Boycott the NFL

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
Pressuring the police to stop targeting by race is the point. The purpose of government is to protect its citizens - in the case of people of color and the police, this appears to be not happening like it should be happening - a natural response is to appeal to the people and place the American flag on trial.

The only reason blacks choose the arena of the NFL to voice their protest is because the majority of the players are black and the NFL has a huge following. Thus they want to use it for leverage. They believe as black NFL players they are too important for America to ignore.

And because football is a team sport, then everybody on the team must unite else that would be bad for the team. So now coaches and owners are falling into the same mire. What we are seeing is that everywhere blacks have a majority, it will be a venue for black protest.

Blacks have targeted the national anthem and the flag to dishonor as a protest. Perhaps the majority of people are too caught up in football or their own leisure to really care. As long as they get their dose of football, give the blacks what they want. Not me.

Blacks in doing this have fouled the water. It smells. NFL football is now nauseous to watch. And I love football. It is not hard for me to not watch it anymore.

Ive gotta dream. NFL players take to the field for a football game and the only sound they hear is the flag popping in the breeze....cause no one else came.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
because this subject is really about proper place proper time for all things see:

Ecc 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: (and the following verses)

not all things are in Heaven, are they? and we are placed in the earth dealing with the things in the earth and in the world, and this section of this site is set aside for such, isn't it?

Point taken. There is a time and place for everything. To be honest, I don't follow what those with a large audience have to say. Just like with super-stars that use their fame and glory as a sounding board to persuade others to follow their lead; it doesn't impress me. Some will undoubtedly say: let those that have a big voice in the world speak for those that have no voice.

I am only giving another POV on the topic: which is this; the world pickets, the world is loud, the world is bitter and unstable, and divided. That is the worlds weapons for fighting for those suffering injustice: Two sides clash in the middle. It goes no where.

We have other weapons. Our weapons are spiritual. If we scoff at the power of prayer then we don't know Him. We have been given discernment, we have been given the eyes of the Lord, and hears to ear. Which means we should be able to stare into the instability the world is in right now and pray for the LORD's will to be done. We should see it. HIs Will is our will: for the Lord to reign in the heart of men. Sometimes that takes loss and oppression from the darkness. We can pray for the weak. We can pray for the mighty to be caught in a snare, to be caught in their own trap. We can pray for what is done in secret to be brought out into the light. For all to see.

Do we have discernment? Are we sons and daughters? Then we should be able to pray for specifics...He will show us specifics. Isn't that the relationship that makes us different from the world?

Romans 13:12 KJV
[12] The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Ephesians 6:13-15 KJV
[13] Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. [14] Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; [15] And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

John 15:15-16 KJV
[15] Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. [16] Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Yes, defend the weak. Yes, Fight injustice. But we are not helpless. God hears sons. Problem is we spend way too much time fighting our own cause; instead of fighting His.

I have found The LORD has a unique way of bringing about His ultimate Will. But do not doubt; He is still on the throne. We are right on time, headed toward Christs reign In His kingdom.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
That’s when my faith moved me to take action. I looked to James 2:17, which states, “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” I knew I needed to stand up for what is right.
...And that is where it all went wrong (kneeling instead of standing).

Instead of standing with and for the country that fought and died to end slavery, who championed the civil rights movement, rights to vote for minorities and women, who loved and elevated people of color to hero and star status; instead of coming together in a coalition of concerned citizens with press conferences; instead of taking the cause to the president and asking for assistance...they/you broke ranks, and divided the people who would have gladly joined them/you.

But there are many of us who will not partake of such division, taking for granted everything we have gained as a society, or lend our hands, voices, and our support to wrongful actions, even for the right reasons. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Change your strategy...and we will join you. But make no mistake, that which now divides us, that insistence upon righteous dealings...already had us standing with you, fighting with you, loving you, and we would like nothing better than to have you stand with us once again and together take on these horrific injustices. We did it before, and we can do it again. Stand with us, and call upon us, and see if we do not unleash the power of all that is good and right with our own time, money, sweat and blood.

Stand with us.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
We are all brothers and sisters

no we are not. those that are of the household of God thorough Jesus Christ are. others born of a same household in the flesh are. those who stand with one another against the enemy treat each other as brothers. such as ops brothers in arms. you know violent soldiers. and the enemies of God's people are certainly not brothers.

that "all are God's children" is delusional and immature baby talk.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I am watching this issue closely because I see in it too much of "me" [the "me" for each person involved] and not enough of Jesus among those who would quickly count themselves among God's people.

