What are the main doctrinal differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and mainstream Christianity?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
So when we speak of Jesus' Deity, we must view God as a lesser revelation of God, which I find truer than
With all due respect, this is nonsense on several different levels.

1st, truth is absolute. One thing is not more true than another thing that is true.

2nd, you are combining concepts here and I cannot even tell what concepts you are mixing, "view God as a lesser revelation of God." If my child is playing hide and go seek and I view her partially behind the tree, it does not change the fact that she is not me, her father.

3rd, "Jesus' deity" is not in Scripture, regardless of what capitalization one uses. Over and over again Scripture identifies Jesus as the son of the deity. Why is that explicit identification insufficient for you? Especially given that every single Epistle explicitly identifies the Father, alone as being God?

Again, it seems you are starting with your premise and then trying to fit text that contradicts it. For instance, Hunter is the son of POTUS. No rationalizing will make Hunter the POTUS.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
With all due respect, this is nonsense on several different levels.

1st, truth is absolute. One thing is not more true than another thing that is true.

2nd, you are combining concepts here and I cannot even tell what concepts you are mixing, "view God as a lesser revelation of God." If my child is playing hide and go seek and I view her partially behind the tree, it does not change the fact that she is not me, her father.

3rd, "Jesus' deity" is not in Scripture, regardless of what capitalization one uses. Over and over again Scripture identifies Jesus as the son of the deity. Why is that explicit identification insufficient for you? Especially given that every single Epistle explicitly identifies the Father, alone as being God?

Again, it seems you are starting with your premise and then trying to fit text that contradicts it. For instance, Hunter is the son of POTUS. No rationalizing will make Hunter the POTUS.
Actually, the vast number of Christians, who study, in history have come up with the same conclusion. They are not trying to prove a presupposed thesis--this is the main idea present in the Gospels, in our opinion, that a divine Christ is presenting himself as the "Way, Truth, and the Life," capitalized or not.

Stating that Christ is the "Son of God" is, I agree, the proper way to refer to Jesus. To say "Jesus is God" is, I believe, true, and yet does not adequately explain how God can exist before Jesus and as Jesus. As you say, 2 persons does not equal 1 person, as we normally view persons.

Again, we are talking about the infinite God and what He can do with His Word. Can He produce revelations of His own personality? I say yes, and you say no.

I guess you'll have to believe what you wish to believe? Are you presupposing JW doctrine, or do you read Scriptures and come to the conclusion that God's Word cannot frame God's personality in the form of a human personality? What do you do with theophanies?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Can He produce revelations of His own personality? I say yes, and you say no.
Revealing oneself is not the same as 2 Beings being the same being even though they might be on the same page, aka “one.”

When mother says to children, your father and I are one on this, she is not claiming to be the same Being as her husband.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Revealing oneself is not the same as 2 Beings being the same being even though they might be on the same page, aka “one.”

When mother says to children, your father and I are one on this, she is not claiming to be the same Being as her husband.
I understand. But as I told you before, the comparison between human relationships and divine relationships break down when you consider there is a vast difference between an infinite Being and what He can do and finite human beings and what they can't do.

People cannot, by their word, create anything out of nothing. But this is a hallmark of God and a characteristic of His abilities.

So again--no comparison. Two distinct persons, one an infinite Being and the other revealing the infinite Being in a finite being is not only possible--it appears to be biblical. Jesus said that when we see him we see the Father. End of argument.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Again, quite a bit to address.....sorry I could not post this earlier. I have had a bereavement in the family.

I'm sure you've argued and debated all of the pertinent verses that Christians and JWs like to argue. But we don't need to. We're told from the start that God is "one." That means, any notion of two gods, one greater and one lesser, is inadmissible.
And yet you seem to think that there are two “gods”, one who is in a lesser form on earth, whilst the other remains in greater form in heaven.....where will I find that idea in the Bible? How does God make himself into two separate beings who talk to one another? How does one pray to the other but only one way?

Christendom actually embraces three gods, all of whom are supposedly equal.....so where is it stated that God can exist in different levels of existence whilst still maintaining his Sovereign position as "The Sovereign Lord" in heaven as the Creator of all things?

