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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
The 42 months is in the tribulation period. Your compressing and conflating has led to a dazed and confused conception of prophetic times and events.
You keep saying compressing and conflating. I have stated the exact opposite. Obviously you cannot even prove I have done that. The time of Jacob's trouble has not even started at the 6th Seal.

You claim everything happens at the same time as if Jesus comes and goes many times in a row. I have never stated when Jesus evens leaves earth after the 6th Seal. We have not even ironed out the 6th Seal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
To be "raised up" is a metaphorical statement indicating a person is brought back to life. Being brought back to life physically does not require that the old physical body be reassembled.
Who made that rule? Lazarus had his body raised. Jesus also. We will be like He is. You know, the body that walked through walls, flew, ate meals, etc?

The departed saints are already with him.
Not their bodies! Try visiting a tomb sometime and see if you doubt that.

And those who are caught up, alive, to meet him will be with him as he returns.
Says who? Try to remember you made that up completely. That is why you offer no verse to support it. He returns with us. Not snatches us up on the way to vengeance. We are not appointed to that wrath we are not here in the tribulation time of wrath. We were already caught up, got married, had our rewards passed out, etc. No where does it say 'heaven opened, and Jesus went toward earth, stopping on the way to grab the bride He already married and is bring back with Him'

Often the saints are depicted as returning with him because they have already departed and are with him. They are not still in their graves.
The saints returning with Him have already received incorruptible bodies when God raised their old bodies or what was left of them from the dead!

1 Thes 4.14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.
Right. Why would departed believers need to come with Him to the air above earth where we also are raised? Because we all need our bodies to be resurrected from the dead! The dead in Christ first have their bodies go up (to where their spirits meet it and they have their new eternal bodies) We have to go up in body also where we will receive our new bodies as well. There we will all be, believers dead and alive, now alive and in our eternal body like Jesus. We then return home to be married and get rewards etc. Later we all come on down too earth with Jesus who returns to the earth.

I never said such a thing! You still seem to have problems negotiating the path up and down? We are instantly caught up to Christ in the clouds, as he is prepared to descend from the clouds.
The up path was several years before the down path from heaven. The only trouble negotiating anything comes when you squash it all in a little ball and try to yo yo it up and down like a bangee. The return of Christ and Rapture are not a bungee jump. More like a seven year cruise.

He is at the same instant revealed from the heavens as lightning, from east to west. This is the moment at which we begin to celebrate our possession of the earth from the Antichrist, who at the very same moment is cast into the Lake of Fire.
So Jesus didn't land on the mount of Olives first, or go to Basra, or resurrect the tribulation saints, or anything else? You may be right, but how would you know? How would you know if He flew around to a few battlefields or something that maybe took an hour or two? Why do you yo yo folks have to squeeze everything into a moment? Doesn't He have all day on the day He returns? How do you know what He does the moment He gets back?

The celebration is not finished in that second. It only starts at that time.
It started before heaven was opened and Jesus came down to earth from heaven. Now the time for fiery vengeance has come and he takes care of business. The antichrist, all enemies etc.

The celebration continues as long as is fitting to celebrate our inheritance of the earth and our dispossession of the earth from Satan.
You assign that as the primary motive of the marriage supper. The bible does no such thing.

Still having problems negotiating distances and heights? This is why I asked you to give up trying to *mechanically* explain it. It is a supernatural event.
The problem is not in God being able to yo yo from the air to the earth and have us do the same for no apparent reason. The problem is that we have been with Him in heaven already before we returned to the earth. No yo yo ride needed. He is not returning to earth to do the mess around playing yo yo rides.

I've told you numerous times now, so you have no excuse for constantly claiming I believe the Supper is finished in a second.

So what is your claim?
Chapter and verse?

Daniel 12:11
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Daniel 12:7
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

Revelation 12:14
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

-And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days

Revelation 11:2

But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

Revelation 13:5
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

So there are seven instances for you. This is an exact period of time in the end.

It says both.
Not for the same event!

Isa 62 indicates the same Hope for the Jews as people from other nations hope for with respect to their own lands. It is all going to take place *on earth.*
Jesus is going to give the saved nation the promised land. Not like I'd want it!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
The thing about a yo yo is that it is not a leisurely tour, it goes up and down fast. There is no comparison with a rapture in the air that then proceeds to heaven for several years with lots happening and your up and down move to the air and back in a moment.

