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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
No, YOUR MEN believed that, not mine. I know that because my men are the original authors, and I know they were speaking figuratively by simply looking at and tasting the elements.

It doesn't matter how soon after the original authors that error crept into the churches. It's still error. Close proximity to the original authors doesn't automatically equate to truth as you are claiming. Paul warned the Ephesians that error was right on his heels. So closeness of time to the Apostles means NOTHING when it comes to whether or not something is truth or not.
I know what they teach is in error...Because YOU say it is in error....o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Just look down at the elements this Sunday and you'll see for yourself that he was speaking figuratively. And remember that there is no passage of scripture that says by faith we believe that they mystically change into human flesh and blood. I'm directly challenging you on this.
And remember that there is no passage of scripture that says the elements are not what He said it was.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I just identify what is false . They doomed themselves . Its not my fault jospeh smith came along and decieved them
anymore than its my fault the popes have been decieving folks for centuries . I wasnt even born yet . But expose them i must .
Out of great love for the peoples i must warn against false doctrines .
Oh....So YOU are the one who is able to discern a false teaching from a true teaching. God sent YOU to give us the Truth! Fascinating....

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Hmmmm......you mean the same "rational men" who disagreed not only with The Church but disagreed with each other? That's pretty rational.....o_O
Yep. We've been sorting out the junk left by the Catholics ever since. The Catholics suppressed the truth and we've been slowly working our way back since. They made quite a mess of things.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Yup, error is to be divided out of The Church. The Church then still remains. During the Protestant Revolution, of which you thank God for, divided out of The Church and started another Church claiming they had the truth. Men from that Church divided out of that Church claiming they had the truth. Men from that Church then divided out of that Church claiming they had the truth etc. etc until today where we have thouasands of different churches all claiming to have the truth. And you thank God for that confusion? Weird....I don't think God was responsible for that. False teachers who tickled the ears of men are responsible for that....Not God!
I see I have to tell you AGAIN the three reasons why there is Biblically supported division among true believers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
So YOU are the one who is able to discern a false teaching from a true teaching.

It’s weird.

It’s almost like you are not aware that the Holy Bible is widely available…

The Bible contains the true teachings from God through his holy prophets.

Anyone who comes along wearing beautiful attire and teaches contrary to the teachings in the Bible is a heretic, plain and simple.

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)

This includes the POPE! Himself a man!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Hmmmm.....Who decides what "truths" the Catholic Church teaches and what "truths" the Mormon Church teaches? YOU?
Has not God said He would give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him? And is not this Spirit a real, true actual guide? Some men seem afraid to take God at His word, as though it would be presumption in them. They pray for the Lord to teach us and yet are afraid to credit the pledged word of God and believe we have been taught of Him. So long as we come to our heavenly Father humbly and with a spirit to be taught, willing and anxious to learn, why should we doubt God’s fulfillment of His own promise? You must not for a moment doubt Him and dishonor Him thereby. When you have sought to know His will, your part in the operation with God is to believe that you will be led and guided and blessed in the doing of His will. We may mistrust ourselves lest we misinterpret His teachings, but make even this a subject of prayer, and trust Him, still trust Him to the uttermost, that His Holy Spirit will lead you to interpret aright His plans and the working of His providence.
If you place your trust in man, relying solely upon man to interpret scripture and teach you truth, thinking that God wouldn't do for you what you believe He would do for others, is not faith... You are calling God a liar.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Oh....So YOU are the one who is able to discern a false teaching from a true teaching. God sent YOU to give us the Truth! Fascinating....
By Grace and truth GOD changed me , so now i simply preach that grace and truth and who so ever heareth amen .
I also never said to take my WORD as absolute truth . WHAT I DID SAY was YOU SHOULD LEARN THE ABOSLUTE TRUTH in THOSE BIBLES .
one of us will weep sorely . IF you want to know which one , YOU BETTER LEARN the BIBLE FOR YOURSELF .
Rather odd the CC claims the holy scriptures as its own and yet it sure dont seem to point to them , but rather
points us to men who say THUS SAYETH THE LORD and YE cannot know the truth LEST YE SIT UNDER US .
A claim I NEVER MADE ABOUT EVEN MY OWN SELF . SO WHOSE is the real hyprocrite .
YOU say we cannot know truth lest we sit under THE CC and its men
I SAY YE cannot know truth LEST YE KNOW CHRIST , LEST YE Learn the biblical CHRIST for yourselves .
SO on that note i leave you to your own mind . IN the end one of us did POINT TO CHRIST and the other pointed
us to men who twisted doctrine and used the bible as a means for power and control . TILL you learn that , you are in dire and grave danger .
BUT remember this , I DID LOVE YOU ALL . I DID and do . ITS why i simply tried to get you all back into the BIBLE FOR YOURSELVES .
cause they did not KNOW THE SON ,thus they did not know the FATHER WHO SENT THE SON .
THEY only knew what men TOLD THEM was the TRUTH . and friend too many men , even within the protestant realm
are simply UNDER a delusion and point to men who have long twisted stuff and sold us a lie that
Ye cant know GOD , ye cant know the bible , LEST WE GUIDE YOU . ITS A DELUSION My friend .
BUT IF JESUS can wake up and change a man as vile as i once was , I HAVE ALL HOPE that if folks would simply HEED THAT JESUS
WELL HE CHANGES THEM TOO . WHAT JESUS are we following . FOR the answer to that one
i suggest we dont look to men , but rather to the bible and see IF WE FOLLOW THAT JESUS and those apostels .
OR are we following men who says THUS SAYETH THE LORD , WHEN HE HAS NOT SAID . HURRY , i desire only good for you .
SO flee the CC and learn that bible . YOu are in my prayers . HURRY

