2 Months and 1/2 Are Left Until the Two Witnesses of Revelation Appear

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You’ll get over it.

Would you have scolded Elijah? He was much more direct than me. I’m subtle by comparison.
Perhaps. But Elijah was an OT prophet in the times of the law. We live in the age of grace.

The OP predictions do me no harm but you seem to be taking it very personally.

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Oh, I see how figured that, though I am not an adherent to the 70th week Gap theory. Jesus came AFTER the 69 weeks in the 70th week and was cut off half way through.
No he didn't, you made that up to fit your wrong headed narrative. The bible says Jesus was cut off after 69 weeks, not after 69 1/2 weeks. You guys just bend the scriptures to meet your opinion, thats dangerous my friend. The Prophecy is given in three different segments on purpose. Each portion meets a deadline, the bible did not say the wall would be completed after 7 x 7 thus it can be construed to any number we wish, LOL, it means 49 years. The 7 x 7 and 62 x 7 means 483 years, not 483 plus whatever I want to add in to meet my understandings, no wonder you can't understand Prophecy brother.

The 70 weeks were fulfilled - the last week was inclusive, didn 't have to be finished. God doesn't change His mind, send an angel to announce the timeline of Jesus 1st Coming and then later separates the last week with a 2000 year gap.
No, you just are not called to Prophecy, thus you listen to men. The 70th week was Judgment that has to bring Israel unto repentance, the prophecy says so, Israel has yet to repent. My old blog blows this thinking out of the water.

Daniel's 70 Weeks Decree against Israel

In Daniel 9:24, Daniel prophesied that these six things must come to pass before this judgment against Israel would be fulfilled. Some think Jesus fulfilled all of these, most seem to think, as I do, that these things have not come to pass, and when they do that will be the end of the age.

1. Finish the transgression (Israel must turn back unto God before the 70 weeks are over)
2. Make and end of sins (Israel must end willful sins, and that can only happen after the 70 weeks decree)
3. To make reconciliation for iniquity (Israel has to atone, Israel has not yet atoned, they will very soon)
4. Bring in everlasting righteousness (the 70 weeks decree ushers in everlasting righteousness/Jesus' rule)
5. To seal up vision and prophecy (the 70 weeks can not end until all prophecy has been fulfilled)
6. Anoint the most Holy (this can not happen until Jesus is anointed King of kings and Lord of lords)

1. The Hebrew word used for transgression denotes revolt or rebellion. The Jewish people chose to reject God, many chose to stay in Babylon once they were freed. It also denotes their rejection of Jesus Christ. Jesus prophesied in Matthew 23:39 that the Jewish people would not see him again until they accepted him. Matt. 23:39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. So in order for the 70th week to end and for Jesus to return, Israel has to repent of their rejection of God and Jesus, and Israel will open their hearts to the Messiah, as Paul, Isaiah and Zechariah (Zechariah 12:10) prophesied, amongst others.

2. This is fairly straightforward, willful sins can only end when the millennial reign starts, so by the time this 70 week decree is over, Jesus will have returned to set up his kingdom, ushering in the millennial kingdom where there will be no more willful sins. Since the tribulation week is the last week of the 70 weeks decree, that makes perfect sense, as soon as the tribulation period ends, or the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, then “willful sins will end”. Men will still have sin nature, but not desire to sin.

3. Israel has to be reconciled unto God before the 70 weeks have been fulfilled. There is no doubt that Jesus died for all of our sins, thus the atonement for sins has been made, but there is a conditional requirement for all of us to receive that atonement, we must accept Jesus as our Savior. When Israel accepts the Messiah Jesus, as their Messiah, then the atonement for sins will have been completed, and Israel will have been reconciled unto God, thereby ushering in the millennial kingdom.

4. This 70 week decree has to bring in everlasting righteousness, and we know this can not happen until Jesus sets up the Kingdom Age. This world has always had sin, and always will until Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings. By the time Daniels prophecy ends, it must usher in everlasting righteousness.

