10 Sins We Commit Without Knowing

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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Amen I do agree....this particular thread is focusing on sins that some may not consider to be sin or as written in the OP are OK to have in our daily lives....
But in reality they are leading us into deception and unable to discern the truth.
As the scripture says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves.....and even goes so far as to say the truth is not in us.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”
— 1 John 1:8 (KJV)

I believe this is why the churches continue to spiral downward as it spins further and further away from the truth.....teaching man's doctrines instead of God's Word....
Calling evil good (acceptance of homosexuality becoming ordained pastors may be one example) and good evil...(modern day miracles...or prophets...can be an example).

Until we fully line up with the Word of God to do all that it commands we are easy prey to the spirit of deception and are blinded by it to where we are unable to ever see the truth until we start seeking it....and then the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see...and the Truth enters in and we are set free.
Religious spirits abound everywhere with their deception and false teachings bringing God's people into captivity and they don't even realize they are prisoners.
Yes - I get it now. Thank you. But I think there are those who take pride in their positions or in their knowledge of scripture but wouldn't accept it as sin.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Makes you think.....
Here is my belief....if sin came upon mankind by one man....Adam....making all of us sinners...then God had to undo that by using one man to restore us back to His Righteousness...
I have seen God using the same door Satan opened and entered into my life and going back through that door and closing it...
I hope I am making sense.
God took us out of Adam, and put us into Christ. No more condemnation, no more law, only learning how to not be like Adam, and be more like Christ.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
God took us out of Adam, and put us into Christ. No more condemnation, no more law, only learning how to not be like Adam, and be more like Christ.

Much love!
Agree, but the original post still applies, and it's good to 'judge ourselves soberly' with those listed 'sins' in mind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Good topic but I think we could also add 'pride' to that list - pride in our own achievements and pride in our knowledge etc.

I wrote my post before I'd finished reading the other replies and somebody already said pride.

I think pride and it's sister, envy, are at the root of much evil!

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Agree, but the original post still applies, and it's good to 'judge ourselves soberly' with those listed 'sins' in mind.
Sorry, I got distracted . . .


It's a great thread!

I look at the feeling inside when I'm looking at my behavior. I find I can say or do the exact same things, but for very different reasons.

But I need to stay aware of what my inner motives really are!

Much love!


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
And that would be a time to minister to them and pray for God to heal or deliver them from a root of bitterness.
I can't begin to count how many Christians I have come across that are still struggling with unforgiveness....the one who was violently raped by their own father, the young man who witnessed his parents die during a robbery, the young mother whose 2 yr old child was abducted and found dead a week later....
You see salvation is the foundation that we build on....and with the proper instruction and Godly counsel, and the healing touch of God's Hand these individuals eventually come to understand the power of forgiveness. It isn't for the person who victimized them...it's for them to be set free from that person who victimized them.
We can't go around condemning everyone who hasn't yet achieved that spiritual life of walking righteous until Jesus has completed cleansing them of the hidden sins of the heart....
This is why we must first judge our own heart before pointing the finger at the other person. We can all find areas that still need improvement.

'He who BEGAN a good work in you...' Therefore we are all not cookie cutter Christians. As long as we strive for righteousness, God will bless that. As far as the judging, spot on sister...
Psalm 139:23-24 KJV
23 "Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts: 24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting."

This is one of my go too's before praying about another's sin, biblical errors and growth. Sure clears the mind and allows us to pray properly. Amen!!


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
#2 is one that I ignored but after thinking about it I am struggling with injustices towards me and I do justify my attitude by what was done to me by them.
So grudges and justifying my attitude definitely need to be addressed.

Same here Patty, I skipped over that one and should not have. Every time I think I've reached the point where I believed I did indeed forgive someone (there are 3 people over a 11 year period that did me very wrong...AND they claimed to be Christians...their fruit told me different. Like yourself, I too thought about that number 2 a little more AFTER my initial reply...I do still hold a grudge :( I know this because every time I pass her street I want to flip the bird!!!! Nah, no grudge holding here :rolleyes: MUCH work to be done, for sure!


