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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
You have not reconciled Peter's declaration of the beginning of the last days at Pentecost, with the timing of Revelation 12 and 13.

The timing is the same. Such repetition where something is told in different ways, is simply a Hebrew form of teaching (not two different events).

For your own peace of mind, consider that "then (a war broke out in heaven)", gives the timing saying "then" regarding "every tribe and people and tongue and nation"--the very definition of the "gentiles." Meaning: "Then" during "the times of the gentiles"--which does reconcile with Peter's identifying the beginning of the "last days" at Pentecost.
repetition where something is told in different ways, is simply a Hebrew form of teaching (not two different events).
ABSOLUTELY TRUE and i rejoice that you know this = Shalom

beginning of the "last days" at Pentecost.

Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, = includes the Jewish people who are a nation NOT Thee Nation
And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.”

i do not see "timing" here but i do SEE fulfillment of Prophecy = Matthew 24:14

Please give more elaboration - thank you Brother @ScottA


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
ABSOLUTELY TRUE and i rejoice that you know this = Shalom


Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.
And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, = includes the Jewish people who are a nation NOT Thee Nation
And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.”

i do not see "timing" here but i do SEE fulfillment of Prophecy = Matthew 24:14

Please give more elaboration - thank you Brother @ScottA
I have been elaborating the specific occurrence of the final revelations from God to come just before the end of time, noted as sealed by Daniel and by John. Doing so in the form of warning, the warnings of which were missed and put off by false teachers and their victims since and before the times of the apostles who gave warnings for our time.

The axis upon which all this takes place, is Christ. Thus, the timing is even often referred to in the scriptures in past tense. And yet, unlike He who was, and is, and is to come, we too live in our times as each generation does. Within that greater time frame, we are the generation upon which those sealed revelations come to fruition. Which I do not say lightly, nor of my own opinion or belief, but as one caught up to the third heaven by God, returned, then after nearly forty years was given the content not before revealed. Which I understand either makes me appear to be one of many who are crazy, or one chosen. Which is the established pattern and method of God for revelation. In which case, I would appeal to any and all to consider what has gone before, as also seemed to be crazy, or as being the mark of God. Wherein if you do or do not hear His voice--His sheep hear His voice--know that this chapter was foretold...even if many reject it.

Thus, out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation--in other words, by the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word is established.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
What do you think is THE lie?
It must be quiet some lie if it causes strong delusion.
Strong delusion! hmmmm, I can't think of a stronger term.....and does God really send this? Why would he do that?

God is Just…what a mans “Natural Spirit” (ie. Natural TRUTH in a mans heart WANT’S)…
God shall Give.

* Some men…;
Want to Believe…
* Other men…;
Do not want or care to Believe.

God IS JUST…and Will provide either…
* Faith, A new heart, Gods Truth…so a man CAN Believe.
* Strong delusions, a hardened heart…so a man can NOT Believe.

From the Beginning God Established;
Divisions Continue…
In the end of days of mortal man;
The Separating of the Divided is generation by generation being established and recorded IN Gods BOOKS of EVIDENCE
(Book of Works that men did to Glorify God, Lambs book of Life, Gods book of Life)
Keeping that which is WITH God…
Destroying and Forgetting that which is WITHOUT God.

Glory to God,

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
Much of that is true, but unfortunately the timing has been wrongly assumed--which is the "lie" spoken of by Paul. To the contrary, Peter declared the beginning of the last days at Pentecost. Which, yes, means many have need to reconsider all that is written that has for so long now been taught in error.
Again, what lie did Paul speak by quoting the verses?

Thank you

When GOD spoke through HIS Son to Israel, also is mentioned, 'in these last days'.

What am bringing to the table, and as quoted by the scripture, is the 'end time signs' for the church until His return.

And the 'end time signs', one of it is the 'strong delusion' specifically is written in the epistle to the Thessalonian church.

Which GOD will send on the world who despise the Gospel and truth, whilst embrace darkness and lies, even the 'lawless one' to rule over them.

In the reading among 'many end time signs', is also for the church of today and the future, for them to keep watch and know the time and hour.

Apart from 'strong delusion' written in the epistle to the Thessalonian church, there's no mentioned elsewhere in the scripture for us to speculate.

