"IF I BE LIFTED UP FROM THE EARTH" - Denominationalism, Congregationalism, And Pluralism

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Although if this is still birth pangs, it could go on for some time. Just the same, we have need of endurance.

Much love!
There were ten plagues that came upon Egypt. Israel was protected from the last 7. There are 7 plagues specifically mentioned in Revelation. The church will be protected from those 7. Right now however, the church is suffering along with everyone else from the pandemic, and the steps governments are taking to defeat it. It doesn't matter whether the virus is real, whether it's man made, it's what governments are doing in response, and using, that affects everyone.
KJV Matthew 24:6-9
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
I believe that was last two centuries. Nations freeing themselves from colonial rule. The 2 Boer wars. Crimean war. Two world wars. Korea. Vietnam. Kosovo. Guatemala. Kuwait. Afghanistan. And a few others as well.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: ...
The word nation comes from the Greek word ethnos, which is directly related to race, ethnicity. It is this century where issues over race, gender, ideology, have risen. Where issues that divide between the two kingdoms... God and Satan... Social moral issues, those are now the focus of today. And more recently there is now tension and animosity, worldwide, between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.
and there shall be famines,and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
The world has spent the last centuries divided and warring against each other. Whether over religion, politics, ideas, greed, the conflict has constantly raged until there's a major paradigm shift...
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
This is next. The world turns away from fighting one another and directs it's hatred upon the church. Something triggers the world into uniting globally and seeing those who don't join in their global mindset as the enemy...a that to their very existence and so do what they've done for ever, defend themselves by going to war against the only group outside their control. We need to ask ourselves. What is it we are doing different than the world? What is the mark of global authority that the church rejects in favor of Christ? And who is leading the world in this heaven directed war and from where?
I don't think it's as far away as you believe. In fact, I would venture is next. What triggers the world into uniting against the church? And what church refuses to join the building of the modern Babylonian tower? Are we witnessing that tower being built now? And who's doing the building, and under what pretext? There are answers to some of the above, but not all of them... Yet. I think we shall soon find out.
I think we maybe in the midst of the first 3 plagues. Things are only going to get worse from here on in.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Whatever a person may believe that comes from their heart know this that God is a good God and not a bad God, and my encouragement is to keep looking towards the Lord Jesus Christ who is able to give us peace to our souls as we live in this earth. He calms our heart/mind/will/emotions as we go and continue to trust in Him.

Take care,
Matthew G.

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
For the sake of accuracy, Christ stated that world conditions before His return would mirror the Pre-Flood world, Sodom, and Gomorrah. There was no battle between good and evil in either of those periods before God destroyed those civilizations. I would agree that there needs to be a real revival like when the Israelites realized their departure from the Law is what caused their problems and made a concerned effort to live by it. Any other kind of revival or reformation is useless. I only wish people were smart enough to figure that out now.
Revive or reform into what? I think the Church, as imperfect as it may be, is exactly where it is supposed to be. Jesus is the Head of the Church, and in control - isn't He? Judgment is what's next. I do think when we get deep into the Great Tribulation when mass amounts of people are dying it will naturally wake up and revive some people who have been on the fence. Remember when 9/11 happened, the churches were packed with people seeking God. Oh yes, disaster and fear have that affect on people.
9/11 did absolutely nothing to inspire people to seek the real God, because the explosion in church attendance didn't correlate to those people doing what He required of them. Those people went looking for an emotional high, not the God in the Bible. Orthodox Christianity's lack of understanding when it comes biblical prophecy, other doctrines, and the prophetic implication of current events shows it is extremely far from where it's supposed to be. It is far more concerned with filling up pews than giving people the truth.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Amigo, I'll be direct here. I love you passion for Christ. That is totally awesome. However, I see you frequently rant about other beliefs/persons. As a "Mormon", I'm a regular target of those rants and they are very inaccurate. I love Christ, though of course I do not sit in the same pew as you and disagree with you on theological points. Do you want to talk with me about Christ and have thinking conversation? Or get this pitch fork out and recite the same old inaccurate "warnings" at me straight out of an "anti-cult" book? The latter comes across as pure hypocrisy to you "don't follow other people" stance and devoid of actual charity. And it deeply bothers me to see that behavior from you over and over again, let alone your preach it as being a good thing. It's not Christ-like, it's not interested in truth, it's not interested in sharing the Gospel. It's only pitch-folk boundary maintence. And I'm not special this way-- there's a very long list of people you treat this way.
If anyone is in a dangerous belief system they ought to be warned .
This is what is destroying even what is left of the churches .
If warning out against certain systems makes one uncomfortable , then come out of said system .
We need to return to bibles only and learn that doctrine .


