Miracles and certain spiritual gifts

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Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
I dont believe such miracles as raising the dead, tongues, miraculous healings (maybe on a personal level but not publicly) are being given as gifts since the early church and 12 apostles.
Explain to me then how two people in my own church prayed in tongues, and on one occasion a Ghanaian visitor heard the praises of God spoken in his own village dialect, and the person praying in tongues had never been to Ghana and could not have known that dialect? And the other occasion where a NZ European who knew only English prayed in tongues and the NZ Maori lady sitting beside him heard him speak in fluent Maori encouraging words from God to her?

Also explain how my old pastor, in his 40s, who was sent home from hospital to die, because his enlarged heart was beyond treatment, and he prayed for healing, and was totally healed, and died of natural causes in his late 70s? And how he prayed for a child with crossed eyes in a meeting, and the eyes went immediately straight; and prayed for another child with a club foot, and the foot went out instantly straight?

These testimonies come from people I know personally, and these things actually happened. So actual experience of real events win over dreamed up notions in the head.

Paul Christensen

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2020
New Zealand
A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign

We need that sign like we need air to breathe. But God doesn't always allow for it
What's that got to do with the manifestation of the spiritual gifts for the building up of the body of Christ? Christian believers don't seek signs. They already have the Holy Spirit within them, teaching them the plans and purposes of God. And converted believers are not part of the wicked and adulterous generation.

And who do we think we are, to dictate to God how He should work to encourage and build up His saints? If He wants to give the gift of tongues, and heal people, give someone a miracle, raise someone from the dead, who would be so blatantly ARROGANT to tell God that He doesn't do those things any more???

And who do we think God is? Is he just some ordinary bloke that we can control?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
I dont believe such miracles as raising the dead, tongues, miraculous healings (maybe on a personal level but not publicly) are being given as gifts since the early church and 12 apostles.
God works miracles publicly TODAY. God stoped the united states dead in it's tracks, and these major cities that .... NEVER SLEEP, well they went to sleep. streets empty, no one hardly out. not only that, we publicly see Gas below $2.00 now that's a miracle God allowed. and we see how God has allowed many to recover from this coronvirus pandemic.

and there are many others to mention. especially those lambs who been going to some of the those sheep in wolves clothing churches, now they can see how much Money they can put in their "OWN" households. there are many more, some not need to be mention here.... o_O

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Explain to me then how two people in my own church prayed in tongues, and on one occasion a Ghanaian visitor heard the praises of God spoken in his own village dialect, and the person praying in tongues had never been to Ghana and could not have known that dialect? And the other occasion where a NZ European who knew only English prayed in tongues and the NZ Maori lady sitting beside him heard him speak in fluent Maori encouraging words from God to her?

Also explain how my old pastor, in his 40s, who was sent home from hospital to die, because his enlarged heart was beyond treatment, and he prayed for healing, and was totally healed, and died of natural causes in his late 70s? And how he prayed for a child with crossed eyes in a meeting, and the eyes went immediately straight; and prayed for another child with a club foot, and the foot went out instantly straight?

These testimonies come from people I know personally, and these things actually happened. So actual experience of real events win over dreamed up notions in the head.
Wow, Praise God, what a testimony!


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
It is my belief that God is not giving out the gift of miracles and spiritual gifts in these end times such as healing, tongues, etc.
I believe that since the early churches He has not given out the gift of miracles nor speaking with tongues.

It's really simple. The only reason God shew miracles unto His servants was to make them believe
in Him, so they could then put their trust and faith in Him.

The same goes for the miracles done through God's servants. All the miracles were done to make people believe
that God is who He says He is.

Miracles were done to make people believe in God.

The only reason the early church and disciples were given these powers was to establish the church, by making
people believe their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Miracles were an aid to get people to believe.