5. Seal up vision and prophecy, the word used here denotes to close up, meaning that before this 70th week can come to an end, all prophecy must be fulfilled or closed up. This will only happen when Israel accepts Jesus as their Messiah and he lands on Mt. Zion to rule over this wicked world with a rod of iron.

6. The very last goal that this 70 week prophecy has to usher in is the anointing of the most holy. The bible says most holy, many try to add holy place, but whether it is the temple being anointed, or Jesus Christ as Lord of lords and King of kings as I suspect, we know this must happen before the 70 weeks decree is fulfilled. And Jesus must return and rule on earth, from Jerusalem for 1000 years.

All six of these things have to happen before this prophecy is fulfilled. These are six spiritual goals that have to come to pass or this prophecy will not be finished or sealed up. We know these things have not come to pass yet, but we also know they are very near to happening, therefore watch, for Israel is now a nation again, and the world is against her, soon she will need her Messiah's help, then she will call upon him, and he will save her from this wicked world.

I can go line by line through Daniel 9 and show you how it was fulfilled and that it also contains allusions to 70 AD (that are not part of the timeline, but parenthetical citations). But you are locked into your belief and think you got it, as do many on this board.
No you can't, you do not have one whit of understanding about that prophesy brother. I don't have a "BELIEF" I just understand Prophesy, and you don't seem to understand how to put the pieces together.

Btw, Blessed are those who come to day 1335 because they are alive, sealed and made it - the GT is over!
No, blessed is those who are Jews, who have not heretofore understood Jesus was their Messiah, and whom God has now decided to send them the Two-witnesses, Elijah, and IMHO, Moses, who will be given the ability to get 1/3 of those end time Jews to repent, so unto a Spiritually DEAD NATION, God sends them a Blessing, in that Israel will now become alive again. That is a Blessing from God alone. The 1335 is way over your head, no doubt.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States


Active Member
Oct 24, 2019
Medellin, Colombia
Guys, and gals, we do not know yet if I have miscalculated the year 6,000. We have to wait and see if the two witnesses emerge in the coming days and weeks. Today I found another very old Bible with commentary that says 1820 AD was the year 5,794 from creation, which my own timeline also shows that 1820 AD was the year 5,794 (attached screenshot), which would imply that 2023 AD is indeed the year 5,997 from creation, which is when the two witnesses must appear. It is an old Bible from 1820 that I found by accident on YouTube, that I've never read before, that agrees with my timeline. We have to wait and see what happens in the next few days and weeks. It is possible that although they are now anointed, that they simply haven't reached national or international news yet. We have to all keep watch. I will also remind you that my timeline is derived by many years of research, also analyzing very ancient books to derive my timeline, so its unlikely but not impossible for me to be an error. And if indeed I am in error, it would be by a very small margin. Even the prophet Hosea tells us that Yeshua returns after 2,000 years. The 2,000 years are almost up.


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Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Guys, and gals, we do not know yet if I have miscalculated the year 6,000. We have to wait and see if the two witnesses emerge in the coming days and weeks. Today I found another very old Bible with commentary that says 1820 AD was the year 5,794 from creation, which my own timeline also shows that 1820 AD was the year 5,794 (attached screenshot), which would imply that 2023 AD is indeed the year 5,996 from creation, which is when the two witnesses must appear. It is an old Bible from 1820 that I found by accident on YouTube, that I've never read before, that agrees with my timeline. We have to wait and see what happens in the next few days and weeks. It is possible that although they are now anointed, that they simply haven't reached national or international news yet. We have to all keep watch. I will also remind you that my timeline is derived by many years of research, also analyzing very ancient books to derive my timeline, so its unlikely but not impossible for me to be an error. And if indeed I am in error, it would be by a very small margin. Even the prophet Hosea tells us that Yeshua returns after 2,000 years. The 2,000 years are almost up.


