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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
God could destroy us all with one nod yet he doesn't.

What he does do is use ppl to accomplish his work.... We have failed God the world and ourselves by holding back at times we should have stood on firm ground against.

God DOES for and through those that ask, seek, knock and pray. Opening ourselves up to obedience to his will puts our boots on the ground.....

I have failed, therefore I have let God fail through me.
If you want to


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Point the peoples back to Christ , to sound biblical doctrine , to all the things Christ did teach and later the apostels left us in letters .
Correct brethren in error
Do something .
Hope not , nor trust in govts and men . HOPE IN GOD , CLING TO CHRIST and learn those bibles well .
As one that has been and is a cultural warrior, that is only part of the story. The bit missing is that which is not being done.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
March on my friend . Following the Glorious LORD KING JESUS . HE is our hope and our salvation .
This world has tanked , but the lambs who know their LORD are gonna do exploits , exposing the evil and pointing to the truth of our glorious LORD .
The fact is, many churches are getting into bed with evil.

Mama Etna

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2019
The Twin Cites - Minnesota
United States
God could destroy us all with one nod yet he doesn't.

What he does do is use ppl to accomplish his work.... We have failed God the world and ourselves by holding back at times we should have stood on firm ground against.

God DOES for and through those that ask, seek, knock and pray. Opening ourselves up to obedience to his will puts our boots on the ground.....

I have failed, therefore I have let God fail through me.
Hmmm...That doesn't sound right to me. We can fail God, but I don't think God ever fails.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Australia Anglicans have ordained their first female bishop. Evil has triumphed.
Women are being made Elders in the church. Evil has triumphed.

What's so 'evil' about that?
God has got women's backs..:)-
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will preach, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. On my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will speak." (Joel 2:28-32)


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Looks like evil has triumphed in the United States of America. The enemies of America have won many victories yesterday. The Founding Fathers never imagined that a criminal syndicate would govern the republic. Unfortunately that is the sad truth.

Half the people voted the Dems into power, so the people must share the blame..:)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Half the homeless are mentally ill and the government does nothing but throw them in jail. Evil has triumphed.

I like to help when I can, and when I do God triumphs. God is good.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
That verse relates to salvation not roles in the church.

And pray tell what is a building, institution or temple that is made with hands?
Yet it is NOT GODS church made without hands for we are such temples. We make up the body of Christ and his church.
This BEGINS at the salvation of those who believe, repent, confess and walk in God's words and commandments.

Is there more than one church that belongs to God ? NO.
But they are many churches that belong to man and his doctrines, teachings and theologies.

You cannot separate God from what he is nor can you separate what he requires from what he is. IT IS ALL GOD OR NOTHING AND YOU ARE WASTING TIME IN GOING TO A BUILDING REGULARILY !
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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States

Look here:​

We can and do fail God, never have I said God fails.
I said I have let him fail through me.
How does God work, through us is it not ?
Have I stood against corruptness, abortions,unfairness, inequality , ect enough.... NO , I have not . I hold to what i have stated !


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
If Jesus was here right now, what do you think he would be telling us to do? He also lived in a world of bloodshed and violence, aided and abetted by a religious system that had lost the plot.

This is an excellent list, but what do you think God is doing about it? Why is he standing back and permitting it?
Does he need us to change the world, or does he need us to change ourselves to become what he requires in these troubled times? Are we to be part of the problem, or part of the solution?
What is the solution?

What role do Christians have in a world controlled by the devil? (1 John 5:19) What role did Jesus give his first century disciples when the end of the Jewish system was to come? He told them to share the good news of the Kingdom.....to preach his message of salvation, and to live as he lived....in peace, despite the absence of it all around him.

If we too are commanded to “preach the good news of the kingdom”...what do we know about it in order to tell others?....what is the “good news” (gospel)? What is the Kingdom exactly?

What is it that we are asked to do? Certainly becoming “part of the world” is not what Jesus commanded, (John 17:14) but rather obediently preaching his message, in spite of what “the world” is doing.
As Christians, we have a job to do, and people’s lives depend on us bringing Christ’s message of salvation to them. We have to put in the leg work and find those “worthy” ones who will respond to our message despite the opposition that is mounted by the devil to stop it. (Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:19-20; Matthew 10:11-14; Acts 20:20)

True Christians know what Christ commanded them to do and nothing will stop them. They expect opposition just as Jesus and his disciples experienced it.....(John 15:18-21) The ones who opposed the first Christians were supposedly worshippers of the same God. History is repeating because the devil has no new tricks.

