The Gospel of Grace:

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brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
this bunch is like Martha! the Lord is ready to raise the dead with the Power of His Word and set the captives free! but they worry that some little smell might hit there holy noses! what are you afraid of ? somebody else might sin? the strength of sin is the law!
brother dave,

You confuse the law of God and the mosaic law.

Heb 7:16 (Christ) Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life.

What changes in the New Covenant is the means to fulfill the same law. Now we can by grace truly fulfill the law, yet not us, but Christ in us.

The carnal commandment is the form under which the old covenant was under. Robes of linen and gold do not make one holy. But true holiness does indeed exist, in the person of Christ Jesus. It is not an imaginary life that is given us, and Christianity is not blind men claiming to see, but men truly given sight and robes by God himself.

Instead men have followed after their own lusts and chosen to claim robes of righteousness for themselves all the while still living by the flesh! Men have twisted the word to their own destruction, so that they might on the one hand claim to be holy and righteous, pleasing to God, and yet live like the rest of the world.

The new man is made in true holiness... If we walk in Christ, we are as He is, by his power.

But men prefer to go after their own imaginations, which allows them to remain carnal all the while claiming Christ, rather than truly seeking God that he might conform them to his Son.

You are too blind to see past anything a person claims... You are already in a position of unbelief and thus can only take what men say as claims, but can accept nothing out of your own experience as being a reality. Your unbelief and lack of childlikeness makes it impossible for you to believe there is any experience beyond your own.... Thus anything beyond this is already written of as imaginations, which is ironic since your own christianity is based on imaginations; things that have no bearing in your time on this earth.

You will always resist the truth because you have already decided it is impossible, comparing all things to yourself. This is pride, but you are blind to this also.

And so as long as you cling to this pride you will not see, for God gives grace to the humble. We can only see when we humble ourselves and seek God on the matter that is before us. How many are willing to do this when presented with an experience that is deeper than their own?
i confuse nothing! for the law of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death!
by the way! show me your holiness! i can point strait to mine!


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
this bunch is like Martha! the Lord is ready to raise the dead with the Power of His Word and set the captives free! but they worry that some little smell might hit there holy noses! what are you afraid of ? somebody else might sin? the strength of sin is the law!

i confuse nothing! for the law of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death!
by the way! show me your holiness! i can point strait to mine!

You confuse nothing and yet you misunderstand everything that is being communicated! ;)

brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
Why are you guys so worried others might sin? like the hypocrites the Lord does a great work and heals a man on the sabbath! and the man says HE WHO HEALED ME told me to take up my bed and WALK! and you hypocrites say who told you to take your bed and walk? you leave out the authority of the HEALER! you have no respect for His Work or His authority over the law!

You confuse nothing and yet you misunderstand everything that is being communicated! ;)
no i do understand! where is your holines? what works do you have?


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Why are you guys so worried others might sin? like the hypocrites the Lord does a great work and heals a man on the sabbath! and the man says HE WHO HEALED ME told me to take up my bed and WALK! and you hypocrites say who told you to take your bed and walk? you leave out the authority of the HEALER! you have no respect for His Work or His authority over the law!

no i do understand! where is your holines? what works do you have?

You understand what I am communicating? And yet when I told you this is not about the mosaic law (sabbath) you bring it back and say we uphold the sabbath? Interesting. :)

This is about being without spot and blemish before the Lord, comformed to his standard.

2Pe_3:14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.

This is possible, not in our strength, but by the Lord's strength.

brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
what i understand is you are double minded! out of one side of your mouth you speak of holiness! and how you may obtain it ! and out of the other you speak of grace ? again! show us poor mislead grace folks YOUR HOLINESS? because we can point clearly to ours!


New Member
May 9, 2012
Why are you guys so worried others might sin? like the hypocrites the Lord does a great work and heals a man on the sabbath! and the man says HE WHO HEALED ME told me to take up my bed and WALK! and you hypocrites say who told you to take your bed and walk? you leave out the authority of the HEALER! you have no respect for His Work or His authority over the law!

no i do understand! where is your holines? what works do you have?

We are speaking plainly but let me ask you a series of questions to try to get on some level of understanding with you.

Obedience is the only way we can walk in the love that God requires in His law. Do you agree?

Does your Bible say that the one that does not keep the Lord's sayings does not love God?
John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Does your Bible say that those who keep His commandments love Him?
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

If your Bible says this, do you agree with it?

By this obedience to His Spirit, we become "conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29). Do you agree? If not, how do we become "conformed to His image"?