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
There are many believing people who go to the Catholic Church who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and that alone is enough to be saved to the kingdom of God by faith having renewed heart for loving God and other people. It’s the same with orthodox churchs, even people in Mormon or Jehovah witness. If you ever feel inclined to ask one of them if they are interested in sharing each other’s insights with you by reading the Bible simply ask them.

There are many people are saddened by the way the churches hand those things however if you just meet a person on the street and they tell you that they are a person who goes to the Catholic Church are they cut off from God just because of that mention?

You have decide for yourself on those matters; however God is constantly looking at the heart, and if they have faith in God and Jesus Christ are not. Which really between themselves and God.

If you have a heart for the Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah witness, wouldn’t you simply invite that person to spend an hour with you and just share your love for God with them and look at the Bible?

It’s different and it’s difficult if a person is not willingly to open that up to a person I get it. I fail every single day but don’t let it discourage me. I like to share small bits of information about God with other people they won’t like you for it either sometimes… they might curse you or say your forcing your “religion” down my throat when all you could be do is simply sharing.

People are fragile and need love always and constantly. All people to God are important God so loved the world He sent his only begotten son to save it.

what do you with this information is up to you,
Take care and God bless,
Matthew G.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There are many believing people who go to the Catholic Church who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and that alone is enough to be saved to the kingdom of God by faith having renewed heart for loving God and other people. It’s the same with orthodox churchs, even people in Mormon or Jehovah witness. If you ever feel inclined to ask one of them if they are interested in sharing each other’s insights with you by reading the Bible simply ask them.

There are many people are saddened by the way the churches hand those things however if you just meet a person on the street and they tell you that they are a person who goes to the Catholic Church are they cut off from God just because of that mention?

You have decide for yourself on those matters; however God is constantly looking at the heart, and if they have faith in God and Jesus Christ are not. Which really between themselves and God.

If you have a heart for the Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah witness, wouldn’t you simply invite that person to spend an hour with you and just share your love for God with them and look at the Bible?

It’s different and it’s difficult if a person is not willingly to open that up to a person I get it. I fail every single day but don’t let it discourage me. I like to share small bits of information about God with other people they won’t like you for it either sometimes… they might curse you or say your forcing your “religion” down my throat when all you could be do is simply sharing.

People are fragile and need love always and constantly. All people to God are important God so loved the world He sent his only begotten son to save it.

what do you with this information is up to you,
Take care and God bless,
Matthew G.
Not quite my friend . Paul once wrote let no man BEGUILE YOU OF YOUR REWARD by worshipping angels .
My friend , so long as people pray to saints , to mary , to angels , they are in dire deadly danger .
There is such a thing as preaching another jesus . PAUL KNEW IT . Many DO IT . WE must return to biblical doctrine
and quickly . There are a massive amount of souls , even within chrsitendom that are in deadly dire danger .
For satan can appear as an angel of light , therefore marvel not that his own ministirs can indeed come in amongst
us and seem as men of righteousness , when in truth THEY ARE NOT . THEY are many that now do the work of satan .
WE must resist the lies and falsehoods . WE must warn the people to repent of such wickedness and fast .