Apparently this 'strong delusion' GOD sends in the future is far greater than the ones before we read Biblically GOD sent.

To me what was in the past GOD sent to a person or tribe or nation, were mere 'delusion'.

Not as what HE will send in the 'end time' to the 'whole world'.

We don't go by man's 'interpretation' or 'speculation', but by, 'as it is written' of 'for it is written' in the Holy Bible.

As how Jesus responded to satan in defense using specifically scripture as well.

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
Besides 2 Timothy 3: 16 & 17, All Scripture = Holy Bible, even 'twisting' it's doctrine and the scripture, they are 'lies' from the devil.
It is not only from the devil but also through his man servants, even ones among Christendom itself.

Jesus already prophesied, "Your worst enemy will be among your own household."

2 Corinthians 11:
14. And no marvel, for satan himself is transformed into an angel of Light.
15. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ from the FATHER.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Again, what lie did Paul speak by quoting the verses?
PAUL DID NOT LIE--but foretold of a "lie" that would bring forth "strong delusion." Which has been the state of the church, beginning shortly thereafter.

The lie was also prefaced by Peter who said "false teachers" would enter into the church bringing in "destructive doctrines"; and John declared the timing as being "already at work" during those days.

The lie was those teachings that spoke against what Jesus told of His return, as being "soon", "quickly" along with all which "must shortly take place." Also against Jesus saying, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. [stated as present tense at that time] If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Of which Paul did elaborate, saying "but each one in his own order." "One" in the original language, meaning "each individual."

Meaning, much of what is commonly believed about the return of Jesus--is false (false teaching of false doctrine).

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
@Dan Clarkston

Oh please continue!

I have shared the answer many times, but it is mostly rejected.
What was the original title of this thread . Does no one want to be corrected .
THEY DONT , all they want is the judge not correct not card . Scott , WE DID THIS TO OURSELVES .
VERY sad fact and very TRUE IT IS .
CHRISTENDOM has been infiltrated and NOW taken over by a love that came of satan and of the world .
ON that path all will led to perdition . And scott there is nothing i can do to stop it .
ALL i can do , is what by grace i have been doing all along .
Begging , pleading , warning , reminding all to get IN the BIBLE for themselves
and that if any is sitting in a judge not correct not church , GET THE HECK OUT OF IT .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
PAUL DID NOT LIE--but foretold of a "lie" that would bring forth "strong delusion." Which has been the state of the church, beginning shortly thereafter.

The lie was also prefaced by Peter who said "false teachers" would enter into the church bringing in "destructive doctrines"; and John declared the timing as being "already at work" during those days.

The lie was those teachings that spoke against what Jesus told of His return, as being "soon", "quickly" along with all which "must shortly take place." Also against Jesus saying, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. [stated as present tense at that time] If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Of which Paul did elaborate, saying "but each one in his own order." "One" in the original language, meaning "each individual."

Meaning, much of what is commonly believed about the return of Jesus--is false (false teaching of false doctrine).
OH its good to pray for them , but to warn them is a must as well . WE GOTS WOLVES IN WOOL amongst us scott .
we got agents of satan who do intefaiths will to lead all away from the faith .
NOW PUAL called one who did that A CHILD OF THE DEVIL and blinded him . BUT TODAY all folks
say to men like me is , JUDGE NOT JUDGE NOT , JUDGE NOT .
LETS see how well the judge not correct not card works with GOD ....
I HAVE THIS AGAINST YOU , YOU ALLOW that prophetess to TEACH and to seduce my people .
GUESS THEY were of the mind judge not , correct not . DIDNT WORK . THIS made GOD angry at them . WE MUST CORRECT
and we must do so now scott , OR ITS ALL GOING DOWN . the peoples must be warned , the LIE HAS COME
cloaked as though its love . IT HAS COME TO TAKE ALL CAPTIVE TO THE LIE .


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
^^^ Thread title, least of all, you.
You are an accuser of the first order Jay Ross--as I have said nothing that is my own, but rather that which is from God. Of this I have repeatedly testified. Moreover, I have as much as said where it is written of me--but will say no more. Therefore, you have not rejected and accused me, but God. Again--so shall it be written of you.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
You are an accuser of the first order Jay Ross--as I have said nothing that is my own, but rather that which is from God. Of this I have repeatedly testified. Moreover, I have as much as said where it is written of me--but will say no more. Therefore, you have not rejected and accused me, but God. Again--so shall it be written of you.

