Does Scripture Endorse Being Derisive?

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Active Member
Apr 18, 2015
Even if we have personal emotional attitudinal challenges that we are still looking up to the Lord to help us fix, we should endeavour(by grace) at all cost to ensure we manage them well, for the sake of the gospel. That's exactly the wisdom the Apostle Paul employed. In carrying out his ministry, he was as wise as serpent and harmless as dove. He said, he was all things to all men so by all means, he could win some. This should also be our tactic. A single wrong word can spill the good news you want to spread.

While on the other hand, a wrong word well handled can go a very long way in spreading the gospel.

Prior to now, I used to be much more head-on in my ministerial zeal. I had even almost fought in an attempt to defend my gospel. But over time, it dawned on me by the Spirit, that I would be more successful if I got more forbearing.

And toeing the line of forbearance and tolerance have really been worth its weight in gold in my ministry, not only online, but also offline (including marriage).

And the scripture for this is "Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16)

The major essence of the wisdom the Lord commands here is for ministry. And the major wisdom here, is the wisdom of 'choice words'.

As James says, he who offends not in word, the same is a perfect man. And the Lord would have us be perfect even as he is perfect.

Hence, let's all diligently walk in this perfection. We all have what it takes. We may not all be there practically yet, but we can start out by faith, and before long we arrive there. We will soon arrive where we are able to bridle the whole body by starting to bridle our tongues.
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Well, don't Catholics essentially believe that the "church" is in a sense their mother? I can understand why would take it personal. You don't just talk about peoples mama like that and not expect them to take exception to it. I don't even take the RCC seriously enough to identify them as the harlot anyway. The scripture to me is clear that the harlot is Jerusalem, but that's just me. If the Jews have a problem with that, they can take it up with Jesus, its his prophecy.
I understand that Catholics also claim the whore is Jerusalem. But that's okay to offend the children of that whore? She has daughters certainly. But the scripture does not say she has sons. We are speaking of institutions here, not an individual mother. The whore is a mother though, so the daughters must also be institutions. And the institutions are churches. They also are whores. So there is more than one church involved here. While many believe the RCC is the whore, I think it is more complicated than that. The final manifestation of this entity which is in opposition to God's people is a global all-inclusive composite of which I believe the RCC to be a major, even predominant part, but not the whole. And Judaism is also a player in the team. But we are getting off topic. Sorry everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
@BreadOfLife Is the above not taking personally and taking personal offense at something not intended as a personal attack? I cannot be bothered to search, but I am fairly sure I could find something similar of yours. Babylon the harlot exists. The picture scripture paints is very specific. Full of detail. While I understand the propensity to defend ones own denomination if identified as being represented as that whore, could it not be accomplished without the personal slight and offense so common among Catholics? If one such as I comes along and provides evidence that leads to the RCC as being the only church/state organisation that meets the criteria, then it is up to such as yourself and epostle 1, should you disagree, do so using the same method...provide evidence that it is not so, or provide incontrovertible evidence that the whore is someone else. That is a lot easier to prove should it not rather than throwing shotgun blasts of accusations "liar, liar" hoping for a hit.
In revealing evidence, it is simply believing that the Spirit of God did not place that picture of a whore in Revelation for us to ignore it, or to take the politically correct stance in refusing to attempt to identify because it may offend. I said in my previous post that truth ought never be used to destroy. I stand by that. Which is why I have never offered a straight out accusation such as "your church is Babylon the whore", without accompanying reasons...which are intended to reveal truth in a Biblical context, removing any motives that can be termed "hate speech" or "anti-catholic" rhetoric. And if the evidence thus provided are lies, then of course by all means refute them...bluster and rhetoric however does not constitute refutation. History may be fudged, obscured, hidden and even removed from our memories, but heaven remembers.
First of all - why are you addressing this to ME??
epostle is the one you were quoting.

Secondly - if you knew your Scripture - you would know that the "Whore" is not a Church. It's Jerusalem (Isaiah 1:21). Most reputable scholars agree with this position.
It's only anti-Catholics who are as equally ignorant as YOU who see it your way . . .

Rev. 5: 4-6
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

From these verses - it is EASY, it is easy to see this "Harlot" is.

1. Which city worshiped in temples adorned with Precious stones?
Could it be, JERUSALEM??
Luke 21:5-6

Now while some people were talking about the Temple—how it was decorated with beautiful stones and gifts dedicated to God—he said, “As for these things that you see, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another that won’t be knocked down.”

2. Which city was filled with the blood of the saints and prophets of the Lord?
Could it be, JERUSALEM??
Matt. 23;37-38

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones to death those who have been sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling! Look! Your house is left abandoned!

There are other verses that described Jerusalem as a harlot, filled with much abomination.
Ezekiel 16:1-3
Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.

Isaiah 1:21
How the faithful city (Jerusalem) has become a whore, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers.

Good grief - do your HOMEWORK . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
It's a standard derailing tactic to inject rabbit trails whenever there is positive Catholic contributions to the topic. I notice this is common with SDA's and JW's.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
And the scripture for this is "Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16)

As James says, "he who offends not in word, the same is a perfect man."

Two excellent verses! I will probably be categorizing all the verses posted eventually, together with a capsulation. And these two ranks towards the top in my opinion (though some mean more to us personally than others do).
Hence, let's all diligently walk in this perfection. We all have what it takes. We may not all be there practically yet, but we can start out by faith, and before long we arrive there. We will soon arrive where we are able to bridle the whole body by starting to bridle our tongues.

Yet another excellent verse. Thanks for taking the time to contribute, emekrus. Your words are a blessing!
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
It's a standard derailing tactic to inject rabbit trails whenever there is positive Catholic contributions to the topic. I notice this is common with SDA's

LoL. While I say it with mercy and grace, I have noticed they can be a little tricky. They sidestep.
And by that I mean a LOT!