Divine Hiddenness

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hmm, you think Francis is evil? Based upon what actions? Seem s like he's cleaning house to me?
Atheist love Pope Frances and so do worldly dolts and simple minded protestants, not to mention the media whores.

He is the most popular Pope ever and the Satanic media call this moron the peoples Pope and they correct in that, because he is not Jesus Christ Pope that's for sure.

How about the top Catholics that are pointing him out as a fool and asking him to clarify what he is truly talking about on most issues, he is the most ignorant lazy backward dictating grubby underhanded lowlife there ever was of a Pope, he must explain what he is on about in depth and it's a huge problem is that he does not.
The top academic people who hold rank in his church are asking for clarity on many subjects so that they can truly get a handle to understand what his position truly is in depth, not just some pathetic gibberish dribble that only fools would swallow. he has been asked to deliver but he refuses to do so in total ignorance.

You see a Pope can not just make something up without having to explain to the highest people of rank within, as they have to be accountable you know. the next Pope could easy class all that he has done as nil avoid and condemn him easy as, because he has not done his duty to fully clarify what the hell he is truly on about in depth.
He has almost been kicked out but somehow he is still hanging in their with beak and claw.

Look the media was relentless with Pope Francis and Pope Benedict ranting like morons 24/7 against them and always trying to twist their positions on a subject around to be seen as stupid, when in fact it was pandering to the simple minded dolts of this world to swallow the media whores total cunning and now they are in bed with this bastard Pope Frances.

The fact is that Pope Frances is only popular with simple minded dolts, but he is not popular at all within ranks of people who understand the true positions of the RCC in depth.

Not to mention that this Satanic Pope is on TV bowing down to the richest man in the world by far Rothschild and kissing his hand, just as it is done that the Priest do with the Pope when sitting in his chair. do you understand what that means 009 ? he is giving his obedience to Rothschild, not God ! ? you can look it up on youtube and see it for your self. it means that all under Pope Frances are in allegiance to Rothschild, not God at all. their is the proof !! the Popes is his piss boy.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I did all I could for a long time just like many people. I asked, how may works do I need to do to be able to believe?
You don't do any works.
Your works are worthless.
One just has faith and that faith will hopefully grow, maybe something like you tend a garden, you tend to it and one day she will bear fruit, just like Nathaniel was under the fig tree, now she knew what he must do no.

It's like the parable of the sower no.
The weeds of this world she will grow and strangle you no.
So one must keep the weed at bay no.
One does this so she can not grow no.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
It was not one time but an earnest prayer for many years. I know that I sought god for many years in a humble and honest way. "at one time" was meant as a period of time not just once.

Maybe god should have been more clear.

Just wanted to say I admire you for your honesty and for opening yourself up on here.. :)

Glad you are here...you add some spice to the forum!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
If not then I will go to hell. So I guess I will just live my life the best I can and not worry if there is an afterlife or not. Why are people here arguing about anything? If god chooses who to save and who not to save then why have a bible in the first place, why discuss doctrine etc. It has no bearing on anyone's life.

Im not heavy on this "heaven or hell thing"...heaven is in God's presence, hell is not in God's presence. Oh I can hear all the hisses and boo's here..and used to it. I swim against the tide.

Many of us will get a big surprise of who is "in Heaven" and who is not!!
God does not measure as man measures.

God is big, He can handle all the agro and rejections.
I believe that if we are not willing, then God will make us willing.
He'll get you in the end...He is not willing that any should perish.
Every knee will bend, and every tongue will confess...when they see Him in all His glory.
Don't sweat it...just say, "Okay Lord, show Your self to me."
Then just rest on that and forget it , and get on with your life.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Christians tell me that we can know god exists if we will honestly seek him and want to know he exists. Some say he wants a relationship with me. Many say that I will receive faith if I actively and honestly seek him. My question is why then do many Christians seek him honestly and want him to exist but never receive faith from god? Most atheists including me have a lack of belief because we at one time sought out god and god never responded. Many people honestly seek him and never gain a relationship, why?
You've been lied to.

The reason we know God exists is because He authored a book (through human agencies) which is filled with ACCURATE FULFILLMENT OF SPECIFIC PREDICTED EVENTS (AKA PROPHECY) BEFORE THE FACT.

