Eastern nations and Western nations

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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
You connect me with the US foreign policy. Odd, as all I suggested why things took place. Theorizing does not mean you carry responsibility. In this logic preaching about forgiveness makes one guilty of other people's sin.
you are aware that afghani opium production has gone from <10% of world supply to >90% on our watch?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
doubling every 12 hours is ridiculous, because that becomes exponential and we would become like God...
Ridiculous, yes, when man does it his own way. It reminds us perhaps of his efforts in building the Tower of Babel [Gen 11], but there a better Way that has been provided in which...

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." I John 3:2


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Please at least consider that Muslims have been abused beyond measure with your tacit permission...
The real issue is that if Muslims hate the West and Christianity so much, why in the world have they flocked to the West, and why in the world did the wealthy Muslim nations not ensure that all Muslim refugees or migrants went to Muslim lands instead of the *corrupt* West? Saudi Arabia could easily accommodate all Muslims from anywhere, for example. They have the cash as well as the land mass. They could literally build new cities for Muslims if they had a mind to.

And wherever there has been a Muslim migrant invasion to the West, there has also been a very serious increase in crime. The no-go zones in Europe are a testimony to the fact that Muslims have no intention of assimilating, but are there for indirect Jihad and the establishment of Sharia Law. And Erdogan of Turkey is blackmailing Europe and in fact INVADING Europe while the feckless Europeans look on. But the Europeans only have themselves to blame.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
@bbyrd009 and the rest of the participants and readers here...

Where is our primary citizenship and loyalty? To whom or what are we faithful? To The United States, or Great Britain, or Canada, or Saudi Arabia, or Iraq... or where? What if it should be none of those...?

"Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;" Eph 2:19

It is not wrong to care about your home more than you do about someone else's home, I guess, but what if we are of God's household? Do we follow the advice of Superman, the comic book character? "Truth, justice and the American way?

For believers in God and followers of Christ what happened to this?

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness..." Matt 6:33

Is the USA or the UK or Canada or Saudi Arabia or Iraq or any of the rest, which may be home to our carnal bodies, where we should have our first allegiance? Was the first allegiance of Jesus to Israel or to Rome? I think not! But us...? Hmmm?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
well wadr you obv have a bias against Muslims, and have defended the policies, right
I have a realistic view of an idiology that's ok with murder at a civil level. This is not bias, it is bias to ignore such an issue. I have no defence for politians, I understand some of the arguments in the public domain. I wonder at your bias and closed mind.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I have a realistic view of an idiology that's ok with murder at a civil level. This is not bias, it is bias to ignore such an issue. I have no defence for politians, I understand some of the arguments in the public domain. I wonder at your bias and closed mind.
ok, so your bias is a realistic view, and mentioning a 1200% increase in opium production on our watch is my bias and closed mind, gotcha. So who's surprised? Guess we could do a comparo of Muslim bases in the West v "Christian" bases in the East, but tbh that is not gonna work out well for you either imo. I accept that i am nonetheless a hypocrite, fwiw
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Renamed this to Eastern nations and Western nations, I think it may be more appropriate for the thread title, as we see reports of more turning towards Jesus in the Eastern nations, that's where Christianity is mostly growing in today's world, the Eastern nations.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
ok, so your bias is a realistic view, and mentioning a 1200% increase in opium production on our watch is my bias and closed mind, gotcha. So who's surprised? Guess we could do a comparo of Muslim bases in the West v "Christian" bases in the East, but tbh that is not gonna work out well for you either imo. I accept that i am nonetheless a hypocrite, fwiw

The drugs issue is interesting one, though not related to faith.
You cannot police a place that is lawless, and the cost of doing so would far outweigh the benefits.

The drugs epidemic in the USA is now caused by prescription drugs, and fueled by new more powerful pain killers. Soon heroin will be looked at as mild.

Now I have no responsibility for this situation and am only a commentator.
It could be the covid-19 is soon going to change everything, permanently.
God bless you


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
The drugs issue is interesting one, though not related to faith.
You cannot police a place that is lawless, and the cost of doing so would far outweigh the benefits.
certain parties are surely making billions out of the enterprise, and i doubt policing is what is in view anyway. Chaos seems much more the order of the day?
(And Anarchy is a "bad" thing, right)