Where is the third party? He is invariably missing when the other two are mentioned together. (John 17:3; 1 Cor 8:5-6)

This is not saying that only the Father is God, but that the Father is indeed the one God. This does not exclude the one God from being revealed in different personages, whether angelic appearances of God or the human appearance of God in Jesus.

For example, it is commonly understood that in the OT there are angelic revelations of God--they are God expressing himself in lesser persons who really are God, though in lesser forms. They are called "theophanies."
Or it could be that the Supreme God has always dealt with the human race by means of his appointed representatives. The incidents mentioned in Genesis 18 tell us of three angels who visited Abraham and Sarah to inform them that a son would be born to Sarah in her old age......one of those angels was identified as “Jehovah”.....so who was this angel in human form who spoke as God, and who ate and drank with Abraham, and who stayed whist the other two went on to Sodom to rescue Lot and his family?

If John tells us that no one has seen God at any time (John 1:18) then this was not “God”, but his representative (his Logos) in material form. Once the mission was completed these angels returned to the spirit realm.
So all through the Bible we see God communicating with humans through his appointed representatives....why would the Sovereign of the Universe need to take the form of one of his lower creatures to carry out tasks? He always used his servants in conjunction with his holy spirit to accomplish his will.

Where did this word "theophanies" come from...? It came from "the church"....not scripture.

Certainly we agree there is "one God," that He is *the* Almighty. Jesus has to be expressed as a lesser depiction of God, though not as a different god, because that is how God is expressing Himself. But that doesn't mean he is any less *the* one and only God.
The Bible calls Jesus "the son of God"....never "God the Son"....so I believe that this idea was grafted in much later because the first Christians did not believe that Jesus was "God incarnate". That would have been a blasphemy of monumental proportions to them.
Jesus had to die as an innocent man, so no charge of blasphemy could ever stand against him. If you can point out where in any verse, Jesus confessed to being God incarnate, then I would like to see it.

That is your own particular critical view of how things evolved from Apostles to Church Fathers. I see the Church Fathers explaining the Apostles' beliefs in a culture that had been saturated with various philosophical ideas. Explaining the truth in a "foreign language" is to be expected from leaders who were commissioned with the Gospel to all nations. It was part of their "job description."
No, it wasn't. Christianity stands alone in any culture because the culture has to yield to Christ's teachings....not the other way around.
You cannot combine pagan elements into Christ's teachings and expect them to remain pure.
The early church fathers were contending with apostates even back then....the foretold apostasy was "at work" already and because the influence of the apostles had gone, the fox ended up guarding the hen house.
This is what happens when people take no note of past mistakes.....they are doomed to repeat them. Christendom became a mirror image of apostate Judaism.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The "time of the end" I believe to be a reference not to the "end of the age" but rather, to the end of Israel's covenant relationship with God. It would precede Israel's final national restoration.
Jesus clearly said that "the end of the age" was the end of the world (kosmos) as we know it......not the end of the planet, or the end of humanity, but a cleansing of the wickedness that God had permitted to grow and take over the world, so that mankind and the angels could see first hand where independence from God would lead led them. Could we have had a more valuable lesson in 'what NOT to do'?
The same lessons were being given to future nations, who have now embraced a covenant with Christ. Our nations also fall, as all nations do. This is inevitable, before final national restoration.
What nations have ever embraced a covenant with God and kept it? When you break a covenant, the other party has the option to end it.
There is only one nation with whom God concluded a covenant....and he kept that covenant in place until HE had fulfilled it......that nation produced his Messiah.....and when they had him put to death to silence his exposure of them as the disgusting hypocrites that they were, he "abandoned" them and chose a new "people" to serve his interests on earth.

"Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
this was the Lord's doing,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’?