I believe strongly in equality among people under the law. The problem in not being able to obtain results from people looking to much to themselves, or to man's laws, or to man's courts to do it all... instead of looking to God. Even on this forum where supposedly all are Christians there is disagreement on how to proceed.

Passing even the best of laws will not change people's hearts. I am not really talking about racism specifically although that, of course, is included. I am talking about the basic selfishness that is a part of everyone from natural birth. This is the problem that causes racism and many other problems in which this nation is immersed.

The only perfectly selfless [as opposed to selfish] man was Jesus. Others have moved in that direction. Most of the people we have know that we have called or call "good" have moved in that direction... some of them without even really knowing Jesus.

But, the solution here for all of our nation's woes, which are many, and which include the present problem under discussion is complete surrender to God and His Way. Even more devout Christians will too often fall short on that one.

We cannot force people to change their minds about anything and trying may have a result exactly opposite from what we are hoping for.

Martin Luther King, Jr. who was assassinated for pursuing his beliefs would undoubtedly be disappointed if he were to witness what is happening on this issue today, but consider also what Jesus who laid down his life on purpose for all of us would think.

Jesus did not die so we could be equal under U.S. law or international law. He died so we could become like Him. If all of us were really working toward that would not God take care of all of our other troubles?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33
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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
I am watching this issue closely because I see in it too much of "me" [the "me" for each person involved] and not enough of Jesus among those who would quickly count themselves among God's people.

I believe strongly in equality among people under the law. The problem in not being able to obtain results from people looking to much to themselves, or to man's laws, or to man's courts to do it all... instead of looking to God. Even on this forum where supposedly all are Christians there is disagreement on how to proceed.

Passing even the best of laws will not change people's hearts. I am not really talking about racism specifically although that, of course, is included. I am talking about the basic selfishness that is a part of everyone from natural birth. This is the problem that causes racism and many other problems in which this nation is immersed.

The only perfectly selfless [as opposed to selfish] man was Jesus. Others have moved in that direction. Most of the people we have know that we have called or call "good" have moved in that direction... some of them without even really knowing Jesus.

But, the solution here for all of our nation's woes, which are many, and which include the present problem under discussion is complete surrender to God and His Way. Even more devout Christians will too often fall short on that one.

We cannot force people to change their minds about anything and trying may have a result exactly opposite from what we are hoping for.

Martin Luther King, Jr. who was assassinated for pursuing his beliefs would undoubtedly be disappointed if he were to witness what is happening on this issue today, but consider also what Jesus who laid down his life on purpose for all of us would think.

Jesus did not die so we could be equal of U.S. law or international law. He died so we could become like Him. If all of us were really working toward that would not God take care of all of our other troubles?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33

The category here is 'Current Events and Politics'.

Thus don't be too disappointed.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
The category here is 'Current Events and Politics'.

Thus don't be too disappointed.

I won't be.

In spite in anything that anyone says here or what anyone here does the final results for anyone living in this society today could be catastrophic.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
I am watching this issue closely because I see in it too much of "me" [the "me" for each person involved] and not enough of Jesus among those who would quickly count themselves among God's people.

I believe strongly in equality among people under the law. The problem in not being able to obtain results from people looking to much to themselves, or to man's laws, or to man's courts to do it all... instead of looking to God. Even on this forum where supposedly all are Christians there is disagreement on how to proceed.

Passing even the best of laws will not change people's hearts. I am not really talking about racism specifically although that, of course, is included. I am talking about the basic selfishness that is a part of everyone from natural birth. This is the problem that causes racism and many other problems in which this nation is immersed.

The only perfectly selfless [as opposed to selfish] man was Jesus. Others have moved in that direction. Most of the people we have know that we have called or call "good" have moved in that direction... some of them without even really knowing Jesus.

But, the solution here for all of our nation's woes, which are many, and which include the present problem under discussion is complete surrender to God and His Way. Even more devout Christians will too often fall short on that one.

We cannot force people to change their minds about anything and trying may have a result exactly opposite from what we are hoping for.

