I'm a non-Christian, where can I post?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
So, usually, as soon as I talk about my faith, I'm kicked out of any Christian forum I join. After paying money to join one recently, I was kicked out without any notice at all except to say that I had violated some rule--and I have no idea what that rule was--but they got my money!

I would like to not get kicked out of this forum. I am a Veridican. I follow ONLY Jesus Christ, which means I am not a Christian when the word is used to mean the accepted forms of the Christian Church throughout the world. I have registered, this time, as a non-Christian or "other faith."

So, where am I allowed to post and discuss things? I'm not rude to people. I don't cause trouble. I just want to discuss theology in a rational way.
What the heck is a verdican? Never mind….I just saw your other post

Edward Gordon

Active Member
Dec 13, 2021
Other Faith
United States
No, Edward. Their theology is not irrelevant. No matter what the man preached and how divine he might have seemed to those who knew him, there is no precedent in the word of God for taking multiple men's wives and making them ones own, and then having children by them himself, whether it was all consensual or not. This is not a reflection of the religion Christ Himself founded, and my concern is that if your position is that as long as he wasn't trying to have sex with you then you have no opinion, you are not only turning a blind eye to adultery and polygamy but also pedophilia. One of them was reportedly 12 years old.

a. The rumor was that she was 11.
b. THEY ARE ALL DEAD. The religion is over. Any sins he or they may have done are in God's hands.
c. I'm not condoning anything or turning a blind eye to anything. I just don't care what they were doing 28 years ago in a religion I wasn't part of and they all burned to death. If that's what their theology brought them to, then I'd say they pretty much paid for their mistakes.
d. I see an eschatological purpose in their existence. That doesn't mean I agree, and I've already said I thought Koresh's theology was wrong.

Dude, I don't know any other way to say this but you scare me.

I know. You keep saying it. And yet, here you are...

Is this the kind of religion you want to start for yourself? Look how it ended, for not only him but his families (plural) and all his closest followers. Judgment time eventually comes, and not always because of persecution. Sometimes the Lord Himself decides to call an end to something before it goes any further.

My religion is already started (28 years ago) and it's not Branch Davidianism.

Edward Gordon

Active Member
Dec 13, 2021
Other Faith
United States
On the site I found, it had your picture and stated you are a 'High Priest'".
Ten Reasons to be a Veridican (veridicans.org)
Surely we only have one high priest and that is Jesus. And every Christian is a priest of the Royal Priesthood.

Well, Jesus isn't a priest, he's the Son of God. We become His priests. And clearly you agree with that. So... In the church, everyone is encouraged to become ordained. They don't have to be, but it's encouraged.

A lot of people claim to hear him all of the time. That is not my experience. I have clearly heard the voice of Jesus Christ twice in my life. Here is my testimony: His sheep hear his voice...my testimony
He spoke one more time to me after that. I know his voice but I sure don’t hear from him like some people claim to. That being said I don’t think he wastes words. I do think he guides me daily without words. I am craving to hear his voice again. I love him so much and cannot wait to be with him for eternity.

I read your testimony. Almost like Paul's experience. Fascinating.

I’m seeing a gun-related concern here by a few members.
I’d like to remind everyone that this is America.
Since when did Trump-loving, Republican-Supporting, 2nd amendment Christians start to concern themselves about guns?
This must be the work of Illuminati.
If this guy (Edward) wants to own a tank, let him have a tank.

I have a Beretta 92FS, my wife has a S&W .357, and we have a .22 bolt action rifle. If you don't have a sword, you better sell your coat to get one!

I agree that this has new age written all over it. Astral projection for one and becoming as God. That is quite concerning. When I read posts like this I just wonder how many leaders really know Jesus. He may know him but some stuff is a red flag about his religion. I think starting something like this without direct word from Jesus would be very dangerous.

