Once Saved....always Saved - Results of Questionnaire.

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Rev 3:5
He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
God cannot "blot out" a name that was never there in the first place. He is talking about CHRISTIANS who are already saved and how they can LOSE their salvation.

Every man is given the breath of LIFE, when he is BORN!

His name IS recorded IN the BOOK of LIFE.
"IF" the mans soul becomes SAVED to Forever LIFE, His name SHALL NOT BE BLOTTED OUT of the Book of LIFE.

Rev. 22:19
And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
How can God "take away" somebody’s share of heaven if they never had it to begin with? This is about CHRISTIANS who may or may NOT make it into Heaven.

Salvation is a Gift, PROVIDED for EVERYONE.
You obviously DO NOT KNOW, that gift is not Forced on ANYONE.

Individuals Confess their Disbelief In God; Become Forgiven and Receive the Gift of Salvation.

It is EVERYONE'S Gift to Take and Receive.
If they Don't Take it, THEY LOSE IT!

All the teaching about LOSING Salvation; are Warnings. The gift is theirs to TAKE. Hurry up, take it. Take it before you physically die.
The Warnings and impressed expediency is precisely because people don't know when they are going to die....and then it would be too late to receive the gift of Salvation.

People who are being "enlightened" are hearing the Word of God. Every man Hearing the Word of God is receiving FAITH (another gift) from God.

If a man never receives the gift of Salvation, and Stops hearing, Stops learning, Stops being enlightened, Stops receiving faith....
That man has fallen from faith.
He walked away, stopped believing, without having received Salvation.

Jesus gave HIS flesh body for the Life of the World (that's everyone).
Jesus gave HIS blood for the world (everyone) to become forgiven.

Open your eyes....NOT EVERYONE is accepting and confessing; the offering of His body and blood; that they can receive the Gift of Salvation. They SHALL LOSE "their" ie "the" Gift of Salvation that was "provided for them"; By and Through Christ Jesus'; body, blood and the Spirit of God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Every man is given the breath of LIFE, when he is BORN!
His name IS recorded IN the BOOK of LIFE.

"IF" the mans soul becomes SAVED to Forever LIFE, His name SHALL NOT BE BLOTTED OUT of the Book of LIFE.

You're missing the point of Rev. 3:5.

God is saying that He will not "blot out" the names of those who overcome - which means that he CAN and WILL bot out names of those who don't. He will blot out names that are written in the Lamb's Book of Life which is reserved for those who are saved.
Salvation is a Gift, PROVIDED for EVERYONE.
You obviously DO NOT KNOW, that gift is not Forced on ANYONE.

Individuals Confess their Disbelief In God; Become Forgiven and Receive the Gift of Salvation.

It is EVERYONE'S Gift to Take and Receive.
If they Don't Take it, THEY LOSE IT!

All the teaching about LOSING Salvation; are Warnings. The gift is theirs to TAKE. Hurry up, take it. Take it before you physically die.
The Warnings and impressed expediency is precisely because people don't know when they are going to die....and then it would be too late to receive the gift of Salvation.

People who are being "enlightened" are hearing the Word of God. Every man Hearing the Word of God is receiving FAITH (another gift) from God.

If a man never receives the gift of Salvation, and Stops hearing, Stops learning, Stops being enlightened, Stops receiving faith....
That man has fallen from faith.
He walked away, stopped believing, without having received Salvation.

Jesus gave HIS flesh body for the Life of the World (that's everyone).
Jesus gave HIS blood for the world (everyone) to become forgiven.

Open your eyes....NOT EVERYONE is accepting and confessing; the offering of His body and blood; that they can receive the Gift of Salvation. They SHALL LOSE "their" ie "the" Gift of Salvation that was "provided for them"; By and Through Christ Jesus'; body, blood and the Spirit of God.
You're missing the point again.

Rev. 22:19 says that those who remove words from this Book will LOSE their share in the Tree of Life and from the Holy City (Heaven).
This is about people who HAD a share ion the Tree of Life and HAD a promise of Heaven and LOST it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
You're missing the point of Rev. 3:5.