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2021
United States
Read your last line again . What did JESUS say to do if folks did not receive the truth . He said shake the very dust off ya feet against them .
What did paul say if one does not hear after the first or second admonition . HE said REJECT THEM .
Learning the bible has been a tremenous blessing . I praise GOD he put me in that book with A love from HIM to read it and stay in it .
Many folks have fallen away due to todays means of evangelism and todays means of love . Neither of which are biblical .
we must do all now to point folks to THE JESUS . For as paul once said , there is such a thing as ANOTHER jesus .
WE got to get built up in those bibles and dire fast too or many wont make it .
My biggest mistake as a young Christian was not reading and studying the Word. I think it's more important than attending Church. I might be outside the mainstream on this but I think a new Christian should spend some serious time reading and studying the Bible before choosing a Church to attend. Today a young Christian is likely to be influenced by false teachings in many Churches. Many rely only on the message from the pulpit without going to the scriptures themselves. I think if many had a solid understanding of the scriptures they would be better equipped to recognize false teachings.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
If anyone is in a dangerous belief system they ought to be warned .
This is what is destroying even what is left of the churches .
If warning out against certain systems makes one uncomfortable , then come out of said system .
We need to return to bibles only and learn that doctrine .
Not quite my friend . Paul once wrote let no man BEGUILE YOU OF YOUR REWARD by worshipping angels .
My friend , so long as people pray to saints , to mary , to angels , they are in dire deadly danger .
There is such a thing as preaching another jesus . PAUL KNEW IT . Many DO IT . WE must return to biblical doctrine
and quickly . There are a massive amount of souls , even within chrsitendom that are in deadly dire danger .
For satan can appear as an angel of light , therefore marvel not that his own ministirs can indeed come in amongst
us and seem as men of righteousness , when in truth THEY ARE NOT . THEY are many that now do the work of satan .
WE must resist the lies and falsehoods . WE must warn the people to repent of such wickedness and fast .
Again, I find your actions here to be hypocritical and sinful, focused not on having people follow Christ but follow the Church of Amigo. I know you’re not going to change, but I will state that.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
My biggest mistake as a young Christian was not reading and studying the Word. I think it's more important than attending Church. I might be outside the mainstream on this but I think a new Christian should spend some serious time reading and studying the Bible before choosing a Church to attend. Today a young Christian is likely to be influenced by false teachings in many Churches. Many rely only on the message from the pulpit without going to the scriptures themselves. I think if many had a solid understanding of the scriptures they would be better equipped to recognize false teachings.
That is exactly what the SPIRIT did for me my friend . Put me in that bible with a love of every word .
I plead by the same grace that others will get into those bibles very fast .
Even if we have read them for hours daily and for years , my advice is , Stay refreshed in it daily .
All we are gonna hear from the mass majority is at most a blending of truth and lies . That will profit none .
Satan is wise unto this world . He knows how to deceive , we must resist him by our Faith in JESUS
and be planted daily in those bibles so as we can grow and truly become wise unto salvation through our faith in Christ .
That is why its been part of my continual plea for folks to just read those bibles for yourselves . GOD will give those who
seek HIM understanding . His timing is always perfect . Just feast on those bibles . Growing daily in and by the grace of GOD .


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2021
United States
Matthew 7:22. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
Many do not want to hear the truth. Many will be disappointed. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth in God's word if you earnestly seek it. Do not let tradition of men guide you. Yes some traditions are blessings but some are not. Study the scriptures and let God's words guide you first and foremost.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Matthew 7:22. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
Many do not want to hear the truth. Many will be disappointed. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth in God's word if you earnestly seek it. Do not let tradition of men guide you. Yes some traditions are blessings but some are not. Study the scriptures and let God's words guide you first and foremost.
I’m very much a fan of studying- amen to that!