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
The Cross you teach is drained of it's power, thus our suffering as Christians is not a participation in the Cross of Christ but an outward symbol.
Our suffering is a participation in the cross and the suffering of Christ...just not for the purpose of redemption. That ministry of suffering belongs solely to Christ and Christ alone.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Staying dug in YOUR interpretation of the Bible. :tonguewink:
Learn THAT BIBLE for YOU SELF . f orgive the english but i think it makes a good point .
The mormons say thus sayeth the LORD , the JW says thus sayeth the LORD , many within the protestant realm say THUS sayeth
the LORD and the CC says thus sayeth the LORD . Yet they all contradict one another and they often teach blasphemy .
SO how is one gonna know who is telling the truth and who is simply leading men astray . KNOW THY JESUS and i mean the ONE IN
THE BIBLE as well as what the apostels wrote IN the BIBLE . So sad that many no longer do this for themselves
but had rather heed men who twist stuff .
YOu do realize that the mormons can say the same thing YOU DO . THUS SAYETH the LORD WE ARE THE CHURCH
NOW HEED US and learn ourgreek and etc . ANYONE can do this . SO again the simple question is
HOW do we know we follow CHRIST , HOW do we know what we hear is truth .
REAL SIMPLE , if it contradicts the bible , ITS FALSE no matter how much men try and twist it . YA REALLY NEED TO DO THIS FOR YASELF and fast . I will continue in prayer for you as i desire the death of none but rather LIFE and LIFE eternal .


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
The point is, martyrdom does not redeem you. It has it's value, but not towards redeeming your soul. Only the blood of Christ can do that.
The blood of the martyrs is united with the blood of Christ. It's a baptism you can't comprehend. Your claim that being killed for not denying Christ has no redeeming value is absurd. The Blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Church. You can't comprehend that either. It doesn't fit your wooden theology.
This kind of teaching is exactly why it was important for the people of God to remove themselves from the Catholic church.
That's a nasty thing to say because redemptive suffering is absent from your system.

Col. 1:24 – Paul rejoices in his sufferings and completes what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of His body. This proves the Catholic position regarding the efficacy of suffering. Is there something lacking in Christ’s sufferings? Of course not. But because Jesus loves us so much, He allows us to participate in His redemptive suffering by leaving room in His mystical body for our own suffering. Our suffering, united with our Lord’s suffering, furthers the work of His redemption.

Phil. 1:29 – for the sake of Christ we are not only to believe in Him but also to suffer for His sake. Growing in holiness requires more than having faith in God and accepting Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. We must also willfully embrace the suffering that befalls us as part of God’s plan. Thus, Christ does not want our faith alone, but our faith in action which includes faith in suffering.

Matt. 10:38 – Jesus said, “he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” Jesus defines discipleship as one’s willingness to suffer with Him. Being a disciple of Jesus not only means having faith in Him, but offering our sufferings to the Father as He did.

Matt. 16:24; Mark 8:34 – Jesus said, “if any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Jesus wants us to empty ourselves so that God can fill us. When we suffer, we can choose to seek consolation in God and become closer to Jesus.

Luke 9:23 – Jesus says we must take up this cross daily. He requires us to join our daily temporal sacrifices (pain, inconvenience, worry) with His eternal sacrifice.

Luke 14:27 – Jesus said, “whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.” If we reject God because we suffer, we fail to apply the graces that Jesus won for us by His suffering.

John 7:39 – Jesus was first glorified on the cross, not just the resurrection. This text refers to John 19:34, when Jesus was pierced on the cross by the soldier’s lance.

