Coming Antichrist Is Not Of Islam

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New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
And thusly, the IDEA that the coming false messiah will be of Islam, when God's Word shows that one will instead align the role of ISRAEL's Messiah, reveals an Islamic messiah is one of their false doctrines. And YOU were not the first one to come up with that idea today.
The Muslim's believe just like you do. That the anti-christ (dajjal) will be a Jew! John Hagee believes he will be a homosexual Jew! How Foolish!
Is this the verse you're talking about!!!

Jhn 5:43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

Remember that I told you that IF is a conditional particle with no certainty as to it's fulfillment!

The men of sin will be Islamic. The word 'mixed' in Daniel 2's iron and clay prove it! The word mixed is 'arab' and denotes Arabia or an Arabian. Not a Jew! Daniel 8 also say's that the king of fierce countenance will come from 'Grecia" not Israel.* Isaiah say's the anti-christ would be an Assyrian....not a Jew!
You must be saying that Babylon the Great and the harlot have all to do with Israel. That idea is full of contradictions. Too many for me to confront tonight.

From the beginning Islam has severly persecuted both Christian's and Jews. Today, nearly everyone that is persecuted or killed is done so at the hands of Muslim's and in the name of Allah.

In Rev 17 John is taken by the Spirit into the wilderness, translated desert, to be shown the judgment of the great whore. The desert is where Mecca resides. Rome Italy does not reside in a dessert. Islam has been called "the desert religion." Islam came out of the desert and the seat of Islam is still in the desert today in Mecca, another city of seven hills. The harlot is used interchangeably with Babylon and "that great city." Ancient Babylon is located in Iraq, a Muslim country in the very geographical center of the Islamic world.

It was "Arabian's" who dominated the Muslim world from 622 to 1058 and they persecute both the church and Israel today, Rome doesn't.

Here are some statistics from that time. Info source: Halley's Bible Handbook.
The Crusades have been considered as one of the greatest atrocities of all of history. For 600 years Christianity flourished in the bible lands. That is until Islam emerged. In the 7th century, Muslim's nearly exterminated Christianity. From Southwest Asia to Northern Africa and all of the Middle East, Christianity was blotted out. Now, and for the last 1300 years, the "bible lands" have been completely dominated by Islam. After Asia, Northern Africa and the Middle-East fell to Islam, they headed for France and encountered my ancestor, Charles Martel at Tours. The Muslim's army was defeated. That was one the most decisive battles of the Middle Ages. Many historians and secularist say that had it not been for Charles Martel, not only would all of Europe had fallen to Islam, but Christianity may have been completely wiped out!

From 1206 to 1227 under Genghis Kahn,
In Asia; 50,000 cities and towns were burned; 5,000,000 people were murdered; In Asia Minor, 630,000 people were butchered;

Under Tamerlane, 1337 to 1402,
A similsr hurricane of destruction, route everywhere marked with ruined fields and burned villages and blood. At the gate of every city it was his custom to build piles of thousands of heads; at Baghdad, 90.000 skulls!
The fall of Constantinople, (1453) to the Turks, brought to an end the Eastern Roman Empire, and jarred Europe with a second threat of Islamic control which later was stopped by John Sobieski in the battle of Vienna (1683).
No other religion or government on earth today kills people like Muslim's do. And no religion or government in the past, to include Hitler and the like, have murdered more people than Muslim's. They've had 1400 years to to become the most murderous people on earth.

Over the centuries the amount of people murdered at the hands of Muslim's far out number those of Rome. It is a fact that Muslim's have murdered more Christian's since 1998 than in all of history! (Voice of the Martyr's)

Now tell me. Just what is it that the Jews and Israel is doing to fill the harlot's cup today???


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
The Muslim's believe just like you do. That the anti-christ (dajjal) will be a Jew! John Hagee believes he will be a homosexual Jew! How Foolish!

That's a lie just like your many other lies you've espoused here. The MESSIAH, the True Messiah, is... The Christ, and there is NO OTHER.

There is no messiah for Islam, no messiah for Buddhism, no messiah for Hinduism, no messiah for the Hari Krishnas, etc. There is only ONE Messiah, and His Name is Jesus Christ.

And since the prophecy about the coming 'pseudo-Christ' ("false Christs" of Matt.24:24 per the Greek) is about an attempted COPY of The True MESSIAH Jesus Christ, and the fake one will almost deceive Christ's own elect into believing it as written, it means the false one is coming to play The Christ-Messiah, i.e., Jesus Christ.

