David in NJ
Well-Known Member
And worse, most seem determined to defend those foretold realities of false doctrines on a grand scale, to the death.
It is absolutely crazy that there is such a disregard for the warnings--when they too are written and true!
The LORD came to earth and walked among us = Immanuel, God with us!
JESUS did miracles before the eyes of all in Israel and yet the Temple holders felt as if they were being insulted by the poor carpenter's son from the lowly town of Nazareth.
Today, the world looks at the Roman Catholic Church with all it's splendor and earthly glory and
say: "Wow, this must be of God and the Pope is so holy!"
Christian denominations try to mimmick the display of the Vatican with their own little houses of worship.
Pastors want to be heard and seen on TV, Radio, Books and now Internet/Phone.
Money and notoriety to be made in the name of God.
Worse of all is that the people love to have it this way!!!
Nothing wrong with preaching and writing books that glorify God.
As long as those teachings, preachings and books speak the Truth as "It is written".
Today, my wife heard the christian radio station mocking the Saints who know what is going on in the governments around the world.
"And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.
Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."