Becoming a perfect Disciple of Christ

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
No, they where not all, that is an assumption,
If it is an assumption it is an assumption based on holy scripture itself.

2Ti 3:15, And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2Ti 3:16, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Ti 3:17, That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
If it is an assumption it is an assumption based on holy scripture itself.
It is an assumption based on a book, and made holy by me who deny Christ the right to be the Words of God, of whom He was given that title, but men love to boast, I have Gods Word in my hand I dont need God.

Mat_15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Even so it is till this day.



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The proof you are abiding, is to be born again, as that is how you abide...= how you got there, and stay there.

All theoretical. And nonsensical. Just more lack of understanding using words you don't know about in reality.

The proof of abiding in Christ is that we walk above the Spirit. NO sin is possible. In Him is NO sin. Abide in Him and you don't sin. You need to come OUT from Him to indulge the flesh or take up your own life again. To abide in Christ is to be filled with the Spirit. It's like putting a cup under water. It is filled to overflowing.

On the other hand when Christ is in us (without abiding in Him) can be like a small drop of water in our cups...or maybe 1/10th full....or even half a cup full. The rest is dependent on what WE are doing. The rest is US.

To abide in Christ means it is NO LONGER US.

So without people actually experiencing the spiritual life...people make silly theories that just deceive them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So please explain to me, what is is , that if our righteousness is in Christ, what is it that you can possibly do by studying, to outshine His righteousness, We are aproved of God because of what Christ did, no more.
Its because of all this "studying" and not going to Christ, that sop many christians are walking in darkness. Always the same, sound good till you see its all from their understanding and that they know nothing, just think they know it all.

Being "approved" of God, is to be "justified by Faith". = Born again.....a BABE in Christ.

NEXT you have to learn how to "work out your Salvation". = GROW UP.
Thats what im teaching.
See, most people who are saved think that sinning and confessing and repenting, is "working out your salvation".
However.....Working out your salvation is the process of DISCIPLESHIP....Its how we LIVE out our Salvation, according to Right Believing.
Most believers are, as i have said for the last Month that ive been here, in about 40 Threads..... most are sinning and confessing and repenting.
They THINK this is "normal", and its "how it is"....and in fact its not how it is, its just how it is if you are trapped in wrong believing and are sinning and confessing for the last 10 - 50yrs.

If you are doing that, then its because you are trying to stop what is already removed.
Its like a Dog going back to its own Vomit.
See, "Christ has redeemed you from the CURSE OF THE LAW", and you are "not under the Law you are under GRACE".
Sin is GONE, Righteousness has come,... but... you can exit as a Born again Christian OUTSIDE this DELIVERANCE from Sin. (works of the Flesh).
Most do.

Understand...There is no SIN in Christ, and we the born again are "IN CHRIST">... And there is no Dominion of the Law over us after Christ removed the CURSE of the law,.... and you are under GRACE.
So, why are you sinning?
Because you LEFT ALL THAT, and returned to the vomit of trying to resist sin in YOUR Own POWER, instead of by living in Deliverance and Victory over sin, = GOD's GRACE.
And till you stop you way of trying to stop sinning...., the LAW is going to OWN YOU and DOES, and that is why you are sin conscious, sinning, guilty, confessing, and have no way to STOP.

Reader, how many yrs now, have you been sinning and guilty, and confessing, and repenting?
So, what you are doing is FAILING.....right?
To Stop sinning, is not what you can do.....Its what God has done for you........Just like your Salvation.
And just like you have to BELIEVE to be born again, you have to BELIEVE RIGHT to stop sinning.


You must believe 2 things, or you will always be trying to get to what you will never find., which is a holy walk and a mind that is free from sin consciousness and real spiritual power and true influence.

1.) BELIEVE : You are always at peace with God. Always... Romans 5:1

So, No matter what you just did wrong, again, next month, you are always at Peace with GOD. And the reason is, its not by what you do that causes God to always be at Peace with you.. But rather its because of Christ's accomplishment....His "finished work on the Cross' that is the "once and for all eternal redemption that Christ Gained" = the REASON God will always be at peace with all His Born Again Children.
So, on your best spiritual day, or on your most carnal backslidden day, or week, or decade,..that SAME BLOOD of God that was shed on The Cross, is what God accepted to accept you as His OWN, and this will always keep you in perfect Peace with God.
God's shed blood keeps you in perfect peace with God.= Believe this... remember this......Learn this. !
Now your mind will rebel at this idea.
Your natural inclination will resist this fact, regarding God's peace.
Thats the mind of the Flesh, the self righteous mind.
And that is the part of you that you that you have to RENEW, so that it does not keep you from right believing.