So it's like I said, Islam has NO Messiah (The Christ) in their teaching. They recognize Jesus Christ as a 'prophet' ONLY, like Moses, Elijah, etc. If they did... recognize Jesus Christ as The Messiah, then they would be believing on Jesus Christ as The Saviour, and that would make them what? Christians! They are not. They are Muslims, not Christians!

Same thing... for Orthodox Judaism. IF... they too recognized Jesus Christ as The MESSIAH, then they too would essentially be converts to Christianity. They refuse Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ-Messiah. The word Messiah = The Christ. The false one coming is going to play The Christ, not just someone who says he's against Christ, but saying that he is... The Christ.

So your allah-antichrist charade is nothing but that, a charade.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
kaoticprofit, on 21 October 2012 - 09:53 PM, said: " The Muslim's believe just like you do. That the anti-christ (dajjal) will be a Jew! John Hagee believes he will be a homosexual Jew! How Foolish! "

Kaoticprofit, perhaps you should temper your words?

John Hagee has said many things, some in error but not foolsh.
John Hagee said... If God does not judge USA then God will need to appologize to Sodom and Gamorrah.
I agree with John!

In John Hagee's understanding of the anti-christ - the Beast being queer... I will say this... This Beast is said to not have want of a woman. That could easily imply that either... This Beast is a homosexual...or... a woman or sexually dis-functional. Not many get elected into public office unless they seem wholesome - meaning they are married and have a family. I expectf that the Beast may have a family, but when the sanctuary is pollutted that sexual activity of the normal, healthy family life will die.

Veteran, Correct again... Islam has NO Messiah... well said.
Is it my contention that the Beast cannot be Islamic? no Roman? no American? no
At this time, I remain open minded.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
Kaoticprofit, perhaps you should temper your words?
Really? I call Hagee's interpretation foolish because that's what it is.
John Hagee has said many things, some in error but not foolsh.
John Hagee said... If God does not judge USA then God will need to appologize to Sodom and Gamorrah.
He may have said that about America but I doubt he said it first. I heard that back in the early 70's.

I have no doubt God is using the man but I have no use for people like John Hagee or John Macarthur and I have my reasons for it. I don't care for Hagee at all. He's a pretribulationist and doesn't know how to keep his preconceived ideas out of his interpretation and he's too politically motivated. I know how he arrives at the conclusion that the ac would be a homosexual Jew and the man is way off and it is a foolish interpretation. He also has a lot of dirt on his hands.

In John Hagee's understanding of the anti-christ - the Beast being queer... I will say this...

I call a foolish interpretation "foolish" and you use the word queer. How nice.

This Beast is said to not have want of a woman. That could easily imply that either... This Beast is a homosexual...or... a woman or sexually dis-functional. Not many get elected into public office unless they seem wholesome - meaning they are married and have a family. I expectf that the Beast may have a family, but when the sanctuary is pollutted that sexual activity of the normal, healthy family life will die.

I don't know how you come up with this stuff. But what you've just said is a complete mis-interpretation of this verse.
Dan 11:37
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

He simply will not regard the desire of women. Not that He will be a homosexual! Do I need to give you a brief sumary how Islam treats it's women?

What you guy's all need is a hermeneutic. It would help Hagee too!


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
What you guy's all need is a hermeneutic. It would help Hagee too!

Don't try to apply that statement to me, even though I don't necessarily agree with Terry's interpretation.

That pointer that he will not desire women is there for a reason; it's to show one of his attributes regarding who he is coming to play in order to deceive, i.e., the role of The Christ.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Kaoiticprofit, although I do not share all the ideas you have about John Hagee, I do certainly share some.

The Beast being homosexual was no more than speculation... and one I do not think will be, I do think he will not want a woman or a man. Not because he is sexually dis-functional but because he is Satan. So, the other aspects I threw out there was merely to be sure all bases were covered and would not be ruled out... for that reason only. The reason I used the harsh word " queer" is because I believe this new idea of using the word "gay" underminds the Word of God concerning this perverse practice. the reason I denied the word you used "foolish" was only because ( though you did not call JH a fool ) of God's Word concening someone a fool. It was not an attack on you. If God's Word told us we were in danger of hell if we called someone a queer... then i would have used the word gay.