You still aren't understanding the analogy correctly. Down and up fast then a long pause is still a yo-yo movement. Post-trib's up then down fast is not a yo-yo.

Your Christ yo-yo's in a Pre-trib concept with him leaving heaven going to the clouds then quickly back up to heaven.

Post trib's Christ comes down from heaven, meets people in the clouds then keeps going down to the Earth. No yo-yo.

Everytime you say yo-yo about post-trib you are showing how much you don't understand about a yo-yo and how much it represents your own beliefs.

The rewards and reuniting and fellowship and the marriage celebration etc etc etc that happen after the Rapture is in stark contrast to the yoyoers! They have us going up and down in a moment and for no apparent reason.

The reason is apparent but one has to understand what the rapture's purpose is. You do not know it.

What, Jesus could not give us new bodies on earth if that was where He was already coming to?? Ha.

SMH...the living don't get new bodies, their old bodies are changed, and it happens on the Earth prior to the rapture.

Why bring millions of dead and living people up in the air only to instantly plop them back down to earth again?
The dead aren't raptured but your question reaffirms that you don't understand why the rapture happens.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
You are mixing up 2 Peter 3 with Revelation 20:9. Why would you do that? That is an Amil point of view.
I am not mixing anything I was quoting you and asking what you were trying to say.
"And they (humans) went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them (humans).
That is after the thousand years.

There is nothing in this verse describing a second coming nor the heavens and earth being consumed by fire. Just because the word "fire" and "heaven" is used, does not put the end of the Millennium as the Second Coming. Peter is talking about the Second Coming as happening as a thief in the night. The 6th Seal is a thief in the night moment, and every thing happens as mentioned for the Second Coming.
No. The thief in the night coming is the one in an unknown time. I am not one who suggests the return of Christ is after Him reigning here 1000 years already. What are you talking about?

Heaven rolls back as a scroll, the angels come to earth. Everything on earth is burned up.
After the 1000 years everything is burned. There is also an episode in the tribulation when the heavens appear to roll up and etc. That is another event. So be clear on what you are talking about.

Unless you are stocking supplies deep in the earth, and living there, then nothing will survive, and then you may be stuck down there, because all the mountains are going to move out of their places as well as the continents.
I see. So by 'something' you mean hoarding food etc. OK. That is another thread.

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places."
The great shaking is a well known part of the wrath of God tribulation events. That is not anything that destroys the planet! I expect that a rapid continental shift like the one that probebaly took place in Peleg's day will occur...
How many times do you think every thing is destroyed and burnt up in the future?

How many thief in the night moments?

When I say everything, that is literally everything, but humans. In Revelation 20:9 only humans are consumed by fire, nothing else.
So magic fire then, that does not burn wood. Just children and people. OK.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
You keep saying compressing and conflating. I have stated the exact opposite. Obviously you cannot even prove I have done that. The time of Jacob's trouble has not even started at the 6th Seal.

So when Jesus said He was coming immediately after the tribulation you do what with the verse, hide it?

Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

You claim everything happens at the same time as if Jesus comes and goes many times in a row.
Never said anything of the kind.

I have never stated when Jesus evens leaves earth after the 6th Seal. We have not even ironed out the 6th Seal.
Why would he leave if He just came?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
You still aren't understanding the analogy correctly. Down and up fast then a long pause is still a yo-yo movement. Post-trib's up then down fast is not a yo-yo.
False. He NEVER comes to earth till the return to earth. Not in the Rapture. He is up still. We go up in the Rapture, and down aganin years later when Jesus returns. That gives us time to get to know Him and others and for the marriage supper and rewards etc. We NEVER retrun to eart permanently our new home is New Jerusalem. We come on visits, even if they are working visits most of the time to earth. Your yo yo theory has people flying up into the air for less than a second for no apparent reason and back down again! Why bother? Is God unable to do thiings on the earth, so he has to snatch us up for a fraction of a second?

Your Christ yo-yo's in a Pre-trib concept with him leaving heaven going to the clouds then quickly back up to heaven.
In the Rapture, He does return to the Father's house but with the bride He came to get! There is a reason.