2.) BELIEVE : All you Sin is forgiven.. ALL. Colossians 2:13

See, if it wasn't, then you could not have Peace with God, you could not be born again, and you could NOT be a Son-Daughter - Child of God.
All your sin had to be resolved by GOD as Christ, so THAT you can exist in GOD, "In Christ" and in Eternity with God.
Now once again, your flesh , your carnal mind, will rebel at this idea. It will not want to believe that... and THAT part of you, you have to renew as that is the WRONG MIND, and that MIND will keep you in bondage to wrong believing and wrong living, and striving to be good, repenting, and yet failing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The proof of abiding in Christ is that we walk above the Spirit. NO sin is possible. In Him is NO sin. Abide in Him and you don't sin.

You are now creating a hybrid theology of what im teaching, but ruining it with the "self effort of Abiding".
At least you are learning from me, but you are ruining it with your previous and long standing theology of self righteousness.
Keep reading me.

Listen...A born again person is always "born".
This born is the "new birth" that puts us into God's Spirit.
But down here, on earth, a believer has to learn how to exist in God's Grace, as this is the place of Deliverance.
So, to live a perfected discipleship, is to mentally exist within the right "mind". This mind is the faith that is to: Believe Right.
When a believer is believing right, they will live right.
When they believe wrong they will live wrong.
We "abide" because this is the status of being born again into God's Spirit... but we have deliverance and victory over sin on EARTH = by understanding God's Grace, and existing within this right believing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Being "approved" of God, is to be "justified by Faith". = Born again.....a BABE in Christ.

NEXT you have to learn how to "work out your Salvation". = GROW UP.
Thats what im teaching.
See, most people who are saved think that sinning and confessing and repenting, is "working out your salvation".
However.....Working out your salvation is the process of DISCIPLESHIP....Its how we LIVE out our Salvation, according to Right Believing.
Most believers are, as i have said for the last Month that ive been here, in about 40 Threads..... most are sinning and confessing and repenting.
They THINK this is "normal", and its "how it is"....and in fact its not how it is, its just how it is if you are trapped in wrong believing and are sinning and confessing for the last 10 - 50yrs.

If you are doing that, then its because you are trying to stop what is already removed.
Its like a Dog going back to its own Vomit.
See, "Christ has redeemed you from the CURSE OF THE LAW", and you are "not under the Law you are under GRACE".
Sin is GONE, Righteousness has come,... but... you can exit as a Born again Christian OUTSIDE this DELIVERANCE from Sin. (works of the Flesh).
Most do.

Understand...There is no SIN in Christ, and we the born again are "IN CHRIST">... And there is no Dominion of the Law over us after Christ removed the CURSE of the law,.... and you are under GRACE.
So, why are you sinning?
Because you LEFT ALL THAT, and returned to the vomit of trying to resist sin in YOUR Own POWER, instead of by living in Deliverance and Victory over sin, = GOD's GRACE.
And till you stop you way of trying to stop sinning...., the LAW is going to OWN YOU and DOES, and that is why you are sin conscious, sinning, guilty, confessing, and have no way to STOP.

Reader, how many yrs now, have you been sinning and guilty, and confessing, and repenting?
So, what you are doing is FAILING.....right?
To Stop sinning, is not what you can do.....Its what God has done for you........Just like your Salvation.
And just like you have to BELIEVE to be born again, you have to BELIEVE RIGHT to stop sinning.


You must believe 2 things, or you will always be trying to get to what you will never find., which is a holy walk and a mind that is free from sin consciousness and real spiritual power and true influence.

1.) BELIEVE : You are always at peace with God. Always... Romans 5:1

So, No matter what you just did wrong, again, next month, you are always at Peace with GOD. And the reason is, its not by what you do that causes God to always be at Peace with you.. But rather its because of Christ's accomplishment....His "finished work on the Cross' that is the "once and for all eternal redemption that Christ Gained" = the REASON God will always be at peace with all His Born Again Children.
So, on your best spiritual day, or on your most carnal backslidden day, or week, or decade,..that SAME BLOOD of God that was shed on The Cross, is what God accepted to accept you as His OWN, and this will always keep you in perfect Peace with God.
God's shed blood keeps you in perfect peace with God.= Believe this... remember this......Learn this. !
Now your mind will rebel at this idea.
Your natural inclination will resist this fact, regarding God's peace.
Thats the mind of the Flesh, the self righteous mind.
And that is the part of you that you that you have to RENEW, so that it does not keep you from right believing.

