"That Wicked" has problems!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Rev. 20
[7] And when the thousand years (the Age of Grace) are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison (ever since the 1800s, technology has consumed the world. In a mere 200+/- years, we have gone from literal horse power to rocket power, surveying the Solar System. IOWs, for at least 6000 years, Man has proved that he is not that brilliant on his own, unless there was another "brilliant" influence.)
Further note: to expire something, doesn't necessarily mean that it is tied to a "drop dead date", but rather to eventually fade away to becoming non-existent. Such as a process, of a fading away, will be experienced in the words: "except there come a falling away (from faith) first".
"expired"- Strongs- 5055- "fill up".
See also- Rom. 11
[25] For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
I suppose one could apply an analogy of how the Age of Grace is expired, by filling an empty container to the level of "fulness" for a gallon of water.

At first, the flow of water to fill the container, can flow at a very high rate, but as the desired level is reached, for the "fulness" of a gallon, the flow rate tapers off, and expires, when the "fulness" of a gallon is achieved.
Therefore, in these last days, we can expect that there will be less and less coming to God through faith in Christ!
So from that analogy, we can safely say, that when there is come a falling away (from faith) first", then there will indeed be a tapering off of the rate to the measure of "the "fulness" of the Gentiles be come in".
When the symbolic 1000 years, the Age of God's Grace, are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, to gather them to battle (against Christ upon His glorious return).

What kind of weapons does the world now have for battle?
Ans. Weapons of Mass Destruction!

Do you think there will be anything else above and beyond that which we need, to destroy the world "in one hour", than what we have right NOW?
No!! WE ARE HERE NOW, and we are NOW WATCHING satan's plans for the battle against Christ and His church.
Make SURE that you HAVE "enlisted" with Christ, and not with satan, by succumbing to the MoB.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Don't be tempted to withdraw that FREE government money, that they will soon deposit into your bank account!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Interesting...there are no arguments from those who believe that the Age of God's Grace (symbolic 1000 yrs) shall continue, after the completion of the FIRST resurrection of the Saints, into the likeness of Jesus' immortal body?
Rev. 20[7] And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
[8] And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Also what's interesting is, no one has answered my question concerning 2 Peter 3
[8] But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Question: If one day is with the Lord AS a thousand years, HOW is it that a thousand years is AS one day, with the Lord?
We can perceive 24 hours being expanded out to be equal to a thousand years, but...a thousand years being condensed into 24 hours? That just doesn't make sense, to our finite and mortal minds!
So what is the Holy Spirit saying about God's understanding of time, as opposed to our understanding of time?
He is simply saying that God, who lives in Eternity, doesn't account time as we do. There is no calendar hanging around at His Throne.
So then, back to Rev. 20. Is God saying that a thousand years will be a literal thousand years, or shall it be only 24 hours?
No one knows, but millions upon millions do assume and fabricate doctrines to say, that a future period, after Christ returns in all his Glory, of a literal thousand years will be added on to God's Grace period of NOW!
Really?? For whom? The Jews??
WRONG!! God is NO respecter of persons, even if they are Jewish!! His Grace NOW includes them, but only under the principles of the Blood of Christ and His NEW Covenant. NOTHING of the old covenant exists!!
Question: Since the Day of Christ's Ascension into Heaven, and the beginning of God's Grace through Christ, was offered towards to all people, on the Day of Pentecost, which event is more likely the case, that God is most interested in, for 2 Peter 3:8 to be describing?
1. A thousand years BEFORE our bodily resurrection into His likeness?
2. A thousand years AFTER our bodily resurrection into His likeness?
Before you answer, please consider this:
1 Cor. 1[18] For the preaching of the cross is
to them that [now] perish foolishness;
but unto us which "ARE [now] saved" , it is the power of God.
2 Peter 3[9] The Lord is not slack concerning his promise [of Salvation now], as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward,
not willing that any should perish,
but that all should come to repentance [now].
If we who believe "ARE saved", and all who do not believe "shall perish", is that not the current judgment of God, that all do participate in, one way or the other? YES!
The Judgment is NOW:
John 3[18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
There will be NO additional future time frame, of a literal one thousand years on earth, other than the Age of God's Grace NOW, of which SHALL END upon Christ's Glorious return, and our bodily resurrection, into the immortality of His Likeness!
Listen closely- the FIRST resurrection will have been completed, upon His Glorious return.
No one else will be changed or resurrected after that!! No more shall enter into the KoG!!
2Thes. 2
[10]....because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
[11] And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
That is your OPINION--it is not shared by many, many conservative scholars who have studied the issue in depth. I am convinced that we should take it literally unless it produces some kind of absurdity. If you would like to challenge your position, read Dwight Pentecost's (with a name like that, he had to be a theologian ;)), Things to Come. This is, as I said, not a salvation issue so I am content to casually discuss it. I may be wrong, you may be wrong or we BOTH may be wrong. And I'm okay with that--we'll find out in the future. Now, we "see through a glass darkly". The Apostle Paul heard from God as much or more than any follower of Christ, and for him to say that is, I think, our clue about how we should be gracious to one another in our differences unless it is frank false teaching on important doctrines for salvation and conduct of a Christian.
You don't seem to comprehend the difference between logical, analytical bible study, through "the natural man" of the scholarly learned,
and those who "Trust in the Lord with all their heart", "seeking Him diligently", "to know Him", only by "the guidance of His Holy Spirit", for "His own thoughts and ways" about His own words, and "to not lean unto their own understanding".