Does your Bible say that we should love the Lord with ALL of our Heart?
Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Do you agree with this or do you consider this works?

If you agree with this then can we agree that Jesus invites us to come to Him with ALL our heart so He can lead us to be perfected in His covenant of love?

Do you believe that only Jesus can lead us by His Holy Spirit to be perfected in Love? No one else can, right?

And it is totally through His grace, He makes us strong enough through His Spirit to become doers of the law. "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6).

Would you agree that if you are not ready to give up everything in the world and everything of the flesh, then you are not ready to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life? Is this what you preach?

Do you preach that Jesus cannot perfect a good work in one's life if they walk in disobedience?

Do you preach that if one loves sin more than they love Jesus, they have a hardened heart? Do you believe that those who love their flesh nature more than Jesus will not submit to the obedience of the Spirit to be perfected in love?

What we are saying is that the flesh nature constantly looks for rules it can fulfill without having to take up the cross and deal with the heart. You believe that, too. Correct?

Much of the church is caught in the same trap today. The rules of these religious structures, like the rules of the Pharisees, are of no value against the rebellious nature of the flesh.


What exactly do you disagree with?


brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
give the Lord one street walker that trust in His holiness and His work! for her faith is of more value to the Lord than all you who seek to justify yourselves! i would rather stand with her in hopes of His Holiness! than to be led astray by you bunch of hypocrites who seek to justify yourself!

We are speaking plainly but let me ask you a series of questions to try to get on some level of understanding with you.

Obedience is the only way we can walk in the love that God requires in His law. Do you agree?

Does your Bible say that the one that does not keep the Lord's sayings does not love God?
John 14:24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.

Does your Bible say that those who keep His commandments love Him?
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

If your Bible says this, do you agree with it?

By this obedience to His Spirit, we become "conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29). Do you agree? If not, how do we become "conformed to His image"?

Does your Bible say that we should love the Lord with ALL of our Heart?
Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Do you agree with this or do you consider this works?

If you agree with this then can we agree that Jesus invites us to come to Him with ALL our heart so He can lead us to be perfected in His covenant of love?

Do you believe that only Jesus can lead us by His Holy Spirit to be perfected in Love? No one else can, right?

And it is totally through His grace, He makes us strong enough through His Spirit to become doers of the law. "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6).

Would you agree that if you are not ready to give up everything in the world and everything of the flesh, then you are not ready to make Jesus Christ Lord of your life? Is this what you preach?

Do you preach that Jesus cannot perfect a good work in one's life if they walk in disobedience?

Do you preach that if one loves sin more than they love Jesus, they have a hardened heart? Do you believe that those who love their flesh nature more than Jesus will not submit to the obedience of the Spirit to be perfected in love?

What we are saying is that the flesh nature constantly looks for rules it can fulfill without having to take up the cross and deal with the heart. You believe that, too. Correct?

Much of the church is caught in the same trap today. The rules of these religious structures, like the rules of the Pharisees, are of no value against the rebellious nature of the flesh.


What exactly do you disagree with?

this is my beloved Son! hear Him! and this is MY Commandment that you love as i have loved you! all the law! every commandment ever given is kept in ONE WORD! and again show me your holiness?

brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
tell me of all the great things you guys have done? maybe you think you are the holy one? are you guys trying to form a new church based on your work and goodness?

You are a hot tempered man dave, unable to see what others plainly see because your pride blinds you.
no! see its not about me! and although you like to think its about you? its not! show me your holiness so i can go tell everyone!

Joh 5:39

Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
Joh 5:40

And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.
Joh 5:41

I receive not honour from men.
Joh 5:42

But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
Joh 5:43

I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?
Joh 5:44

see the scribe is an interesting fellow? for he could not keep the law! yet he spent his whole life adding rules to the law that he himself could not keep? and then going about to lay these heavy burdens on Gods people! but the yoke of Christ is light and His burden is easy! and His commandments are not burdensome! believe! and love as He loves you! the scribe is full of iniquity! because they neither honor the law nor God!
Psa 94:20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?
Psa 94:21 They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood.