2.) BELIEVE : All you Sin is forgiven.. ALL. Colossians 2:13

See, if it wasn't, then you could not have Peace with God, you could not be born again, and you could NOT be a Son-Daughter - Child of God.
All your sin had to be resolved by GOD as Christ, so THAT you can exist in GOD, "In Christ" and in Eternity with God.
Now once again, your flesh , your carnal mind, will rebel at this idea. It will not want to believe that... and THAT part of you, you have to renew as that is the WRONG MIND, and that MIND will keep you in bondage to wrong believing and wrong living, and striving to be good, repenting, and yet failing.
But see you have this issue, that if they dont agree with you than they must be this way, but you dont know do you. you are like so many over complicating everything.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
It is an assumption based on a book, and made holy by me who deny Christ the right to be the Words of God, of whom He was given that title, but men love to boast, I have Gods Word in my hand I dont need God.

Mat_15:8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

Even so it is till this day.

The holy scriptures testify of Christ and if you do not receive their testimony about Christ, how can you receive Christ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
But see you have this issue, that if they dont agree with you than they must be this way, but you dont know do you. you are like so many over complicating everything.

Im here to encourage, but more so, to bring change.
The people who need change, are going to resit it.
Its important that i qualify WHY , so that anyone who is deceived can see the WHY.
See, the issue is, that if you have not been taught anything right, then you are a spiritual victim of this situation.
So, to correct it, you have to be shown what is RIGHT so that you can find this as your break-thru, into GRACE. The Grace of God.

For example, i could just say....>"look, if you want to stop sinning and repenting, then just realize that ALL you sin is forgiven, believe this, and this right believing will break the bondage that you have that keeps you sinning and repenting..""

But that wont work, because there are reasons that this is true...there are spiritual principles that provide the LIGHT that shows a deceived person WHY its that simple., that have to be explained.

A deceived person has to understand that there are 2 dominions at work , "in the time of the Gentiles', and all people are under one or both.
These dominions have to be explained so that they are understood according to what they produce, and why this is ruining a deceived person's faith walk.
And there are other things like this that a Legalist has to be shown so that they can understand the context of GRACE and why it does what it does, forever.

A legalist has to be shown that they are actually the very RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD , Himself., at all times....bad days, carnal days, great days, and the day you DIE.
See, a legalist, a self savor, does not understand that God's very RIGHTEOUSNESS is become them... as otherwise, God would not ACCEPT THEM.
AS God only Accepts us if we are as Righteous as GOD IS, Himself.
we the born again are "MADE Righteous"....We dont do self effort.
So, that is hard to BELIEVE.
And its even more difficult to believe.... if you have been taught wrong for 40 yrs that you are nothing but a "saved sinner" who has "indwelling sin".

So, its not just
1,2, 3, done.

coming out of darkness requires that you be given a lot of LIGHT., as you are in a deep hole, and its dark in there for a long time.
coming out... takes time, many Threads, meditation.....wanting to know the VITAL......and God working on you all the time so that you can finally come the knowledge of the Truth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What people are hopefully learning from you is trolling must be a lot of fun (for certain individuals).

Its interesting to note, that you can't post a complete quote of mine, and refute it with anything that Paul teaches.
And why?
Because i teach Pauline Theology., and you have no understanding of this doctrine(s).

You have nothing to offer, so, when that is the case, this type person always resorts to a personal attack.

I would surmise, that you could not post a Thread that explains 1.)"justification by faith". 2.)"The gift of Righteousness", and 3.)why Salvation is a Gift, and 4.)why the Finished work of Jesus on the Cross is God's GRACE.

All this theology is baby Christian 101, and to you, its not even a part of your Faith.

The only way you could create such a Thread, is to go online, and WIKI all these terms, and then paste the answer.
Yet you want to play on my Threads as if you have a clue as to what im teaching.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
AS God only Accepts us if we are as Righteous as GOD IS, Himself.
we the born again are "MADE Righteous"....We dont do self effort.