For starters, you are going about it all wrong. The DOTL is an Asteroid Event which brings God's Wrath onto mankind. Jesus told us to look to the skies. Rev 8 shows us the mountain on fire (Incoming Asteroid) that will bring the DOTL. So, the middle of the 70th week (1260) brings this event.

So, look for that event, and take 3.5 years off (in general) and you can see when everything goes down, Jesus will rapture the Church in the fall of 2025.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Perhaps. But Elijah was an OT prophet in the times of the law. We live in the age of grace.

The OP predictions do me no harm but you seem to be taking it very personally.

Do you think you have done the young man any good? Do you really? He believed himself to be one of the two witnesses and you not only played along- you applauded as he made himself a fool. That’s to your shame more than his because you claim to be of sound mind.

Seek some discernment.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Guys, and gals, we do not know yet if I have miscalculated the year 6,000. We have to wait and see if the two witnesses emerge in the coming days and weeks. Today I found another very old Bible with commentary that says 1820 AD was the year 5,794 from creation, which my own timeline also shows that 1820 AD was the year 5,794 (attached screenshot), which would imply that 2023 AD is indeed the year 5,997 from creation, which is when the two witnesses must appear. It is an old Bible from 1820 that I found by accident on YouTube, that I've never read before, that agrees with my timeline. We have to wait and see what happens in the next few days and weeks. It is possible that although they are now anointed, that they simply haven't reached national or international news yet. We have to all keep watch. I will also remind you that my timeline is derived by many years of research, also analyzing very ancient books to derive my timeline, so its unlikely but not impossible for me to be an error. And if indeed I am in error, it would be by a very small margin. Even the prophet Hosea tells us that Yeshua returns after 2,000 years. The 2,000 years are almost up.



You don't have to honest with us, but you really should make an effort to be honest with yourself.

You were wrong. Find the humility to admit it the obvious. This is a desperate attempt to grasp at straws.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
No he didn't, you made that up to fit your wrong headed narrative. The bible says Jesus was cut off after 69 weeks, not after 69 1/2 weeks. You guys just bend the scriptures to meet your opinion, thats dangerous my friend. The Prophecy is given in three different segments on purpose. Each portion meets a deadline, the bible did not say the wall would be completed after 7 x 7 thus it can be construed to any number we wish, LOL, it means 49 years. The 7 x 7 and 62 x 7 means 483 years, not 483 plus whatever I want to add in to meet my understandings, no wonder you can't understand Prophecy brother.

No, you just are not called to Prophecy, thus you listen to men. The 70th week was Judgment that has to bring Israel unto repentance, the prophecy says so, Israel has yet to repent. My old blog blows this thinking out of the water.

Daniel's 70 Weeks Decree against Israel

In Daniel 9:24, Daniel prophesied that these six things must come to pass before this judgment against Israel would be fulfilled. Some think Jesus fulfilled all of these, most seem to think, as I do, that these things have not come to pass, and when they do that will be the end of the age.

1. Finish the transgression (Israel must turn back unto God before the 70 weeks are over)
2. Make and end of sins (Israel must end willful sins, and that can only happen after the 70 weeks decree)
3. To make reconciliation for iniquity (Israel has to atone, Israel has not yet atoned, they will very soon)
4. Bring in everlasting righteousness (the 70 weeks decree ushers in everlasting righteousness/Jesus' rule)
5. To seal up vision and prophecy (the 70 weeks can not end until all prophecy has been fulfilled)
6. Anoint the most Holy (this can not happen until Jesus is anointed King of kings and Lord of lords)

1. The Hebrew word used for transgression denotes revolt or rebellion. The Jewish people chose to reject God, many chose to stay in Babylon once they were freed. It also denotes their rejection of Jesus Christ. Jesus prophesied in Matthew 23:39 that the Jewish people would not see him again until they accepted him. Matt. 23:39 For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. So in order for the 70th week to end and for Jesus to return, Israel has to repent of their rejection of God and Jesus, and Israel will open their hearts to the Messiah, as Paul, Isaiah and Zechariah (Zechariah 12:10) prophesied, amongst others.