New Member
May 9, 2012

You're not helping your cause any by refusing to dialogue and instead talking over and around others on this thread. Your posts are replete with accusations and demonstrate an extreme lack of love.


brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012

You're not helping your cause any by refusing to dialogue and instead talking over and around others on this thread. Your posts are replete with accusations and demonstrate an extreme lack of love.

you see ?you dont understand! you rebuke a fool in his error! and challenge the foundations of his pride! what you think of me is of no consern to me! the truth is my consern and the gospel! now i have tried to give you revelation of Gods love but you reject it! and i will defend the Gospel of grace against all you legalist at all times and in every place i find your attempt to overthrow the faith of Gods children!

now if i dont follow along with your doctrines of circular reasoning! its because i know the devices of the hypocrite and workers of iniquity and have dealt with your kind before! if you want to start a the cross and move forward into the gospel i will be glad to have that fellowship with you!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Do people realize that they are throwing out the words of Jesus Christ in order to follow what people here mean by "the gospel of grace"? This is a gnostic view of the bible that champions Paul but excludes the sayings of Jesus.

Do the supporters of this heresy know this???

brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
Paul said ALL MEN WILL BE JUDGED ACCORDING TO HIS GOSPEL! THAT IF ANY PREACH ANOTHER GOSPEL OTHER THAN WHAT HE HAS PREACHED THEY ARE CURSED! IF EVEN AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN? BRINGS ANOTHER GOSPEL? DO NOT BELIEVE IT! now one must decide is Paul a false teacher ?or is his words, Gods word? if you doubt it is? this is probably why you and others in this forum are in such a sad place of error!

if you find conflict between Paul and the Lords Words? the problem is in your carnal mind! its not with them! its your pride! that blinds you!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hello - Prentis, brother dave, Axehead, Epsikopos -

This post is not written with 'rebuke' in mind at all. It's just that I came back to read online, and I thought it was going okay, until .... I'm not sure what happened. I haven't looked to see who didn't 'get' who first. All I know is, I'm distressed by the shortness of exchange which seems to precede the first leaping to an incorrect conclusion. I'm sure it wouldn't happen this way, face-to-face, and I really hope we can extend a little more time to one another to take in and consider what is being said, before too a hasty reply.

With trepidation... I wish to offer the following observations, hoping they may be of some use to us all. :huh:

To Prentis first .... when the sabbath was mentioned it was to do with the context of the account in scripture. It was nothing to do with 'we uphold the sabbath'. That's what the Pharisees were aiming for. The sabbath was relevant in the story, because the man was not supposed to be carrying his bed. Remember? That's the only reason the sabbath was mentioned at all by brother dave. Can you see that, now?

I know that you and brother dave have the same understanding of the gospel, and you preach the same thing. I read it in your posts. Maybe the Holy Spirit helps me, but you both express the truth in ways which are quite familiar to me. It is truth nevertheless from both of you - while you are focusing on the topic of the discussion....

brother dave, please bear with my directness here: do you know that the use of capital letters on forums is considered 'shouting', unless it's qualified by a mitigating comment? This may have given a wrong impression of you. There are other ways to communicate emphasis.

One of the limitations of the internet, is, the moment we start 'telling' about what we have 'done', or have 'become' in the Lord, unless it is strictly by way of Spirit-led testimony, we set ourselves up to be accused of 'works' - or, of praising ourselves. Proverbs 27:2 This is why I try not to go there, unless absolutely necessary. Episkopos felt it was necessary. Amen.

Axehead, I think you were going in the right direction with questions, and it's really easy to flow into them if this is how one has been trained to think, but sometimes .... there is more to be gained by going one at a time, or, fewer at a time....

The discussion changed, way back in time on other threads, when Episkopos described his walk in the Lord - partly as a result of being asked whether he 'keeps the law'. With every mention of by His grace or by His power, his claims were labeled as 'works' by an unseen committee of 'others here' who don't seem to understand the basis on which we can claim to fulfil His righteousness by walking in the Spirit.

The word of God needs no defence, but it certainly needs an explanation :mellow: .

What may be missing in these latest communications, is a thorough-going mutual appreciation of the unique blend of gifts and callings which each one has in the Lord, which on our own we have become comfortable ministering in the 3D world. It's not so easy to flip our ministries up on to a screen, though. Coming together online in writing is - I would go so far as to say - its own particular calling for the sake of the world hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The more we remember the readers, the more carefully we may express ourselves to make it more difficult to be misunderstood.

It is worth remembering that for some, English is a second or third language. And we speak English and we still can't communicate easily with one another? I hope you see both the funny and the sobering side of this situation, and let's focus on the other person's well-being.

One of the reasons I join a forum, is to learn from others, sometimes just by reading, and, if we ask the right questions in a friendly manner, we can get quite a clear picture of one another without ever meeting - I believe. It is important to be listening to the Spirit, not accusing, and not writing that which gives a false impression. Even if we feel frustrated, there is no benefit to anyone, or the Lord, in blazing it into a post. It just makes every objective onlooker know we are impatient. We may not be angry, but a few exclamation marks can make the reader imagine we are, and we thought we were only making our point a tiny bit clearer by emphasising it 'slightly' for the benefit of the other person.