43 Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits. 44 And the one who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him.”
45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he was speaking about them. 46 And although they were seeking to arrest him, they feared the crowds, because they held him to be a prophet."
(Matthew 21:43-46)

Israel is no longer God's "people" because they proved to be unworthy of the privilege of bearing his name. ...a name they abandoned along with their truth.
Then you should've indeed come out from corrupt, fallen churches and religious traditions. But you should continue to reach out to them, if even from afar, to try to stir them to reformation. As long as there is hope, we've been given a Gospel to reach out with the message of reform and grace.
I came out of a corrupt and fatally fractured religious system, who all taught the same lies as if they were gospel truth.....in studying the Bible for myself, I saw that none of the "church" formulated doctrines of later centuries, were true at all....all were 'borrowed' from paganism, but carefully grafted into scripture in ambiguous verses...but when you tell a lie long enough and often enough, people come to believe it.

The "gospel" message is lost on those who have no idea what it is. The churches do not send their members out to preach which was a command from Jesus himself. (Matt 10:11-14; Matthew 28:19-20) I know they have tried, but because they lack the direction of God's spirit, they stay at home, and in their church buildings and virtually ignore their neighbors who need to hear the "good news"......Christendom has a very distorted view of what the Kingdom is, and what its purpose is. This becomes obvious when you ask different people from different denominations, about God's Kingdom, and get several different answers.
One Christian Spirit does not necessarily unite flawed Christians and does not necessarily reform corrupt forms of Christianity. People do not have to obey God's Spirit once they've received it. It's a gift that brings life, but people can choose to live inconsistently with that life.
That is where I believe that you are dead wrong......God's spirit does not promote division...it promotes unity. Where God's spirit is, there is genuine love and unity of belief and practice. (John 13:34-35) Jehovah does not speak with a forked tongue....it's the other fella who does that.
Paul was saying this precisely because receiving God's Spirit does not guarantee Christians will remain in that Spirit. Quite frankly, they don't. And so, Paul was encouraging fidelity to the truth, knowing that it isn't always so, and needs to be constantly preached.
Not what Peter said....
" For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. 21 For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.” (2 Peter 2:20-22)

Nor Paul....
"For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt." (Hebrews 6:4-6)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
But Jesus knew his Gospel of the Kingdom would be expanded into all nations. And so, what he told Israel would apply, he knew, to the nations. The "good news" of Israel's future restoration would apply to Christian nations and to Christian individuals who would likewise experience restoration, after a long age of trouble and persecution.
Its got nothing to do with fleshly Israel's future at all......God raised up children for Abraham from the nations because his fleshly "people" could never live up to their part of his covenant with them.....he had the right to break it and raise up a new "Israel". So that is what he did.

"Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name." These people were called "the Israel of God" (Gal 6:16).....God's "people" were no longer from a single nation but taken from all nations, Jehovah abandoned his faithless people because of their repeated failures and their refusal to accept their Messiah.....He didn't choose them because they they were better than any other people, he chose them because they were Abraham's offspring, fulfilling a promise that he made to him. (Genesis 22:17-18)
The Kingdom of God is, of course, in heaven with God, who reigns over His Kingdom. But His Kingdom appears, in a temporal sense, on earth when nation-states adopt God's creeds, covenants, and word. That is, when King David adopted the Law of Moses as the standard for his kingdom, the Kingdom of God temporally merged with the kingdom of David. It was a form of theocracy.
Do you really believe this? What nations on earth could ever go to war and kill their enemies in such a heinous fashion, and still call themselves Christ's disciples? (Matthew 5:43-44; Romans 12: 17-21)
There are no "Christian" nations on earth.....only those who falsely claim to be.....whilst currying "friendship with the world". (James 4:4)

Theocracy is "rule by God" which is what we were supposed to have in the beginning, but it got derailed by Adam's sin.......there are no nations on earth where a theocracy is implemented. Israel tried it and failed....they could never remain obedient to their rightful Sovereign.
They demanded a human king and God warned them about the consequences of such a move, but as usual they ignored him.

We know who is ruling this world, and those who do are influenced by only one powerful entity (1 John 5:19).....one who was given such rulership to do with as he pleased.
"And the devil took him [Jesus] up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, 6 and said to him, “To you I will give all this authority and their glory, for it has been delivered to me, and I give it to whom I will." (Luke 4:5-6)

The good news is that Jesus came to forgive fallen nations and fallen individuals.
Yes, he did.....but it was conditional......life from the beginning was conditional.....and God's covenants with Israel were also conditional....the unconditional love you speak of does not exist. Without repentance, there can be no forgiveness. God does not LOVE disobedience.