Oh yeah. I think JH told he was not the origgnator of the saying; If God does not judge USA then God should appologize to Sn & G. But, i do not remember who he attributed it to... and I heard him say it asnd I agree with it,

hermeneutic? is that some kind of he/she insect? I thunk I seen me one of them thingys crawling on me the other night. Can I calll it queer?


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
Don't try to apply that statement to me, even though I don't necessarily agree with Terry's interpretation.

That pointer that he will not desire women is there for a reason; it's to show one of his attributes regarding who he is coming to play in order to deceive, i.e., the role of The Christ.

The verse doesn't say that he will not desire women. The verse say's that he will not consider the desires of women! Big difference and typical of Islam.!
And you do need a hermeneutic. You're in complete denial of the CORRECT interpretation of simple words like all, if, before, mixed, inferior, and "holy place.". IF you did have a hermeneutic you wouldn't be denial of such simple truths. You completely disregard the true interpretation of those words because when they are correctly interpreted it debunks your beliefs esp. your globalist theory!
It's impressive how bad people are in their interpretation. Even a simple verse like "not appointed to wrath" is completely perverted by people without a hermeneutic. Verses like 1 Thes. 5:2 the "thief in the night" passage is distorted by pre-trib and pre-wrath people because......THEY DON'T HAVE A HERMENEUTIC!

OH! One more thing Veteran.

You once said that the 6th seal, the sixth trumpet, and the 6th vial are all the same event. I asked you several times to explain how they are "the same event!" You never even made the slightest attempt to answer my question. IF you had a sensible and reasonable hermeneutic you would have never arrived at those conclusions.

You coped out of that one because your claim is so outrageous!


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
The verse doesn't say that he will not desire women. The verse say's that he will not consider the desires of women! Big difference and typical of Islam.!

Dan 11:37
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

"the desire of" = chemdah = delight

That involves all the pleasantries involving women. Hard to get around that meaning, showing it's not about your more political meaning as to Islamic relations with women.

Another marker there about his character is that he will not regard ANY god, which means Islam's allah too. And yet still the strongest marker there, "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers", which is pointing to The God of Israel!!! And that means what? His identity is associated with the people of Israel, and not with the Arabs! And that aligns with the very idea my Lord Jesus foretold about the coming pseudo-Christ of Matt.24:23-26. Not an Islamic messiah, but Israel's Messiah! So much for your idea of hermeneutics.

OH! One more thing Veteran.

You once said that the 6th seal, the sixth trumpet, and the 6th vial are all the same event. I asked you several times to explain how they are "the same event!" You never even made the slightest attempt to answer my question. IF you had a sensible and reasonable hermeneutic you would have never arrived at those conclusions.

You coped out of that one because your claim is so outrageous!

I didn't cop out; my explanation of that is all within the several threads here on this Forum like I said before to you. If you didn't care to read those, then I'm not going to be foolish enough to give you a personal replay, especially because of your haughty demeanor.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Veteran.... " "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers", " the post shows no link to Israel and no certain or defined god, but only to his dad and grand dad as it is plural... having a god...which could be allah, buddha, ra, luna, or charels manson.

If your doing text intrepretation of God's Word then you are aslo intrepretating God's Word. Because when you do the text intrepretation you must decide which understanding fits best and that is according to your personal desires. Is there a such thing as an anti-hermeneutic?
Oh yeah, linking no desires of women to Islam treatment of women... very intresting connection!!!


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Veteran.... " "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers", " the post shows no link to Israel and no certain or defined god, but only to his dad and grand dad as it is plural... having a god...which could be allah, buddha, ra, luna, or charels manson.

That won't work. If he were of Islam then he'd have to follow their 'god' to represent Islam. Same thing for Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.

The link "the God of his fathers" in Dan.11:37 is specific to The God of Israel. Reason is because the false one coming is to be a 'pseudo-Christ' as Christ revealed in Matt.24. It's simply about Satan coming to exalt himself above The One True God in His Place, and also all other 'gods'. He's coming to play The GOD, like Paul showed in 2 Thess.2...

II Th 2:4
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Satan is coming to play God all in all, not just a specific god of any one religion on earth.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
I'm impressed at how bad people are, including you, at interpreting God's Word.

Look at this passage again.

Dan 11:37
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

SEX HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS VERSE! And this passage has Islam written all over it!
I have a page on "the God of his fathers." But I won't post it yet because you can't even get the simplest parts of the passage correct!