So... I wonder.... may we endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace?

Matt 5:9


New Member
May 9, 2012

We don't find any conflict between the Lord's words and Paul's. The same Holy Spirit inspired the writers of these words. They are in agreement.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011

We don't find any conflict between the Lord's words and Paul's. The same Holy Spirit inspired the writers of these words. They are in agreement.


Exactly...but there is a faction here that use their "gospel of grace" to obfuscate the sayings of Jesus saying that they were only meant for physical Israel and were in a different "dispensation".

Some of the criticisms of the sayings of Jesus is that they are..

-no fun (takes the fun right out of fun-damentalism)
-based on works
-too biblical sounding

brother dave

New Member
Jul 14, 2012
Do people realize that they are throwing out the words of Jesus Christ in order to follow what people here mean by "the gospel of grace"? This is a gnostic view of the bible that champions Paul but excludes the sayings of Jesus.

Do the supporters of this heresy know this???
here dragonfly and axehead! is your ''false gospel'' and your ''other jesus''! this rejection of the Word of God! given through the Apostle Paul! in his epistles. now if any of you have a conflict between Pauls letters and the Words of our Lord? i, a true teacher of Gods living Word can and will help you to understand! the conflict is with you ! not the Word!

by the way? is this a three headed monster? trying not to use capital letters? this is your discussion of truth ?when you get your phony doctrines exsposed? you fall back into this nice religious mask?


Apr 25, 2012
The Church understands that we are all sinners in need of a savior (Rom 5:12-21). We are inheritors of original sin and all its consequences, and by actual sin we distance ourselves from God. We can't save ourselves, but we don't need to: Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins. The Catholic Church teaches that salvation comes through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12), since he is the "one mediator between God and man" (1 Tm 2:5-6).
The saving grace won by Jesus is offered as a free gift to us, accessible through repentance, faith, and baptism. We turn away from our sins, we are sorry for them, and we believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel. Repentance shows our willingness to turn from things that keep us from God, and baptism renews us, filling us with the grace necessary to have faith and to live it. This belief is more than just "head knowledge." Even the demons have that (Jas 2:19). It's more than just believing you're saved. Even the Pharisees had that (Jn 5:39). True, saving faith is one lived and exhibited daily: It is "faith working through love" (Gal 5:6, cf. Jas 2:1-26).
Sometimes the Church is accused of teaching "salvation by works," but this is an empty accusation. This idea has been consistently condemned by the Church. Good works are required by God because he requires obedience to his commands (Mt 6:1-21, 1 Cor 3:8, 13-15) and promises to reward us with eternal life if we obey (Mt 25:34-40, Rom 2:6-7, Gal 6:6-10, Jas 1:12). But even our obedience is impossible without God's grace; even our good works are God's gift (Rom 5:5, Phil 2:13). This is the real biblical plan of salvation.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The Church understands that we are all sinners in need of a savior (Rom 5:12-21). We are inheritors of original sin and all its consequences, and by actual sin we distance ourselves from God. We can't save ourselves, but we don't need to: Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins. The Catholic Church teaches that salvation comes through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12), since he is the "one mediator between God and man" (1 Tm 2:5-6).
The saving grace won by Jesus is offered as a free gift to us, accessible through repentance, faith, and baptism. We turn away from our sins, we are sorry for them, and we believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel. Repentance shows our willingness to turn from things that keep us from God, and baptism renews us, filling us with the grace necessary to have faith and to live it. This belief is more than just "head knowledge." Even the demons have that (Jas 2:19). It's more than just believing you're saved. Even the Pharisees had that (Jn 5:39). True, saving faith is one lived and exhibited daily: It is "faith working through love" (Gal 5:6, cf. Jas 2:1-26).
Sometimes the Church is accused of teaching "salvation by works," but this is an empty accusation. This idea has been consistently condemned by the Church. Good works are required by God because he requires obedience to his commands (Mt 6:1-21, 1 Cor 3:8, 13-15) and promises to reward us with eternal life if we obey (Mt 25:34-40, Rom 2:6-7, Gal 6:6-10, Jas 1:12). But even our obedience is impossible without God's grace; even our good works are God's gift (Rom 5:5, Phil 2:13). This is the real biblical plan of salvation.

Very good! Grace is a means of making men obedient to the will of God. Therefore grace is a means of salvation since there is only One eternal will in the universe...God's!