John 9:1-3
"And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him,
saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered,
Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

We don't need miracles in these end times. There is so much evidence of wickedness and Satan's kingdom that it is
enough. Just look at the abundance of satanic occult symbols
everywhere. Those that seek the truth with all their heart and mind will find God,
or rather that God will lead them to Him.

It's that simple. God doesn't need miracles to prove to people that He is God, that the Bible is the truth.
He has other means to bring people to Him now.

If you see anyone doing "miracles" openly, I believe it is completely fake or done through demons.
May I pray with you? We can pray in a PM.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
These show reminders from the Lord that He has not stopped doing the impossible from His compassionate nature.
I am so astounded at how many people are so inept about the Word of God....it just blows my mind....and I am not referring to different doctrinal beliefs! I am referring to things as simple as baptism of water and baptism of the Holy Spirit.....or salvation....or end times and last days.....oh yadayadayada.....blah blah blah....:rolleyes:
Why am I bothering you with this...I best just take it to the Lord in prayer....:)
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
It is my belief that God is not giving out the gift of miracles and spiritual gifts in these end times such as healing, tongues, etc.
I believe that since the early churches He has not given out the gift of miracles nor speaking with tongues.

It's really simple. The only reason God shew miracles unto His servants was to make them believe
in Him, so they could then put their trust and faith in Him.

The same goes for the miracles done through God's servants. All the miracles were done to make people believe
that God is who He says He is.

Miracles were done to make people believe in God.

The only reason the early church and disciples were given these powers was to establish the church, by making
people believe their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Miracles were an aid to get people to believe.

John 9:1-3
"And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him,
saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered,
Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

We don't need miracles in these end times. There is so much evidence of wickedness and Satan's kingdom that it is
enough. Just look at the abundance of satanic occult symbols
everywhere. Those that seek the truth with all their heart and mind will find God,
or rather that God will lead them to Him.

It's that simple. God doesn't need miracles to prove to people that He is God, that the Bible is the truth.
He has other means to bring people to Him now.

If you see anyone doing "miracles" openly, I believe it is completely fake or done through demons.

I am reading Jonathan Goforth's book about his missionary work in China. Full of miracles so sorry blessed creator.

And you said, "Miracles were an aid to get people to believe." Right on their buddy. That is why God is performing miracle after miracle these days where medical help is not available.

Let me tell you a true story. A couple of nurses working overseas were confronted by a mother with a dead baby in her arms. She said to them "My son is dead. I have tried the witchdoctors and they failed. If your God can bring my son to life, I will follow him for the rest of my days."

The problem was that the nurses had never prayed for someone to be raised from the dead as they helped people back to life through their professional skills. They looked at each other and thought they had nothing to lose, so they laid hands on the dead baby and prayed for him to come back to life. A few moments passed and nothing happened. Then the baby stirred in his mother's arms and came back to life. You will note that the demons failed in this case.

I will tell you another story that is true. A church was told of a young man that was in hospital out cold because he had fallen and hit his head on a concrete pavement because he had been punched. The doctors said he would never be normal again because of brain damage. The church decided to go to the hospital and pray for him and put a cloth they had prayed over under his pillow and instructed the nursing staff not to remove it.

Three weeks later he walked out of the hospital a normal person. Three men from the church laid hands on him and prayed. I was one of them. Nothing fake about it and we certainly did not call on demons to heal him.

And then there was the young man who gave his testimony at a meeting. He admitted he was an angry young man and the only purpose in is life was to get drunk every weekend. He succeeded 100% in this. He said one Saturday night he was walking home completely drunk and he fell in the gutter and laid there because he could not get up.

Whilst he lay there, the Lord appeared to him supernaturally and spoke to him. He got up stone-cold sober and he has spent all his free time now telling people about his miraculous salvation that brought him to Christ.

How do I know? I was at that meeting.

If I were you I would flush that belief down the toilet because you are on a hiding to nothing.
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
It's that simple. God doesn't need miracles to prove to people that He is God, that the Bible is the truth.
He has other means to bring people to Him now.