Martin Luther King, Jr. who was assassinated for pursuing his beliefs would undoubtedly be disappointed if he were to witness what is happening on this issue today, but consider also what Jesus who laid down his life on purpose for all of us would think.

Jesus did not die so we could be equal under U.S. law or international law. He died so we could become like Him. If all of us were really working toward that would not God take care of all of our other troubles?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matt 6:33

na see now you are trying to make it a Christian religious behavior control issue. something like football is strictly an entertainment benefit for those who live in this society (meaning US of A). no different then Coke or Pepsi nether is a necessity and its a choice of personal preference hence the personal points of view.

this isn't the acceptance or rejection of Christ here, and don't make it sound like it is. if the mash potatoes suck I can say they suck and complain that they suck especially if I'm paying for the mash potatoes. I am allowed to say so to others who have, are, or are going to eat the mash potatoes. and they will probably express their personal preferences. that is all that's going on here. last I checked the Lord Jesus doesn't have a problem with that. were not talking about what you or some one else wants to believe about God here, like they have personal preferences on what they accept as true.

if you like your football with politics, God bless. but I am allowed to express my differences on that and express what may be done in concert with those who agree. such as boycott.

why would you have a problem with that? I am nor is anyone else required to watch football nor buy tickets nor attend any games nor buy nfl paraphernalia. It is a personal preference like with or without ketchup. no more no less.

what would be true justice here would be that the media who likes to fan this kind of thing losses revenue because ratings drop and sponsors refuse to pay those premium prices for air time. to the point the greedy manipulative power hungry jerks sue the NFL for some kind of breach of contract.

the US media is an enemy to the people of the United States of America and its about time they get theirs. this is a great opportunity for the wicked to self destruct, because no matter how smart they may be, they can't help themselves from being who and what they are. they will do as wicked do. no one absolutely no one, can escape what is in their own hearts.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
na see now you are trying to make it a Christian religious behavior control issue. something like football is strictly an entertainment benefit for those who live in this society (meaning US of A). no different then Coke or Pepsi nether is a necessity and its a choice of personal preference hence the personal points of view.

this isn't the acceptance or rejection of Christ here, and don't make it sound like it is. if the mash potatoes suck I can say they suck and complain that they suck especially if I'm paying for the mash potatoes. I am allowed to say so to others who have, are, or are going to eat the mash potatoes. and they will probably express their personal preferences. that is all that's going on here. last I checked the Lord Jesus doesn't have a problem with that. were not talking about what you or some one else wants to believe about God here, like they have personal preferences on what they accept as true.

if you like your football with politics, God bless. but I am allowed to express my differences on that and express what may be done in concert with those who agree. such as boycott.

why would you have a problem with that? I am nor is anyone else required to watch football nor buy tickets nor attend any games nor buy nfl paraphernalia. It is a personal preference like with or without ketchup. no more no less.

what would be true justice here would be that the media who likes to fan this kind of thing losses revenue because ratings drop and sponsors refuse to pay those premium prices for air time. to the point the greedy manipulative power hungry jerks sue the NFL for some kind of breach of contract.

the US media is an enemy to the people of the United States of America and its about time they get theirs. this is a great opportunity for the wicked to self destruct, because no matter how smart they may be, they can't help themselves from being who and what they are. they will do as wicked do. no one absolutely no one, can escape what is in their own hearts.
While I understand amadeus' sentiments, I love what you are saying here: If anything this is secular, and it is a two-way street. If they want to protest, we have an equal right to boycott - and if the media implodes in the process, fine.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Yes, people have the right to protest and to boycott


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Apparently snowflakes exist on the right as well as the left..


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
While I understand amadeus' sentiments, I love what you are saying here: If anything this is secular, and it is a two-way street. If they want to protest, we have an equal right to boycott - and if the media implodes in the process, fine.

I don't know about imploding so much, that seems a little to ambitious, but if revenue drops then executive heads will roll, no doubt there, and their position of what their selling just might change. if the people aren't buying red widgets anymore and they want orange widgets they will drop the red widgets and start selling orange widgets.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
While I understand amadeus' sentiments, I love what you are saying here: If anything this is secular, and it is a two-way street. If they want to protest, we have an equal right to boycott - and if the media implodes in the process, fine.
I guess I have to see more than the secular issue. That's me. To many people the secular issue is the only issue. They have made their choice and they should make the best of what they which is not much as I see it.