The end of the present system of world government under satan’s control is fast approaching, so why are the majority of those who identify as Christians, “missing in action”? If they do preach, is it the same message? Can Christians exist divided? NO! Unity and love identify those who obediently follow the commands and teachings of their Master.
I would counter that by asking .....What are you doing to promote God's work? Waiting to act? Now who's doing nothing?

It's the old joke about the flood waters rising. The owner sitting on top of his roof. A boat arrives, "God will save me." A Helicopter arrives "God will save me." Finally the waters rise and the owner drowns. Arriving to God, the owner asks "Why did you not save me from drowning?" God replies "I sent you a boat and helicopter."

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I would counter that by asking .....What are you doing to promote God's work? Waiting to act? Now who's doing nothing?
I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and so doing “God’s work” and promoting his truth by preaching to others is what I have been doing for the vast majority of my life. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Did Jesus tell us to save the world, or to be “no part of it”?
We can save people by giving them a genuine hope that lies outside of wicked humanity under the control of the devil.
What did Jesus say? “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free”....I did not know what that meant until I learned the truth from the Bible and broke the shackles that had bound me since childhood. That freedom is something that must be experienced....
I realised how much fear-mongering was involved in my upbringing, instead of love for God and a real heart felt desire to help others.
I came to “know” the God I worship in ways I never had (John 17:3).....and I came to understand what happened in the beginning that derailed his initial purpose, and how he immediately took action to rectify a problem that, if not corrected in the right way, would impact humanity forever.

I came to understand what the Lord’s Prayer was all about, having parroted it off in church mindlessly for years. The meaning of it impacted me deeply. I understood for the first time what God’s Kingdom was and what it would accomplish for mankind on this earth. I understood for the first time why Jesus had to die to undo what Adam did to all of his children.

I came to see that going to heaven was never in God original purpose for mankind, and that God’s choosing a select number to rule in his Kingdom with Jesus was to bring us back to where it all began.....a restoration of God’s original purpose.....everlasting life in paradise on earth. (Revelation 21:2-4)
It's the old joke about the flood waters rising. The owner sitting on top of his roof. A boat arrives, "God will save me." A Helicopter arrives "God will save me." Finally the waters rise and the owner drowns. Arriving to God, the owner asks "Why did you not save me from drowning?" God replies "I sent you a boat and helicopter."
God “sent” his son.....and the rest is history. We are not here to save the world......it is about to be dealt with, and nothing we do will prevent what is about to take place. We are here to direct people to the “ark” of salvation....the only thing that will take us safely through the end of this wicked world, just as Noah and his family were saved through the end of theirs. Our “ark” is not material however....it is our dedicated, baptized relationship with God, as Peter said. (1 Peter 3:18-21)

So, knowing that God has everything under his control, allows us to leave it all in his capable hands. All of this is prophesied and nothing we do will prevent the world from the fate that God predicted in his word.....the book of Daniel was written some 500 years before Jesus walked the earth, and yet it was all there, down in writing...the march of world powers and their final demise in the days of the present world rulers. We are in the last days of the last earthly rulers.

Daniel was told to seal up his book until the “time of the end” when God would cleanse his worshippers of all the filth collected over centuries of false religious influence. (Daniel 12:4, 9-10) Only those who accepted the cleansing would be granted ‘insight and understanding’......the wicked would cling to their old ways and understand nothing. God would provide an “abundance of knowledge”.
This is why we were subjected to this life in the first place.....to prove that Yahweh’s Sovereignty is where our loyalty must lie, and not in any nation or leader on earth. (John 18:36)

Our “doing nothing” is not doing nothing really.....we obey the commands of our Leader Jesus Christ who told us to take the “good news of the Kingdom” out to the people (Matthew 10:11-14) before God brings this entire world system, under the control of satan, to its foretold end. (1 John 5:19)

