help to determine how much we pay, and the more they make us pay the more our economy will suffer.

The Oil/Gas Companies are most assuredly greedy, few would disagree with that. But when we have sufficient supply in America, the price they charge can be controlled through competition. Even these greedy companies had far lower prices when President Trump was in charge, far less then we have today under another greedy scoundrel named Joe Biden.
I hardly think it's coincidence that gas prices skyrocketed almost as soon as Biden TOOK office.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I Agree

All of which are currently being used against Russia to bring Putin into submission to those behind the dark curtain

Was President Trump controlled by those behind the curtain, I don't belive he was

Secure borders, renegotiated NAFTA, tariffs on China, energy independance, 1st & 2nd amendment support, these aren't part of the plan of those behind the dark curtain, they oppose the items mentioned

President Trump fought for and implemented all the items listed above, he was and still is the enemy of those behind the curtain, and has been persecuted for the past 7 years for doing so

Will the American Patriot and Hero (Donald J. Trump) be there again in 2024, time will tell?

Many changes have been made in the past 2 years in States across the country to stop the election steal that took place in 2020, no drop boxes,, voter ID,, mail in ballots, out of state/dead voter roll clean up, no more Zuckerberg's funding election ballot counting,, ETC

Time will tell?
Trump showed us how DEEP the Swamp really is!
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Don't let the media force us to choose between Trump and DeSantis. Trump in 2024. DeSantis in 2028 and 2032.
I believe the media and politicians work together against Americans. They're a pack of LIARS!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Trump showed us how DEEP the Swamp really is!
I agree 100%, how many swamp creature RINO'S are coming to his support on the Manhattan DA political fiasco going on

The Swamp is "Deep" and President Trump has vowed to pull the drain plug on all the bottom feeders, Lord help President Trump, Amen!

Trump 2024
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
I agree 100%, how many swamp creature RINO'S are coming to his support on the Manhattan DA political fiasco going on

The Swamp is "Deep" and President Trump has vowed to pull the drain plug on all the bottom feeders, Lord help President Trump, Amen!

Trump 2024
It's amazing to me that Trump hasn't been murdered.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
It's amazing to me that Trump hasn't been murdered.
Something many think about but are quiet on

You see his motorcade going to the airport yesterday, like 15 escorts

President Trump is the Great American Patriot and Hero, being tortured for the past 7 years to no end by "Them", and he's coming back for more 2024

Lord Jesus Help President Trump And His Family, Amen
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
If that were true, the Left would not be so determined to use every dirty trick to stop Trump.
I Agree 100%

If the posters claims were true Trump wouldn't have made it in 2016, and all the Trump changes made wouldn't have taken place, namely 3 Supreme Court Nominations and Appointments

The commie $George Soros$ hates President Trump, and his tool is his funded Manhattan DA trying to hang a felony on him to remove him from the 2024 presedential race
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
Something many think about but are quiet on

You see his motorcade going to the airport yesterday, like 15 escorts

President Trump is the Great American Patriot and Hero, being tortured for the past 7 years to no end by "Them", and he's coming back for more 2024

Lord Jesus Help President Trump And His Family, Amen



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
President Trump is the Great American Patriot and Hero, being tortured for the past 7 years to no end by "Them", and he's coming back for more 2024

Maybe to some.

I will be voting against him and DeSantis in 2024.