God is saying that He will not "blot out" the names of those who overcome - which means that he CAN and WILL bot out names of those who don't.

No duh! Who do you think those are who overcome.....I said the saved!

He will blot out names that are written in the Lamb's Book of Life which is reserved for those who are saved.

No that book is not RESERVED for those who are saved.

That book WILL REVEAL who is saved; AFTER the UNSAVED, shall have their names blotted out.

Every living person IS alive, because of Gods Breath. Their name IS IN the book of Life.
If they do not become SAVED their name is blotted out, just like I said!

Missing the point ... pfft!

You're missing the point again.

Rev. 22:19 says that those who remove words from this Book will LOSE their share in the Tree of Life and from the Holy City (Heaven).
This is about people who HAD a share ion the Tree of Life and HAD a promise of Heaven and LOST it.

You have the most bizarre teaching.

Everyone is born in sin. Everyone has a share, salvation, saving, forgiveness, quicked spirit, opportunity to BELIEVE, and "RECEIVE" those Gifts from God....

They aren't born with those gifts. But those gifts are theirs to TAKE and RECEIVE.

You teach, as if People RECEIVE those gifts and then LOSE them....they don't.

They LOSE those gifts, BECAUSE they NEVER took them and received them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
No wonder this place is so messed up. A handful of people understand the truth and the rest are fighting against it!

But we can do no more than just continue to dip " truth and light" on the Site and trust God that some will get it.

We've always known that 'it is a remnant' :)

But.."oh Happy Day"...when the 50% -ers find out that they were wrong! :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
not sure what you mean here, i mean at least 50% know the truth right now, what more do you expect at any one time?

So by that comment I guess you will be among the 'happily surprised '... :)

If indeed you are not among his - < " Those that believe "once saved always saved" is a false doctrine. (50%) " >


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
So by that comment I guess you will be among the 'happily surprised '... :)

If indeed you are not among his - < " Those that believe "once saved always saved" is a false doctrine. (50%) " >
hmm, i got confused there, so i'll just say that i firmly believe that OSAS is bad doctrine,
comes from the desire to "know," and to commend ourselves to each other, etc.
won't hold up to even a cursory inspection


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
hmm, i got confused there, so i'll just say that i firmly believe that OSAS is bad doctrine,
comes from the desire to "know," and to commend ourselves to each other, etc.
won't hold up to even a cursory inspection

Whatever.. :)
I just got finished in 'stating my case' in Unforgiveable Blasphemy?
We each will give account for how we judged God to be.
I'd rather judge Him 100% merciful now , and maybe later find I was wrong..than dare to Judge Him as I hear the majority judge Him..and then find I have to hang my head in shame for judging Him so horrible...as such an unmerciful God to torture endlessly those He created!! I wont do it...I'd rather wait the final judgement and find out , than hang to my head before Him when I hear Him say-
"Helen, is that really the kind of Father that you thought I was all these many years."

Nope, each to their own. We take and make our own choice in how we see Him in scripture.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
as such an unmerciful God to torture endlessly those He created!! I wont do it
there is a third path, i guess
Nope, each to their own. We take and make our own choice in how we see Him in scripture.
i guess we could examine the fruit of the doctrine; what benefits does believing OSAS convey?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
how can anyone determine the future state of our salvation?

when did 'salvation' get turned into an on/off switch that can only be thrown once?

don't we know that it is those who do right that are right?
aren't you just about to do something? ("Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and...")
(diff from the fact that you will be doing something in the future anyway; that is self-evident)

aren't you doing something right now?

(do you understand the difference in these two perspectives?)

so then see how Now is ignored, and a prediction of future certainty is inserted for it based upon nothing, in defiance of loads of other Scripture that says this is a Really Bad Idea, -mancing, oracles, all kinds of stuff, because you are living, and are doing a work now, and will shortly be doing something different, right, that will also be judged, all in construction of your temple that must withstand or fall but never mind that for now, the point is that it is what you do or do not do then that will determine how lost or saved you are then, when even mistakes have a remedy in confession and rebound, that all who have forgiven you already do not even need!