2. This is fairly straightforward, willful sins can only end when the millennial reign starts, so by the time this 70 week decree is over, Jesus will have returned to set up his kingdom, ushering in the millennial kingdom where there will be no more willful sins. Since the tribulation week is the last week of the 70 weeks decree, that makes perfect sense, as soon as the tribulation period ends, or the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, then “willful sins will end”. Men will still have sin nature, but not desire to sin.

3. Israel has to be reconciled unto God before the 70 weeks have been fulfilled. There is no doubt that Jesus died for all of our sins, thus the atonement for sins has been made, but there is a conditional requirement for all of us to receive that atonement, we must accept Jesus as our Savior. When Israel accepts the Messiah Jesus, as their Messiah, then the atonement for sins will have been completed, and Israel will have been reconciled unto God, thereby ushering in the millennial kingdom.

4. This 70 week decree has to bring in everlasting righteousness, and we know this can not happen until Jesus sets up the Kingdom Age. This world has always had sin, and always will until Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings. By the time Daniels prophecy ends, it must usher in everlasting righteousness.

5. Seal up vision and prophecy, the word used here denotes to close up, meaning that before this 70th week can come to an end, all prophecy must be fulfilled or closed up. This will only happen when Israel accepts Jesus as their Messiah and he lands on Mt. Zion to rule over this wicked world with a rod of iron.

6. The very last goal that this 70 week prophecy has to usher in is the anointing of the most holy. The bible says most holy, many try to add holy place, but whether it is the temple being anointed, or Jesus Christ as Lord of lords and King of kings as I suspect, we know this must happen before the 70 weeks decree is fulfilled. And Jesus must return and rule on earth, from Jerusalem for 1000 years.

All six of these things have to happen before this prophecy is fulfilled. These are six spiritual goals that have to come to pass or this prophecy will not be finished or sealed up. We know these things have not come to pass yet, but we also know they are very near to happening, therefore watch, for Israel is now a nation again, and the world is against her, soon she will need her Messiah's help, then she will call upon him, and he will save her from this wicked world.

No you can't, you do not have one whit of understanding about that prophesy brother. I don't have a "BELIEF" I just understand Prophesy, and you don't seem to understand how to put the pieces together.

No, blessed is those who are Jews, who have not heretofore understood Jesus was their Messiah, and whom God has now decided to send them the Two-witnesses, Elijah, and IMHO, Moses, who will be given the ability to get 1/3 of those end time Jews to repent, so unto a Spiritually DEAD NATION, God sends them a Blessing, in that Israel will now become alive again. That is a Blessing from God alone. The 1335 is way over your head, no doubt.
I am familiar with this gap theory, a fabrication. Here"s mine:
490 years were derermined/ ordained by God, not 2490 years! He did not change His mind and insert a 2000 year gap. This prophecy was about the Messiah, the Jews and Jerusalem...

"To finish the transgression,
To make an end of sins,"

(For the believer, Jesus did.)
"To make reconciliation for iniquity,"
(He did - we have been reconciled and He offers that to the world)
"To bring in everlasting righteousness,"
(He did spiritually, though sin remains in the world. His righteousnes is imputed to us.)
"To seal up vision and prophecy",
(His death and resurrection fulfilled prophecy and when He ascended into Heaven, He received the scroll which was sealed upon His ascension. So in heaven it is considered a done deal.)
"And to anoint the Most Holy.'

Know therefore and understand,
That from the going forth of the command
To restore and build Jerusalem
Until Messiah the Prince,
There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks;
(Jesus shows up after the 69 weeks, not during, but in the beginning of the 70th week.)

And after the sixty-two weeks
Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;"

(After means in the 70th week)
"And the people of the prince who is to come
Shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.
(This is just an allusion to 70 AD, a parenthethical citation not within the 70 weeks timeline)
"The end of it shall be with a flood,
And till the end of the war desolations are determined."