Well, just stay away from it, and you should be fine. Oh, wait, actually, the end of civilization is coming, and it will be replaced with the Kingdom of God. You better hope your way is right.

spot on right sister . I get this all the time from those i love , because i love them and correct them .
Do you ever wonder why paul once wrote , though the more abundantely i love You the less i be loved . cause he corrected .
He also wrote and said , have i become your ENEMY because i tell you truth .
Paul LOVED the churches . HE loved the people , but that love comes with correction .

Yeah, I've noticed that with a lot of classic Christians; they are very concerned about other people's sin and misdirection. You'd think they knew it all--and never sinned.

Exactly what does the blood and body of Christ do in regard to salvation?

It changes us into Christ. You are what you eat.

What role, if any, does living by these principles play in salvation?

They have nothing to do with salvation, but if you want to be a member of the Church, that's how you conduct yourself. That's really it. We can't "earn" salvation. We can't even choose it. God chooses us.

Edward Gordon

Active Member
Dec 13, 2021
Other Faith
United States
Great, so now this is in the non-Christian section per the admin. I like that, I believe this is where I belong. I consider myself a Christian (technically--a follower of Jesus Christ), but I'm under no illusions that Veridicanism is part of World Christendom.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
Great, so now this is in the non-Christian section per the admin. I like that, I believe this is where I belong. I consider myself a Christian (technically--a follower of Jesus Christ), but I'm under no illusions that Veridicanism is part of World Christendom.

Hey, I can’t wait to hear your end-of-days prophecies. :)
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
d. I see an eschatological purpose in their existence. That doesn't mean I agree, and I've already said I thought Koresh's theology was wrong.

What you've stated is that as long as the man wasn't having sex with you, you have no opinion. This, coupled with the fact that you reject the teachings of the apostles as being the word of God yet endorse a Gnostic text as being the "word of God," means that your morality regarding sexuality is very likely completely out the window, and each man is to "abide the commands that God gives to him," and follow his own moral compass. This runs a similar parallel to "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" there, High Priest.

You'll forgive me, but I'm not that dim. The spirit inspiring your "religion" is a demonic one, and the god you and your people will worship will be a demon, not the True Lord Jesus Christ.
I know. You keep saying it. And yet, here you are...

If you don't want me worrying about you suffering in torment in eternity along with all those you deceived then I won't. Anyone who follows you will have themselves to blame for not choosing the God of scripture. But I will flatly oppose you as driven by a demon to teach what you do, and anywhere and everywhere that I see you appear, here or elsewhere.

That is now where I am, and that is where we are, and that is where we will stay until you repent of your sin.

Bring judgment upon yourself if you wish. The Lord will have ZERO sympathy for you when your judgment comes, because you felt it was of no importance to walk in fear of Him.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
coupled with the fact that you reject the teachings of the apostles as being the word of God yet endorse a Gnostic text as being the "word of God," means that your morality regarding sexuality is very likely completely out the window
I suspected this, too. Now I'm not saying this absolutely has to be the case here, but, usually, when a church rejects Paul they reject his teaching about homosexuality. I've been holding the question about that for Edward for the right time. I guess now is a good time to ask @Edward Gordon, "what is the official stance on homosexuality in your church?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I've posed the question to the other moderators. It may take some time until we have an answer. Feel free to post where ever you're able.

I would ask you refrain from discussing asteral projection or astrology on there. These are often associated with the occult.

I wondered what he meant by astral projection. My mind went to the apostle saying, I don’t know if I was in my body or out of it…

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
That's not what Jesus said. That's not what He taught.

What the heck is the difference? And no, we are not "a" Christ we are Christ. One substance with Christ. That's what we are born again into. That's why we eat his flesh and drink his blood.

I admit, it is a little new agey. That doesn't mean it's a lie, but it is true that there has never been a religion like this in all of history from the time of Christ. I'm not saying that to promote--I'm just countering what you said to me. One day, I'm going to get out of this thread.

