Forgiveness can only be for Past Sinning.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
God is not made in a human's fashion, we are made in his.

Because we are flesh we cannot love as completely nor as deeply as he. We cannot have enough grace and forgiveness to overlook hurts and greivances.

Saying " I'm sorry, or please forgive me" either to God or another person does not make one weak. It actually helps us recognize our own weaknesses and how much more we need God,the Father, God the SonJesus and God the Holy Ghost !
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
God is not made in a human's fashion, we are made in his.

Because we are flesh we cannot love as completely nor as deeply as he. We cannot have enough grace and forgiveness to overlook hurts and greivances.
Jesus did so in the same flesh as we, so why not we, who are now His flesh and bones on earth?

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.

We not commanded to perfectionism, but simple singlehearted goodness is enough for Christ, without the sinning of the devil.

Having a sinful thought is temptation only, not sinning. Jesus had every sinful tempting thought the devil could ever throw at a man, but He just never took any of them to heart and lust to do them.

Why can't we do the same as He with Him in us?

I have seen it as a snare to speak of being so 'completely' and 'deeply', when complete and deep is enough:

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

I.e. we should give ourselves a break. If we are good in heart and doing good in His will, it is enough. I believe the devil pushes the sheep to become 'overachievers' in Christ, and so belittling themselves for not being great, rather than just good.

There is a distinct difference between the conviction of the Spirit, and being guilt-tripped by man or ourselves.

Perfectionism is just as destructive to grace as is licentiousness.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Jesus did so in the same flesh as we, so why not we, who are now His flesh and bones on earth?

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.

We not commanded to perfectionism, but simple singlehearted goodness is enough for Christ, without the sinning of the devil.

Having a sinful thought is temptation only, not sinning. Jesus had every sinful tempting thought the devil could ever throw at a man, but He just never took any of them to heart and lust to do them.

Why can't we do the same as He with Him in us?

I have seen it as a snare to speak of being so 'completely' and 'deeply', when complete and deep is enough:

For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

I.e. we should give ourselves a break. If we are good in heart and doing good in His will, it is enough. I believe the devil pushes the sheep to become 'overachievers' in Christ, and so belittling themselves for not being great, rather than just good.

There is a distinct difference between the conviction of the Spirit, and being guilt-tripped by man or ourselves.

Perfectionism is just as destructive to grace as is licentiousness.

This post I wrote in response to quietthink #81
Forgiveness can only be for Past Sinning.
Love holds no record of wrongs!
Why plaster ones own
dysfunctional desire (tit for tat) onto God? Why turn God into a petty demagogue? Why insist on making God into our image when Jesus has revealed the heart of God?

If we follow Christ, then each of us individually knows what God requires from us as a group and as individuals.

Can you love as completely & deeply as God ?
Can you forgive a drunk driver or killer if he takes your family members life ?

We are made in the image but we are not God and we have not laid down the sinful lust of this world completely bc we are of the flesh.

I am not promoting weakness to the temptation to sin for I believe greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I believe if as scripture says to resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Neither liscence to sin nor can we ever be good enough but rather a yeilding to the Spirit that he may bear fruit in our lives.

There are commands that we must follow to have power with God. If we just sail along without always seeking his will then we will find ourselves shipwrecked in faith and be like the world,cult followers and unbelieving LOST !


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
This post I wrote in response to quietthink #81

If we follow Christ, then each of us individually knows what God requires from us as a group and as individuals.

Can you love as completely & deeply as God ?
Can you forgive a drunk driver or killer if he takes your family members life ?

We are made in the image but we are not God and we have not laid down the sinful lust of this world completely bc we are of the flesh.

I am not promoting weakness to the temptation to sin for I believe greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I believe if as scripture says to resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Neither liscence to sin nor can we ever be good enough but rather a yeilding to the Spirit that he may bear fruit in our lives.

There are commands that we must follow to have power with God. If we just sail along without always seeking his will then we will find ourselves shipwrecked in faith and be like the world,cult followers and unbelieving LOST !
Can we take seriously, 'love holds no record of wrongs'....can we process it so our theology reflects it......or is it too much and we need to crucify it....or at least water it down so we can enjoy revenge of some sorts?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Can we take seriously, 'love holds no record of wrongs'....can we process it so our theology reflects it......or is it too much and we need to crucify it....or at least water it down so we can enjoy revenge of some sorts?

True Godly love holds no record of wrongs.
The question is do as believers we have that kind of true agape love or do we still wrestle to overcome the flesh so we dont seek revenge?

We are to seek after the best gift as we follow, which is charity. Can any say " Yes, I have the perfect love of God flooding my heart ?