Where we stand on that day will determine our eternal future. God does not read labels, he reads hearts.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2017
Northern Rivers
Evil creates tension in us so it can feed from our wasted God given energy.
Evil has no energy of it's own, like we have, so it has to trick us to feed it through fear / tension, such as anger, resentment, jealousy, envy, anxiety, and all other forms of fear driven tension.
Faith in the Truth generates unconditional Love . . . there is no tension, no agenda nor issue to pursue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and so doing “God’s work” and promoting his truth by preaching to others is what I have been doing for the vast majority of my life. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Did Jesus tell us to save the world, or to be “no part of it”?
We can save people by giving them a genuine hope that lies outside of wicked humanity under the control of the devil.
What did Jesus say? “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free”....I did not know what that meant until I learned the truth from the Bible and broke the shackles that had bound me since childhood. That freedom is something that must be experienced....
I realised how much fear-mongering was involved in my upbringing, instead of love for God and a real heart felt desire to help others.
I came to “know” the God I worship in ways I never had (John 17:3).....and I came to understand what happened in the beginning that derailed his initial purpose, and how he immediately took action to rectify a problem that, if not corrected in the right way, would impact humanity forever.

I came to understand what the Lord’s Prayer was all about, having parroted it off in church mindlessly for years. The meaning of it impacted me deeply. I understood for the first time what God’s Kingdom was and what it would accomplish for mankind on this earth. I understood for the first time why Jesus had to die to undo what Adam did to all of his children.

I came to see that going to heaven was never in God original purpose for mankind, and that God’s choosing a select number to rule in his Kingdom with Jesus was to bring us back to where it all began.....a restoration of God’s original purpose.....everlasting life in paradise on earth. (Revelation 21:2-4)

God “sent” his son.....and the rest is history. We are not here to save the world......it is about to be dealt with, and nothing we do will prevent what is about to take place. We are here to direct people to the “ark” of salvation....the only thing that will take us safely through the end of this wicked world, just as Noah and his family were saved through the end of theirs. Our “ark” is not material however....it is our dedicated, baptized relationship with God, as Peter said. (1 Peter 3:18-21)

So, knowing that God has everything under his control, allows us to leave it all in his capable hands. All of this is prophesied and nothing we do will prevent the world from the fate that God predicted in his word.....the book of Daniel was written some 500 years before Jesus walked the earth, and yet it was all there, down in writing...the march of world powers and their final demise in the days of the present world rulers. We are in the last days of the last earthly rulers.

Daniel was told to seal up his book until the “time of the end” when God would cleanse his worshippers of all the filth collected over centuries of false religious influence. (Daniel 12:4, 9-10) Only those who accepted the cleansing would be granted ‘insight and understanding’......the wicked would cling to their old ways and understand nothing. God would provide an “abundance of knowledge”.
This is why we were subjected to this life in the first place.....to prove that Yahweh’s Sovereignty is where our loyalty must lie, and not in any nation or leader on earth. (John 18:36)

Our “doing nothing” is not doing nothing really.....we obey the commands of our Leader Jesus Christ who told us to take the “good news of the Kingdom” out to the people (Matthew 10:11-14) before God brings this entire world system, under the control of satan, to its foretold end. (1 John 5:19)

Where we stand on that day will determine our eternal future. God does not read labels, he reads hearts.
As I stated earlier ....misinterpreting scripture without education or critical thought would have resulted in the Christian religion being wiped from the face of the earth long ago. We are called upon to go out into the world and promote the following of Christ .....As a door knocker, you know first hand what the winesses tell one another ...That means you know perfectly well what Christ to the Apostles to do ...

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
As I stated earlier ....misinterpreting scripture without education or critical thought would have resulted in the Christian religion being wiped from the face of the earth long ago. We are called upon to go out into the world and promote the following of Christ .....
And how does this reply respond to a thing I said?

If Jesus foretold that the devil would be responsible for sowing “weeds” of a counterfeit “Christianity” that would grow in the world until the reapers were sent out to harvest the crop, dispose of the “weeds” and gather the “wheat” into his storehouse....that means that the “wheat” would never disappear in that field, but would struggle not to be choked out by the weeds.

1500 years of Roman Catholicism destroyed everything that Christ stood for....but laid the foundation for what was accepted as the “Christian Faith” in the centuries that followed.

The Reformation broke the power of the Roman church, but did nothing to unite Christians in the world. In fact, it broke it up into thousands of bickering sects....each taking the mother church’s main teachings with them. Do you see Christ in that rabble? I could not.

As a door knocker, you know first hand what the winesses tell one another ...
Well, I’m sure I have no idea what you think we tell one another...you will have to enlighten me on what you mean here....?

