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Active Member
Mar 17, 2022
United States
Yes, but not in regard to redemption but in regard to the perfecting of the behavior and character of all the members of the body of Christ. Christ was made perfect in obedience through suffering, and so are we.

10In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting for God, for whom and through whom all things exist, to make the authord of their salvation perfect through suffering. 11For both the One who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are of the same family." Hebrews 2:10-11

As you can see the author is referring to sanctification, not justification. Jesus responded perfectly and without sin to the chastisement of his suffering. Us? Not so much. But, still, we are being sanctified through suffering, too, nonetheless. Just not for the purpose of redeeming our own souls. I would never even consider placing my own blood along side Christ's on the altar of redemption. And that is why it was necessary for believers to separate themselves from the corruption of the Catholic church and it's beliefs. Once the leaven works through the whole batch there's really nothing you can do with it except cast it away. But we can see the leaven working it's way through the non-Catholic churches too. The ONLY batch that the leaven can't overcome is the body of true believers dispersed throughout all the various man-made religious organizations of the world. And the true, born again believers who aren't a part of any religious organization.
This is what happens. A Christian is persecuted for believing and communicating Christ or for responding to situations as Jesus would. persecution behind. That s is usually very confusing.
Persecution is an opportunity to forgive. That forgiveness is the key. That is what conforms our suffering and ourselves to Christ. That is the dynamic that Brings the redemptive power of Christinto our time and circumstance. It Sanctifies the Christian and redeems the unbeliever. Many recieved supernatural Faith in Jesus through Paul.

Stephen was Persecuted and forgave before He died He saw Jesus coming on the clouds for that. Saul authorized the execution so he carries the guilt. So it was Saul who would be the recipient of Stephen's prayer. Stephen's suffering United to Christ's was united to Christ s in every way. It was not Stephens blood it was also Christs blood.
When you rebut with the alonism that afflicts you ie, " only Jesus' blood, only He's s suffering, Jesus alone....etc. That is not Of God. Who is a Communit of Person's.
When Jesus appeared to Paul this was emphasized by Jesus' greeting.

Saul, why do you persecute me?.
Your prejudice prevents you from understanding that Jesus shares His life with us. More than we can know. It begins with dying like Him. I pray you open your heart to receive Jesus more fully and allow Him to share His life with you more fully.
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Active Member
Mar 17, 2022
United States
, but not in regard to redemption but in regard to the perfecting of the behavior and character of all the members of the body of Christ.
The error in that is that It obligatesn me to believe that Jesus gave Himself in part. That He is a husband who holds back part of Himself. That I can no longer believe He gives His whole self to His bride. That He didn't give Himself fully.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2022
United States
Any inner witness that contradicts the witness of the authors of the Bible is to discarde
Your interpretation would require that it is infallible and that God has given you the authority to teach your interpretation. God would reveal to the Church you are appointed so that kind of claim is worthy of belief.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Your interpretation would require that it is infallible and that God has given you the authority to teach your interpretation.
The truth is what is infallible. It's a matter of laying hold of the interpretation that is the truth. The Holy Spirit is our guide in doing that. Catholics do not believe that. They are told that the clergy is who tells them whether or not what they hear is truth or not. That is in complete contradiction to 1 John 2:20-27. They do not accept what the apostle John said about this.

God would reveal to the Church you are appointed so that kind of claim is worthy of belief.
In time, spiritually gifted people become self evident. No need to make a claim that you have a gift. That will become evident all by itself. I cringe every time I see a church teacher or leader proclaiming his anointing and ministry to the body of Christ.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
The error in that is that It obligatesn me to believe that Jesus gave Himself in part. That He is a husband who holds back part of Himself. That I can no longer believe He gives His whole self to His bride. That He didn't give Himself fully.
I don't know how you come to that conclusion from what I said.

Sanctification is a very real thing. After a person is born again God begins the process of transforming their behavior to that of Jesus. The discipline of suffering goes a long way toward that end. It doesn't make you born again. It doesn't redeem you. It makes you act like the born again person you already are in Christ.

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
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Other Faith
United States
I don't know how you come to that conclusion from what I said.

Sanctification is a very real thing. After a person is born again God begins the process of transforming their behavior to that of Jesus. The discipline of suffering goes a long way toward that end. It doesn't make you born again. It doesn't redeem you. It makes you act like the born again person you already are in Christ.
Being I've familial experience with the Roman Catholic mindset this may help you.