That's a lie just like your many other lies you've espoused here. The MESSIAH, the True Messiah, is... The Christ, and there is NO OTHER.

There is no messiah for Islam, no messiah for Buddhism, no messiah for Hinduism, no messiah for the Hari Krishnas, etc. There is only ONE Messiah, and His Name is Jesus Christ.

And since the prophecy about the coming 'pseudo-Christ' ("false Christs" of Matt.24:24 per the Greek) is about an attempted COPY of The True MESSIAH Jesus Christ, and the fake one will almost deceive Christ's own elect into believing it as written, it means the false one is coming to play The Christ-Messiah, i.e., Jesus Christ.

So it's like I said, Islam has NO Messiah (The Christ) in their teaching. They recognize Jesus Christ as a 'prophet' ONLY, like Moses, Elijah, etc. If they did... recognize Jesus Christ as The Messiah, then they would be believing on Jesus Christ as The Saviour, and that would make them what? Christians! They are not. They are Muslims, not Christians!

Same thing... for Orthodox Judaism. IF... they too recognized Jesus Christ as The MESSIAH, then they too would essentially be converts to Christianity. They refuse Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ-Messiah. The word Messiah = The Christ. The false one coming is going to play The Christ, not just someone who says he's against Christ, but saying that he is... The Christ.

So your allah-antichrist charade is nothing but that, a charade.

We can call one another liars all day long but that doesn't help you see the truth.
You've been well misled by the big shots. Even deceived! I have to wonder if there's any help for people like you. You've fallen for the lies of the big shots....Are unwilling to change your mind about anything....and that's the way the devil wants it!
You know that a false christ is one who comes 'instead' of Christ or 'against' Christ. The implication is not that one comes in the literal name of Christ. Nearly every false religion has a false christ.

A false christ doesn't need to come in the literal name of Christ to be a false Christ. Just as one need not come in the name of Yashua or Jehava to be a false God. (like Allah)
Islam is counterfeit christianity. A false religion, a false prophet, a false christ, a false god, a false religion with a false book and a false prophetic scenario. There will be a false christ come in Islam called the Muslim jesus. He will be the Mahdi's subordinate. But he will not be the antichrist.
Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

The word name in Mt. 24:5 is;

3686. onoma on'-om-ah from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) (authority, character):--called, (+ sur-)name(-d).

1) name: univ. of proper names
2) the name is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc.

If Christ meant that people would literally come in his literal name, he would probably have used either of the following words.

2424. Iesous ee-ay-sooce' of Hebrew origin (3091); Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:--Jesus.


1694. Emmanouel em-man-oo-ale' of Hebrew origin (6005); God with us; Emmanuel, a name of Christ:--Emmanuel.

One need not come in the literal name of Christ to fulfill Mathew 24:5.

A counterfeit christ usually comes from a false religion. Anyone who claims all the same attributes of Christ, regardless of his name is a false christ. Just as Muslim's believe Allah is just another name for God. Allah is a false God. Muhammed is a false christ because Muslim's believe he was the prophet that Moses said would be like him. Muslim's also believe in Jesus but that He will be the Mahdi's subordinate.

When the false prophet or the antichrist come, they will not come in the name of Christ. However, the antichrist may declare he is like God.

The Muslim's believe this is a prophecy about Muhammed.
"The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken." — Deuteronomy 18:15


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]New International Version (©1984)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]desired [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.[/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]New Living Translation (©2007)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]He will have no respect for the gods of his ancestors, or for the [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]god loved by women[/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)], or for any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all.[/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]English Standard Version (©2001)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]to the one beloved by women[/background][/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.[/background][/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]New American Standard Bible (©1995)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]"He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]desire [/background][/background][/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.[/background][/background][/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]Douay-Rheims Bible[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]And he shall make no account of the God of his fathers: and he shall follow the [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]lust [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]of women, and he shall not regard any gods: for he shall rise up against all things.[/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]American King James Version[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]desire[/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)] of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.[/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]Each of these present a different understanding so it is my contention that bantering scripture is more or less the bantering of which translated version of God's words is correct. I looked but did not locate a version that put an " s " at the end of desire.. as in the line Veteran wrote, but there could be a version containing that plural form.[/background][/background]