John 12:24 – unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone and bears no fruit. Jesus is teaching that suffering and death are part of every human life, and it is only through suffering and death that we obtain the glory of resurrection.

1 Cor. 1:23- Paul preaches a Christ crucified, not just risen. Catholic spirituality focuses on the sacrifice of Christ which is the only means to the resurrection. This is why Catholic churches have crucifixes with the corpus of Jesus affixed to them. Many Protestant churches no longer display the corpus of Jesus (only an empty cross). Thus, they only preach a Christ risen, not crucified.

1 Cor. 2:2 – Paul preaches Jesus Christ and Him crucified. While the cross was the scandal of scandals, and is viewed by the non-Christian eye as defeat, Catholic spirituality has always exalted the paradox of the cross as the true tree of life and our means to salvation.

2 Cor. 1:5-7- if we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort as well. If we unite our sufferings with His, we will be comforted by Him.

2 Cor. 4:10 – Paul writes that we always carry in the body the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. Christ has allowed room in His Body for our sufferings, and our sufferings allow room for Christ to bring us to life.

2 Cor. 4:11 – while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake so that His life may be manifested in our flesh. This proves the Catholic position that our sufferings on earth are united with Jesus in order to bring about Jesus’ life in us.

2 Cor. 12:9-10 – Jesus’ grace is sufficient, for His power is made perfect in weakness. If we are weak, we are strong in Christ. Our self-sufficiency decreases, so Christ in us can increase.
This kind of teaching is exactly why it was important for the people of God to remove themselves from the Catholic church.
Then explain why your best scholars and ministers are converting to the Catholic Church.
Evangelical and Non-Denominational Converts to Catholicism - The Coming Home Network
Baptist Converts to Catholicism - The Coming Home Network
Pentecostal Converts to the Catholic Church - The Coming Home Network
Presbyterians Who Embraced the Catholic Church
Church of Christ Converts to the Catholic Church - The Coming Home Network
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
It’s weird.

It’s almost like you are not aware that the Holy Bible is widely available…

The Bible contains the true teachings from God through his holy prophets.

Anyone who comes along wearing beautiful attire and teaches contrary to the teachings in the Bible is a heretic, plain and simple.

“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Revelation 22:18-19)

This includes the POPE! Himself a man!


Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
I think it needs to be mentioned as a reminder.

Francis isn't a Catholic who happened to be elected Pope.

He's a Jesuit.

''A Jesuit is a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order which includes priests and brothers — men in a religious order who aren’t priests

What do the Jesuits believe?
What is a Jesuit ? The Jesuits are an apostolic religious community called the Society of Jesus . They are grounded in love for Christ and animated by the spiritual vision of their founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola, to help others and seek God in all things.

What makes Jesuits different?
The Jesuits encourage toleration for other religions, teach other theology in their institutions, and also believe in free education for all. This emphasis on free-thinking—and especially the order’s opposition to opulent riches—has some calling them out as the founders of Socialism.''
More:Difference between jesuit and catholic


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I think it needs to be mentioned as a reminder.

Francis isn't a Catholic who happened to be elected Pope.

He's a Jesuit.

''A Jesuit is a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order which includes priests and brothers — men in a religious order who aren’t priests

What do the Jesuits believe?
What is a Jesuit ? The Jesuits are an apostolic religious community called the Society of Jesus . They are grounded in love for Christ and animated by the spiritual vision of their founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola, to help others and seek God in all things.

What makes Jesuits different?
The Jesuits encourage toleration for other religions, teach other theology in their institutions, and also believe in free education for all. This emphasis on free-thinking—and especially the order’s opposition to opulent riches—has some calling them out as the founders of Socialism.''
More:Difference between jesuit and catholic
The fact that the Jesuits were banned at one time or another from nearly every country in the planet, and even at one time by the Vatican itself, suggests some deeper things going on within their organization than what is publicly published.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Then explain why your best scholars and ministers are converting to the Catholic Church.
Great question. But are they really the best? Or simply deluded souls who have become disillusioned with the present malaise that permeates the modern church worldwide and are seeking a more meaningful religious experience, and have chosen catholicism from an ignorance of other valid options?

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
The fact that the Jesuits were banned at one time or another from nearly every country in the planet, and even at one time by the Vatican itself, suggests some deeper things going on within their organization than what is publicly published.
As far as I know Francis's election is the first time a Jesuit ever entered the Papal office.
And after Ratzinger retired from the office ostensibly due to health issues.

Given Pope John Paul's health was so dire he could not be understood during his public speeches, and he died while in office, Ratzingers departure was also suspect.

That first step to get Frank to take his place. A political order and he's a strong Liberal.
Sign of the times?