When debating scripture with a RC remember, they are not Christian. They are Catholic.
They were not led by God to follow Christ.
As infants they were sprinkled and made a member of the church.
They only believe what the Catechism tells them to believe.
Their belief isn't in Christ first. It is in the church.
The church tells them their salvation and faith is not eternally secured by God's gift through grace. They are not eternally saved from their sins.

It's why they have to perpetually confess. And even when they die they have to lose residual sins in purgatory until they're burned away. Or, unless relatives buy their way out.

Jesus death on the cross didn't ''do it all''. They need the church.Even when they're dead.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Being I've familial experience with the Roman Catholic mindset this may help you.

When debating scripture with a RC remember, they are not Christian. They are Catholic.
They were not led by God to follow Christ.
As infants they were sprinkled and made a member of the church.
They only believe what the Catechism tells them to believe.
Their belief isn't in Christ first. It is in the church.
The church tells them their salvation and faith is not eternally secured by God's gift through grace. They are not eternally saved from their sins.

It's why they have to perpetually confess. And even when they die they have to lose residual sins in purgatory until they're burned away. Or, unless relatives buy their way out.

Jesus death on the cross didn't ''do it all''. They need the church.Even when they're dead.

It did occur to me that EloyCraft had a different concept of being saved then I have and that seemed to be why he didn't talk in terms of redemption of the soul being a completed act like we non-Catholics see it but rather something yet to come and based on their performance of works in this life. I know the redemption of our physical bodies is yet to come, but it's clear in scripture that the redemption of the person himself is completed the moment they believe - the very moment their sins are forgiven via the blood of Christ. Not so in Catholicism, apparently.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Being I've familial experience with the Roman Catholic mindset this may help you.

When debating scripture with a RC remember, they are not Christian. They are Catholic.
Wrong. You invent a false dichotomy between Catholic and Christian.
Are Catholics Christians? Is Catholicism Christian? (vs. James White) Romans 1:8 uses the term "whole world", Gr.: kata holis, Lt.:Catholicus, En. Catholic. That proves St. Paul was a Christian and a Catholic! To you, "Catholic" is just an adjective, not one of 4 divine qualities that Jesus builds His Church on. Jesus doesn't build junk that needed an overhaul 16 centuries later. Your "wrecking ball" approach reveals you to be prejudiced and a slave to conflict.
They were not led by God to follow Christ.
That's true, but what about the Catholics who are led by God to follow Christ? Pick any century you like. I'll start with my favorites, you can reply with a list of Protestants who lived an exemplary life in Christ. Any century will do. But you have to unclench your fists so we can have a mutually uplifting discussion to the benefit of all.
St. Dymphna 7th century
St. Francis of Assisi 12th century
St. Max Kolbe WWII
St. Mother Teresa recently
Your turn.
As infants they were sprinkled and made a member of the church.
Luther and Calvin, two pillars of Protestantism, did the same thing. You oppose your own Protestant founders. That makes you a true Protestant.
They only believe what the Catechism tells them to believe.
Wrong again. The Catechism is a summary of official Church teaching, expanding on the essential truths as expressed in the Nicene Creed, and teaches on faith and morals in every day language. It also addresses todays problems that threaten civilization and is not bound by 16th century politics. All teaching is proposed to those disposed to receive it, she cannot and does not impose on anybody, contrary to the psychotic rants of paranoid anti-Catholics.

If it is wrong to have a catechism explaining teachings, then it is wrong for Protestants to have catechisms too. Lutherans have their confessional documents in the Book of Concord. For Presbyterians there is The Westminster Shorter Catechism. The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith contains a catechism as well. What ever happened to "sola scriptura"???

The Nicene Creed is an accepted standard by the administrators of this forum (at least it used to be), It's recited every day at every Mass throughout the whole world. (kata holos). See Romans 1:8.


The second last line states "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Those are 4 marks of God, not 3 1/2. You may have some or parts of these divine characteristics, but you have yet to prove you manifest all of them in their fulness.
811 "This is the sole Church of Christ, which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic and apostolic."256 These four characteristics, inseparably linked with each other,257 indicate essential features of the Church and her mission. The Church does not possess them of herself; it is Christ who, through the Holy Spirit, makes his Church one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, and it is he who calls her to realize each of these qualities.