Spiritual Warrior
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May 10, 2018
United States
Same here Patty, I skipped over that one and should not have. Every time I think I've reached the point where I believed I did indeed forgive someone (there are 3 people over a 11 year period that did me very wrong...AND they claimed to be Christians...their fruit told me different. Like yourself, I too thought about that number 2 a little more AFTER my initial reply...I do still hold a grudge :( I know this because every time I pass her street I want to flip the bird!!!! Nah, no grudge holding here :rolleyes: MUCH work to be done, for sure!
Lol...the bird...oh my...that's a sure sign of still holding a grudge...lol
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Yes - I get it now. Thank you. But I think there are those who take pride in their positions or in their knowledge of scripture but wouldn't accept it as sin.
In 2017 God was dealing with me about things in my heart I didn't see for myself and one of them was self-righteous pride....
And He showed me an example in my past of it...a friend asked me to pray for her and also asked how she could get God's blessing to flow in her life like it did mine...I was happy to share my testimony but I also had a mental picture of her not having a relationship with Him like I did...so basically I was judging my walk to be better than hers.
She also didn't know how to hear His voice which I have never to this day understood anyone not hearing His voice. The first time He spoke to me I heard Him loud and clear and every time He speaks I know it's His voice.
Anyway, I began to put myself on a pedestal that I never should have...
Self-righteous pride is something I see here a lot in other members and even in myself at times.
I have repented and have learned to be a lot more humble when I share with others His Word. I am ready to listen more...


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Ha, true. I have an acquaintance, in her early 70's who holds grudges BIG TIME! When I called her on it she say's : 'I'm not holding a grudge, just not speaking to so or so. lol...same thing!
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
...a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" Ecc 3:1,7


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Help us all dear Lord to move ever closer to you as by the power of Your Spirit we continue kill off all of that old man who continues to be attracted to sin.

I wish I could honestly say I never sinned at all any more.

But our goal is here then:

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." I John 3:2-3


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Help us all dear Lord to move ever closer to you as by the power of Your Spirit we continue kill off all of that old man who continues to be attracted to sin.

I wish I could honestly say I never sinned at all any more.

But our goal is here then:

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." I John 3:2-3
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Why is it that we tend to fight and bicker so much over theology and different aspects and perspectives of the Bible?

Even as Christians?
We love truth and have a passion and desire for truth and righteousness. And if we have the spirit of God, we desire that same passion for others. Paul spoke of a love for truth being the difference between being deceived or not. It wasn't the truth itself that decided whether one is deceived, but whether there's a love for it. A seeking and searching for truth out of love for truth and a hatred for lies and deceit. So when we discuss such matters as theology we do tend to be passionate at times. Now this call lead to insulting and demeaning mischaracterisation of others. That is sin. But being passionate and fervent for truth, I see nothing wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Amen I do agree....this particular thread is focusing on sins that some may not consider to be sin or as written in the OP are OK to have in our daily lives....
But in reality they are leading us into deception and unable to discern the truth.
As the scripture says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves.....and even goes so far as to say the truth is not in us.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”
— 1 John 1:8 (KJV)

I believe this is why the churches continue to spiral downward as it spins further and further away from the truth.....teaching man's doctrines instead of God's Word....
Calling evil good (acceptance of homosexuality becoming ordained pastors may be one example) and good evil...(modern day miracles...or prophets...can be an example).