Putting our trust in him as *divine Savior" enables us to partake in God's Spirit so that we can live like Jesus did. Equally important we can recognize that we can adopt his *record of perfection* despite our *record of imperfection.* We just need to defer to him morally and spiritually in all things so that love shines through everything we do. This will be our assurance that we have both him and eternal life. That's the Gospel of the Kingdom.
We know that Jesus is the Savior, sent by his God to redeem mankind, but where do you get the idea that we can "adopt his record of perfection despite our record of imperfection"....where does it say in any Bible verse that God ever forgave someone who was not repentant?

If we defer to Jesus both morally and spiritually, then we have no room in our lives for willful and deliberate sin....that is not the sin that Jesus forgives with his Father's authority.....it is the sin inherited from Adam that we can rise above, if we make a concerted effort to fight our sinful tendencies. We are the captain of our own ship.....no one drives it but us. The devil can tempt us, but he cannot make us sin...that is a willful action on our part......why would God forgive that unless we were sincerely sorry for a lapse in judgment?
Its the difference recognized in God's law between manslaughter and premeditated murder......different crimes and different punishments.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
But as I told you before, the comparison between human relationships and divine relationships break down when you consider there is a vast difference between an infinite Being and what He can do and finite human beings and what they can't do.
Total and complete nonnsense. The abilities of people and their being in relationship are mutually exclusive. I cannot even understand why you would attempt to connect these independent functions.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Again, quite a bit to address.....sorry I could not post this earlier. I have had a bereavement in the family.
Very sorry. Loss of someone in the family *must* be our priority at a time like this!
And yet you seem to think that there are two “gods”, one who is in a lesser form on earth, whilst the other remains in greater form in heaven.....where will I find that idea in the Bible? How does God make himself into two separate beings who talk to one another? How does one pray to the other but only one way?
Prayer in the Bible seems directed to God in the name of Jesus. So prayer involves recognition that Deity is in both Father and Son. Jesus is depicted as one who "forgives sin" in a way that only God can do. Jesus appears as sinless, unlike regular mankind, all of whom have sin. Jesus exercises control over nature, in a far more powerful way than the Prophets. In my view, Jesus is viewed as the source of our redemption, which is a divine thing.

The word "beings" has to do with the translation of Hebrew concepts into Greek/Roman philosophical language. That was an essential part of early evangelism, to explain Hebrew things in the language of Greek and Latin. In Hebrew, Messiah is portrayed as representative of God in the form of a man. In Greek/Roman language, there is concern, like you have, on how "two beings," as such, can represent a "single Being?"
Christendom actually embraces three gods, all of whom are supposedly equal.....so where is it stated that God can exist in different levels of existence whilst still maintaining his Sovereign position as "The Sovereign Lord" in heaven as the Creator of all things?
As I said, the Trinity doesn't exist on different levels or different planes. They are different revelations. The source of all 3 revelations is the infinite Word of God, which has the capacity to express God's personality in all 3 ways, as a Spirit in any geographical location, as a man in only one geographical location, and as a divine Being exceeding any geographical bearing. God can express His personality in all 3 of these ways without sacrificing Himself as the Source of all 3 revelations. What His Word reveals is God's Personality in all 3 of these different expressions.
Where is the third party? He is invariably missing when the other two are mentioned together. (John 17:3; 1 Cor 8:5-6)
Or it could be that the Supreme God has always dealt with the human race by means of his appointed representatives. The incidents mentioned in Genesis 18 tell us of three angels who visited Abraham and Sarah to inform them that a son would be born to Sarah in her old age......one of those angels was identified as “Jehovah”.....so who was this angel in human form who spoke as God, and who ate and drank with Abraham, and who stayed whist the other two went on to Sodom to rescue Lot and his family?
The very idea that God's Personality was expressed as this "3rd angel" indicates that God can express His Divine Personality on a finite level. It was a different revelation of God and yet consistent with His Personality, or who He was.