Okay, then Amigo de Christo, what is the correct approach to Jesus Christ. What denomination?
Read the bible . there is no denomination that i can point too .
Follow Christ , learn all His words and teachings and the teachings of the recorded apostles as well , the ones
in the bible . read those letters well .


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
We believe the human purpose is to become Christ. We believe the human spirit is like a seed of Christ.

I experienced a little discomfort with this but am willing to listen. The verse that came to mind was, I will become like the most High. Don’t know if you know that verse because I don’t know if the OT is something you read.

Friends of Jesus

Active Member
Nov 25, 2021
United Kingdom
Read the bible . there is no denomination that i can point too .
Follow Christ , learn all His words and teachings and the teachings of the recorded apostles as well , the ones
in the bible . read those letters well .

That's right my friend - I believe the bible teaches us this - the word “salvation” concerns an eternal, spiritual deliverance. When Paul told the Philippian jailer what he must do to be saved, he was referring to the jailer’s eternal destiny (Acts 16:30-31). Jesus equated being saved with entering the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24-25).

What are we saved from? In the Christian doctrine of salvation, we are saved from “wrath,” that is, from God’s judgment of sin (Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:9). Our sin has separated us from God, and the consequence of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Biblical salvation refers to our deliverance from the consequence of sin and therefore involves the removal of sin.

Who does the saving? Only God can remove sin and deliver us from sin’s penalty (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 3:5).

How does God save? In the Christian doctrine of salvation, God has rescued us through Christ (John 3:17). Specifically, it was Jesus’ death on the cross and subsequent resurrection that achieved our salvation (Romans 5:10; Ephesians 1:7). Scripture is clear that salvation is the gracious, undeserved gift of God (Ephesians 2:5, 8) and is only available through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

How do we receive salvation? We are saved by faith. First, we must hear the gospel—the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Ephesians 1:13). Then, we must believe—fully trust the Lord Jesus (Romans 1:16). This involves repentance, a changing of mind about sin and Christ (Acts 3:19), and calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:9-10, 13).

A definition of the Christian doctrine of salvation would be “The deliverance, by the grace of God, from eternal punishment for sin which is granted to those who accept by faith God’s conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus.” Salvation is available in Jesus alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12) and is dependent on God alone for provision, assurance, and security.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Classic Christians, on the other hand, believe they remain who they are even after they are saved. They form a kind of partnership with Christ, yes; they make Christ their leader, yes, but they always retain who they are. They never give their soul to Christ the way Veridicans do.

Im Christian, but I don’t agree I have remained who I was. The renewing or changing of my mind has been completely restructured in so many ways. Like…I no longer hate people. It wasn’t immediate but it’s like…once I saw how bad I really was and how bad all of what we consider normal is, I kind of just…rejected it for honesty. But the hatred of others didn’t go away until I saw I was every bit as bad as they were and I could no longer hate them after that but rather had compassion for them in their awful state.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
In other words, you still remain you. I mean, it sounds like humility but really it's a kind of hatred of Christ. A kind of arrogance. You would never give up who you are to be what He is. You want your life.

I agree this is, largely, mainstream Christianity. It has become just a deal to cheat death, but God has said, I will cancel your deal to cheat death. You most likely haven’t read that verse either, sorry.

But you can occasionally run across a man who understands he must die and that the price to follow Christ is everything. Literally everything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Personally, I don't see Christian churches rejecting water baptism. So it's kind of a non-issue. Only a few Christians aren't water baptized, and their reasons for not getting baptized aren't usually spiritual, they are practical reasons. Especially among women who don't want to get baptized (make-up running, etc.).

lol, makeup running,haha. ive never been water baptized. I’m not against it and I used to think I might be one day maybe but…after I realized it’s a picture of the true baptism in Spirit, and knew darn well I’d received that baptism, I just never thought of it as a priority.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I don't throw out Acts. In fact, the Book of Acts, Chapter 5, is very very important to my take on the early apostles, and it convinces me that the Gospels were written to counter the "acts" of the apostles.

I’d like to hear about this when you have time.
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