No unity ever

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Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Just found this one on the Australian Prophetic Council's Facebook page.

Helen Cobanov

The Lord gave me an incredibly detailed dream and He started to speak to me about the season we are coming into. He spoke to me about A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, bringing UNITY and RESTORATION to the BODY OF CHRIST as we move into this NEW and HEALTHY way of advancing the Kingdom TOGETHER, PARTNERED with the HOLY SPIRIT to usher in the great HARVEST.

Each image the Lord showed me, revealed a bigger picture of what He is doing, how He is preparing us and how we are to move forward in our gifts and calling according to His will and plan. I shared about this briefly at our online Australian Prophetic Council Roundtable at the end of May (full video available on Facebook), but I wanted to unpack this dream that came in 2 parts, and detail exactly what God showed me, to encourage the body of Christ and to help us prepare for the greatest Harvest we have ever seen!

I saw a very LARGE LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. The field was lush, green and all perfectly marked out ready for play. On the slopes surrounding the field there were spectators as far as the eye could see. I noticed that the area where the spectators were sitting was very dull grey in colour. In fact as I looked at these spectators, I also noticed they too blended into this wash of grey. I asked the Lord about this and He explained to me that these SPECTATORS REPRESENTED the UNCHURCHED, UNSAVED, the LOST and BROKEN.


Then my attention was drawn to a young child running around on the sideline and his father was chasing behind him, reaching out to catch him. The child was in a state of silliness, a bit like when a child is over-tired or hyperactive after eating too much sugar! He was not listening to his father, and running up and down the slopes between spectators, running down to the sideline and then he tried to run onto the field where the team was. The game was not in play, and the father managed to grab the child before he made it to the field, and just before the child fell to the ground the father picked him up by the ankles and held him in the air upside down.

As the child was dangling upside-down he started to squirm to try and break free from the fathers grip. But the father held him tight, moved him away from the sideline and started to shake the child up and down. The child was laughing and squealing thinking it all to be a bit of a game to start with, but with each motion of the father SHAKING the child up and down, I saw things start to drop out of the child’s pockets.

With each shake I asked the Lord about what I was seeing. I first saw coins fall out of his pockets. So, I asked the Lord what the coins were? He said..“They are CREDIT. This child has been TAKING CREDIT for the things I have done.” Then he shook the child again. This time RUBBISH fell out and junk-food wrappers. The Lord said “This child has been FEEDING on RUBBISH and has developed UNHEALTHY HABITS and still carries around this rubbish, feeding off it!” The father then shook the child again quite firmly, as there was still some things deep in his pockets that the father wanted to shake out. This time toys - like vending machine PRIZES fell out. The Lord said “This child has IDOLS that he holds like PRIZED POSSESSIONS, that have ruled and been a stronghold over his life.”

Once the child’s pockets had been fully emptied, the Father seemed most pleased about what had been REMOVED from the child during the shaking. Then whilst the child was still held upside-down, the Father carried him away from all the things on the ground so he could not get to them again. He then gently lowered the child who was, at this point, most upset because all the things from his pockets had been removed. The child lay face down on the ground sobbing and still having a bit of a tantrum. The whole time the Father lovingly but firmly held his hand on the child’s back and spoke to him until the child was finally SETTLED, CALM and LISTENING.


He said “Many of My children have been running around and caught up in a WHIRLWIND of CHAOS which the ENEMY has ASSIGNED to WREAK HAVOC amongst My people. They have been so full of EXCUSES, JUSTIFYING their behaviour, trying to CONTROL, rushing here and there, being so BUSY doing their OWN THING that they have become OUT OF CONTROL. They have been too busy to STOP or LISTEN to ME and let me HELP them and LEAD them. ENOUGH is ENOUGH! For I am taking hold of them before they try to run back out onto MY FIELD and cause havoc. I am going to cause a SHAKING that will flip things on their head. I will remove them from the clutches of the enemy and rid them of these things that constantly come between us, from these old ways and bad habits and attitudes, and I will cause My children to STOP, lie DOWN, SURRENDER and LISTEN. I will bring a CALM to their STORM. I will RESET and RESTORE them, and they will know MY HAND is upon them as I prepare them to RISE and WALK in MY WAYS the RIGHT WAY.”

Hebrews 12:26-29 TPT “Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm!” Now this phrase “once and for all” clearly indicates the final removal of things that are shaking, that is, the old order, so only what is unshakeable will remain. Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakeable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe. For our God is a holy, devouring fire!”


Then my eyes were drawn to the large LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. I saw the TEAM PLAYERS on the field, and they were all lying face-down on the ground. Each team member was partnered with their own PERSONAL TRAINER who had a hand on the back of their player as they lay on the ground. As I looked closer, I noticed each personal trainer was the same. I asked the Lord about the personal trainer and He showed me this was the HOLY SPIRIT.