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
The drugs epidemic in the USA is now caused by prescription drugs, and fuele
if those who are called by My Name would hear My Voice, and humble themselves as those who profess to be "Christians" go--or "the faithful" i guess, whomever they may be?--so goes the nation imo, and i think the drug epi is a direct result of Western believers' perspective of Death, More Abundantly myself

and that goes for all the other epis, c19 whatever.
has your life changed any in the past couple months, btw?
serious question

causes are maybe a bit more elusive than we imagine usually
Now I have no responsibility for this situation and am only a commentator.
ah. im totally complicit, myself
It could be the covid-19 is soon going to change everything, permanently.
well i guess it already has for many, yeh
its totally a news item in my world, something i hear on a passing tv, a media event
dunno what to make of that
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
you are aware that afghani opium production has gone from <10% of world supply to >90% on our watch?
As to poppies, opium, and heroin, they could produce all the narcotics they liked, but if the USA had shut off the pipelines into the States, they could not have profited from this either. According to a CIA report, most of the Afghani heroin goes to Russia, some to Western Europe, and only some to the USA and Canada (via Pakistan). Whether their report is factual or not is another matter.

Let's face it. The USA should never have set foot in Afghanistan.
The people who made this awful decision forgot to study history -- or decided to ignore it. Neither Alexander the Great nor Russia could conquer Afghanistan. The USA also failed, and has suffered an unnecessary loss of lives, materiel, infrastructure, prestige, and cash because of this foolishness. Billions of dollars down the drain, hundreds of thousands of lives lost for nothing, and earning only the hatred of the Afghans.

And it turns out that Osama was in Pakistan all along, and Bill Clinton deliberately chose to spare him. According to the Daily Mail:
  • Marty Martin, who was a CIA counterterrorism officer at the time, said if 'Clinton had taken action and killed Osama bin Laden, there wouldn't have been a 9/11'
    • Clinton told a small group of business leaders in Melbourne on September 10, 2001: 'I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town'
    • Ten hours later the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City
When Trump took office, every soldier should have been pulled out of Afghanistan, and all armaments etc should have returned to America. All foreign aid to Pakistan and Afghanistan should have been cut off and diverted to build that wall (a national security issue). Now he wants to pull them out because of COVID-19, but that's a flimsy excuse.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
doubling every 12 hours is ridiculous, because that becomes exponential and we would become like God.
The amount of facts or points of meaningful reference take time to accumulate and then analyse. So at some levels you could say knowledge is growing, ie facts to look at, yet conclusions and meaning is limited by the number of people looking at the information which is definitely finite.

Islamic countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran etc are not doing well. The growth of radicalisation is causing massive head aches. List the current wars in the world, and most are around Islam and Islamic insurgents. I wish this was not so, but creating blanket you are evil, this group, you are good that group always leads to this social strife and problems.

It is amazing how mobile phones have conquered the world, and the internet reaches everywhere. Being able to talk to people around the globe makes us realise how connected we all are, and how our needs and goals are so similar. The classic problem now is people can see, taste and feel the freedom and opportunity in the west while being in their own cultural setting, creating massive population expectations and shifts which the world cannot handle.

As far a knowing what is hidden in muslim countries, it is very much a closed society, where exploitation and injustice are not on their agenda or even allowed to be talked about. So we assume what they say is true, how they appear is their reality. But when you hear the stories and struggles and what happens if you raise a voice, then you know what dictatorship and censorship do. Their morality is it is haram, banned to bring dishonour or a bad thing to light, because that harms the group. So if you want corruption to spread, evil to prosper, get the people to harm themselves like this.

I have talked to muslims, I know their mindset, and their loyalties and obedience to the Koran above everything else. In their eyes if I speak the truth about the Koran I should die. What happens when a muslim starts to question even the simplest foundations, blasphemy, death. This is how it was in europe 600 years ago. This is not the world of truth, critical thinking, discovery and information for all. I could go on at length about the moral framework they use, and how it has distorted sexual exploitation and put women in an impossible position where suicide is better than going on. Human rights are not a concept they know, obedience to their interpretation is their golden rule. You are mainly born into Islam so should die if you leave. Imagine growing up in a culture as this is their overriding sentiment. And your executioner is anyone who cares to give it a go. A psychopaths dream world .... so guess who prospers ..... groups like ISIS.