My issue is with people who want to ride the fence... I've been there and would hope that others would stay away from that. Be cold or be hot, but never lukewarm.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I guess I have to see more than the secular issue. That's me. To many people the secular issue is the only issue. They have made their choice and they should make the best of what they which is not much as I see it.

My issue is with people who want to ride the fence... I've been there and would hope that others would stay away from that. Be cold or be hot, but never lukewarm.
Me too really, I was just pleasantly surprised at the justice demonstrated by DPM. I had not even considered it that way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Me too really, I was just pleasantly surprised at the justice demonstrated by DPM. I had not even considered it that way.
People have always been able to choose between going their own way and going God's Way. For the unbelievers we should not expect much and we should not be condemning for are they not already condemned? Let them enjoy what they want to enjoy and fight for what they think is something worth fighting for in whatever manner they believe is proper.

However, for those who are not completely heathen or say that they are not there is a really serious issue. I have quoted on this forum several times recently this verse:

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Rom 12:1 What does that mean? What should it mean to a believer?

How can anyone who is really a believer not understand my point?

People will fight to the death effectively over nothing. Jesus did not die for nothing, but many who supposedly believe in Him treat Him as if it was all for nothing.

How important is the United States and the freedoms that we have had or even were supposed to have had? Don't answer that!

Just compare whatever went through your head when you read that question with this:

How important is Jesus and what He has provided for us?

Where are we then if we are really on the Lord's side?

Many who read what I posted here will not know what I am talking about or will consider it like they do Jesus: "He may be a good topic for the preacher on Sunday morning, but..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
People have always been able to choose between going their own way and going God's Way. For the unbelievers we should not expect much and we should not be condemning for are they not already condemned? Let them enjoy what they want to enjoy and fight for what they think is something worth fighting for in whatever manner they believe is proper.

However, for those who are not completely heathen or say that they are not there is a really serious issue. I have quoted on this forum several times recently this verse:

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Rom 12:1 What does that mean? What should it mean to a believer?

How can anyone who is really a believer not understand my point?

People will fight to the death effectively over nothing. Jesus did not die for nothing, but many who supposedly believe in Him treat Him as if it was all for nothing.

How important is the United States and the freedoms that we have had or even were supposed to have had? Don't answer that!

Just compare whatever went through your head when you read that question with this:

How important is Jesus and what He has provided for us?

Where are we then if we are really on the Lord's side?

Many who read what I posted here will not know what I am talking about or will consider it like they do Jesus: "He may be a good topic for the preacher on Sunday morning, but..."
I understand. Unfortunately this is quite a mixed bag. On the one hand we might do as Jesus would do, but on the other perhaps as Joshua, or David, or Solomon would do.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I understand. Unfortunately this is quite a mixed bag. On the one hand we might do as Jesus would do, but on the other perhaps as Joshua, or David, or Solomon would do.
Yes, Jesus provides the perfect example, but those you mentioned provide closer examples of what our reality most likely is or has been. We can find explanations in those guys and others in scripture, but our goal still needs to be Jesus. We aim, or should be aiming, for the impossible: Jesus.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
...And that is where it all went wrong (kneeling instead of standing).

Instead of standing with and for the country that fought and died to end slavery, who championed the civil rights movement, rights to vote for minorities and women, who loved and elevated people of color to hero and star status; instead of coming together in a coalition of concerned citizens with press conferences; instead of taking the cause to the president and asking for assistance...they/you broke ranks, and divided the people who would have gladly joined them/you.

But there are many of us who will not partake of such division, taking for granted everything we have gained as a society, or lend our hands, voices, and our support to wrongful actions, even for the right reasons. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Change your strategy...and we will join you. But make no mistake, that which now divides us, that insistence upon righteous dealings...already had us standing with you, fighting with you, loving you, and we would like nothing better than to have you stand with us once again and together take on these horrific injustices. We did it before, and we can do it again. Stand with us, and call upon us, and see if we do not unleash the power of all that is good and right with our own time, money, sweat and blood.

Stand with us.

Black soldiers had to give up their seats to Nazi pow's,who's right did we fight for??????????????

The fact that we DIED for this country 2 still treat us bad,please!!!!!!!!
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