Some I have seen have a gentle spirit that bears self control when expressing to others. Some that claim to walk in sinless perfection, I have seen become angry with a desire for pushback.

We are contending for OUR OWN faith at all times, it is a battle, not with one another or it should NOT be ,however we struggle with self and the powers of darkness

Need we deny the flesh, sin, repentance cycle just to make ourselves feel better or superior to others ?
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Feb 6, 2018
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Reason plays no part in Real Faith.
Reason is the role of the Mind, and that is not faith.

Choose to Serve God According to His Order and Way...
Receive Faith for Hearing Gods Word.
Reason in your Mind Gods Blessings For Trusting Gods Word.
Heartfully Choose to Reasonably Serve God.
Confess with your word your hearts thoughts.

Here is a reality, regarding the day anyone is born again.
On that day, all your sin, is forgiven.


And on that day, God knows of all the sin you will commit, the next week, the next month, and the next years.

Eh, you fell for cunning trickery and gave a False response.

A born again man sins NO MORE! (1 John 3:9)
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Feb 6, 2018
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But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

This Scripture shows that it is not possible for God to forgive any person, while still sinning with the devil, even if they are also 'confessing' it with their lips.

You twist the words into your nonsense scenario words, AS IF:
A man is tempted to LUST after another god, WHILE Asking God to forgive him.

Every TEMPTER, IS one TYRING TO ENTICE an other TO DO something, the TEMPTER wants the other TO DO.

Satan IS A TEMPTER. Satan roams about OFFERING “his” TEMPTATIONS. Follow “him”, Do as “he” Does;
Trick, Deceive, Offer Lies as Truths, As a means TO PROSPER!

Gods IS Spirit.
Satan IS a spirit.
~ A man Following After ONE or the other, IS Following AFTER, ONE or the other.......NOT BOTH!
~ Your scenario presents a man Following After Satan...DOING what is pleasing to Satan.......WHILE ASKING God to forgive him.

I suppose some men are SO IGNORANT they may DO such NONSENSE.
It is WELL KNOWN, many men ARE TAUGHT “THE LIE”... that SIN “IS” a mans BEHAVIOR of MAN AGAINST MAN”....
** Men “ROUTINELY”, plot, to DECEIVE MEN, carry out their plot...
THEN RUN to their “middle man” (Priest, cleric, Pastor, spirit of Heavenly saints)...TO ASK THEM, TO ASK God, TO FORGIVE THEM ... FOR the Deceiving Plot they thought OF, they Planned, they Carried Out, they Prospered from Doing.

We cannot be forgiven in the commission of sinning, and then go on to finish the sin, because it is when sin is finished, that the sinning soul then dies.

You come up with the most bizarre scenarios, that no one is purporting,
AS IF...“Hey, men in the middle of committing a TRESPASS against another man, PAUSES, Asks God to Forgive him, then continues his TRESPASS”....weird.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Do believers and professers of faith by the grace of God NOT understand that there was ONLY ONE SINLESS PERFECT MAN BORN OF FLESH ?

Him being tempted in the flesh felt all that would come again mans flesh by overcoming this prison of clay. Every way, not just some of the ways some of us might be tempted but EVERY WAY !!!

Think on this, we have a few instances afforded in the gospels but he was 40 days of fasting and was weakened and was tempted by the devil himself !

Most TRUE believers are NOT going to comit the BIG sins defined in the word but its the little foxes that spoil the vine, little sins !

Its the ut oh, a bad word arises at traffic,even if you dont speak it, telling a half truth, putting yourself above another, ect.

Perfection means maturity and I've seen some very immature fruit being born on these christian sites. Some are down right stunted and near rotten !


robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Can you love as completely & deeply as God ?

As I said, speaking of completely and deeply enough, is another form perfectionism, which is not the commandment of God.

We are called to His glory and virtue. That is not His glory on the throne, where He cannot be tempted. Jesus could be tempted, and so we are not called to His glory on the throne, but to His glory and virtue in the flesh, which is simply purity in heart, not perfectionism.

Can you forgive a drunk driver or killer if he takes your family members life ?

Here is an example of perfectionism that is not real, nor taught by Jesus.

We are told to forgive as God does from the heart, those who confess and ask us for forgiveness with godly sorrow.

There is no forgiveness for anyone who neither confesses nor cares for it, neither from God nor man.

And so, by the love of God we don't allow ourselves to become bitter and destroy our own hearts and lives with it.

And if the offender were to come and confess with godly sorrow, seeking my personal forgiveness, then yes I would. Gladly. From the heart, and not just for my own soul's sake, but for his or hers. And yes, I have done so, and I would for another if they came and asked.