If you see anyone doing "miracles" openly, I believe it is completely fake or done through demons.

In my 66 years as a Christian, I have noticed how much people who believe God doesn't do miracles are very good at telling God what he can and can't do. I read all about God's limited ability and then I go out and lo and behold, I see a miracle take place. And then I read another post and the person said the miracles disappeared when the scripture was canonized. And then I go out and pray for someone and they are healed.

Despite this, they are adamant that God does not do miracles. So what do we do when two young men go to a meeting, one of whom was born with only one hand. At the end of the message the preacher says if you want healing come forward, so this young man and his friend go forward.

Now, the preacher does not go round laying hands on people. He prays over them and encourages them to put their faith in God. (Notice I said God, not demons). As the young man with only one hand stands there hoping for a miracle, he grows a second hand and he didn't get it from the second-hand shop.

Now according to blessed creator, I have to tell this young man it was a fake and that he has to give the hand back to the demons that were behind it all. Personally I haven't got the heart to tell him this. I will let him keep his new hand as he is so happy to have it.
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I've been baptized by the Holy Ghost, and continue to be and will continue to be until judgement day when I will hopefully be made perfect (as can be). The baptism of the Spirit is the process of being born again which means to be transformed by God into a new moral life, one lived in strict obedience unto God's will. This has nothing to do with the fact God is not giving out the gifts of miracles such as speaking tongues or healing.

No one said it did.

Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
It's really simple. The only reason God shew miracles unto His servants was to make them believe in Him, so they could then put their trust and faith in Him.
But God has bestowed mercy to those weaklings of the Faith like Thomas the Doubter, and the modern-day charismatic bunch, whose faith needs to be supported by imagined signs and wonders. But for the rest of us, "we walk by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I can only speak from the prospective of what I have seen and know, and I certainly have witnessed speaking in tongues, by many ( even though it is not something I can do ). I have witnessed healing , and read many testimonies regarding it. The Holy Spirit can manifest in many ways through Gods people, pictures, visions, words of knowledge and encouragements .......I do believe that ‘ in the last days ‘ the Holy Spirit will be poured out and , as I believe ‘ the last days ‘ began in Jesus’s time... I do not believe the gifts simply stopped.
Jesus demonstrated all kinds of things within his ministry to reveal who he was ect, but it was at Pentecost that those gifts were passed on to his people.....
I think the gifts have always been there but different generations and cultures have focused on different things and there hasn’t always been the same level of freedom for the gifts to be openly embraced everywhere. Even within my own generation and church experience I have seen much fear towards the gifts, and also a desire from one generation to favour ‘ going back to respectful worship and a very Victorian way of serving the Lord ( Hell and brimstone kind of teaching ) .........
I think we are also warned about aligning something to Satan that is from God. I think it is sad to limit God and his power - personally I would have thought the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is actually needed more now because so many have turned away from God ............

There is only one unforgivable sin and that is calling the work of God the work of Satan.
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Stan B

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
Jesus fulfilled the law and ended the Old Covenant. But notice, NOTHING ceased or changed during the Covenant. That is what we call the rules of covenant.

Jesus started the Old Covenant with His finger, and ended it with His death. His resurrection started the New Covenant - the Spirit - and it will only end at His coming in glory.

So think again, and learn. Seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit and ALL He has for you. It will change your life.

Sounds like you have been deluded by your non-Biblical charismatic theology.

The Old Covenant between God and Abraham was a Covenant between Abraham and all of his seed forever!!

God has never abridged nor terminated his Covenant with Abraham, nor for all of eternity!! To suggest otherwise would be to call God a liar!!