No natural explanation can be found for this and only the Bible contains such predictions, though God ridicules the "gods" of the other religions to match what He has done, to the complete silence of the rest of the religious world. God proved His existence by His ability to foretell with stunning accuracy the future, and therefore the rest of what He says in that book must be accepted by faith:

His love for you
His sacrifice for you
His earnest desire to deliver you from the snare of Satan
His hope that you will surrender to Him and by that inherit eternal life

Will you accept that prophecy proves He is real, is telling the truth, and will you exercise your faith to believe? Or, would you rather discuss how wrong the atheistic scientific community is by virtue of the monumental errors of evolution, Big Bang cosmology, etc.?
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
no offense but you have just barely started reading the Bible, if you still hold those povs ok
The fact is that Pope Frances is only popular with simple minded dolts, but he is not popular at all within ranks of people who understand the true positions of the RCC in depth.
I can't think of a better position to be in myself?

Imo you have just given the most glowing reference for pope Francis that is humanly possible, ty
sure hope someone says the same about me someday
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Rothschild and kissing his hand
Iow any hand the pope kisses = fealty? The pope kisses a lot of hands fwiw. Imo he likely has a different perception of the act than you do I guess. Hasn't he committed quite a few acts that the Rothschilds could only take as, I dunno, basically declarations of war, since then? Ps, the answer is prolly yes ok.

you're awfully liberal with the put-downs in that post, RB, I think you pretty much covered everyone who isn't you?


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
So, I read a study last night that seems to go here, I'll just do a quick paraphrase, from Sabaoth, at HAW or Abarim, forget which;
We humans observe (with two eyes iow I guess) that things splinter (@BreadOfLife) and break down over time, and that everything material does this, it's called entropy, and we recognize that it is necessary for the economy of the universe. Must be Abarim bc I don't think HAW usually makes practical connections too much.

Anyway, we do a lot of moaning about this, and mostly ignore all of the Scripture that assures us this is natural and necessary, and even the passage about saying things used to be better than they are now, but it is easy to overlook--well, at least for those who claim to be atheist anyway, believers deny it in a diff way I guess--that Order arises from this what we call Chaos, and Order requires Agency.

Now that's a brief, and I maybe left out some proof steps, but all of that should be apparent enough; if you wannna bake a cake, you gotta break some eggs, etc. So, the point here, for an Atheist--well, against an atheist I guess really--is to inquire of them where did this agency come from, to make life come from elements, when the natural laws of the universe suggest it could only happen the other way around?


Active Member
Feb 20, 2019
Ft Worth
United States
You have it all upside down and backwards. That is why I gave the example of asking directions. You are in no position to ask anything of anyone who has responded to your inquiry - not any inquiry, not from anyone, not for anything, and certainly not from God. That is what should be considered ridiculous. Have you asked your mother and father for evidence? Have your children asked for evidence from you? Do you ask for evidence when someone gives you a gift? "I realize it's my birthday, but I'm sorry I cannot accept this gift without evidence that the gift is authentic." Right! How did you ever get through school? Did you ask for evidence from your teachers before you would go along with their teaching? You don't have to like the answers - but that whole way of thinking is what is ridiculous.
I already answered this reasoning.

It is also arrogant. You seem to think that everyone owes you something, that you are entitled to something. No one owes you anything. Grow up!
Where have I said anyone owes me anything? I actually told you to stop responding to me if you thought I was deciepful and you said you would. I am just asking questions. It is your immaturity that cannot handle these questions in my opinion.

So...if you are not decidedly grateful - don't ask.
To who, god, allah, jesus, thor?

As for believing one answer over another - use your head. Assuming all the answers are equal, is an admission of ignorance. Strike two: arrogance, now ignorance. Needy but critical. Seriously?! If you were using your head...you wouldn't need to ask.
Yet no one here can give sufficient evidence.

You would be able to figure out without asking that there is only one continuous thread of data by eyewitnesses throughout all of history, and that in spite of the variable of divers witnesses of imperfect ability, they generally agree enough to blame any error on the people rather than the facts. But even without all that, without asking anyone - if you were alone on a desert island, you would have the same acts of God bombarding you with plenty of evidence. Acts of God. Seriously, do you own insurance? Do you pay money to an institution who recognizes acts of God? And you still pay them?
Seriously? They are called acts of god but they are actually natural occurrences. Try to collect on something that you actually say god did it.

You have a serious problem.

The road out begins with humility, not demands.
Please show me where I demanded anything.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2019
Ft Worth
United States
You don't do any works.
Your works are worthless.
One just has faith and that faith will hopefully grow, maybe something like you tend a garden, you tend to it and one day she will bear fruit, just like Nathaniel was under the fig tree, now she knew what he must do no.
But I am told over and over that I did not work enough or else god would have given me faith. So which is it?


Active Member
Feb 20, 2019
Ft Worth
United States
You've been lied to.