Post trib's Christ comes down from heaven, meets people in the clouds then keeps going down to the Earth. No yo-yo.
No, he supposedly flies them up to the air, and then yo yos them immediately back down! A comically inept theory.

The reason is apparent but one has to understand what the rapture's purpose is. You do not know it.
You can keep the secret then I guess since you can't seem to post it.

SMH...the living don't get new bodies, their old bodies are changed, and it happens on the Earth prior to the rapture.

We are not incorrupibke now right? As soon as we get up in the air we will be right? Call that a tomato if you like.

The dead aren't raptured but your question reaffirms that you don't understand why the rapture happens.
Hilarious, more pretending you have some secret knowledge that you just can't post! The dead in Christ do rise actually. No secret there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Absurd and I already covered that six ways from Sunday. Sorry if you thought He ruled dead zombies!
No you have not. You have not explained Matthew 25 yet.

Yes, Jacob is both the sheep and goats. That is why it is Jacob's trouble. Only a third of Jacob will be redeemed. The rest tossed alive into the LOF. That is the first 6 Trumpets. The Thunders are who is left on earth after the church and Jacob are removed. The Thunders cover the wheat and tares. Matthew 13.

The tribulation is the final harvest. The sheep and wheat rule on earth for 1,000 years. The church is in Paradise until the Day of the Lord is finished. Only after the Day of the Lord will Paradise come to earth as the New Jerusalem.

No one is left in Adam's dead corruptible flesh after the 7th Trumpet. They all have permanent incorruptible physical bodies that will never die. Their offspring have bodies that will never die. 20 to 30 generations. It is the last few generations who rebel when deceieved by Satan. They are consumed by fire. But none of Adam's dead corruptible flesh is left alive on earth when the 7th Trumpet stops sounding. That is when Daniel 9:24 becomes a reality. No sin, Satan, nor natural death.

After the Day of the Lord Jesus hands back current creation to God. That is when this reality ceases to exist and there will be a new reality called the NHNE.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
This is hopeless. You are not making any effort to understand what I'm saying, so I'm not going to waste any more time on you. You know what you believe and you clearly have no interest in understanding what others believe. How can you refute what others believe when you don't even make any effort to know and understand what others believe? What a joke.
Yes, to try to change the mind of someone who is locked into a belief, is virtually impossible. We are told this would happen in Isaiah 29:9-12, in the modern, accurate translation: If you confuse yourself, you will stay confused, if you blind yourself, you will stay blinded. Be drunk, but not with wine, stagger around but not with strong drink. For the Lord has poured on you a spirit of stupor, He has closed your eyes and made the teachers ignorant.
The Prophetic vision of it all has become like the words in a sealed book
......... REBible

Jesus confirmed this inability for the [so called] wise and learned to correctly understand the Prophesies about the end times. Matthew 11:25-26
The fact is that most Christians will be taken by surprise when the end time events commence. That is how God wants it to be.
That is how God will find out who really trusts Him and who just wants to escape or avoid the difficult and testing times ahead.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
No you have not. You have not explained Matthew 25 yet.
In what way, and what do you not understand that needs explaining?

Yes, Jacob is both the sheep and goats. That is why it is Jacob's trouble.

Why make Jacob sheep and goats? What not say he is cheese and crackers? Tom and Jerry? What verse says Jacob was a goat? In what way does calling the guy a goat make the tribulation his time of trouble? You are making no sense.

Only a third of Jacob will be redeemed. The rest tossed alive into the LOF.

So they save his left leg and nose and the rest goes into hell fire? I guess that's what he gets for being part sheep and part goat? Seriously?

That is the first 6 Trumpets. The Thunders are who is left on earth after the church and Jacob are removed.

I see. So the people are all dead and there is just little thunders left? Curious. How about goats, any of those running around despite their being no people? Keep us posted.

The Thunders cover the wheat and tares. Matthew 13.
Oh like a blanket covers the little piggies? In what way does thunder cover stuff? And why does it chose to cover wheat and tares? Why does thunder not do what thunder usually does, make noise?

The tribulation is the final harvest.