This marks God's identity being expressed in 2 distinct ways, one as the supreme Being before creation and the other as revealed in a finite angelic form, extending from eternity and into time. What extends from God in eternity into time and the finite world remains "of God," and the form this revelation takes can still be "God."

If God's Word still *is God,* even after it assumes for God a finite shape, then God assumes the form of at least 2 distinct beings without sacrificing His original infinite bearing. This material is quite "lofty," so perhaps we cannot go much farther?
If John tells us that no one has seen God at any time (John 1:18) then this was not “God”, but his representative (his Logos) in material form. Once the mission was completed these angels returned to the spirit realm.
But you are admitting that God existed at least "for a time" in the temporal realm, as an "angel!" If so, then God appeared as "two!" If He can do so for a while, then the fact is that He *can do so!*

When we are told that "nobody has seen God" I believe the context has to do with seeing Him *before Creation* as an *infinite Being.* This is not saying God cannot reveal His personality in a way people can see.

Clearly, we are told Moses saw at least part of God. And we are told that in some sense Abraham saw God. These things have to do with God's finite revelations about Himself that are accomplished by His powerful Word.

God can create a compressed image of Himself which nevertheless *is Him* in a lower way. It is a *lesser revelation* of God, as I said. A "theophany," for example, is a lesser revelation of God's personality.
So all through the Bible we see God communicating with humans through his appointed representatives....why would the Sovereign of the Universe need to take the form of one of his lower creatures to carry out tasks? He always used his servants in conjunction with his holy spirit to accomplish his will.
It's not a matter of God "needing" to do anything. It has to do with what God *wanted* to do! And Paul said He wanted Jesus to be "firstborn" among many brethren, ie brothers and sisters. God wanted to take His place "with men," as was always said in OT Scriptures.
Where did this word "theophanies" come from...? It came from "the church"....not scripture.
All foreign words come from outside Scripture, just as French does not come from English. However, English and French words can mean the same thing. A "theophany," as expressed in Hebrew words, as an angelic visitation from God, is still a "theophany." "Theophany" is just another way of expressing the same.
The Bible calls Jesus "the son of God"....never "God the Son"....so I believe that this idea was grafted in much later because the first Christians did not believe that Jesus was "God incarnate". That would have been a blasphemy of monumental proportions to them.
Jesus had to die as an innocent man, so no charge of blasphemy could ever stand against him. If you can point out where in any verse, Jesus confessed to being God incarnate, then I would like to see it.
I suppose that's your explanation. But I don't find the arrangement of the words to be the problem. For me, "God the Son" is the same as "the Son of God." It depends on how Jesus portrayed himself in connection with the great "I Am." It depends on how Jesus portrayed himself in light of his claim to be able to "forgive sins." Was he doing so, thinking he was God, or was he just doing it as any man would forgive another man? Was he saying he was THE Way, or was he saying he was A way?
No, it wasn't. Christianity stands alone in any culture because the culture has to yield to Christ's teachings....not the other way around.
You cannot combine pagan elements into Christ's teachings and expect them to remain pure.
It depends on what you mean by "pagan elements?" If what *used to be pagan* is now introduced into a Christian culture that is *no longer pagan* and has been *fully Christianized* then no--"pagan elements" do remain pure as long as they don't return to their pagan roots, meaning, and use.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
The source of all 3 revelations is the infinite Word of God, which has the capacity to express God's personality in all 3 ways, as a Spirit in any geographical location, as a man in only one geographical location, and as a divine Being exceeding any geographical bearing.
Too much gobbledegook mysticism for me.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Absolutely not! Images are not the Being the image shows.
God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;
who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His Person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. - Hebrews 1:1-4

[the] exact representation
χαρακτὴρ (charaktēr)
Noun - Nominative Masculine Singular
Strong's Greek 5481: From the same as charax; a graver, i.e. engraving, the figure stamped, i.e. An exact copy or representation).

τῆς (tēs)
Article - Genitive Feminine Singular
Strong's Greek 3588: The, the definite article. Including the feminine he, and the neuter to in all their inflections; the definite article; the.

