People that do not Believe in, look and Expect the Rapture will be left Behind!!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
To be raptured prior to the great tribulation means being 'gathered' to the Antichrist.

The reason why Lord Jesus warned to NOT believe those who will be saying that He is come, is because the first supernatural one working great signs and wonders on earth will be the pseudo-Christ, which is the Antichrist John said shall come.

That first one is who the Pre-tribulationalists are being told to gather to, unknowingly. Their leaders are fakes, and twist the warnings about this that is clearly written in God's Word.

Their doctrine is a soothsayer's doctrine, designed to pet and stroke those weak in the Faith. Their pastors are those of Ezekiel 13 which God has rebuke for, that He said He did not speak to, nor send. God said they preach their own word, hoping others will confirm. God said He is against those pastors who hunt the souls to make them fly.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
We all have eternal life in heaven or hell!!! Your choice!
My choice? I did not know I could choose heaven or hell. Sounds a bit like I am in the driving seat.

We have a hope in Jesus that He will save us. We have a conviction as to which is the right way to walk and have our being.
Clearly Jesus lays out some will be convinced they were the Lords and He will declare He never knew them.

And you talk as if eternal life is for everyone, some in torture and some with God.
Jesus declared we have eternal death, destruction, or eternal life with Him.

And I am incapable of choosing Jesus, either the Father reveals Him to me or I am lost, in darkness and sin.
Heresy is always simple to spot. It simplifies everything into us and them, the saved and the lost.

But in truth we all live in shadow and only as we walk closer with Jesus does the light come on and the dawn arrives.
The rapture is such a manufactured part of middle class security issues, where God is more concerned with keeping us happy than with holiness, righteousness, purity and love. What amazes me is the response our society is managing, against financial crisis, global warming, covid 19, feeding the world, educating everyone.........My parents grew up in poverty and a class system with prejudice and low life expectancy. My kids take for granted good education, university, friends, security, safety and love.

In all of human history the chances of living a full life have never been better. But it is so evil and wrong and getting worse......the beast is just round the corner. What is around the corner is leaders who ruin countries, destroy working systems and cultures, who create conflict rather than work for peace. So I no longer accept these doom and gloom prophecies, but rather believe in discussion and debate, the ability to be real about ourselves, and learn the power of restraint and faithfulness. God bless you
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
My choice? I did not know I could choose heaven or hell. Sounds a bit like I am in the driving seat.

We have a hope in Jesus that He will save us. We have a conviction as to which is the right way to walk and have our being.
Clearly Jesus lays out some will be convinced they were the Lords and He will declare He never knew them.

And you talk as if eternal life is for everyone, some in torture and some with God.
Jesus declared we have eternal death, destruction, or eternal life with Him.

And I am incapable of choosing Jesus, either the Father reveals Him to me or I am lost, in darkness and sin.
Heresy is always simple to spot. It simplifies everything into us and them, the saved and the lost.

But in truth we all live in shadow and only as we walk closer with Jesus does the light come on and the dawn arrives.
The rapture is such a manufactured part of middle class security issues, where God is more concerned with keeping us happy than with holiness, righteousness, purity and love. What amazes me is the response our society is managing, against financial crisis, global warming, covid 19, feeding the world, educating everyone.........My parents grew up in poverty and a class system with prejudice and low life expectancy. My kids take for granted good education, university, friends, security, safety and love.

In all of human history the chances of living a full life have never been better. But it is so evil and wrong and getting worse......the beast is just round the corner. What is around the corner is leaders who ruin countries, destroy working systems and cultures, who create conflict rather than work for peace. So I no longer accept these doom and gloom prophecies, but rather believe in discussion and debate, the ability to be real about ourselves, and learn the power of restraint and faithfulness. God bless you

Yes!!! Chose to believe in and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and heaven will be your eternal home OR chose to reject Jesus and your eternal home is the lake of fire!!!====All your choice!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Yes!!! Chose to believe in and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and heaven will be your eternal home OR chose to reject Jesus and your eternal home is the lake of fire!!!====All your choice!!

I think there is possibly a varied meaning to the phrase "accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour"
To some this means accept that through Jesus we have forgiveness of sins, except we do not need to repent or get right with God or walk the path or follow Jesus, just acknowledge who He is. To others it means listening, obeying and following Jesus, loving Him from the heart and repenting in sorrow and sadness, committing to walking the road of righteousness and love.

