Stan B
Well-Known Member
Yeah! He knew Jeremiah before he was born I.e. before he became a living being.Stan, you and I are "growths" also, and, like the unborn, we also have living brains, heart, etc.
Let me correct your statement "I take my theology from the Bible" and make it a really true statement. You should have said, "I take my theology from my personal intepretation of a translation of the Bible, filtered through my own desires, opinions, and politics."
A parrot can repeat words, without knowing the true meaning behind them. Don't be a parrot. Find out what the authors actually intended and in what context.
Read Jeremiah 1:5, which says,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
What it doesn't say is,
“Before I formed a growth in your mother;s womb I knew that growth, before that growth was born I set that growth apart; I appointed that growth as a prophet to the nations.”
The word "you" implies personhood.
No big deal!! He knew us ALL “even before the Beginning of the world.”
So . . . God knew all of us before we were born; AND if we would be born, receiving the Breath of Life in our Nostrils,