As an idea, I have spoken to them, been threatened by them, know their rejection of love and Jesus, so this is 1st hand knowledge built up over 5 years of interactions. Some think this is just right wing propoganda, unfortunately it is their islamic right wing idiology that the right wing in the west know very well, because they use very similar ideas themselves. I learnt soon the discussion is to talk about love and respect outside of faith, because their faith foundations are too convoluted and discussion cannot get anywhere because it is designed to not answer question concretely, just to break them down until nothing is actually answered or responded to. A neat trick if you fall for it. If you believe a lie, it helps hide it.
I was put on to a u tube Lebo Australian Romeo George, haha ! I seen him go on about sticking up for your mates ? one idiot get into a fight and he claims, if your mate gets into a fight then you should jump right in and go for it as well, just like I would see football playing morons do, I hate people like that, they are morons, just like Moslems, no wonder they got nowhere, such are just like mongrel dogs.
It was always the dregs of society that do that rubbish, I just would let one on one in my view if a fight starts and no one gets involved unless a knife comes out of they are kicking one when they are down being a moron dirty fighting ect, but you just go in and hold them back and try and keep the peace if you can.
You always had some moron who was just waiting for a fight to start so they can get their 10c worth, to punch someone of wreck something, they are the lowest of the low.
I remember a mate got in a fight with some sort of mates of his, I did not live in that town and he was drinking stupid drunk and when we walked out he bagged a car that they came in and it was on, they kicked his head in and so I just grabbed the biggest fat one and held him down so he would not kick him and he was screaming like for me to let him go and I just standing above him holding him down and I was just saying calm down bro and then the cops came up behind me and then took him away.

There is no need for such as gangs fighting, that's insane stupid and that stupidity only creates a snowball effect, the thing is that stupid is as stupid does and I am not surprised that that's Moslems for you.
You can ask what are you fighting for, to any idiot and what do you get back ? just something stupid. does that make it right ? well they are not interested as to such as that. someone came and had a go bro ! so where does that all end, it never ends ! typical of Moslems history and all idiots.

That mate was a girl friends brother and I am glad not to have anything to do with them nowadays. all he had to do was get off his high horse, the car was in real good nick but it was only a 4cyl and that's why he bagged it, so this is what can happen with people who are stupid drunk, let alone stupid moronic people. but that's what society has been creating, weak minded blinded fools who can't think for themselves that have to act in a pack mentality.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
As to poppies, opium, and heroin, they could produce all the narcotics they liked, but if the USA had shut off the pipelines into the States, they could not have profited from this either. According to a CIA report, most of the Afghani heroin goes to Russia, some to Western Europe, and only some to the USA and Canada (via Pakistan). Whether their report is factual or not is another matter.

Let's face it. The USA should never have set foot in Afghanistan.
The people who made this awful decision forgot to study history -- or decided to ignore it. Neither Alexander the Great nor Russia could conquer Afghanistan. The USA also failed, and has suffered an unnecessary loss of lives, materiel, infrastructure, prestige, and cash because of this foolishness. Billions of dollars down the drain, hundreds of thousands of lives lost for nothing, and earning only the hatred of the Afghans.

And it turns out that Osama was in Pakistan all along, and Bill Clinton deliberately chose to spare him. According to the Daily Mail:
  • Marty Martin, who was a CIA counterterrorism officer at the time, said if 'Clinton had taken action and killed Osama bin Laden, there wouldn't have been a 9/11'
    • Clinton told a small group of business leaders in Melbourne on September 10, 2001: 'I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town'
    • Ten hours later the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York City
When Trump took office, every soldier should have been pulled out of Afghanistan, and all armaments etc should have returned to America. All foreign aid to Pakistan and Afghanistan should have been cut off and diverted to build that wall (a national security issue). Now he wants to pull them out because of COVID-19, but that's a flimsy excuse.
I remember Major Bernard Gaynor on his Blog, talks about that the West Governments have no regard to understand the Islamic peoples. so we are tossing billions at nothing and people are getting killed for nothing, Bernard was a intelligence officer speaks and reads the language and all, but no our military are hopeless because they are now Politically Correct, so common sense has gone out the window.
Islam will wipe the floor with our Atheist Political Correct Nations, as we have no defence against such at all and all it will take is to sit and wait and it's happening before your very eyes. Islam is powering up so strong in Australia that it's not funny, but most Atheist dups can not see it at all until it's too late. it's being planed for us to be over run by Islam, you can not speak up against Islam at all or you are labelled the monster, as all the new age dupes get deeply offended and start frothing at the mouth. funny thing with people who are possessed is that they can not see the depth of evil for what it truly is.
The Australian ADF is clearly totally Anti Christian and now totally controlled by Politically Correct dribble, the head ranks are all full of queer retards that despise openly that we have to many Australians in the ADF, they stoped wanting Australian males to join and wanted mainly Islamic people to apply or women only. it's the same with the Police Service.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I remember Major Bernard Gaynor on his Blog, talks about that the West Governments have no regard to understand the Islamic peoples. so we are tossing billions at nothing and people are getting killed for nothing, Bernard was a intelligence officer speaks and reads the language and all, but no our military are hopeless because they are now Politically Correct, so common sense has gone out the window.
Islam will wipe the floor with our Atheist Political Correct Nations, as we have no defence against such at all and all it will take is to sit and wait and it's happening before your very eyes. Islam is powering up so strong in Australia that it's not funny, but most Atheist dups can not see it at all until it's too late. it's being planed for us to be over run by Islam, you can not speak up against Islam at all or you are labelled the monster, as all the new age dupes get deeply offended and start frothing at the mouth. funny thing with people who are possessed is that they can not see the depth of evil for what it truly is.
The Australian ADF is clearly totally Anti Christian and now totally controlled by Politically Correct dribble, the head ranks are all full of queer retards that despise openly that we have to many Australians in the ADF, they stoped wanting Australian males to join and wanted mainly Islamic people to apply or women only. it's the same with the Police Service.