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]New International Version (©1984)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the one [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]desired [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.[/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]New Living Translation (©2007)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]He will have no respect for the gods of his ancestors, or for the [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]god loved by women[/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)], or for any other god, for he will boast that he is greater than them all.[/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]English Standard Version (©2001)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]to the one beloved by women[/background][/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for he shall magnify himself above all.[/background][/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]New American Standard Bible (©1995)[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]"He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]desire [/background][/background][/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.[/background][/background][/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]Douay-Rheims Bible[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]And he shall make no account of the God of his fathers: and he shall follow the [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]lust [/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]of women, and he shall not regard any gods: for he shall rise up against all things.[/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]American King James Version[/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the [/background][/background]
[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]desire[/background][/background][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)] of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.[/background][/background]

[background=rgb(249, 253, 255)][background=rgb(249, 253, 255)]Each of these present a different understanding so it is my contention that bantering scripture is more or less the bantering of which translated version of God's words is correct. I looked but did not locate a version that put an " s " at the end of desire.. as in the line Veteran wrote, but there could be a version containing that plural form.[/background][/background]

I know! There are a lot of poor translations out there. The KJV has over 100 mistakes!
And there are interpretations all over the place on Daniel 11:37. The word desire is also 'regret.'
Believe what you like. I know what I believe and why I believe it!
I take the simple approach to it. He will neither consider the God of his fathers nor consider the desire of women.
If any sexual implication were intended in the passage Daniel had better options for the word desire.
Like these two!

183 'avah aw-vaw' a primitive root; to wish for:--covet, (greatly) desire, be desirous, long, lust (after).
185 'avvah av-vaw' from 183; longing:--desire, lust after, pleasure.
But instead he chose this one.
And look at how the word is used elsewhere.* H2532&t=KJV


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
I'm impressed at how bad people are, including you, at interpreting God's Word.

That's simply your opinion, and nothing else.

Look at this passage again.

Dan 11:37
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.

SEX HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS VERSE! And this passage has Islam written all over it!

My Bible translation says "desire of women" (KJV). And the word for "desire" is Hebrew chemdah, which is a feminine noun put for what is desirable. It's being used as an adjective.

It fits pretty well too, since Satan himself will be that false one that will come to play The Messiah-Christ. It's another pointer to the fact that Satan is the one coming as the final Antichrist, and not just some flesh man born of woman like us subject to fleshy desires. But you're not gonna' believe me until later, probably not until our Lord Jesus returns.

We can call one another liars all day long but that doesn't help you see the truth.
You've been well misled by the big shots. Even deceived! I have to wonder if there's any help for people like you. You've fallen for the lies of the big shots....Are unwilling to change your mind about anything....and that's the way the devil wants it!
You know that a false christ is one who comes 'instead' of Christ or 'against' Christ. The implication is not that one comes in the literal name of Christ. Nearly every false religion has a false christ.

Face it, you've been caught in a lie as to the Biblical identity of the coming 'pseudochristos' which Jesus taught in Matthew 24:23-26, and that Paul taught of in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, and that John was given to write of per Revelation 12:9, and 13:4-7 and 13:11 forward. Instead, you have tried to supplant those Scriptures with the false supposition that Islam has a Messiah when they do not.

And it's kind of obvious why you're doing that and why it has blinded you; it's because you've been TAUGHT to do that, i.e., to concetrate on hatred of the Arab peoples surrounding the state of Israel that seek to destroy God's people and Israel. Don't you realize that Ishmael is our half-brother, our kin from Abraham? Haven't you any remorse for their being deceived by false ones that dwell among them, just as many of Israel are also being deceived today by the same "tares" dwelling among us in the Christian West and in the state of Israel?

A false christ doesn't need to come in the literal name of Christ to be a false Christ. Just as one need not come in the name of Yashua or Jehava to be a false God. (like Allah)

If that were true, then the final Antichrist-false messiah coming wouldn't be ANY different than the many in the past and today that say they are Christ. Yet those have never been able to deceive the whole world with miracles to almost be able to prove it, which is the difference with Satan as the coming pseudo-Christ. That's why our Lord Jesus said the pseudo-Christ's working would deceive His own elect IF it were possible (Matt.24:24). The Scripture of Matthew 24, 2 Thessalonians 2, and Revelation 13 all define the LEVEL of miracles and great signs and wonders that false one is coming to work the "strong delusion" Paul mentioned. It's pointing to a supernatural working of miracles, not shooting with AK-47's by Islamic radicals.

Islam is counterfeit christianity. A false religion, a false prophet, a false christ, a false god, a false religion with a false book and a false prophetic scenario. There will be a false christ come in Islam called the Muslim jesus. He will be the Mahdi's subordinate. But he will not be the antichrist.