812 Only faith can recognize that the Church possesses these properties from her divine source. But their historical manifestations are signs that also speak clearly to human reason. As the First Vatican Council noted, the "Church herself, with her marvelous propagation, eminent holiness, and inexhaustible fruitfulness in everything good, her catholic unity and invincible stability, is a great and perpetual motive of credibility and an irrefutable witness of her divine mission."258​
256 LG 8.
257 Cf. DS 2888.
258 Vatican Council I, De Filius 3:DS 3013.
Catechism of the Catholic Church - PART 1 SECTION 2 CHAPTER 3 ARTICLE 9 PARAGRAPH 3

That's the proper way to cite the catechism, whereas Calvinist Matt Slick (CARM) makes his living by twisting and distorting snippets with no context. (because it sells)

The Church Is One (Rom. 12:5, 1 Cor. 10:17, 12:13, CCC 813–822)

The Church Is Holy (Eph. 5:25–27, Rev. 19:7–8, CCC 823–829)
The Church Is Catholic (Matt. 28:19–20, Rev. 5:9–10, CCC 830–856)
The Church Is Apostolic (Eph. 2:19–20, CCC 857–865*)

Their belief isn't in Christ first. It is in the church.
Because Christ commissioned the Church to teach us the truth about Christ, the truth about man. He said nothing about a bible.
CCC 865 The Church is ultimately one, holy, catholic, and apostolic in her deepest and ultimate identity, because it is in her that "the Kingdom of heaven," the "Reign of God,"380 already exists and will be fulfilled at the end of time. The kingdom has come in the person of Christ and grows mysteriously in the hearts of those incorporated into him, until its full eschatological manifestation. Then all those he has redeemed and made "holy and blameless before him in love,"381 will be gathered together as the one People of God, the "Bride of the Lamb,"382 "the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God."383 For "the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."384​
380 Rev 19:6.
381 Eph 1:4.
382 Rev 21:9.
383 Rev 21:10-11.
384 Rev 21:14.
(WOW! Scripture in the catechism!!! Who knew???)
The church tells them their salvation and faith is not eternally secured by God's gift through grace.
John Calvin was wrong, and so are you. The historic Church always taught "grace alone" before it was rediscovered.

My biggest interest lies in Institutes Book IV: Of the Holy Catholic Church. This is where the real contrast between Calvinism and Catholicism is most evident. I like to go right to the heart of any given issue, and that’s located here, in my opinion.
55 Critiques of John Calvin: Introduction & Master List
They are not eternally saved from their sins.
Wrong again. We know, with 100% infallible certainty, we are saved from our sins after we are dead and with God, not before. Calvin pulled "eternal security" out of his hat, as no one previously thought of it.
It's why they have to perpetually confess.
Wrong again. We are obligated to confess serious sins that separate us from God and others and go to confession at least ONCE A YEAR. Any Christian who doesn't take a fearless moral inventory of themselves and talk it out with another human being, risks being an isolated spiritual infant. If it's wrong to confess sins to a priest for the sake of our souls, then it's wrong to confess to a therapist for the sake of our minds. It's a fitting analogy. Your cartoonish view of confession is more like the garbage portrayed in Hollywood movies. It's a deeply personal sacrament for Catholics striving to grow in holiness and is totally biblical. Its not for outsiders to mock and we don't impose it on anybody.
Absolution, Sanctification, & Forgiveness: Reply to Calvin #7
And even when they die they have to lose residual sins in purgatory until they're burned away.
Wrong again. Purgatory is about cleansing imperfections, not residual sins. How do you interpret 1 Corinthians 3:10-15? Can you discuss it without throwing rocks? BTW, the concept of purgatory began in kernel form with the Jews, sanctified and expanded on by Jesus and Paul. But you don't attack the Jews, that would be politically incorrect.
Or, unless relatives buy their way out.
Must you resort to false, disgusting insults?
Jesus death on the cross didn't ''do it all''. They need the church. Even when they're dead.
Your 9 fallacies incriminate yourself, not the CC.
Lastly, CCC 870 "The sole Church of Christ which in the Creed we profess to be one, holy, catholic, and apostolic, . . . subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the bishops in communion with him. Nevertheless, many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside its visible confines"(LG 8).
We don't claim to be the only candy store on the block, contrary to exclusionist myth.