Maybe you wanted to say in the time of the tribulation is a final harvest? If so, no. There are more believers coming in the 1000 years!

The sheep and wheat rule on earth for 1,000 years.
I see. And should we expect the plants to rule well? Keep us posted. I had thought Jesus ruled, where did I go wrong?

The church is in Paradise until the Day of the Lord is finished.
So how long is that day? And is the church not doing what the bible said and ruling with Jesus? Did the goats get them lost, or the thunders cover their eyes? keep us posted.

Only after the Day of the Lord will Paradise come to earth as the New Jerusalem.
So does that mean after the thousand years? If so you may have accidentally got one right here!

No one is left in Adam's dead corruptible flesh after the 7th Trumpet.
Well, the bride was raptured before the tribulation. The trib saints after the trib. By then the trumpets were all done. The vials that came after the trumpets as well. So you seem to be saying there are no people alive on earth to rule? If so, who do we rule, the goats or the thunders?

They all have permanent incorruptible physical bodies that will never die. Their offspring have bodies that will never die.

Who is 'they'? The people on earth? If they are all suddenly immortals for some reason, then why do they still die as the bible says? (like when a man dies at a hundred years old he will be considered as young as a child)

20 to 30 generations. It is the last few generations who rebel when deceieved by Satan.

You know this how? If a generation were, say a hundred years in that time, then you are claiming that for 200 years all the people rebel? How would you know it was all the people? Who are the camp of the saints the wicked surround? How would we know it is all the people? How woulld we know they onlly rebelled stating 800 years into the 1000 years? You make a lot of specific claims all based on....??
They are consumed by fire. But none of Adam's dead corruptible flesh is left alive on earth when the 7th Trumpet stops sounding. That is when Daniel 9:24 becomes a reality. No sin, Satan, nor natural death.

I think I humored you long enough with this never ending tale loosely strung together nonsense. Get serious.
After the Day of the Lord Jesus hands back current creation to God. That is when this reality ceases to exist and there will be a new reality called the NHNE.
I guess if you talk long enough you get something right.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
It's very difficult to take you seriously when you act so childish and call people who have a different view than yours "yoyoists". Grow up already. You should change your name from dad to child.
The yo yo folks think that the gathering together in the air happens and then they immediately go down again. Yo yo is very appropriate.
Calling those who question that childish is false.

I was explaining to you what I believe and why. Is that not what you want or would you rather keep making a fool of yourself by misrepresenting what I believe?
Not clearly. Articulate or vacate.

You have extremely poor reading comprehension skills. You seem to have no ability to understand anyone's view but your own. How can you expect to be taken seriously when that is the case? It matters because we were talking about where we go after we meet Him in the air. Remember? Hello? Wake up. So, I was explaining why I don't believe we go to heaven from there or to the earth from there. I believe the judgment takes place right after that and Rev 20:11 indicates that the judgment does not take place in heaven or on earth. Understand? I don't even care if you agree with me on this, just make some kind of effort to actually understand what I believe. Am I asking too much of you?

More blah blah whining rather than clearly posting this supposed position of yours that you think is misunderstood. I could probably post my position clearly in as many words!

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Who made that rule? Lazarus had his body raised. Jesus also. We will be like He is. You know, the body that walked through walls, flew, ate meals, etc?
Lazarus was raised up in his old body. We will be raised up in glorified bodies. The rule is: one body is different than the other. They are each raised up according to kind. The glorified body is different, and effectively, a new creation. The glorified body must come from Jesus in heaven.
Says who? Try to remember you made that up completely. That is why you offer no verse to support it. He returns with us. Not snatches us up on the way to vengeance. We are not appointed to that wrath we are not here in the tribulation time of wrath. We were already caught up, got married, had our rewards passed out, etc. No where does it say 'heaven opened, and Jesus went toward earth, stopping on the way to grab the bride He already married and is bring back with Him'
I've never said that Jesus stopped on the way to somewhere. I've always said his return is instantaneous, like lightning.
Right. Why would departed believers need to come with Him to the air above earth where we also are raised?
Departed believers do not come with him to the air. Departed believers are already with him.
The up path was several years before the down path from heaven.
That is Pretrib Doctrine, which I believe is in error. Nowhere are we told in Scriptures that there is a Pretrib Rapture. That was contrived by Darby as a way of having the Church avoid what he believed was a period of divine wrath afflicting the Antichrist during the time of his reign.