Where do you hide your tickets about yourself so that I can take one as well.

You have been stating that God is done with the Israelites, whereas I have been stating that in around twenty years' time from now, God will begin drawing the nation of the Israelites to Himself.

When and if God begins gathering the Israelites to Himself, where they will be living scattered throughout the earth, the readers will know which of us has been speaking the truth.

I am happy to be judged at that time when God begins to act to gather the Israelites to Himself.

If biblical evidence can be provided simply, that I am in error, then I am willing to change my understanding about what the scriptures clearly state.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Where do you hide your tickets about yourself so that I can take one as well.

You have been stating that God is done with the Israelites, whereas I have been stating that in around twenty years' time from now, God will begin drawing the nation of the Israelites to Himself.

When and if God begins gathering the Israelites to Himself, where they will be living scattered throughout the earth, the readers will know which of us has been speaking the truth.

I am happy to be judged at that time when God begins to act to gather the Israelites to Himself.

If biblical evidence can be provided simply, that I am in error, then I am willing to change my understanding about what the scriptures clearly state.
The error is spawned because one does not see through the lens of Jesus......and further, when this is brought to consciousness it is either not understood or unwilling to be, it results in the same ole, same ole
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
The error is spawned because one does not see through the lens of Jesus......and further, when this is brought to consciousness it is either not understood or unwilling to be, it results in the same ole, same ole

You are right. It is during the time of the kings of this present era, that the foundation stone will come down out of heaven. The foundation stone is mentioned in the Gospels which states that Jesus is the Son of God.

This foundation stone grows to become the largest mountain, i.e., religion, in all of the earth and will prevail from around 2045 AD until the end of Eternity.

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Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
PAUL DID NOT LIE--but foretold of a "lie" that would bring forth "strong delusion." Which has been the state of the church, beginning shortly thereafter.
You're another 'delusion', am to deal with, oh boy!

The scripture do not read according to you that, 'a lie would bring forth 'strong delusion'

Seem like you read the scripture 'backwards', is it part of your past tradition?

The scripture plainly read that, GOD will send a 'strong delusion' upon the unbelievers.

Therefore instead of believing in the truth of the Gospel and Light was with them, they shall believe in a 'lie' and 'darkness' they love.
The lie was also prefaced by Peter who said "false teachers" would enter into the church bringing in "destructive doctrines"; and John declared the timing as being "already at work" during those days.

The lie was those teachings that spoke against what Jesus told of His return, as being "soon", "quickly" along with all which "must shortly take place." Also against Jesus saying, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. [stated as present tense at that time] If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." Of which Paul did elaborate, saying "but each one in his own order." "One" in the original language, meaning "each individual."

Meaning, much of what is commonly believed about the return of Jesus--is false (false teaching of false doctrine).
Hey, i have enough with your 'baloney', merely copy and paste the scripture to fit your agenda.

No thank you!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
You're another 'delusion', am to deal with, oh boy!

The scripture do not read according to you that, 'a lie would bring forth 'strong delusion'

Seem like you read the scripture 'backwards', is it part of your past tradition?

The scripture plainly read that, GOD will send a 'strong delusion' upon the unbelievers.

Therefore instead of believing in the truth of the Gospel and Light was with them, they shall believe in a 'lie' and 'darkness' they love.
If you are reading the passage from Paul differently--please quote it, so we can resolve the issue.

Meanwhile, stop making accusations.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Has anyone ever changed their mind about a major theological issue based on an internet forum?
Almost. The seed was planted, i then went aside and studied, and 9 years later still learning. Have not yet been convinced that my change in thinking is heretical. And yes, it's a major doctrine that I once accepted, and now reject, for several reasons. Not this forum however. Believer it or not. Facebook lol.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I would like to add this out of interest.....although it's totally off topic..
I have noticed for some time many of the threads I subscribe to or post in do not come up with alerts/ notifications. This is one of them and as I said, among many.
Basically, it often means I am cut out of the conversation at some point and wonder if this occurs to others?
So my question, what or who controls the responses at any given time or topic?
Yes, happens to me. I rediscover threads I've contributed to through the new posts link.