To others it is a substitutionary atonement, so punishment for sin no longer exists for anyone, it is just having a connection with Jesus or not.
But if you do not listen to Jesus, obey or follow Him, then where is the fruit of knowledge and faith or even the Kingdom?

It is like saying I am a car driver and can drive all around the country without learning to drive, having a car or even trying to travel.
To me this language is pure delusion. So I do not believe the language many share is actually anything meaningful.

I like the analogy with a murdering rapist. They know what evil is, and what not doing evil means. When you see true evil and dysfunctional behaviour the way of repentance and Jesus are very clear. But nice caring, wealthy fluffy people can hide their sin and poison, and claim a faith experience is all you need, nothing else needs to take place. But they do not really need Jesus or even know His ways, because they are happy in their sin and lifestyle, it is just security in the bank, for the rainy days.

God bless you
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Active Member
Sep 10, 2020
Macomb Michigan
United States
Jesus is returning For those people that Believe in , look for and Expect the Rapture. those people that mock and scoff at the rapture and do not believe in, look For and expect the rapture will be left Behind!! Hebrews 9:28=Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To ""those who eagerly wait for Him"" He will appear a second time.
Those that do not look for and expect the rapture are left behind and then must then try to live under anti-christ rule.
Jesus will be coming back for ALL of His own, regardless of their en d time vieepoints!

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I thought that Jesus Christ said that he would never leave us.

Has Jesus Christ abandoned us or is it only that the world will and is abandoning Jesus Christ.

We can see when and why OT Israel crashed, it's the same today, because they turned their backs and abandoned God.

The So called Jews of today do not even follow the OT, so their is the poof that they are not even worthy of the OT in fact, let alone the RCC Pope Frances is a Satanist and so are all of the leader ship of every other denomination that claims to be Christian. because all of them are to gutless to stand up for Jesus Christ. not to mention they do not point out the evils of this world, because they are in bed with it.

Bible says You will know them by their works ? yep I sure do ! poofters, child molesters priest, not to mention the ones who have children and abandon them, it's all covered up by every Church in fact, the Church denomination comes number one and then the pretence of claiming to be serving God.

Fact is that you must truly be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God, that's what it's all about in fact, because without such you are lost. not to mention at the end when Jesus Comes back, it's about the Kingdom will be seen by all and you know why ? because all the delusions are burnt up.
Satan is the master of delusions, so it's the deceptions that are leading people astray.

Jesus Christ is here now as always, but you must truly be born again to understand the fact. once Saved always saved end of story, regardless of when Jesus Kingdom comes back. that's what one needs regardless, if you are truly born again when the day comes you are saved before hand, you can not be saved twice.
One who is born again may loose your flesh life before that day comes, but you Soul lives regardless. so do not be worried about the loss of your flesh life so much, because you will be with God. our struggle is still the same as ever in Christ Jesus as we must always put him first in our lives and that's is what will clearly happen when his Kingdom comes, because the delusions have all been burnt up, but sadly the delusions are what is the problem the world faces now. but nowadays people are now idolising their Political Correctness gods and their cultural Marxist dribble.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Jesus will be coming back for ALL of His own, regardless of their en d time vieepoints!

I think I will choose to believe God's Word and ignore the ideas of little men==== Hebrews 9:28=Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To ""those who eagerly wait for Him"" He will appear a second time.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I think I will choose to believe God's Word and ignore the ideas of little men==== Hebrews 9:28=Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To ""those who eagerly wait for Him"" He will appear a second time.
The Holy Spirit is the way how anyone will truly see him.
The Jews seen him in the flesh, as such it made no effect and the ones who had faith only truly knew him after Jesus went to Heaven.

When we see how the Jews were duped by their own mob, the same is as today as to all being lead astray. it's the same old card game that's at hand.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
Jesus is returning For those people that Believe in , look for and Expect the Rapture. those people that mock and scoff at the rapture and do not believe in, look For and expect the rapture will be left Behind!!
You have two categories,
  1. people that Believe in, look for and Expect the Rapture.
  2. those people that mock and scoff at the rapture and do not believe in, look for and expect the rapture
That is a false dichotomy. The Rapture isn't the center of our faith; Jesus is.

When Jesus returns, He will gather up His Bride, the Church; that is, His faithful believers.
There will be no entrance exam on
  • Rapture theology (Did you guess right?),
  • Free-will vs. Predestination,
  • A thorough understanding of Trinity, etc.
We only need to be washed in His Blood and surrendered to Him.
Any errors in the above are neither critical nor Salvation-threatening.
They would not constitute heresy. They would just be innocent errors.
Incomplete knowledge [1 Corinthians 13:12] is not a sin.