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
9/11 did absolutely nothing to inspire people to seek the real God, because the explosion in church attendance didn't correlate to those people doing what He required of them. Those people went looking for an emotional high, not the God in the Bible. Orthodox Christianity's lack of understanding when it comes biblical prophecy, other doctrines, and the prophetic implication of current events shows it is extremely far from where it's supposed to be. It is far more concerned with filling up pews than giving people the truth.
So you speak for all the millions who attended after 9/11 and assume you interviewed all who did, kept in touch with each one and came up with zero conversions? Good job ... No actually -- just kidding. How could you even speak for one persin?
What does God'a sovereignty mean to you?. He knows exactly how it will be and is allowing it until He comes and judges all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Again, I find your actions here to be hypocritical and sinful, focused not on having people follow Christ but follow the Church of Amigo. I know you’re not going to change, but I will state that.
Amigo has done nothing but uplift the scriptures... The Bible. He has warmed everyone, and encouraged everyone, regardless of denomination or non denominational leanings, that trusting in any other Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible is vanity... Just as the apostles taught.
who believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and that alone is enough to be saved
No, it isn't enough to be saved. God laid out the way of salvation in the sanctuary. The children of Israel did not celebrate their salvation at the laver in the courtyard. The sacrifice/death and baptism in type and demonstration of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ through the lamb, or bullock, want sufficient for Israel, and even the real antitype isn't sufficient for us. The blood of the covenant had to be ministered in the sanctuary. As priests, we also must enter the sanctuary and stand before the throne of God with Christy our mediatory High Priest. It's a package deal. Refusing to enter the sanctuary, regardless what denomination you are in, regardless of what independent church you are in, renders the sacrifice void.
Outside in the courtyard is your justification. Inside the sanctuary is your sanctification. Many denominations have different views on this. And a different focus. If you are willing to look deep into the various denominational teachings, you will discover some reject justification by grace through faith, by a works based or sacrament based system that sets Christ aside. They skip the sacrifice and enter straight into the sanctuary believing that sanctification, being made holy, is their Salvation. That is Catholicism.
Others such as yourself focus on the courtyard but believe sanctification an option. They don't believe it possible to cease from sin, and teach that sinning is inevitable and all will be sinners and slaves to the flesh until they die.
Yet still others believe in justification by faith, but reject any obligation to obedience. Thus they venture part way into the sanctuary but refuse to enter the most holy place where the law is still written on the tables of stone forming the foundation of God's throne.
Others such as the LDS add ceremonials and rituals to God's way, and while giving lip service to Christ trust in their rituals and forms more than what Christ has done in their behalf.
Then there are individuals within all of those classes who don't fit the mould of their own churches. They are absolutely saved, serving God to the best of their understanding and knowledge, trusting Him implicitly in all the dealings with God and man, loving Him with all their heart and their fellow man with impartiality.
We may be fully justified in criticizing individual church organizations who officially teach unbiblical and unsound doctrine, but we don't know the individuals within those institutions and where they stand.
It gets confusing when individuals claim to have a faith in Christ but defend and cleave to an organization that bear little or no relation to sound doctrine. These may indeed be God's children. These are the ones to whom God is addressing when He cries, come out of her My people, that ye partake not of her sins, and receive not of her plagues.
Recognizing and understand who Babylon is, and knowing what her wine of false doctrines are, is so very important in these last days. Saying you believe in Christ simply doesn't cut it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
Unfortunately, yes. Unity begins with unity around the true Christ, the true Gospel, and true Bible doctrine. Since this is only possible within a local church (ideally) that is all one should expect. But Christendom has been divided for a very long time and that will not change. Also, fake unity under the pope (which is the dream of the Vatican) is totally meaningless.

Enoch brings up a good point here. Jesus said he did not come here to bring peace on earth but a Sword.

The truth divides.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Amigo has done nothing but uplift the scriptures... The Bible. He has warmed everyone, and encouraged everyone, regardless of denomination or non denominational leanings, that trusting in any other Jesus than the Jesus of the Bible is vanity... Just as the apostles taught.