The reason we know God exists is because He authored a book (through human agencies) which is filled with ACCURATE FULFILLMENT OF SPECIFIC PREDICTED EVENTS (AKA PROPHECY) BEFORE THE FACT.
There are a lot of issues with these prophecies. Some where written down after they were fulfilled, many were never fulfilled etc. There is no indication that the bible is of divine origin.

Will you accept that prophecy proves He is real, is telling the truth, and will you exercise your faith to believe? Or, would you rather discuss how wrong the atheistic scientific community is by virtue of the monumental errors of evolution, Big Bang cosmology, etc.?
Whatever errors that science has says nothing about whether a god exists.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Iow any hand the pope kisses = fealty? The pope kisses a lot of hands fwiw. Imo he likely has a different perception of the act than you do I guess. Hasn't he committed quite a few acts that the Rothschilds could only take as, I dunno, basically declarations of war, since then? Ps, the answer is prolly yes ok.

you're awfully liberal with the put-downs in that post, RB, I think you pretty much covered everyone who isn't you?
Any truly worthy RC knows that Pope Frances is a Satanist and I know plenty RC who say this.
He is a Freemason claiming to be RC.
Rothschild was sitting in a Chair, do you understand the difference. :rolleyes:
You should understand that when the Pope is siting in his chair as such and when one comes to him as such kissing his ring means that they are giving obedience to him. but you would not understand the difference would you as are you a RC, you know jack about the RCC and that's why your ignorance shows in this regard, when I seen the Pope do such I was totally shocked, not to mention that he got away with doing such. He has just given his obedience to the man in the chair.

The Pope should never give his obedience to any man, but only to Jesus Christ only, not to mention that the Pope should not be trying to make himself popular, as only devils do that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I already answered this reasoning.

Where have I said anyone owes me anything? I actually told you to stop responding to me if you thought I was deciepful and you said you would. I am just asking questions. It is your immaturity that cannot handle these questions in my opinion.

To who, god, allah, jesus, thor?

Yet no one here can give sufficient evidence.

Seriously? They are called acts of god but they are actually natural occurrences. Try to collect on something that you actually say god did it.

Please show me where I demanded anything.
  1. No, that was a fail.
  2. See number 4. But no, you are not just asking questions, you have an agenda. You don't want anything we have to offer. You are on attack.
  3. I'll take that as a No.
  4. Here you are making demands again (in denial).
  5. For you yes. But again you missed the point: You actually pay money to insurance companies who acknowledge there is a God. They're banking on it...banking your money, that is. You deserve each other.
  6. You did it again. They call that insanity. See number 4.


There are a lot of issues with these prophecies. Some where written down after they were fulfilled, many were never fulfilled etc. There is no indication that the bible is of divine origin.
Oh dear, you have bought into the anti-Christian anti-Bible propaganda big time and swallowed it. The only issues with prophecy is with those who would seek to rewrite history and revise scripture to make it more amenable to their stubbornness and love for darkness. The light hurts their eyes so they would rather turn it off than use it to show them truth.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2019
Ft Worth
United States
No, that was a fail.
Can you explain why it is a fail? Or is asking a question a demand as you seem to think.

See number 4. But no, you are not just asking questions, you have an agenda. You don't want anything we have to offer. You are on attack.
Please show me where I attacked anyone? Oh, but this is a demand right?

Here you are making demands again (in denial).
Yes your definition of a demand is a question. This is immature.

For you yes. But again you missed the point: You actually pay money to insurance companies who acknowledge there is a God. They're banking on it...banking your money, that is. You deserve each other.
I have no words.

You did it again. They call that insanity. See number 4.
This is what I asked:
Please show me where I demanded anything.
In your thinking this is a demand. So anyone that asked a question of you is demanding something? Your debate skills are lacking.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2019
Ft Worth
United States
Oh dear, you have bought into the anti-Christian anti-Bible propaganda big time and swallowed it.

No, I have actually studied these prophecies and found them wanting.

Here is one example. Isaiah 7:14:

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." ESV

If you look up the Hebrew word almah which is translated virgin in this text means young girl. Only here is it translated as virgin everywhere else in scripture it is translated as girl, maid or maiden. The Hebrew language has a word for virgin it is bethulah which appears three times in the book of Isaiah and is translated as virgin. Certainly Mary was a young woman but this is not a prophecy of a virgin birth if you translate it honestly in my opinion.

The only issues with prophecy is with those who would seek to rewrite history and revise scripture to make it more amenable to their stubbornness and love for darkness. The light hurts their eyes so they would rather turn it off than use it to show them truth.
No, its not about loving darkness, its about loving truth and applying reasoning and critical thinking to claims.