I then heard a whistle blow and the players stood up. The trainers took their players through different warm-up drills, TRAINING them and PREPARING them, increasing their fitness, sharpening their skills and gifts. They would give them rest between training drills, offering food and drink as they needed, speaking encouragement, offering help and advice, teaching and giving insight for the team plan and key strategies.

As they were training, I noticed that there was only ONE TEAM on the field and ALL the players had the SAME TEAM CLOTHING on! However, EACH PLAYER LOOKED VERY DIFFERENT to the other. Some had different shoes on, different items and equipment in their hands. Some had books, some had microphones, some instruments, tools, technology, medicine, money, weapons. Some had different hats on, some had cricket bats or soccer balls, dancing shoes, paint brushes or pens...and so much more!

Then I heard the whistle blow again and suddenly I felt the atmosphere shift. The team Coach (THE LORD) arrived along with an endless stream of team officials (HEAVENLY HOSTS) who all took their places surrounding the field. I could see the excitement and readiness of the players as the personal trainers placed them into position. I heard a horn blow and the team started to play. At NO time did the personal trainer (HOLY SPIRIT) leave the side of the players, but instructed and guided them EVERY step of the way. Each player used their UNIQUE skills and talents to play. Each move was STRATEGIC, INTENTIONAL and BEAUTIFUL to watch as the players moved alongside one another in UNITY under the guidance of the personal trainer and instruction of the Coach. Players were supporting each other, and sometimes players were required to move quickly or reposition to the other side of the field, sometimes they were instructed to step forward or take a step back, giving them time to TAKE A KNEE, rest and pause to listen to a word from the Coach.

The importance of everyone being a TEAM PLAYER and WORKING TOGETHER became evident as the Lord drew my eyes to the grey areas where the spectators were around the field. As the TEAM started to play in UNITY, I began to notice a POSITIVE RESPONSE as the spectators started to take interest in what was being played out before them. They started to wake up and become increasingly excited by what they were seeing! Suddenly I saw COLOUR start to spring up throughout the grey areas as spectators began to jump to their feet in RESPONSE to what they were seeing.

Just to point out a BIG Truth overlooked.

The church is still the small child. It is up to each individual to allow the Holy Spirit in their lives to harvest those in the world around them. The church cannot do it. Only each member in the congregation can.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Unity. What can be said about Unity. I think James 3:17 which says that unity is considerate and submissive when it comes to our interactions with one another. Why is this so hard to achieve and maintain on these forums? I guess because some want to prove something to others and that emanates from pride. The feeling of superiority. To be seen as right, correct, knowledgeable, and high. But that produces disunity as we can plainly see, because each party wants to be right or tighter than the other. There is no submission, or peaceability, when users are haughty towards one another. It takes a deal of maturity to admit when you are wrong or to even let bygones be bygones. I think we all can learn something from each other if we take the time to listen and not be overly judgmental. Sometimes people are even expressing the same sentiment only in different ways. It baffles me why some of these arguments are even in existence. If people would just calm down and take a step back I think you'd find we have more in common than we think sometimes. I digress, the bible is the word of God and it is how God communicates directly with all of us. Sure, we may disagree on instances of theology and doctrine but in the end the bible isn't going to change, it is the immutable word of God. We need to reference it always when it comes to forming divergent comprehensions. If we can do that then a propitious exchange between us can occur. I came to this site to learn more about my faith from other Christians but lately it feels like I'm just not learning that much anymore due to all the incessant arguments. That, and, my own inability for scholasticism. I don't always agree with everyone but hey I'm here to learn primarily, not to force my own doctrines onto others.

Bully for you @friend of !
Well worded and point taken :) I too came here to learn and I have picked up some revealing things...even from those I do not agree with. Like yourself, neither am I scholarly, but then...we do not need to be. It's awesome to have that ability though.
You are correct, there ARE those who try to force their doctrine down our throats and, I'm sure you already know the folks who do that most, by now. If we can only find unity despite our differences but...that would not really be true unity then, would it?
Siblings on Earth fight, argue and so on...I see no difference in God's children, to our own shame. Wish He would come TODAY! lol.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
"Would one (His Word/the Bible) contradict the other?"
i sure dont think so
No son of man may die for another's sins;
Christ died for our sins

But that does not mean that God will ever contradict His Word.
they heard the word and then searched the Scriptures to see if it were true

so, isnt "Easter" in your kjv? You dont think Yah's Word contradicts that?
What have you heard?
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Are the leaders of the Church exempt from this verse or something?
ha well not once your definitions have changed i guess, but until then, certainly imo
the heir is under servants until he inherits, and is no better than a slave right
so i mean how are you defining "Church" there? bc the Church only has one Leader eh
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Jan 24, 2011
So. Cal
United States
[MKJV] John 14:17
the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive because it does not see Him nor know Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you and shall be in you.