And so you see, we are not called to perfectionism, but simple virtue of Jesus, which in the flesh is the glory of God, and glorifies God.

Being tempted with unvirtuous thoughts is not a sin, and casting them aside is glorious to God on the throne.

I am not teaching on how to sin with grace. We leave that to OSAS. I am only counselling on how to know the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and our own guilt-trips, because we think we are supposed to be more perfect than Jesus was.

Jesus has every vile thought the devil ever through at man, including on the cross. He just took none of it to heart to lust for it and do it.

So, we don't judge ourselves by unworthy thoughts tempting us as Jesus was, but judge rather this: we don't accept them from the devil to do them, just like Jesus did.

The only difference between Jesus in the flesh, and His flesh and bones today, is that we have accepted them to do them. He never did. And so we need forgiveness of God and a Savior from sinning. Jesus didn't.

In the end, if you feel the need to confess to Jesus for forgiveness for whatever thought you may have, or idle word out of your mouth. Then, by all means do so.

I suppose Jesus would rather have us bombarding Him with unnecessary confessions, than not.

Although, aren't there comedies made about those who say they are sorry too much?:)
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
You twist the words into your nonsense scenario words, AS IF:
A man is tempted to LUST after another god, WHILE Asking God to forgive him.

Every TEMPTER, IS one TYRING TO ENTICE an other TO DO something, the TEMPTER wants the other TO DO.

Satan IS A TEMPTER. Satan roams about OFFERING “his” TEMPTATIONS. Follow “him”, Do as “he” Does;
Trick, Deceive, Offer Lies as Truths, As a means TO PROSPER!

Gods IS Spirit.
Satan IS a spirit.
~ A man Following After ONE or the other, IS Following AFTER, ONE or the other.......NOT BOTH!
~ Your scenario presents a man Following After Satan...DOING what is pleasing to Satan.......WHILE ASKING God to forgive him.

I suppose some men are SO IGNORANT they may DO such NONSENSE.
It is WELL KNOWN, many men ARE TAUGHT “THE LIE”... that SIN “IS” a mans BEHAVIOR of MAN AGAINST MAN”....
** Men “ROUTINELY”, plot, to DECEIVE MEN, carry out their plot...
THEN RUN to their “middle man” (Priest, cleric, Pastor, spirit of Heavenly saints)...TO ASK THEM, TO ASK God, TO FORGIVE THEM ... FOR the Deceiving Plot they thought OF, they Planned, they Carried Out, they Prospered from Doing.

You come up with the most bizarre scenarios, that no one is purporting,
AS IF...“Hey, men in the middle of committing a TRESPASS against another man, PAUSES, Asks God to Forgive him, then continues his TRESPASS”....weird.
You are the one talking about asking forgiveness while sinning with the devil.

OFAF teaches being already forgiven while sinning with the devil, and so they don't even ask, neither while sinning, nor after. No need to.

You really don't know what you are talking about, which is why you don't know what others are saying, which is also why I rarely respond to your errant responses anymore.

But from time to time, you are still useful.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
As I said, speaking of completely and deeply enough, is another form perfectionism, which is not the commandment of God.

We are called to His glory and virtue. That is not His glory on the throne, where He cannot be tempted. Jesus could be tempted, and so we are not called to His glory on the throne, but to His glory and virtue in the flesh, which is simply purity in heart, not perfectionism.

Here is an example of perfectionism that is not real, nor taught by Jesus.

We are told to forgive as God does from the heart, those who confess and ask us for forgiveness with godly sorrow.

There is no forgiveness for anyone who neither confesses nor cares for it, neither from God nor man.

And so, by the love of God we don't allow ourselves to become bitter and destroy our own hearts and lives with it.

And if the offender were to come and confess with godly sorrow, seeking my personal forgiveness, then yes I would. Gladly. From the heart, and not just for my own soul's sake, but for his or hers. And yes, I have done so, and I would for another if they came and asked.

And so you see, we are not called to perfectionism, but simple virtue of Jesus, which in the flesh is the glory of God, and glorifies God.

Being tempted with unvirtuous thoughts is not a sin, and casting them aside is glorious to God on the throne.

I am not teaching on how to sin with grace. We leave that to OSAS. I am only counselling on how to know the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and our own guilt-trips, because we think we are supposed to be more perfect than Jesus was.

Jesus has every vile thought the devil ever through at man, including on the cross. He just took none of it to heart to lust for it and do it.

So, we don't judge ourselves by unworthy thoughts tempting us as Jesus was, but judge rather this: we don't accept them from the devil to do them, just like Jesus did.