(Also alluding to the destruction /desolation of Jerusalem).
>>> (Now back to the Messiah, whom the whole context is about)
27 "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week;"
(Jesus brought the New Covenant in the 70th week)
"But in the middle of the week (70th)
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering."
(Jesus ended sacrifice and offering. He was the final sacrifice.)
"And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,"
(His torture and crucifixion was an abomination. He pronounced the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem. GOD destroyed Jerusalem. But we can also look at this symbolically as the Jews becoming spiritually desolate)
"Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

(Another parenthetical citation referring to the spiritually desolate, (the Jews), who in the end times will receive the consummation - the Holy Spirit as stated in Rom.11.)


Active Member
Oct 24, 2019
Medellin, Colombia
You don't have to honest with us, but you really should make an effort to be honest with yourself.

You were wrong. Find the humility to admit it the obvious. This is a desperate attempt to grasp at straws.

I actually rather be wrong than right, because if I am wrong that means we have more time to prepare. But we don't know yet if I am actually wrong, because even old books agree with my timeline. We have to wait and see.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Two days ago Israeli police stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Today Israeli military fired missiles into Lebonon (targeting Hamas) retaliating from missiles fired into Israel from Lebonon yesterday. War is brewing.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
The bible says Jesus was cut off after 69 weeks, not after 69 1/2 weeks.

Sad how God words divide those who follow Christ.

A lesson of math AND reading comprehension. 1 is BOTH less than 2 AND less than 3. To say AFTER 69 may also be AFTER 69 1/2. To say Jesus rose AFTER 3 days is not the same as ON the 3rd day. Having said all that, I'm not sure what such mathematical precision has to do with the price of tea in China.

I think we need to allow some ambiguity in the way people talk. When I went on vacation to Outer Banks, I rented the place for a week and said I was there for a week. Is this deceptive? Was I lying. Was I wrong?
  • I rented the house starting Sunday.
  • Sunday begins at 12 AM.
  • Driving that morning from Ohio, I arrived at approximately 18.5 hours after the place was available for me.
  • I left Saturday approximately 8 AM.
  • Even had I left Sunday at 8 AM, it would STILL be 10 hours shy of being there 24/7.
  • Although Sunday begins at 12 AM, my rental began at 12 PM.
Counting. One does NOT count the day they arrive as Day 1. One only counts a dollar once it is on the table, not as it is being put down with no actual money on the table when "1" is pronounced. This is how people talk: I was there a week, starting Sunday (even though the completion of Day 1 is on Monday.

I've noticed a lot of petty pickering lately. Must be bad moon rising. Let us pray for the fruit of the Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Do you think you have done the young man any good?
Yes. Yes, I do think I have done the young man good for I have done good by him! It is ALWAYS good to be kind and sympathetic. I can be friendly to not only those who I disagree with but we are commanded to pray even for our enemies. And this young man is not our enemy! :mad:

You think you are doing him good by being cruel and arrogant?

Seek some discernment.
You too buddy. You too! Not sure why you are being such a jerk about this! The young man can be wrong. His acceptance as a child of God who we are compelled to love by our lord does not depend on him being right - about this or anything else.

There is no humility in you about this. I am ashamed of you and you should be ashamed of yourself. I have no authority over this young man and have no right to judge him. Why do you?

Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall.
Roman 14:4

Welcome all the Lord's followers, even those whose faith is weak. Don't criticize them for having beliefs that are different from yours. Romans 14:1

Saying Cruel Things about Others

11 My friends, don't say cruel things about others! If you do, or if you condemn others, you are condemning God's Law. And if you condemn the Law, you put yourself above the Law and refuse to obey either it 12 or God who gave it. God is our judge, and he can save or destroy us. What right do you have to condemn anyone?
James 4:11-12 (CEV)

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Yes. Yes, I do think I have done the young man good for I have done good by him! It is ALWAYS good to be kind and sympathetic. I can be friendly to not only those who I disagree with but we are commanded to pray even for our enemies. And this young man is not our enemy! :mad:

You think you are doing him good by being cruel and arrogant?