But God's wrath against Antichrist climaxes at the end of his reign. The saints have always suffered in times when the world was under judgment from God.

The only trouble negotiating anything comes when you squash it all in a little ball and try to yo yo it up and down like a bangee. The return of Christ and Rapture are not a bungee jump. More like a seven year cruise.
Nowhere does the Scriptures define the Reign of Antichrist as "7 years." That is taken from Daniel's 70th Week. Out of all the Church Fathers only a few, like Irenaeus and Hippolytus believed that referred to Antichrist. The vast number of the Church Fathers understand the 70th Week to be the time when Messiah was "cut off." The Roman Army was the Abomination of Desolation, which followed the "70th Week."
So Jesus didn't land on the mount of Olives first, or go to Basra, or resurrect the tribulation saints, or anything else? You may be right, but how would you know? How would you know if He flew around to a few battlefields or something that maybe took an hour or two? Why do you yo yo folks have to squeeze everything into a moment?
I don't do anything. The Scriptures say the immortalization event of the saints takes place in a moment, in the "twinkling of an eye." And that event, which is called the "1st Resurrection," takes place at the 2nd Coming, when Christ comes to defeat both Satan and Antichrist. Nobody "flies around," which is your crass way of trying to make Scriptural belief look silly. It simply is what's written in Scriptures, as I see it.
You assign that as the primary motive of the marriage supper. The bible does no such thing.
I assigned the primary reason for the Marriage Supper to be a celebration of our inheritance of the earth, a celebration of the coming of the Kingdom of God to earth. It happened that it amounted to a dispossession of the earth from Satan and the Antichrist. And I'm sure that happiness factors into the celebration, as well.
So what is your claim?
The Supper lasts as long as any supper--until one is satisfied that the work has been done, and the fruit of that labor has been enjoyed. It does not last a single second, as you have repeatedly claimed is my position. I have *never* said that! I've only said the Supper *begins* the second Christ returns to earth.
Daniel 12:11
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
This is not the 1260 days in which Antichrist reigns. It is the 1290 days in which Antiochus 4 reigned.
Daniel 7:25
And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Daniel 12:7
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

Revelation 12:14
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

-And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days

Revelation 11:2

But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.

Revelation 13:5
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

So there are seven instances for you. This is an exact period of time in the end.
The above references are indeed the 3.5 years of Antichrist, as distinguished from the 1290 days of Antiochus 4's reign.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Lazarus was raised up in his old body. We will be raised up in glorified bodies. The rule is: one body is different than the other. They are each raised up according to kind. The glorified body is different, and effectively, a new creation. The glorified body must come from Jesus in heaven.
Right, but the point was that our bodies are important because they are involved in the new body. Jesus was the first to have one. His dead body was raised as the dead bodies of believers at the Rapture will be raised.

I've never said that Jesus stopped on the way to somewhere. I've always said his return is instantaneous, like lightning.
OK so if He instantly arrives on earth from heaven where does a Rapture of believers take place? It has to be in the air. Does instantly mean not so instant but He conducts the resurrection of the dead of all ages and the living believers on the way?

Departed believers do not come with him to the air. Departed believers are already with him.
The dead believers are raised up. So who is it you think comes with Jesus for the Rapture?

That is Pretrib Doctrine, which I believe is in error. Nowhere are we told in Scriptures that there is a Pretrib Rapture.
Or not. However we are told we don't go through the period or wrath, and that we have a marriage in heaven and go to His Father's house and get rewards. We also know we return with Him to the earth. There is no other fir for the Rapture but before the wrath. All other scenarios are ruled out.

That was contrived by Darby as a way of having the Church avoid what he believed was a period of divine wrath afflicting the Antichrist during the time of his reign.
I doubt that.

But God's wrath against Antichrist climaxes at the end of his reign. The saints have always suffered in times when the world was under judgment from God.
And suffer they will. Those ones who are here.