No, it isn't enough to be saved. God laid out the way of salvation in the sanctuary. The children of Israel did not celebrate their salvation at the laver in the courtyard. The sacrifice/death and baptism in type and demonstration of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ through the lamb, or bullock, want sufficient for Israel, and even the real antitype isn't sufficient for us. The blood of the covenant had to be ministered in the sanctuary. As priests, we also must enter the sanctuary and stand before the throne of God with Christy our mediatory High Priest. It's a package deal. Refusing to enter the sanctuary, regardless what denomination you are in, regardless of what independent church you are in, renders the sacrifice void.
Outside in the courtyard is your justification. Inside the sanctuary is your sanctification. Many denominations have different views on this. And a different focus. If you are willing to look deep into the various denominational teachings, you will discover some reject justification by grace through faith, by a works based or sacrament based system that sets Christ aside. They skip the sacrifice and enter straight into the sanctuary believing that sanctification, being made holy, is their Salvation. That is Catholicism.
Others such as yourself focus on the courtyard but believe sanctification an option. They don't believe it possible to cease from sin, and teach that sinning is inevitable and all will be sinners and slaves to the flesh until they die.
Yet still others believe in justification by faith, but reject any obligation to obedience. Thus they venture part way into the sanctuary but refuse to enter the most holy place where the law is still written on the tables of stone forming the foundation of God's throne.
Others such as the LDS add ceremonials and rituals to God's way, and while giving lip service to Christ trust in their rituals and forms more than what Christ has done in their behalf.
Then there are individuals within all of those classes who don't fit the mould of their own churches. They are absolutely saved, serving God to the best of their understanding and knowledge, trusting Him implicitly in all the dealings with God and man, loving Him with all their heart and their fellow man with impartiality.
We may be fully justified in criticizing individual church organizations who officially teach unbiblical and unsound doctrine, but we don't know the individuals within those institutions and where they stand.
It gets confusing when individuals claim to have a faith in Christ but defend and cleave to an organization that bear little or no relation to sound doctrine. These may indeed be God's children. These are the ones to whom God is addressing when He cries, come out of her My people, that ye partake not of her sins, and receive not of her plagues.
Recognizing and understand who Babylon is, and knowing what her wine of false doctrines are, is so very important in these last days. Saying you believe in Christ simply doesn't cut it.
I PASSIONATELY disagree with you here on very point here.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I don't think it's as far away as you believe. In fact, I would venture is next. What triggers the world into uniting against the church? And what church refuses to join the building of the modern Babylonian tower? Are we witnessing that tower being built now? And who's doing the building, and under what pretext? There are answers to some of the above, but not all of them... Yet. I think we shall soon find out.
I think we maybe in the midst of the first 3 plagues. Things are only going to get worse from here on in.
I'm not saying I believe near or far. I'm saying this could still be birth pangs, and we'll see what we see.

I trust in Jesus to keep His people safe. The first plague is fire and blood and brimstone from heaven, so I'm thinking we won't need to be wondering. Are these affects of the four horsemen? Myself, I see things getting a lot worse in the Revelation vision.

But whatever it is we face in this world, the Holy Spirit will bring us through by His power and grace.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Your right @Backlit.

You gotta live in homologeo. And be homo to be saved my friend. Homo means same and homologeo means professing being it the heart/mind and the mouth together.

It’s where the heart and tongue speak the same language.

Faith in the death, burial, and resurrection in Christ Jesus is the power of God unto Salvation.

It’s a change of heart/mind/will/emotion for the soul, where it becomes tuned to the things of Gods will, and having a heart to love God and other people, and showing some love and consideration for yourself as well in love.

People can confess Jesus all day long but if their heart is not right with him, or if they do not believe in the resurrection the faith they have is in vain.

The Gospel of Christ is enough, however you know everyone sins. I still make mistakes and not a sinless human being. There is a good study though in laying down the old lifestyle in which the Bible clearly talks about.

Which is ultimately a change of heart where you become more reliant on God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ than yourself.

Done a study on that here in a video that was created by myself.

God is the judge however and sees the heart, and people identify themselves by their own fruit they bear if it is good fruit or bad. God is still calling for all people to come to the knowledge and truth about the Lord Jesus Christ, in my opinion. Now in this life and after this life.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
seems like there's enough hoops to go hoopla..... I'll settle for being loved....a lot more fun to explore!