That's funny. Only an orthodox unbelieving Jew could come up with that kind of false association, since they HATE Jesus of Nazareth and Christianity. The religion of Islam originated from an amalgamation of false idol worship beliefs. Mohammed simply knocked over the majority of their old idols and left one and said this is your God. That's why all Muslims are required to make a pilgrimage once in their lifetime to Mecca and march around the black stone while reciting the Quran. The black stone was a left-over from their old Chemosh and Molech worship, likewise with the crescent moon symbol. Their human suicides are a substitute for the old Molech human sacrifice worship.

The fact that you would even TRY to associate all that with an idea like "counterfeit christianity" reveals your leading by orthodox Judaism. Even the fact that you failed to capitalize the word "christianity" could be interpreted as a pointer to alliance with unbelieving Jews. If it were my forum, you would have been banned a long, long time ago.

[quote]Matthew 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

The word name in Mt. 24:5 is;

3686. onoma on'-om-ah from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) (authority, character):--called, (+ sur-)name(-d).

1) name: univ. of proper names
2) the name is used for everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of which is aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for one's rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc.

If Christ meant that people would literally come in his literal name, he would probably have used either of the following words.[/quote]

The Matthew 24:5 verse is dealing with a different event than the one in Matt.24:23-26. So you did good by your theory with skipping the following later verses...

Matt 24:23-26
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, "Lo, here is Christ, or there"; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs (pseudochristos), and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, "Behold, he is in the desert"; go not forth: "behold, he is in the secret chambers"; believe it not.

Those Matt.24:23-26 verses are pointing to a specific pseudo-Christ where some will be saying that The Christ has returned. And Jesus said to not believe it. That pseudo-Christ (pseudochristos) is associated with great signs and wonders which the ones in v.5 are not.

That difference between the ones of Matt.24:5 that only claim the Name of Christ is one working, while the pseudo-Christ doing great signs and wonders that would almost deceive Christ's own elect IF it were possible, is another working. The difference is the coming Antichrist in contrast to his servants already here on earth working for him as the "many antichrists" of John.

Apostle Paul covered the difference also, between the idea of the "mystery of iniquity" being already at work vs. that "Wicked" who comes to sit in a stone temple working those great signs and wonders in exalting himself as God, and over all that is CALLED God, or that is worshipped (2 Thess.2). Apostle John covered that difference also, when he reminded brethren that they already knew that "antichrist" shall come, but that there were already "many antichrists" here already.

Per the Greek, the word "antichrist" comes from two words, anti and Christos. Greek anti can also mean 'instead of' or 'in place of'.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Are we as English speaking Christians to be at each others throats while trying to show what we understand and believe? Even the jews need to translate passages and often come up in error and thats in their own language, of course it was their ancient language.

Kaoticprofit and Veteran - you both present some valid ideas and yet differ from mine, yet I like both of you, whether or not we stand in agreement. I am not requesting we agree to dis-agree -- as that means at least one is left in error. But I am trying to say the person should not be so harshly attacked as our desire is a righteous path and destination a righteous understanding.

The seals ( at least some of them ) Have yet to be opened. This means, no matter how much we strive, certain understanding will evade us until the appropriate seal is opened. If not the words would have not been ABLE to be sealed.

For this reasonings I did not attempt to assemble the 70 weeks of Daniel, placement of the Trumps, opening of the Seals and Cups of Wrath poured into the 2 books I wrote. Besides the fact it would have opened room for more errors.

All this while God scratches his head wondering when people will get around to researching the word "seal" to see if it means we can penetrate them ahead of schedule and be enlightened before it is time.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
Remember how I always point to a 'hermeneutic' to get the correct understanding of these things.

This is Mt. 24:23.

Matthew 24:23  Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

The word 'CHRIST' in verse 23 is Strong's # 5547 'CHRISTOS.'