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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
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Other Faith
United States
You make a distinction, a false dichotomy.

The word Purgatory does not appear in Scripture. However, we do find evidence of Purgatory’s existence. The word Purgatory comes from the Latin purgare and simply means; to make clean or to purify. In Purgatory a soul is purged of all impurities, impurities such as unrepented venial sins and any temporal punishment due for past sins.
Source & more reading:

Indulgences (money for grace)
One of the main points of conflict that Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church in 1517 was the sale of indulgences — basically money for grace. In other words, people supposedly could buy their way out of purgatory. They could purchase an indulgence for themselves or a loved one, living or dead. Yesterday, I wrote about penance being one of the 7 Sacraments that a Catholic believer has to go through to be allowed into heaven. However, it never did guarantee a passage into heaven — just shorten their sentence or time spent in purgatory — yet no one ever knew how long it was.
Source & more reading: Truth: The Great Catholic Scam - Indulgences - Money for Grace

Now we know the church does not teach Jesus sacrifice and blood covers all sins.
We also know the church does not teach faith alone in Christ,by God's grace alone, brings Salvation to his saints.

Because the church Council of Trent decreed the 5 Solas (sola-Latin for, only) are anathema.(“a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.”)

The 5 Solas of Protestantism that council decreed anathema were:
1. Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone”
2. Sola fide: “faith alone”
3. Sola gratia: “grace alone”
4. Solo Christo: “Christ alone” 5. Soli Deo gloria: “to the glory of God alone”
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Jesus doesn't build junk that needed an overhaul 16 centuries later.
That's how we see it too. The corruption of the Catholic church is not from Jesus.
It was necessary that true born again believers separate themselves from that corruption 16 centuries later. I thank God I was not born into a world where the Catholic church was the only official church organization in the world. I really honestly do.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Luther and Calvin, two pillars of Protestantism, did the same thing. You oppose your own Protestant founders. That makes you a true Protestant.
I don't think that anyone argues that the reformers did not bring any of the corruption of the Catholic church with them. I am particularly bothered by the influence of Catholic teaching regarding the law that was carried over into non-Catholic churches.
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
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United States
Actually, it's your corrupted gospel that annoys us.
I think that's their point.

I want to add this too.
While we know the Latin Rite church is pagan and condemned as heretical, if we move beyond that fact and consider the innumerable people who live now and shall also die condemned in their sins for having aligned with a false church all their life , the memes and our own opinions of the falsity they were misled to believe pales. :(

Save for God's mercy those dead are doomed. As are those living faithful to that church today.

Being pro-baby especially, imagine in the time it took to write and read this post alone, how many infants have been condemned when sprinkled/''baptized'' into the church.

The newest generation that will grow up following a false doctrine that does not save them. :( Unless or until God shows mercy.

That is something we may not have considered when debating those who bear allegiance to the Roman Catholic church.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020

The word Purgatory does not appear in Scripture. However, we do find evidence of Purgatory’s existence. The word Purgatory comes from the Latin purgare and simply means; to make clean or to purify. In Purgatory a soul is purged of all impurities, impurities such as unrepented venial sins and any temporal punishment due for past sins.
Source & more reading:
Good link. Too bad you can't read it without your Calvinoid lenses.
Indulgences (money for grace)
One of the main points of conflict that Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church in 1517 was the sale of indulgences — basically money for grace. In other words, people supposedly could buy their way out of purgatory. They could purchase an indulgence for themselves or a loved one, living or dead. Yesterday, I wrote about penance being one of the 7 Sacraments that a Catholic believer has to go through to be allowed into heaven. However, it never did guarantee a passage into heaven — just shorten their sentence or time spent in purgatory — yet no one ever knew how long it was.
Source & more reading: Truth: The Great Catholic Scam - Indulgences - Money for Grace
5 Big fat lies.
Here are the seven most common myths about indulgences:
Myth 1: A person can buy his way out of hell with indulgences.
Since indulgences remit only temporal penalties, they cannot remit the eternal penalty of hell. Once a person is in hell, no amount of indulgences will ever change that fact. The only way to avoid hell is by appealing to God’s eternal mercy while still alive. After death, one’s eternal fate is set (Heb. 9:27).