You too buddy. You too! Not sure why you are being such a jerk about this! The young man can be wrong. His acceptance as a child of God who we are compelled to love by our lord does not depend on him being right - about this or anything else.

There is no humility in you about this. I am ashamed of you and you should be ashamed of yourself. I have no authority over this young man and have no right to judge him. Why do you?

Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall.
Roman 14:4

Welcome all the Lord's followers, even those whose faith is weak. Don't criticize them for having beliefs that are different from yours. Romans 14:1

Saying Cruel Things about Others

11 My friends, don't say cruel things about others! If you do, or if you condemn others, you are condemning God's Law. And if you condemn the Law, you put yourself above the Law and refuse to obey either it 12 or God who gave it. God is our judge, and he can save or destroy us. What right do you have to condemn anyone?
James 4:11-12 (CEV)

By his words, his teachings... he leads others astray. He is by definition- a false prophet. I'm not sure what it is in YOU that thinks to make my business, your business-- but it needs rethinking, because it is not.

Would you coddle a man who thinks he can be a woman and have a baby? That's what you are doing here. It's role-playing and you are guilty of playing along. That's YOUR business. Take a chill pill. You do you. I'll do me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
By his words, his teachings... he leads others astray. He is by definition- a false prophet.
No. He's just a young man trying to make sense of the world around him.

Try being his friend. Be his compassionate mentor even in his error. If he is not wrong about this, he'll be wrong about something else in his life. It's OK. Live and learn.

I have sympathy for men who could be my son. He's not a threat. He's an image bearer of God who we are commanded to love. So, love him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
You do you. I'll do me.
You are leading others astray by your "teachings". You are a false prophet. See how it is to be held to the standards by which you judge others?

If you think your posts in this thread reflect the grace of Christ, think again.

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
You are leading others astray by your "teachings". You are a false prophet. See how it is to be held to the standards by which you judge others?

If you think your posts in this thread reflect the grace of Christ, think again.

Yawn. Your words are meaningless. A standard misapplied is no standard at all. I've made no claims.

But I can see you are upset. I know you were cheering for him. You must be disappointed that the world isn't in chaos and that @gaviria.christian didn't spit fire from his mouth and incinerate me as he said he was going to do.

Sorry for your loss. :tearsofjoy:

Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Yes you did.

Don't be obtuse. I made no claims of being a prophet, or a witness, or the Christ, or a cowboy.

Stay on topic. This is his thread. Don't try to make it about me. Go soak your head.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
For starters, you are going about it all wrong. The DOTL is an Asteroid Event which brings God's Wrath onto mankind. Jesus told us to look to the skies. Rev 8 shows us the mountain on fire (Incoming Asteroid) that will bring the DOTL. So, the middle of the 70th week (1260) brings this event.
Could be an asteroid, I used to think that. But a Super Volcanic eruption would cause the massive earthquake, smoke that blocks out the sun, moon and stars in that region of the world.
"For a fire has flared in My anger, And it burns to the lowest part of Sheol, And devours the earth with its yield, And sets on fire the foundations of the mountains. Deut. 32:22
There is evidence of over 30 volcanoes
(some active but most dormant) throughout the Great Syrian/African Rift. Sodom and Gomorah was located on the NE side of the Dead Sea ( The Sea of Lot, The Devil's Sea, The Stinking Sea ...) and consumed by one of them.
Not ruling out an asteroid though. There is the second hit, wormwood. Though that could be a nuke. ?

So, look for that event, and take 3.5 years off (in general) and yo can see when everything goes down, Jesus will rapture the Church in the fall of 2025.
Well, that's a year sooner than Gaviria stated. Hope one of you guys are right.
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