Until we fully line up with the Word of God to do all that it commands we are easy prey to the spirit of deception and are blinded by it to where we are unable to ever see the truth until we start seeking it....and then the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see...and the Truth enters in and we are set free.
Religious spirits abound everywhere with their deception and false teachings bringing God's people into captivity and they don't even realize they are prisoners.
While I agree that we could go to any church and after spending even a short time conversing with members there, could discern many of the above faults, we would also find a greater threat to the spiritual well-being of the church coming from the pulpit, that being the very popular message with Christianity that constantly informs congregations that they will always sin, they cannot help but sin, and they will continue to sin until Christ comes and changes them. In other words, there is no power now to overcome sin in our lives, because we're were all born sinners and it is our inherent nature to sin and it can't change. I say nonsense.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I try to remember this:
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
While I agree that we could go to any church and after spending even a shirt time conversing with members there, could discern many of the above faults, we would also find a greater threat to the spiritual well-being of the church coming from the pulpit, that being the very popular message with Christianity that constantly informs congregations that they will always sin, they cannot help but sin, and they will continue to sin until Christ comes and changes them. In other words, there is no power now to overcome sin in our lives, because we're were all born sinners and it is our inherent nature to sin and it can't change. I say nonsense.
I can only speak for myself....and humbly I confess that I have good days and bad days....on my good days I have no problem resisting the temptation to sin and my heart is full of joy....and the fruits of the Spirit are manifesting through me.
On my bad days, when it seems like everything that can go wrong will go wrong, people from various sources in my life seem to have an agenda to come against me, and even my own thoughts come against me....those days is when the temptation to let anger rise up makes its way into my heart and my mouth spews out angry words, or someone in need asks for help and I resent them for it because I have my own needs....and then of course a memory will resurface and reignite the hurt inflicted on me by that same person asking for my help....I forgave them and all is well on my good days....but that bad day....I shake my head....and cry out to God asking for forgiveness and reach out to that person and ask their forgiveness....
Now what is that all about? How can any person honestly say they never let anger rise up in them to the point of being an offense to someone.
This is what my own personal struggle is mainly about. How to maintain a Christian example inwardly and outwardly on those bad days still evades me.
I am just being honest...and if that means I am not saved well I say Satan you are a liar and I am going to tell my Abba/Father what you said about me...(lol)....and remind Him I am the Righteousness of God through Christ Jesus...that He has taken away all my sins and by His shed blood He made me a joint heir to the throne.

That's how I believe.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I can only speak for myself....and humbly I confess that I have good days and bad days....on my good days I have no problem resisting the temptation to sin and my heart is full of joy....and the fruits of the Spirit are manifesting through me.
On my bad days, when it seems like everything that can go wrong will go wrong, people from various sources in my life seem to have an agenda to come against me, and even my own thoughts come against me....those days is when the temptation to let anger rise up makes its way into my heart and my mouth spews out angry words, or someone in need asks for help and I resent them for it because I have my own needs....and then of course a memory will resurface and reignite the hurt inflicted on me by that same person asking for my help....I forgave them and all is well on my good days....but that bad day....I shake my head....and cry out to God asking for forgiveness and reach out to that person and ask their forgiveness....
Now what is that all about? How can any person honestly say they never let anger rise up in them to the point of being an offense to someone.
This is what my own personal struggle is mainly about. How to maintain a Christian example inwardly and outwardly on those bad days still evades me.
I am just being honest...and if that means I am not saved well I say Satan you are a liar and I am going to tell my Abba/Father what you said about me...(lol)....and remind Him I am the Righteousness of God through Christ Jesus...that He has taken away all my sins and by His shed blood He made me a joint heir to the throne.

That's how I believe.
We all go through that on different levels and in a myriad of ways. But we also know that Jesus went through all the same temptations but without sin. We can be assured that He had even greater struggles than us, being such a target of Satan and his agents. But Jesus proved that we can overcome, even in our humanity with divine help. And by these promises we take hold upon His divine nature which empowers is to overcome. The biggest hurdle we have to overcome is self. So long as we cleave to the Vine, partaking of His strength and power, all things are possible.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
While I agree that we could go to any church and after spending even a shirt time conversing with members there, could discern many of the above faults, we would also find a greater threat to the spiritual well-being of the church coming from the pulpit, that being the very popular message with Christianity that constantly informs congregations that they will always sin, they cannot help but sin, and they will continue to sin until Christ comes and changes them. In other words, there is no power now to overcome sin in our lives, because we're were all born sinners and it is our inherent nature to sin and it can't change. I say nonsense.
And I say nonsense also!

We need to understand Christ HAS come to us, lives in us, and IS changing us.

I like to ask people, is there any sin that you, a Christian CANNOT refuse to commit for a 2 minute period? Now, repeat. And repeat. And repeat.

We have power over our bodies and minds if we will believe it and use is. We are still being trained to believe and use it.

What I've seen, Be it to you according to your faith.

Oh how I need to be speaking these things to myself every single day!

Much love!