Myth 2: A person can buy indulgences for sins not yet committed.
The Church has always taught that indulgences do not apply to sins not yet committed. The Catholic Encyclopedia notes, “[An indulgence] is not a permission to commit sin, nor a pardon of future sin; neither could be granted by any power.”

Myth 3: A person can “buy forgiveness” with indulgences.
The definition of indulgences presupposes that forgiveness has already taken place: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1, emphasis added). Indulgences in no way forgive sins. They deal only with punishments left after sins have been forgiven.

Myth 4: Indulgences were invented as a means for the Church to raise money.
Indulgences developed from reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation. They are a way of shortening the penance of sacramental discipline and were in use centuries before money-related problems appeared.

Myth 5: An indulgence will shorten your time in purgatory by a fixed number of days.
The number of days which used to be attached to indulgences were references to the period of penance one might undergo during life on earth. The Catholic Church does not claim to know anything about how long or short purgatory is in general, much less in a specific person’s case.

Myth 6: A person can buy indulgences.
The Council of Trent instituted severe reforms in the practice of granting indulgences, and, because of prior abuses, “in 1567 Pope Pius V canceled all grants of indulgences involving any fees or other financial transactions” (Catholic Encyclopedia).

The Church corrected the abuses 455 years ago, and arrogant Protestants can't stop complaining about it.

Myth 7: A person used to be able to buy indulgences.
One never could “buy” indulgences. The financial scandal surrounding indulgences that gave Martin Luther an excuse for his heterodoxy, involved indulgences in which the giving of alms to some charitable fund or foundation was used as the occasion to grant the indulgence. There was no outright selling of indulgences. The Catholic Encyclopedia states: “Among the good works which might be encouraged by being made the condition of an indulgence, almsgiving would naturally hold a conspicuous place. . . . To give money to God or to the poor is a praiseworthy act, and, when it is done from right motives, it will surely not go unrewarded.”

Being able to explain these seven myths will be a large step in helping others to understand indulgences. But, there are still questions to be asked:, that we are not afraid to answer head on. see Myths about Indulgences

Now we know the church does not teach Jesus sacrifice and blood covers all sins.
Another big fat lie.
We also know the church does not teach faith alone in Christ, by God's grace alone, brings Salvation to his saints.
The Church does, and always has, taught faith in Christ, but "faith alone" in the absence of hope and love, is not in the Bible. So it depends on what you mean by "faith", as any Protestant would agree we are not justified by mere intellectual assent.

Then I read the Council of Trent, which some Protestant friends had suggested I do. What I found was shocking. I found a document that had been nearly universally misrepresented by many Protestants, including some friends.

I do not believe, however, that the misrepresentation is the result of purposeful deception. But rather, it is the result of reading Trent with Protestant assumptions and without a charitable disposition.

For example, Trent talks about the four causes of justification, which correspond somewhat to Aristotle’s four causes. None of these causes is the work of the individual Christian. For, according to Trent, God’s grace does all the work. However, Trent does condemn “faith alone,” but what it means is mere intellectual assent without allowing God’s grace to be manifested in one’s actions and communion with the Church. This is why Trent also condemns justification by works.

I am convinced that the typical “Council of Trent” rant found on anti-Catholic websites is the Protestant equivalent of the secular urban legend that everyone prior to Columbus believed in a flat earth.

by Francis Beckwith, former President of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Francis Beckwith Interview – Jimmy Akin

Because the church Council of Trent decreed the 5 Solas (sola-Latin for, only) are anathema.(“a person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.”)

The 5 Solas of Protestantism that council decreed anathema were:
1. Sola scriptura: “Scripture alone”
2. Sola fide: “faith alone”
3. Sola gratia: “grace alone”
4. Solo Christo: “Christ alone” 5. Soli Deo gloria: “to the glory of God alone”

[/QUOTE] You should quote the Council of Trent instead of making up more lies. Sola gratia, solo Christo, and Soli Deo gloria are Catholic truths you borrowed from us. Trent does not condemn them, you just assert it does with no proof and no quotes, just lies. Sola scriptura and sola fide were inventions (largely for political reasons) by a man who was mentally disturbed.
Martin Luther - Hitler's Spiritual Ancestor by Peter F. Wiener

In 1937, a Copenhagen Psychiatrist, Paul J. Reiter MD wrote a 2 volume study, Martin Luther's World Character and Psychosis and the Influence of These Factors on his Development and Teachings which also demonstrated in detail from his own writings that Luther was mentally disturbed.