Nowhere does the Scriptures define the Reign of Antichrist as "7 years."
No that is defined in Dan 9, the last seven year period in world history. there were 70 weeks total. One of those weeks of years (sevens) is still to come.
That week is divided in two, each part 3/12 years. The whole period is often called the tribulation and the last half is the Great Tribulation.

That is taken from Daniel's 70th Week. Out of all the Church Fathers only a few, like Irenaeus and Hippolytus believed that referred to Antichrist.
Great so we know what folks were wrong.

The vast number of the Church Fathers understand the 70th Week to be the time when Messiah was "cut off." The Roman Army was the Abomination of Desolation, which followed the "70th Week."
No they do not understand that. Some may have believed that unsupportable idea. Not those who knew God and the word. Paul never said any such thing or anyone else in the bible. What popes or crusaders or leaders may have thought should depend on what God said in His word. Nothing else matters. We have the bible to weigh and measure what is true or not.

I don't do anything. The Scriptures say the immortalization event of the saints takes place in a moment, in the "twinkling of an eye."
Yes it does. That does not include the other events you try to stuff into it like a burrito.

And that event, which is called the "1st Resurrection," takes place at the 2nd Coming, when Christ comes to defeat both Satan and Antichrist.
No verse says that and other verse say we are not here for the wrath. They also say we go to be with Jesus and there is a marriage supper in heaven etc. They also say saints return with Him. He comes with saints when He returns to earth. He comes for the saints at the Rapture.

Nobody "flies around," which is your crass way of trying to make Scriptural belief look silly. It simply is what's written in Scriptures, as I see it.
Yes of course we fly. Jesus rose up in the air. We will be like Him. He flies us up to the air to get our new bodies and then we can fly ourselves and we all fly to heaven. You have something against flying? Angels fly. We will too

I assigned the primary reason for the Marriage Supper to be a celebration of our inheritance of the earth, a celebration of the coming of the Kingdom of God to earth.
It is over and done by the time we return to this planet. Our new home will be up there in new Jerusalem. We will be visitors when on earth. During the tribulation there will also be demons from space that are sent down to this planet. Possibly they look somewhat like aliens! Probably the government at the time will say they are! They might use them also as some sort of excuse for why millions of believers disappeared.

It happened that it amounted to a dispossession of the earth from Satan and the Antichrist. And I'm sure that happiness factors into the celebration, as well.
We will be tickled pink about it! What a great day that will be when the world is rid of demons and the Antichrist and the wicked! We will also, however already be married.

The Supper lasts as long as any supper--until one is satisfied that the work has been done, and the fruit of that labor has been enjoyed. It does not last a single second, as you have repeatedly claimed is my position. I have *never* said that! I've only said the Supper *begins* the second Christ returns to earth.
OK so you allow for a marriage supper that lasts for a while. OK. But it starts in the same microsecond as the Rapture and the return of Jesus according to you. At the ame time ans place more or less as the birds are eating the super smelly dead bodies filling the land! We were in a big hurry to get here in a flash so we could enjoy that apparently in your scheme of things

This is not the 1260 days in which Antichrist reigns. It is the 1290 days in which Antiochus 4 reigned.
Actually Daniel asked this

Daniel 12:7
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

All things were not finished thousands of years ago.

It is clear when we are talking about.

Daniel 12:4
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

And as Jesus confirmed exactly

Daniel 12:1
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

Matthew 24:21
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

The 1290 days is in the end.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Right, but the point was that our bodies are important because they are involved in the new body. Jesus was the first to have one. His dead body was raised as the dead bodies of believers at the Rapture will be raised.

Not at the rapture but before it. The dead in Christ rise first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Not at the rapture but before it. The dead in Christ rise first.
That's what I said. "His dead body was raised as the dead bodies of believers at the Rapture will be raised"
The dead believers rise first. However you phrase your statement in a way that sounds like you think people are raised before the Rapture itself?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
That's what I said. "His dead body was raised as the dead bodies of believers at the Rapture will be raised"
The dead believers rise first. However you phrase your statement in a way that sounds like you think people are raised before the Rapture itself?