The only difference between Jesus in the flesh, and His flesh and bones today, is that we have accepted them to do them. He never did. And so we need forgiveness of God and a Savior from sinning. Jesus didn't.

In the end, if you feel the need to confess to Jesus for forgiveness for whatever thought you may have, or idle word out of your mouth. Then, by all means do so.

I suppose Jesus would rather have us bombarding Him with unnecessary confessions, than not.

Although, aren't there comedies made about those who say they are sorry too much?:)

Sorry but this iS all BALDERDASH.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States

Its trying to stop sinning by willpower that is the issue that creates the problem, in a Christians life.
Paul had this issue, , before he understood God's Grace. = "that which i dont want to do, i DO".

See that? That is the typical 40 yr saved christian you find today, still a babe in Christ, described in Hebrews 6:1, endlessly stuck in the flesh, trying to resist sin.

Are you saying you have stopped trying to sin by your own will power, but have now stopped sinning by grace?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Ok. No offense taken. I only care about being corrected. Not people's opinions.

For the record:

I do not believe in sinless perfection....not in the word.Scripture says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive, therefore we have an advocate in Jesus.

I do not believe in OSAS. The word plainly states if we let sin overtake us bc of our own lust when it is finished it is death.

I do not follow the rituals and sacraments of man as a means to my salvation.Jesus purchased me with his own suffering & death.

I do not follow mans interpretations, but allow the HS to reveal the word to me as I study. DO NOT HAVE A LABEL

I am not a member of any organized corporation who owns a building. Jesus is the head of his body; his body is the church of believers.

I believe the dead are without any ability that was of living until the second coming of Christ. This is when ONLY THE FAITHFUL will be resurrected for the marriage supper.

I believe the word of God ,the bible is our ONLY authority on what God says. There are no other men, words,books,commentaries,preachings,teachings, or commands that are not correctly stated in his word. It is HS inspired, written by holy men of God.

I do not believe in presdestination, as God selecting some to heaven ,some to hell. The word says WHOSEVER WILL, LET HIM COME!

I am not Cathloic, Mormon, JW, Calvinist, Arminism, Baptist,Methodist, Anglican,Jesus Only, King James Only, or any other denomination. I was Church of God, Pentecostal. I am only a child of God ,now.

I do not hold to any creed or doctrine of man. My faith is in what God states plainly in the word and it is our standard of living Holy, Sanctified lives submitted & committed to him !

I belie in God the Father, God the Son; Jesus and God the Holy Ghost. These three bear record in heaven and earth. One God, three manifestations of his attributes,character and abilities!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
For the record:

I do not believe in sinless perfection....not in the word.Scripture says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive, therefore we have an advocate in Jesus.

I do not believe in OSAS. The word plainly states if we let sin overtake us bc of our own lust when it is finished it is death.

I do not follow the rituals and sacraments of man as a means to my salvation.Jesus purchased me with his own suffering & death.

I do not follow mans interpretations, but allow the HS to reveal the word to me as I study. DO NOT HAVE A LABEL

I am not a member of any organized corporation who owns a building. Jesus is the head of his body; his body is the church of believers.

I believe the dead are without any ability that was of living until the second coming of Christ. This is when ONLY THE FAITHFUL will be resurrected for the marriage supper.

I believe the word of God ,the bible is our ONLY authority on what God says. There are no other men, words,books,commentaries,preachings,teachings, or commands that are not correctly stated in his word. It is HS inspired, written by holy men of God.

I do not believe in presdestination, as God selecting some to heaven ,some to hell. The word says WHOSEVER WILL, LET HIM COME!

I am not Cathloic, Mormon, JW, Calvinist, Arminism, Baptist,Methodist, Anglican,Jesus Only, King James Only, or any other denomination. I was Church of God, Pentecostal. I am only a child of God ,now.

I do not hold to any creed or doctrine of man. My faith is in what God states plainly in the word and it is our standard of living Holy, Sanctified lives submitted & committed to him !

I belie in God the Father, God the Son; Jesus and God the Holy Ghost. These three bear record in heaven and earth. One God, three manifestations of his attributes,character and abilities!
@L3astAm0ngManyB13ss3d I love the verse at Philippians 1.6: "He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ".

God keeps those who by His grace He separates to Himself in Christ.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
God has sent his Spirit to help us in overcoming temptations, having power in prayer and our walk.
He left his word to be our manual of walking Holy and upright before him.
John 6:27-30 ( cxt)
Jesus answered and said unto them, THIS IS THE WORK OF GOD, THAT YE BELIEVE ON HIM WHO HE HATH SENT..