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
You don't seem to comprehend the difference between logical, analytical bible study, through "the natural man" of the scholarly learned,
and those who "Trust in the Lord with all their heart", "seeking Him diligently", "to know Him", only by "the guidance of His Holy Spirit", for "His own thoughts and ways" about His own words, and "to not lean unto their own understanding".

Why would there need to be a conflict? The prophet Isaiah said, "Come let us reason together..." What makes you think that scholars are only guided by "the natural man"? I have known several Biblical scholars. Yes, a few of them are puffed-up poobahs, impressed with their own erudition--but I suspect the vast majority of them dedicate their work to the same Lord as we--and look at it as their proper sacrifice to Him. Do you really believe that the guidance of the Holy Spirit ensures that you are infallible? That you also are not influenced by "the natural man"?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Realized last night the water may still be dirty on my end. Confused over visitation and why 1 Peter 2:12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

Yet He spoke of the Son of man’s visitation to the Jews. How many visitations are there. Time has always been a hinderance to me. Do see what you are saying in: where your treasure is, so there also is your heart. Get what you are saying that is outside of time where no man can break in and steal nor can it be moth eaten. (Which is comforting in) Isaiah 50:9 Behold, the Lord God will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up.

As judging now I would say the same in subduing all under His feet. Yet then comes up the verses of Judge nothing before it’s time and to step aside for vengeance belongs to the Lord.
Yes, we to judge righteous judgment, but not for vengeance
Why would there need to be a conflict? The prophet Isaiah said, "Come let us reason together..." What makes you think that scholars are only guided by "the natural man"? I have known several Biblical scholars. Yes, a few of them are puffed-up poops, impressed with their own erudition--but I suspect the vast majority of them dedicate their work to the same Lord as we--and look at it as their proper sacrifice to Him. Do you really believe that the guidance of the Holy Spirit ensures that you are infallible? That you also are not influenced by "the natural man"?
I have been fallible (error laden) for years, but did not come more keenly to the knowledge of His view/perspective of his Truth, about His OWN words, until my frustration of finding stupidity in my own self, for easily believing the preconceived thoughts and doctrines of scholarly men.
Quite frankly, at that time, I almost gave up on God, wondering if ever I would learn that which was correct of Pre, Mid or Post Tribulaion.
At that point, I abandoned myself and all of my learning, and threw myself on his Mercy, saying: " I give up, I know nothing! Who can know you!
It was then that I claimed John 16:13 to believe and trust, that ONLY He could and would teach me His words by His Holy Spirit alone!
It was then that I also proved it to Him, that I was serious!
I ripped up and trashed my 8 translation NT Bible, and along with it, every "christian" authored book in my book case! All went in the trash, except my KJV Bible and a Young's Analytical Concordance.
Not to long after that, the Holy Spirit of God challenged me and said:
"What if there is no THE Great Tribulation, but rather it is "of great tribulation" ?
Wow!! I never thought of it that way!