That is how we know the truth.
To use Scripture in order to disprove the importance of Scripture is a bit self defeating.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
ha well not once your definitions have changed i guess, but until then, certainly imo
the heir is under servants until he inherits, and is no better than a slave right
so i mean how are you defining "Church" there? bc the Church only has one Leader eh

Well, of course Jesus is the top dog but...I am speaking to the scriptures referring to the offices of Pastor, elders being our "leaders" down here.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Well, of course Jesus is the top dog but...I am speaking to the scriptures referring to the offices of Pastor, elders being our "leaders" down here.
so then that is a fail i guess eh
i mean we certainly have elders and pastors and whatnot, just prolly not them imo
or at least not many of them, iow the label is...could maybe be better applied

imo when the first "pastor" Quotes No one has ever gone up to heaven from a pulpit on Sabbath day now you found a pastor that also fits your label system there
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Jan 24, 2011
So. Cal
United States
i sure dont think so
No son of man may die for another's sins;
Christ died for our sins
they heard the word and then searched the Scriptures to see if it were true

so, isnt "Easter" in your kjv? You dont think Yah's Word contradicts that?
What have you heard?
Jesus is God's Son not Joseph's or any man.

Easter is a mistranslation of Pascha. The Jews did not have an Easter Feast.
Pascha (Greek: Πάσχα), also called Easter, is the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord. Pascha is a transliteration of the Greek word, which is itself a transliteration of the Aramaic pascha, from the Hebrew pesach meaning Passover.

Acts 12:4 KJV
[4] And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Jesus is God's Son not Joseph's or any man.

Easter is a mistranslation of Pascha. The Jews did not have an Easter Feast.

Acts 12:4 KJV
[4] And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
its like this and like that
and like this

ok ty

so bam go roll eggs and buy bunnies then sir, and deem them =, ok with me
Jesus is God's Son not Joseph's or any man.
not sure how that addresses the conundrum myself, but ok
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Jan 24, 2011
So. Cal
United States
its like this and like that
and like this

ok ty

so bam go roll eggs and buy bunnies then sir, and deem them =, ok with me

not sure how that addresses the conundrum myself, but ok
I guess you didn't understand...EASTER IS A MISTRANSLATION, it is not part of the original meaning of Pascha.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
yet "Bible is Word," see

so i mean there you have it, right in a little nutshell
So then the Bible is the Word of God except when it is mistranslated. Then a human expert in languages is needed to properly retranslate it, right? LOL! But it really should not be funny! And where is the Comforter in all of this?

"So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.
Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive." Ecc 4:1-2

And the topic here was unity? When we are all dead and they shovel the dirt onto our faces, will we then be unified in the things of God? What is the job of the Comforter?

Talk about confusion!
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Actually there was no such thing as the Lord's Supper.
It is really annoying when Christians contradict what is clearly stated in the Bible.

When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's Supper. (1 Cor 11:20)

What does Paul means by "this is NOT to eat the Lord's Supper"? He was rebuking the Corinthians for abusing the Lord's Supper and failing to observe it as it ought to be observed (as the rest of that chapter shows). But Paul specifically called it "the Lord's Supper" since it was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ as a Remembrance or Memorial Feast. Before this Memorial Feast, the early Christians had a fellowship meal, but the Corinthians were treating that with contempt, and Paul addresses that.

The Catholic Church calls it "Eucharist" since the Greek word eucharistos means "the giving of thanks", and indeed the Lord gave thanks for both the bread and the cup. And that is the Greek word in the NT.

Had the Catholic Church followed the New Testament pattern, they would have observed it as a weekly Remembrance Feast. Instead, they turned it into the "Mass", which includes (1) a real sacrifice of Christ, on a (2) real altar, by a (3) real priest. And that is not the Lord's Supper at all. It is a RE-SACRIFICE of Christ (even though bloodless) and that makes a mockery of the finished work of Christ.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The main purpose of 1 Corinsthians 11 was to show them that their conduct at the common meal was found wanting and what they should do about it.
That is only partially true. The rest of it is to show Christians how Christian worship is to be conducted, and how the Lord's Supper is to be observed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Agreed. Not likely. At the same time there is a core of Christian beliefs which must be accepted by all in order to be called "Christians". As to people talking about the proliferation of denominations, there are less than two dozen (and there is no point belaboring the sub-groups)......

There has been some debate on what those 'core Christian beliefs' are. I wonder if the core beliefs would/should be whenever Jesus says "Truly, truly....? Are those the core beliefs we should Truly practice to be a Christian?

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