αὐτοῦ (autou)
Personal / Possessive Pronoun - Genitive Masculine 3rd Person Singular
Strong's Greek 846: He, she, it, they, them, same. From the particle au; the reflexive pronoun self, used of the third person, and of the other persons.

ὑποστάσεως (hypostaseōs)
Noun - Genitive Feminine Singular
Strong's Greek 5287: From a compound of hupo and histemi; a setting under, i.e. concretely, essence, or abstractly, assurance.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
It’s useless to try to win a fruitless battle. You can however try if you are willingly.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
It’s useless to try to win a fruitless battle. You can however try if you are willingly.
It IS a battle Matthew......a very important one......truth verses falsehood.....but, which is which?
Both sides believe that they have the truth....so why is it that conviction is so strong on both sides? How can we tell what is true, when we have an enemy who is a clever deceiver?

Is history repeating because the devil has no new tricks?....and human nature does not alter?

This is an important question for all of us....why? Because truth (or our perception of it) is meant to be a divider. Satan can create delusions and lead people to believe the web of lies he has created over many centuries....

It was the same with the nation of Israel.....when Jesus came to expose the Pharisees for the false hypocritical teachers that they were, an immediate division was created because the truth of Jesus’ words cast doubt on the validity of what the Pharisees taught.....they had God’s word too, but they had distorted the meaning of many things, so that slavish devotion to tradition and their rigid interpretation of the Law, replaced what the prophets had recorded as their scripture....spiritual guidance was therefore skewed.
Jesus nonetheless was there to divide the Jewish people.....to some he was speaking truth to their hearts, even though it was against the teachings of their religious leaders....those who came to Christ had the sacrifice of their Messiah applied to them......those who rejected him, were rejected by his Father.

Jesus came before the destruction of the Jewish system.....it was an end to worship and sacrifice at the Temple, because the Romans destroyed it..."no stone left upon a stone" as Jesus had warned (Matt 24:1-2).....but without their temple sacrifices, there could be no forgiveness according to the Law.....God knew that their sacrifices were empty anyway. He allowed the Temple to be destroyed in 70 CE because it was no longer a place where his true worship was practiced.

Only fit and healthy animals were accepted offerings to the Supreme God, but turning God’s house into a “cave of robbers” (or “a den of thieves”) by extorting money from their own brothers, selling sacrificial animals right there in the Temple for profit, was disgraceful in Jesus' estimations, so he angrily drove them out of there.

Again we are approaching "the end" of an entire system of things, only this time it’s the big one. And again there is a focus on money as people are asked to donate to "the church"....but the money we see is spent on the lifestyles of the pastors and ministers.....private jets and large mansions are the goal of the so-called "prosperity gospel" promoters.
The mega-churches are little more than entertainment venues that play on people's emotions, not really giving them much solid Bible knowledge. "Feeling good" is enough for them. That isn't what Christianity was all about.....unless we are on the cramped and narrow road, we will not get to our desired destination. (Matthew 7:13-14)

The truth will again divide people into two categories......”sheep and goats”......but throughout the entire period of “the last days”, people have been given a warning, just as the people of Noah’s day were given a warning of God’s intentions back then. (Matthew 24:37-39) They ignored the warning then, and paid the price......the messenger didn’t look very authentic and he was building some kind of enormous structure out in the middle of a cleared field. He looked and sounded like a "nutter"......so they all felt secure in ignoring, and even ridiculing him. How would they have felt when the water started rising and there was nowhere to escape?

We have to be careful that we do not stumble over the messenger(s) today. (John 15:18-21)


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Some people argue just to argue, I only read the first part of your post @Aunty Jane. Yes I can be inconsiderate sometimes; but nonetheless do we all fail; but is it not also true that by and in faith can we live and love when a person dies to themselves and lives for God and Christ; there shouldn’t be anything less than agape love with no secrets of hate.

Cause God sees our hearts and that is all I know; and boy sometimes I don’t do the right things all the time and sometimes that is at a cost of getting pruned back by the Father. Being kept humble, realizing the need for Him over trusting me and my own ways.

(John 15)