And sure enough, He is correct!!
I said then: "OK Lord, you have my attention!!"
From that moment on, every doctrine that stinks of scholarly learning, that I once believed, He has displaced it with His Thoughts and Ways about it. For all of that which He has displaced, it all connects with ease, and fits smoothly together in context.
Of some, it took quite awhile for me to let go of, but then He would show me, and then it became easier to let his thoughts displace them with His Truth!
No more fighting in anguish, of trying to make things fit.
Of a truth, in studying His word, by His Holy Spirit alone, I can attest to that truth: "Let go, and let God."
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Yes, we to judge righteous judgment, but not for vengeance

I have been fallible (error laden) for years, but did not come more keenly to the knowledge of His view/perspective of his Truth, about His OWN words, until my frustration of finding stupidity in my own self, for easily believing the preconceived thoughts and doctrines of scholarly men.
Quite frankly, at that time, I almost gave up on God, wondering if ever I would learn that which was correct of Pre, Mid or Post Tribulaion.
At that point, I abandoned myself and all of my learning, and threw myself on his Mercy, saying: " I give up, I know nothing! Who can know you!
It was then that I claimed John 16:13 to believe and trust, that ONLY He could and would teach me His words by His Holy Spirit alone!
It was then that I also proved it to Him, that I was serious!
I ripped up and trashed my 8 translation NT Bible, and along with it, every "christian" authored book in my book case! All went in the trash, except my KJV Bible and a Young's Analytical Concordance.
Not to long after that, the Holy Spirit of God challenged me and said:
"What if there is no THE Great Tribulation, but rather it is "of great tribulation" ?
Wow!! I never thought of it that way!
And sure enough, He is correct!!
I said then: "OK Lord, you have my attention!!"
From that moment on, every doctrine that stinks of scholarly learning, that I once believed, He has displaced it with His Thoughts and Ways about it. For all of that which He has displaced, it all connects with ease, and fits smoothly together in context.
Of some, it took quite awhile for me to let go of, but then He would show me, and then it became easier to let his thoughts displace them with His Truth!
No more fighting in anguish, of trying to make things fit.
Of a truth, in studying His word, by His Holy Spirit alone, I can attest to that truth: "Let go, and let God."

In other words, you were once fallible but now are infallible. The Pope is supposedly infallible too. Of course, that didn't happen until the 1800s--so everything before that should probably be trashed. Wait til I tell my Catholic cousins.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
The Greek word, apostasia is used in that passage and it can also mean an actual physical departure. The departure of the Church could be what Paul was talking about in addition to a falling away from the faith. It could have a double meaning.
I think that the Lord may have been speaking of the Jews. The Church will be gone from the earth when Jesus returns to throw the Antichrist and the False Prophet into the Lake of Fire and bind Satan in the "bottomless pit".
Can't you see that the resurrection of the Saints into Glory, and the destruction of satan and his worldly kingdoms is a simultaneous event?
There is no " THE" Great Pre, Mid or Post Tribulation. All of that is of religious fabrication!