Because that is what scripture states. The dead in Christ rise first, not rise at the same time as the rapture happens. You are confusing the resurrect6ion and rapture as if they are the same event. They are two very different events. They happen very closely to each other but their purpose and who they affect are very different.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Because that is what scripture states. The dead in Christ rise first, not rise at the same time as the rapture happens. You are confusing the resurrect6ion and rapture as if they are the same event. They are two very different events. They happen very closely to each other but their purpose and who they affect are very different.
I see what you are saying. However the gathering in the air is one event with more than one component. In the bible we read how that event includes the dead in Christ rising first. The Rapture affects all believers in Christ. Dead and alive. Nothing confusing at all about it. We both have our bodies raised! In the case of those who are still alive their living body is raised. Both groups are raised in a moment and both receive incorruptible bodies like Jesus has.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Jacob had two brides. There is a reason for that.

The Lord's ministry was to the Jews. Do you think God falls short on His promise to them?

Have you forgotten that there are two covenants? OT and NT

Jacob's two wives speak of the "People of God" who will be resurrected as ONE in the LORD = Daniel ch12 and Ephesians ch2

TODAY is a Good Day to Wake UP to Truth.

Also thank you for your prayers - i had hip replacement surgery yesterday.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Right, but the point was that our bodies are important because they are involved in the new body. Jesus was the first to have one. His dead body was raised as the dead bodies of believers at the Rapture will be raised.
Jesus was raised up in his old body. But at the general resurrection we will *not* be a raising up in our old body.

Many will have been cremated, and the elements/ash will have been used and reused over the course of many years. Scattered elements cannot be reassembled, since as elements they can be reused by multiple bodies in their basic elemental forms.

"Raising us from the dead" will be a restoration of the person to a body, but not to the old body. It will be to a new body.

Being "raised up" is a metaphorical description of a person coming back from the dead, his spirit being restored to bodily form, even if an entirely new body. The "1st Resurrection" involves not the resuscitation of the old body, but rather, the restoration of the person to an entirely new body.
OK so if He instantly arrives on earth from heaven where does a Rapture of believers take place? It has to be in the air. Does instantly mean not so instant but He conducts the resurrection of the dead of all ages and the living believers on the way?
Don't try to work out the logistical problems. We cannot engineer a trip to heaven, and a trip back to earth by plane! or by any other form of flight that we know about. ;)

This has been your whole problem from the beginning--trying to figure out how we can be on earth one minute, and then appear on earth in the clouds the next second. It all takes place, ie our Rapture and Immortalization "all stuffed into a burrito!" ;)
The dead believers are raised up. So who is it you think comes with Jesus for the Rapture?
Jesus appears in heaven with all his saints. By "appearing in heaven" I mean that somehow this is a sign appearing in the sky--Jesus with all of his saints. I don't honestly know what this means, because the description says it is like lightning.

It may just be a bright light indicating the administration of the world has changed from Satan to Christ. Don't try to figure out the logistics, as I said--it won't be possible.
Or not. However we are told we don't go through the period or wrath, and that we have a marriage in heaven and go to His Father's house and get rewards. We also know we return with Him to the earth. There is no other fir for the Rapture but before the wrath. All other scenarios are ruled out.
We are told we won't suffer wrath, which refers to *eternal judgment.* That is, the Saved will not suffer Damnation.

The "wrath" we are saved from does not refer to a "Period of Wrath," which is what Pretribbers say the Reign of Antichrist is. The book of Revelation goes to great lengths to show that Antichrist will be judged. With all of the detail it is thought by Pretribbers that the entire Reign of Antichrist is a "period of wrath."

But it isn't. The reign of Antichrist certainly is a problem for the saints, who suffer persecution. And certainly God will not bless the earth for following the Antichrist. But for the most part, it is at the end of the reign of Antichrist that God's wrath is poured out.

This final battle, termed "Armageddon," will undoubtedly kill a lot of saints. But they will not thereby be suffering "God's wrath." Rather, they will be innocent casualties in a battle between God and Satan.

No that is defined in Dan 9, the last seven year period in world history. there were 70 weeks total. One of those weeks of years (sevens) is still to come. That week is divided in two, each part 3/12 years. The whole period is often called the tribulation and the last half is the Great Tribulation.
I used to believe in the "Gap Theory" about the 70th Week, but gave up on that many years ago. I couldn't sustain that belief against the claim that a "70 Weeks Period" is given as a *sequential period.* To break off the last Week, inserting a gap of over 2000 years, renders it *not* a "70 Weeks Period."