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I dont believe such miracles as raising the dead, tongues, miraculous healings (maybe on a personal level but not publicly) are being given as gifts since the early church and 12 apostles.
hopefully you understand on some level that miracles are for the lost anyway, and there is a spiritual analogy for "raising the dead" which even you might attain some day. best of luck to you ok


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Whatever. Many believe as you do. It's your loss.
I wont argue the point, because- "a person with an experience is never at the mercy of a person with just an opinion. "
This is your opinion , you are welcome to it.
Bless you. H.
Hi @Helen,

Your entry reminded me of a little illustration I heard:-

Faith, Hope and Experience were walking along a wall,
Hope was fine as long as he kept his eyes on Faith,
But when he turned around to look at Experience,
He fell off the wall, along with Experience
But Faith went walking on.​

God in His mercy has time and again given encouragement by making His presence known to me in one way or another, and I praise Him for that, but my trust is in Him and the word He has spoken concerning His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not reliant on experiences. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Praise God!

In Christ Jesus


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Sounds like you have been deluded by your non-Biblical charismatic theology.

The Old Covenant between God and Abraham was a Covenant between Abraham and all of his seed forever!!

God has never abridged nor terminated his Covenant with Abraham, nor for all of eternity!! To suggest otherwise would be to call God a liar!!


Did you miss the subject of what I was referring to and thought a nice bit of vileness of the tongue would hurt me and put me in my place? I am not deluded, nor am I calling God a liar. I honor His word, and study it.

There are more than one covenant in the Old Testament. We are still under the covenant with Noah of Genesis 9, with the rainbow as the sign of the covenant.

And again, the covenant of Genesis 17 with Abraham being the father of many nations is not the "Old Covenant" of the law given to Moses, and written with the finger of God that represented Abraham's son of the flesh, Ishmael, Galatians 4. The sign of that covenant was the outward keeping once a week through the flesh, of the Sabbath.

But God's covenant of promise with Abraham continued through Isaac, and the Seed of the Covenant is Jesus. Believers in Jesus, the Messiah, are the true descendants, and Jesus ended the Old Covenant of Ishmael, the Law by fulfilling it; and God's deeper, everlasting laws are written on the circumcised hearts of the believers, no longer on the outside, but the inside. The true keeping of the Sabbath is with the heart, trusting in Jesus every moment, not once a week. Hebrews 4. This New Covenant of the Spirit of Christ, Abraham's Seed, is forever, and the sign of this covenant is the Cup of the New Testament 1 Corinthians 11:25. This covenant of the Spirit, including His gifts, never ended, nor ceased. And not a dotting of an "I" nor the crossing of a "T" will in no way cease until we see Jesus face to face.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
It is my belief that God is not giving out the gift of miracles and spiritual gifts in these end times such as healing, tongues, etc.
I believe that since the early churches He has not given out the gift of miracles nor speaking with tongues.

It's really simple. The only reason God shew miracles unto His servants was to make them believe
in Him, so they could then put their trust and faith in Him.

The same goes for the miracles done through God's servants. All the miracles were done to make people believe
that God is who He says He is.

Miracles were done to make people believe in God.

The only reason the early church and disciples were given these powers was to establish the church, by making
people believe their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Miracles were an aid to get people to believe.

John 9:1-3
"And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him,
saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered,
Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him."

We don't need miracles in these end times. There is so much evidence of wickedness and Satan's kingdom that it is
enough. Just look at the abundance of satanic occult symbols
everywhere. Those that seek the truth with all their heart and mind will find God,
or rather that God will lead them to Him.

It's that simple. God doesn't need miracles to prove to people that He is God, that the Bible is the truth.
He has other means to bring people to Him now.

If you see anyone doing "miracles" openly, I believe it is completely fake or done through demons.

Well having been miraculously healed twice, and speaking in tongues I have to say that because of my own experiences I have different beliefs to yours.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Well having been miraculously healed twice, and speaking in tongues I have to say that because of my own experiences I have different beliefs to yours.

And yours lines up with Scripture! :) Whereas, he is listening to lying spirits rather than the Word of God, because "God told him."

I hear God's voice and He never contradicts scripture.
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