Yes, and this righteousness is practical; something that we do (1 John 3:7). Perhaps not, by self-effort. But we must will to walk in the holiness of the Lord to be counted righteous even as He is righteous; we must "do" this righteousness. It is God who works within us both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
A legalist has to be shown that they are actually the very RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD , Himself., at all times....bad days, carnal days, great days, and the day you DIE.
See, a legalist, a self savor, does not understand that God's very RIGHTEOUSNESS is become them... as otherwise, God would not ACCEPT THEM.
AS God only Accepts us if we are as Righteous as GOD IS, Himself.
we the born again are "MADE Righteous"....We dont do self effort.
So, that is hard to BELIEVE.
And its even more difficult to believe.... if you have been taught wrong for 40 yrs that you are nothing but a "saved sinner" who has "indwelling sin"
DOnt know why you telling me being putting up with them long before you came along.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
The holy scriptures testify of Christ and if you do not receive their testimony about Christ, how can you receive Christ?
How can you receive Christ when your head buried in a book, and you refuse to open the door to let Him in. Jesus isnt a book, havnt you noticed,, IS he dead to you, or what part of relationship do you not understand.

Luk_13:25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
How can you receive Christ when your head buried in a book, and you refuse to open the door to let Him in. Jesus isnt a book, havnt you noticed,, IS he dead to you, or what part of relationship do you not understand.

Luk_13:25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:
We know Him no more after the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:16). That means that if we know Him, we know Him by the Spirit.

Jesus said, the words that I speak to you, they are spirit, and they are life.

So then, the Holy Spirit speaks to men through the word of the Lord.

We are to preach the word (2 Timothy 4:2).

Jesus said, If anyone comes to me I will in no wise cast him out.

I have come to Christ, I have called on His name for salvation.

You keep questioning my salvation over the fact that I am called to preach God's word.

Over the fact that I study to show myself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

Jesus knows me.

Does He know you?

Do you know Him?

If you do not believe that He is the God who created you, you have an inaccurate understanding of who He is; and do not know Him the way you think you do.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2020
A real modern day living saint we have here... No anger, or hate, or greed, or envy, or pride, or lust, or discord, or dissent, or the like.
Perfect, sinless, righteous in every way...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:...
Maybe he's Christ returned! If not, he'd certainly make an u-beaut cult leader who clams he is.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
You keep questioning my salvation over the fact that I am called to preach God's word.
You are not preaching His word you are preaching teh bible, if you cannot talk to any one about Christ without the bible than you dont know Him. Ever time Christ is put before yo, you deny Him and run to teh bible, HE offers Himself to oyu, you hide away and run to teh bible, if you love Him why wont you go to Him , is He dead.???


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You are not preaching His word you are preaching teh bible, if you cannot talk to any one about Christ without the bible than you dont know Him. Ever time Christ is put before yo, you deny Him and run to teh bible, HE offers Himself to oyu, you hide away and run to teh bible, if you love Him why wont you go to Him , is He dead.???
The Bible is God's word.

I believe that there is something in the Bible, that it says to you, that you yourself are running from and this is why you deny that it is the word of God.

The problem with your position is that you have opened yourself up to all kinds of demonic deceptions. If you do not have the Bible to correct your errors, you will go down a path of deception and will never be able to recover. I certainly don't want that for you.

The fact that you keep questioning my relationship with Jesus Christ when I most assuredly know Him is a sign that there may in fact be a beam in your own eye.

Now I did not quote any scripture this time in talking with you, so therefore by your definition I do know Him.

However, the fact that I normally do use the word of God when preaching is mere obedience to what God tells me to do in 2 Timothy 4:2.

Well, I guess I blew it. I must not know Him; because I referenced a scripture verse.


His word is His prescribed method of winning souls to Jesus Christ. God has said that it will not return void (Isaiah 55:10-11) and that it has the ability to make a person born again (1 Peter 1:23).

Why then, would I not preach it when seeking to save souls (see Proverbs 11:30)?

I believe that you are simply complaining about the fact that I use God's word in preaching, for the sole reason that it convicts you and you do not like that feeling of conviction.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
The Bible is God's word.

I believe that there is something in the Bible, that it says to you, that you yourself are running from and this is why you deny that it is the word of God.
Im just wondering why those who say they love Christ dotr seem to want anything to do with Him ,, is He dead to you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Im just wondering why those who say they love Christ dotr seem to want anything to do with Him ,, is He dead to you.
No. He is definitely alive. And His word is also "living and powerful" (Hebrews 4:12 (nkjv)).

Heb 4:12, For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.