Why? They misunderstand and misconstrue the prophecy of the 70 weeks of Daniel.
If your starting point is all wrong, how great is the error at the end? HUGE!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
In other words, you were once fallible but now are infallible. The Pope is supposedly infallible too. Of course, that didn't happen until the 1800s--so everything before that should probably be trashed. Wait til I tell my Catholic cousins.
I never said that, nor do I think that! You are putting words in my mouth, hoping to believe and show that YOU are not in error.
All I have ever done was allow God to prove me wrong of what WE BELIEVE. I once was ALL of what you believe!
Christianity is a kingdom with a King. It's NOT a Democratic government where the majority rules!
Church-ianity is popular, Christ-ianity IS NOT!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
How about this: there are tares among the wheat!
The tares love "the Upper most seats", and love to have position in the church, with all the titles that they can achieve, and put before their name!
Even among them, there are many called, but few chosen (Rom. 8:9).
Tares are professing christians, who do not have His Holy Spirit! Tares are therefore "none of His" . Rom. 8:9.

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
How about this: there are tares among the wheat!
The tares love "the Upper most seats", and love to have position in the church, with all the titles that they can achieve, and put before their name!
Even among them, there are many called, but few chosen (Rom. 8:9).
Tares are professing christians, who do not have His Holy Spirit! Tares are therefore "none of His" . Rom. 8:9.

Except the Lord clearly stated otherwise in Matthew 13. He SAID that the field is "the world" NOT the Church (see v. 38). I'm going to bed right now--will catch up with you tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
I admit that I could be in error--but so could you be, and we both could easily be wrong.
We all are subject to error, because we all are still dragging around this body of death and corruption.
But this one thing I now know, when the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed!
That means also, to be free to learn his Truth, by his OWN self, about His OWN words, and not be dependant on the scholarly learned, of which may be tares in sheep clothing.
John 8[36] If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Except the Lord clearly stated otherwise in Matthew 13. He SAID that the field is "the world" NOT the Church (see v. 38). I'm going to bed right now--will catch up with you tomorrow.
Really? The unsaved (the tares) DON'T go to church, get involved, get on committees, make decisions?
Sure, they have a profession of faith to the "call", and go through the waters of baptism, but never were they "born again of His Spirit", being baptized by the Holy Spirit (chosen). They profess to believe in Christ, but it is to copy and mimic His life style!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Except the Lord clearly stated otherwise in Matthew 13. He SAID that the field is "the world" NOT the Church (see v. 38). I'm going to bed right now--will catch up with you tomorrow.
Mat. 13[37] He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
[38] The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; (the saved, who are born again) Rom. 8:9
but the tares are the children of the wicked one; (the unsaved, who are NOT born again) Rom. 8:9
[39] The enemy that sowed them is the devil John 8:44.

the harvest is the end of the world; Mat. 9:37-38
and the reapers are the angels. *Mat. 13:47-49.

*Note: Only by the Holy Spirit within us, is anyone made to be GOOD, because "only God is GOOD." Mark 10:18


Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Mat. 13[37] He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
[38] The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; (the saved, who are born again) Rom. 8:9
but the tares are the children of the wicked one; (the unsaved, who are NOT born again) Rom. 8:9
[39] The enemy that sowed them is the devil John 8:44.

the harvest is the end of the world; Mat. 9:37-38
and the reapers are the angels. *Mat. 13:47-49.

*Note: Only by the Holy Spirit within us, is anyone made to be GOOD, because "only God is GOOD." Mark 10:18

But there is another category: Those who are truly Christians but are "grieving" the Holy Spirit, by their disobedience.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
But there is another category: Those who are truly Christians but are "grieving" the Holy Spirit, by their disobedience.
Since you are wanting to go sideways with what we are focused on, let's go back to "the judgment" of John 3[18] He that believeth on him is not condemned:
but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Now, what do you want to add to that, or take away?

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Since you are wanting to go sideways with what we are focused on, let's go back to "the judgment" of John 3[18] He that believeth on him is not condemned:
but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Now, what do you want to add to that, or take away?

I add nothing to Scripture, nor do I take away from it. Sideways? What do you mean by that? I am not focused particularly on any issue that you raise.