To suggest otherwise is a type of arrogance.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Those believers that deny the rapture are still saved but will be left behind and must try to live under anti-christ rule. Why DO THINGS THE HARD WAY???===Hebrews 9:28=Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To ""those who eagerly wait for Him"" He will appear a second time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
That POV does not have Biblical support.
That POV does not have Biblical support.

Biblical Truth===Hebrews 9:28=Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To ""those who eagerly wait for Him"" He will appear a second time.==========""those who eagerly wait for Him"" are the believers Jesus will rapture (catch up)!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Jesus declared we have eternal death, destruction, or eternal life with Him.

The Bible declares that there is eternal, conscious torment in "the furnace of fire" (Matthew 13:41-42, Matthew 13:49-50, Matthew 25:46).

Bible says You will know them by their works ?

By their "fruits" (Matthew 7:15-20).

Jesus Christ is here now as always, but you must truly be born again to understand the fact. once Saved always saved end of story, regardless of when Jesus Kingdom comes back. that's what one needs regardless, if you are truly born again when the day comes you are saved before hand, you can not be saved twice.

If you are lukewarm in your spiritual temperature when Jesus returns He will "spew you out of His mouth" (Revelation 3:14-22).

When Jesus returns, He will gather up His Bride, the Church; that is, His faithful believers.
There will be no entrance exam on
  • Rapture theology (Did you guess right?),

In Hebrews 9:28, it should be clear that He will not appear to those who are not anticipating His return.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Mobile, Al.
United States
The Bible declares that there is eternal, conscious torment in "the furnace of fire" (Matthew 13:41-42, Matthew 13:49-50, Matthew 25:46).

thanks for the reply,
Eternal punishment is eternal itself, but without him, (the Lord Jesus), then we’re not eternal, but only for a short time. (so I ask how can we burn eternally without the ETERNAL ONE?). if we are to depart from him..... I have been looking at this a few time, “Eternal punishment”, but I’m going out on a limb and pull a VJ here, (no offense VJ). I’m going to question something, ”traditional thinking”. consider, Revelation 1:14 "His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;"

Revelation 1:15 "And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters."

Now we know that this is symbolic, White hair is signified as all knowing, flaming eyes, all seeing, and burned feet, all powerful, for all things are under his feet. Now this, 1 Corinthians 3:14 "If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward."

1 Corinthians 3:15 "If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire."

This is something to consider, or think on. Just speaking out loud, but hold me not to this yet, ok.


101G The "Spiritual Saboteur"
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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
Biblical Truth===Hebrews 9:28=Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To ""those who eagerly wait for Him"" He will appear a second time.==========""those who eagerly wait for Him"" are the believers Jesus will rapture (catch up)!!!
In Hebrews 9:28, it should be clear that He will not appear to those who are not anticipating His return.
Eagerly waiting for Him/anticipating His return doesn't require us to guess right about pre-trib vs. post-trib. That is where you are adding your own qualifications.

My middle daughter's name is Maranatha and my youngest daughter's middle name is a variation of Hosanna. We are definitely looking for Him.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
People that do not Believe in, look and Expect the Rapture will be left Behind!!

Yes they will, along with those who BELIEVED IN, LOOKED FOR, AND EXPECTED a "Rapture".

But the difference is, -- those who are PREPARING for when they won't be able to Buy or Sell, will have the advantage over those who haven't PREPARED. And just a Peter was caught unprepared in the Courtyard and denied Jesus, so too these unprepared will be susceptible to denying Jesus, with NO Money, NO Job, NO Food, and NO Future.

It's called the Great Falling Away, -- and you'll be able to find me with the Great Staying Away, secure in my "lifeboat". Ref. Lke 22:35-36.
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Eagerly waiting for Him/anticipating His return doesn't require us to guess right about pre-trib vs. post-trib. That is where you are adding your own qualifications.

Eagerly waiting for Him / anticipating His return requires that you believe His return could happen at any time; which precludes a pre-tribulation rapture.

People that do not Believe in, look and Expect the Rapture will be left Behind!!

Yes they will, along with those who BELIEVED IN, LOOKED FOR, AND EXPECTED a "Rapture".