It means...Christ = "anointed"

Christ was the Messiah, the Son of God

The word 'CHRIST' in verse 24 is Strong's # 5580 which is pseudochristos
24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
a false Christ (or Messiah)
one who falsely lays claim to the name and office of the Messiah
pseudochristos psyoo-dokh'-ris-tos from 5571 and 5547; a spurious Messiah:--false Christ.
It comes from this word
pseudes psyoo-dace' from 5574; untrue, i.e. erroneous, deceitful, wicked:--false, liar.
5580 pseudochristos is used in only two places. Mt.24:24 and Mark 13:22.
There's a reason why there are two different words for 'Christ' in Mt. 24:23 and 24. One claiming to be 'Christ' will come in Islam..He is the Muslim jesus.
BUT. Anybody who comes instead of or in place of 'Christ' doesn't have to come in his literal name. Jesus said there would be many false christ and very few of them use His literal name.
We are not left in the dark about the nature of Jesus coming. But this false christ uses deceitful signs and wonders to captivate his flock. If Christian's saw a man claiming to be Christ do these things it would be obvious that it's not really Christ. On the other hand. If someone 'a christ' comes within Islam and does those thing claiming he is the Jesus and tied in with the Mahdi, then Muslim's will fall for it.

Want examples?


Read about the Muslim jesus here...



New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
The idea of a 'pseudochristos' per Strong's is 'a spurious Messiah'. The Greek word pseudo with 'spurious' means a fake, an imposter, which is more specific than just the idea of 'false'.

That's why the ones of Matt.24:5 are different from that 'pseudochristos' of Matt.24:24 coming to work supernatural miralces.

Is there more written about those great signs and wonders that pseudochrist will do on earth as actually being... supernatural miracles? Yes...

Rev 13:13-15
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

Rev 19:20
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

One would have to be out of their mind to think that's about some flesh man coming to say he is Christ only.

Are we as English speaking Christians to be at each others throats while trying to show what we understand and believe? Even the jews need to translate passages and often come up in error and thats in their own language, of course it was their ancient language.

Kaoticprofit and Veteran - you both present some valid ideas and yet differ from mine, yet I like both of you, whether or not we stand in agreement. I am not requesting we agree to dis-agree -- as that means at least one is left in error. But I am trying to say the person should not be so harshly attacked as our desire is a righteous path and destination a righteous understanding.

The seals ( at least some of them ) Have yet to be opened. This means, no matter how much we strive, certain understanding will evade us until the appropriate seal is opened. If not the words would have not been ABLE to be sealed.

For this reasonings I did not attempt to assemble the 70 weeks of Daniel, placement of the Trumps, opening of the Seals and Cups of Wrath poured into the 2 books I wrote. Besides the fact it would have opened room for more errors.

All this while God scratches his head wondering when people will get around to researching the word "seal" to see if it means we can penetrate them ahead of schedule and be enlightened before it is time.

I actually like Kaoticprofit, but not his moniker, and not his doctrines from orthodox unbelieving Jews. I truly believe he is simply deceived by those he's listening to, that's all. But this is a Christian forum, not an orthodox Jewish forum for the adherents of Judaism which still refuse Jesus of Nazareth as The Christ-Messiah.

I have some family that doesn't even believe in God, as many fellow-believers here no doubt have some family that do not. That doesn't mean I hate them. But it doesn't mean we cannot rebuke them in Christ when they are in error, in hopes they might re-consider their fallen position.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
I noted in the video reference to the cresent moon was given, once orally and once drawn. Islam considers the Moon it's god.. the moon as Allah which goes back to luna and back to ra. Since the time of the telescope one can easliy see that their god is dead. Craters sufficiently depict that their god has been stoned to death already. Of course if this was brought up, they would probably alter their ancient writings by orally claiming this is not so. But 20 years ago I researched this for discovery. An on top of that... just look at their mosques or Sin of godz or is it sinagogs (sorree spel chk'r iz dephectiv) and see atop it the cresent moon. What is atop our churches...but a cross, andempty cross... for he has risen!

Veteran....I agree I do not care for his monkey either.... i take it that it is a point he is trying to adamantly present... and so I take no offense at it. Is he an orthodox Jew? i have no problem with it if he is. And i too have several family members that either do not believe or have a profound preversion of Christianity... ( my mom thinks hell is here on earth now, but i cannot get her to tell me where all the bad guys go )


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Veteran....I agree I do not care for his monkey either.... i take it that it is a point he is trying to adamantly present... and so I take no offense at it. Is he an orthodox Jew? i have no problem with it if he is. And i too have several family members that either do not believe or have a profound preversion of Christianity... ( my mom thinks hell is here on earth now, but i cannot get her to tell me where all the bad guys go )

I have no problem if one is an orthodox Jew, it's the false traditions of the Pharisees within Judaism among the orthodox Jews that I have a problem with, just as our Lord Jesus also did.