Islam's failure is women's rights, in marriage, in divorce, in dealing with rape, on jobs, in socialising, in careers, in speaking truth to power.

Islam fakes hatred of capitalism, and is for morality. The left think Islamic fascism is friendly, and they are an abused minority, except there social structure abuses all desent, and truth if upsetting is evil.

It creates real poverty and suffering but with silence. It boasts the best of people, Muhammed the pedophile, and his example is the best to follow. This lying and insanity destroys any working system. So you will hear praise for the caliphate, but it ran on slavery, and they would be happy to return there.

The Koran is an invention 200 years after Mo, so anyone who basis there life on this is living a dream of propoganda and unlimited license to murder.

So for me Islam will fade with truth, with statistics, with love and care for suffering women. As a people they can follow another way, they are not bound to this lethal idiology, they can discover care and concern that they already have. It is to this Jesus speaks and stands strong.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Islam is powering up so strong in Australia that it's not funny

Is it really that strong though?

In 20 years from 1996-2016 it did rise from 1.1% to 2.6%, going by this rate though, it would be unlikely to even see Australia become a Muslim majority nation in my lifetime.

What is growing way faster though in our nation is Atheism/Agnosticism, Irreligion jumped nearly 8% in 5 years from the 2011 census to the 2016 census, while Islam only gained 0.4% in growth during that time.

Let's look at Christian percentages though

As you would have noticed though the Christian percentages in Australia have dropped, in 1985, 73% of Australians ticked Christianity on their census forms. 61.1% in 2011, 52.1% in 2016.

If we compare to Lebanon, in 1985, 25% were said to be Christian, 40.5% in 2012, 45% in 2017.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Is it really that strong though?

In 20 years from 1996-2016 it did rise from 1.1% to 2.6%, going by this rate though, it would be unlikely to even see Australia become a Muslim majority nation in my lifetime.

What is growing way faster though in our nation is Atheism/Agnosticism, Irreligion jumped nearly 8% in 5 years from the 2011 census to the 2016 census, while Islam only gained 0.4% in growth during that time.

Let's look at Christian percentages though

As you would have noticed though the Christian percentages in Australia have dropped, in 1985, 73% of Australians ticked Christianity on their census forms. 61.1% in 2011, 52.1% in 2016.

If we compare to Lebanon, in 1985, 25% were said to be Christian, 40.5% in 2012, 45% in 2017.

Islamic propoganda likes the idea of an unstoppable wave, as if their idiology is inevitable. What is inevitable is if people are grounded in truth, Islam will fade away. I listened to some Imams and the stuff they said without challenge, a primary school child could spot failures in it.

Trump says some unusual stuff, which get criticised in the press and by people. In Islamic countries to say anything bad against an important person is regarded as an insult, and some would prosecute or imprison you. In Saudi Arabia, to question an Imam regarding the Koran can get you in prison. To express a non-muslim ideology can get a court appearance, where public withdrawal of the statements is insisted upon. The bible is a banned book. This kind of repression is part of Islamic domination, that keeps the populace compliant.

They are very scared of open discussion or debate, because it is this rigorous obedience that is the faith, and once you see its foundations are sand, it all falls down.

If you look at the church, and the knowledge of the average church goer, a lot are nominal believers who like the sentiments but have no faith. A moralistic outlook with no faith is probably more consistent. Worse still is the redefinition of identity and gender, so the proposition is everything is just a biological experience with no reference points, so no morality. It is against this and the real meaning of love one for another that the church needs to begin to show more openly, and explicitly argue for, for this is the foundation upon which we stand.
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Apr 5, 2020
United States
Revelation 20:4 Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

Gee, I wonder which religion loves to behead their enemies.
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