But the difference is, -- those who are PREPARING for when they won't be able to Buy or Sell, will have the advantage over those who haven't PREPARED. And just a Peter was caught unprepared in the Courtyard and denied Jesus, so too these unprepared will be susceptible to denying Jesus, with NO Money, NO Job, NO Food, and NO Future.

It's called the Great Falling Away, -- and you'll be able to find me with the Great Staying Away, secure in my "lifeboat". Ref. Lke 22:35-36.
Bobby Jo

Consider Matthew 6:25-34 and ask yourself if the attitudes spoken of in that passage are conducive towards storing up food for the Great Tribulation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
Eagerly waiting for Him / anticipating His return requires that you believe His return could happen at any time; which precludes a pre-tribulation rapture.
So, you are recommending against bringing enough lamp oil to last all night, if necessary...? ╭
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The Bible declares that there is eternal, conscious torment in "the furnace of fire" (Matthew 13:41-42, Matthew 13:49-50, Matthew 25:46).

By their "fruits" (Matthew 7:15-20).

If you are lukewarm in your spiritual temperature when Jesus returns He will "spew you out of His mouth" (Revelation 3:14-22).

In Hebrews 9:28, it should be clear that He will not appear to those who are not anticipating His return.
One who is truly born again is Saved is never lukewarm.
When the day comes the truly born again will be his just the same as they were before hand, once the day comes they who come to Christ Jesus will be truly born again as well.
The ones who were born again before hand, can not be born again two times. once truly born again you are his. as that's the whole point.
Jesus Christ Saves ! you do not have to wait for the second coming to be born again.
The kingdom of God will come and his Will, will be done as it is in Heaven.
When one is truly born again you are not in this world, you are of the Kingdom of God and sent out among the wolfs, they may kill your flesh but never your Soul. such a one is on a mission from God.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
The Bible declares that there is eternal, conscious torment in "the furnace of fire" (Matthew 13:41-42, Matthew 13:49-50, Matthew 25:46).

41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them that do iniquity, 42 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Matt 13:41-42

49 So shall it be in the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the righteous, 50 and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Matt 13:49-50

28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell
Matt 10:28

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

If I was to say to some I will totally destroy you, I would not mean preserve them eternally and torture them eternally.
I would mean to make sure nothing was left as if they had never existed. To destroy anything, is to make it non-existent.

Now there is a sense of the desire to show eternal justice against full rebellion against God, which the beast and his followers will suffer, where they will have eternal torment. But this is special declaration in Revelation, specially for those who take the mark of the beast.

Now I could interpret the destruction of the soul is eternal punishment that creates eternal pain without reprieve. But here we have a moral dilemma. On a pure theological basis the saved are only those born of God, or born into believing households, before the age of responsibility.
So if you hold to a uniform torment, you are holding to torment for youngsters, who though not guilty of sinful acts, are guilty of the sin of rebellion against God as not living in communion with Him. Now is there justice to torment those who have no choice than what they are born into with eternal torture? This is a strange God of love and justice, which no where in scripture reveals this as His nature.

Another strand to this position is we are eternal beings who can never be destroyed. But this notion is not biblical, because we only gain eternal life, life without end, without the 2nd death, through faith in Christ and the cross. Jesus repeats this concept many times, that the 2nd death is the issue, that eternal life is His gift. But some will hold all have eternal life, just with Jesus or in torment. But this nullifies the concept Jesus repeats time and again of eternal life. Now if the Lord has a version of eternal death which is something else, amen. I am actually interested in opposing the RCC view of demons torture humans in hell, and the majority are consumed in this eternal torment. It strikes me in this version of the universe, heavenly or otherwise would actually be consumed in torture and not love and life, which is the opposite picture I have of the Lord.

Another simple way of putting this, love is wheat in the heart of man which is eternal, and sinful life is just chaff around the edge, ready to be burnt up and destroyed. This is a repeating theme throughout scripture, that evil people are just chaff of no value, and nothing to hold together.

And the whole of morality hangs on the reality of how love is faithful, true, just, full of grace and mercy, where we honour our commitments and marriages and obligations to family. So it is difficult to not see this as part of the whole picture Jesus is painting, where punishment and justice will be truly met out.

Some have said to me that atheists would be happy with being destroyed. Sadly if love means nothing to them, and their lives are just chaff, to me what else is there? I fear that those who hate atheists are just seeking emotional harm to their opponents and do not know the meaning of love and freedom as Jesus brings to us today. God bless you