Blessed Assurance is certainly not "i am OSASed because of a profession i made in an institution people call church 20 years ago,"
and it is strange gospel to boldly instruct people that it is, too.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
No duh! Who do you think those are who overcome.....I said the saved!

No that book is not RESERVED for those who are saved.
That book WILL REVEAL who is saved; AFTER the UNSAVED, shall have their names blotted out.

Every living person IS alive, because of Gods Breath. Their name IS IN the book of Life.
If they do not become SAVED their name is blotted out, just like I said!

Missing the point ... pfft!
You have the most bizarre teaching.

Everyone is born in sin. Everyone has a share, salvation, saving, forgiveness, quicked spirit, opportunity to BELIEVE, and "RECEIVE" those Gifts from God....
They aren't born with those gifts. But those gifts are theirs to TAKE and RECEIVE.
You teach, as if People RECEIVE those gifts and then LOSE them....they don't.

They LOSE those gifts, BECAUSE they NEVER took them and received them.

The Lamb's Book of Life is the list of those who BELONG to God - not every soul that ever existed.
NOWHERE - not ONE verse of Scripture indicates that this Book has every person's name in it. In fact ALL of the verses point to the Saved - and not ALL those who lived.
In Phil. 4:3, Paul refers to those who have worked alongside him as those whose names are IN the Book of Life.

As to Rev. 22:19 - NOWHERE does the bible ever say that we are ALL born with a share in the Tree of Life and in the Holy City. NOWHERE. This verse states that it can be taken away from you if you don't persevere.
YOUR rendering of these verses is not Scripturally-sound.

NOW - how about addressing the other DOZEN or so verses I gave you??


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
LOL ~ " you returned to the Faith, they remained Protestants! "

Ya I would call that a "brainwashed" percept.

Catholics do not have an Exclusive right to receive FAITH from God.

FYI - Jesus did not establish "the Catholic Church".

Jesus "established" His Church....and
IFY....it is not in Rome, Italy, or build with brick and mortar and hands of men!

God Bless,
There are two churches.
The Church,,,the Body of Christ and
The church,,,as in an institution.

Jesus is the head of both.
If we want to be intellectually honest, we have to admit that the CC is the only
one that can be traced back to the time of The Way. Even the Orthodox church split away
In about 1,000 AD.

I'm not Catholic but this is simple history.
After all, it's the CC that Luther wanted to reform. There was no other, and I did mention the Orthodox Church.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
i guess we could examine the fruit of the doctrine; what benefits does believing OSAS convey?

So,... those who are true believers in OSAS will rejoice in their secure salvation without the threat of the ax hanging over their heads...and they will with thanksgiving in their hearts that The Great Creator Became Our Saviour...
They can then sing and worship with total peace in a Faithful Father..
And because of this , they will desire all that God has said that He has laid up for those who love Him.
They will stick close to their God because of LOVE, they will give, and serve because of love...( not in some satanic fear that it is just all a nasty game, and if we dare to trip or step outside the lines we will get the chop and be deemed unqualified)

That to me is "honest fruit"...sweet fruit...it is not the bitter fruit of fear, ...fear that I better give, and share, and serve, and do good stuff, but not for love sake, but because I am so afraid of the Person I dare to call Father , and if I don't make very sure to always colour between the lines, I will be lost forever and destined for some hell.
That is the god of some people...not mine.

"Choose you this day whom you will serve ,whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell.."

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
So,... those who are true believers in OSAS will rejoice in their secure salvation without the threat of the ax hanging over their heads...and they will with thanksgiving in their hearts that The Great Creator Became Our Saviour...
They can then sing and worship with total peace in a Faithful Father..
And because of this
because of what, again? sorry, could you expand on what "this" means?
or, do you mean just the act of believing it? ty


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
And because of this , they will desire all that God has said that He has laid up for those who love Him.
hmm. i agree, they will certainly desire it!

but doesn't this run counter to what we perceive happening when a child is spoiled, given too much; given everything?

isn't there invariably something that kids like that don't desire from their parents?