As for being a “door knocker”....we are simply following Christ’s instructions to call on people in their homes to offer them the message he taught us to deliver.....the message about God’s Kingdom....something that would identify Christ’s true disciples right up until the end. (Matthew 10:11-14; Acts 20:20; Matthew 24:14)
This is a life saving work that we take very seriously. God holds us personally accountable if we fail to carry out Christ’s instructions. (Ezekiel 3:17-21)
It is a united, global brotherhood who would be found doing so. (1 Corinthians 1:10)

The fact that most in Christendom do not preach is an indictment against them....failing to do “the will of the Father”. (Matthew 7:21-23) It wasn’t a recommendation...it was a command. (Matthew 28:19-20)
They have no idea what the Kingdom of God is, so how can they preach to others about it? They are too busy currying favor with the kingdoms of this world to even bother to find out. (James 4:4)
They will soon enough. We will all stand before the same judge.

That means you know perfectly well what Christ to the Apostles to do ...
I do indeed know perfectly well what Christ told the Apostles and in fact all of his disciples, to do.....it was recorded in the Bible.

Matthew 28:19-20...
“Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.

Matthew 10:11-15....
Into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave. 12 When you enter the house, greet the household. 13 If the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it; but if it is not deserving, let the peace from you return upon you. 14 Wherever anyone does not receive you or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I say to you, it will be more endurable for the land of Sodʹom and Go·morʹrah on Judgment Day than for that city.”

Could Jesus have been any clearer? All Christians have a responsibility to preach.....not to the choir, in a building waiting for people to come to them....but going out to the people as Jesus instructed.
Jesus said he would support this work to the end.....so who is he supporting?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Jesus said to carry the message forward ....The majority of the people using this scripture are misinterpreting the message. My stance is based on what is being promoted as not involving themselves ........ That's foolishness and in complete disregard of scripture ...As long as you and understand the position and the scriptures surrounding the claimed position .....We are good as Brother and Sister in Christ ..


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
And pray tell what is a building, institution or temple that is made with hands?
Yet it is NOT GODS church made without hands for we are such temples. We make up the body of Christ and his church.
This BEGINS at the salvation of those who believe, repent, confess and walk in God's words and commandments.

Is there more than one church that belongs to God ? NO.
But they are many churches that belong to man and his doctrines, teachings and theologies.

You cannot separate God from what he is nor can you separate what he requires from what he is. IT IS ALL GOD OR NOTHING AND YOU ARE WASTING TIME IN GOING TO A BUILDING REGULARILY !
I don't go to a building regularly. Where did you get that idea from?


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
What's so 'evil' about that?
God has got women's backs..:)-
"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will preach, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. On my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will speak." (Joel 2:28-32)
Simple. it is contrary to God's word. And FYI he has got there fronts as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Simple. it is contrary to God's word. And FYI he has got there fronts as well.

Churches are gatherings of people, so this CB forum is a "church" and there are plenty of women praising God and Jesus in here, surely that's not against God's word?..;)
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Simple. it is contrary to God's word. And FYI he has got there fronts as well.
You want justice done. While I would stand up for preaching the Word and correcting others if they are in error involving God’s Word, I don’t believe God calls us to fight all these injustices on your list. God is concerned about how we are going to live for Him and working on our walk with Him in love Him and others more (According to His Word).

There will be a judgment on the last day. So while you think evil triumphs, it really doesn’t from God’s perspective. God knows there will be a day when EVERYONE will have to give an account for what they have done. So judgment being delayed does not mean justice does not exist now. Evil is not really triumphing. A temporary small battle won by the enemy does not mean that the overall war will not be won by the good guys.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I don't go to a building regularly. Where did you get that idea from?

You want justice done. While I would stand up for preaching the Word and correcting others if they are in error involving God’s Word, I don’t believe God calls us to fight all these injustices on your list. God is concerned about how we are going to live for Him and working on our walk with Him in love Him and others more (According to His Word).

There will be a judgment on the last day. So while you think evil triumphs, it really doesn’t from God’s perspective. God knows there will be a day when EVERYONE will have to give an account for what they have done. So judgment being delayed does not mean justice does not exist now. Evil is not really triumphing. A temporary small battle won by the enemy does not mean that the overall war will not be won by the good guys.
I do not consider millions of babies murdered in the womb is a temporary small battle.