And so, I accepted the majority view of the Church Fathers, who saw the 70 Weeks as a period of time leading up to the death of Messiah, and to the destruction of the temple and Jerusalem following. This is the basis for the historical interpretation of the Olivet Discourse, leaving aside, of course, a future coming of Christ's Kingdom.

This was not Preterism, but rather, an historically-fulfilled prophecy, still allowing for an age of Gospel Testimony by the Church, replete with Christian persecution. Many OT prophecies were historically fulfilled. The Olivet Discourse description of the "Abomination of Desolation" was no different. It meant that Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem and destroyed the temple, leading to an age-long period of "Great Tribulation" for the Jewish People, who are still awaiting their promised final deliverance.
Yes it does. That does not include the other events you try to stuff into it like a burrito.
I like burritos! ;)
No verse says that and other verse say we are not here for the wrath. They also say we go to be with Jesus and there is a marriage supper in heaven etc. They also say saints return with Him. He comes with saints when He returns to earth. He comes for the saints at the Rapture.
No, nothing says the Marriage Supper is in heaven. That's only where the invitation is announced.

The Marriage takes place when we are united with Christ in heaven, in less than a second. But the celebration follows on earth, and lasts as long as any supper or celebration should last when people inherit a kingdom.
Yes of course we fly. Jesus rose up in the air. We will be like Him. He flies us up to the air to get our new bodies and then we can fly ourselves and we all fly to heaven. You have something against flying? Angels fly. We will too
Sorry, but you seemed to be mocking "flying." We fly using planes. Our arms do not have wings. If you think our new bodies will have wings, then you certainly don't believe our old bodies will be reassembled?

I certainly believe we can fly--my father was in the Civil Air Patrol. But it will not be without wings. ;)
It is over and done by the time we return to this planet. Our new home will be up there in new Jerusalem. We will be visitors when on earth.
That may be reality during the Millennium. The New Jerusalem may remain in heaven, and we may stay there, as well, until the Millennial Period is over.

What I do know is that we appear in the clouds with Jesus when he returns. In some sense we will "return as he left," indicating our revelation in the clouds will simultaneously be a landing on the earth. I admit--I don't understand it--I can't figure out the details. Our actual landing on the earth may be more of a "spiritual thing." Our celebration of the Marriage Supper may be more of an invisible thing, unseen by those who remain mortal during the Millennium. This may be a trans-dimensional event--I don't have a clue!
OK so you allow for a marriage supper that lasts for a while. OK. But it starts in the same microsecond as the Rapture and the return of Jesus according to you. At the ame time ans place more or less as the birds are eating the super smelly dead bodies filling the land! We were in a big hurry to get here in a flash so we could enjoy that apparently in your scheme of things
Yes, we return with glorified bodies and somehow experience a celebration of our eternal inheritance on earth. At the same time birds will gorge themselves on the corpses of those killed in the Battle of Armageddon. What takes place among mortals will not affect those who have new glorified bodies. It will be, more or less, a celebration of victory, rather than a horrified look at bodies being eaten.
The 1290 days is in the end.
Again, my own view is that Dan 12 is a kind of summary of the book, referring to two major events already mentioned in the book. They were of particular import because Israel's future would hang in the balance with these two still-future events.

The 1st event is mentioned in 12.7, the 3.5 years of Antichrist's reign. The 2nd event is mentioned after that, with the 1290 days and 1335 days. This was the reign of Antiochus 4.

Both events were still to come up in Israel's historical calendar. They are separate events, even though they are similar in being roughly 3.5 years.

Just giving you my take on it. I've studied this for many years. This is just food for thought (not burritos, necessarily). ;)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
So when Jesus said He was coming immediately after the tribulation you do what with the verse, hide it?

Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
The church's tribulation starting at Pentecost is over at the Second Coming.

Jacob's trouble is just starting at the Second Coming.

The AoD is the last event to happen, not the first.

The parable of the fig tree is not the last event, but the first.

The order of the events in Matthew 24 is in the reverse order starting from the end to the parable of the fig tree.

Revelation is in the order starting from the Second Coming until the end.