There is a review of Reiter's book here:

Martin Luther's World Character and Psychosis and the Influence of These Factors on his Development and Teachings. 2 Volumes.): By Paul J. Reiter, M.D.

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Feb 6, 2018
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@Blue Dragonfly's ...
...you’re wrong, wrong, wrong, angry, ignorant...now ignore I just said all of that, so we can have an uplifting conversation lecture of me telling you what is right...

Sound familiar?

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
@Blue Dragonfly's ...
...you’re wrong, wrong, wrong, angry, ignorant...now ignore I just said all of that, so we can have an uplifting conversation lecture of me telling you what is right...

Sound familiar?
Sure. Sounds like a compilation of yours, mine, and everyone else in these threads .
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Good link. Too bad you can't read it without your Calvinoid lenses.
5 Big fat lies.
Here are the seven most common myths about indulgences:
Myth 1: A person can buy his way out of hell with indulgences.
Since indulgences remit only temporal penalties, they cannot remit the eternal penalty of hell. Once a person is in hell, no amount of indulgences will ever change that fact. The only way to avoid hell is by appealing to God’s eternal mercy while still alive. After death, one’s eternal fate is set (Heb. 9:27).

Myth 2: A person can buy indulgences for sins not yet committed.
The Church has always taught that indulgences do not apply to sins not yet committed. The Catholic Encyclopedia notes, “[An indulgence] is not a permission to commit sin, nor a pardon of future sin; neither could be granted by any power.”

Myth 3: A person can “buy forgiveness” with indulgences.
The definition of indulgences presupposes that forgiveness has already taken place: “An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Indulgentarium Doctrina 1, emphasis added). Indulgences in no way forgive sins. They deal only with punishments left after sins have been forgiven.

Myth 4: Indulgences were invented as a means for the Church to raise money.
Indulgences developed from reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation. They are a way of shortening the penance of sacramental discipline and were in use centuries before money-related problems appeared.

Myth 5: An indulgence will shorten your time in purgatory by a fixed number of days.
The number of days which used to be attached to indulgences were references to the period of penance one might undergo during life on earth. The Catholic Church does not claim to know anything about how long or short purgatory is in general, much less in a specific person’s case.

Myth 6: A person can buy indulgences.
The Council of Trent instituted severe reforms in the practice of granting indulgences, and, because of prior abuses, “in 1567 Pope Pius V canceled all grants of indulgences involving any fees or other financial transactions” (Catholic Encyclopedia).

The Church corrected the abuses 455 years ago, and arrogant Protestants can't stop complaining about it.

Myth 7: A person used to be able to buy indulgences.
One never could “buy” indulgences. The financial scandal surrounding indulgences that gave Martin Luther an excuse for his heterodoxy, involved indulgences in which the giving of alms to some charitable fund or foundation was used as the occasion to grant the indulgence. There was no outright selling of indulgences. The Catholic Encyclopedia states: “Among the good works which might be encouraged by being made the condition of an indulgence, almsgiving would naturally hold a conspicuous place. . . . To give money to God or to the poor is a praiseworthy act, and, when it is done from right motives, it will surely not go unrewarded.”

Being able to explain these seven myths will be a large step in helping others to understand indulgences. But, there are still questions to be asked:, that we are not afraid to answer head on. see Myths about Indulgences

Another big fat lie.
The Church does, and always has, taught faith in Christ, but "faith alone" in the absence of hope and love, is not in the Bible. So it depends on what you mean by "faith", as any Protestant would agree we are not justified by mere intellectual assent.

Then I read the Council of Trent, which some Protestant friends had suggested I do. What I found was shocking. I found a document that had been nearly universally misrepresented by many Protestants, including some friends.

I do not believe, however, that the misrepresentation is the result of purposeful deception. But rather, it is the result of reading Trent with Protestant assumptions and without a charitable disposition.

For example, Trent talks about the four causes of justification, which correspond somewhat to Aristotle’s four causes. None of these causes is the work of the individual Christian. For, according to Trent, God’s grace does all the work. However, Trent does condemn “faith alone,” but what it means is mere intellectual assent without allowing God’s grace to be manifested in one’s actions and communion with the Church. This is why Trent also condemns justification by works.

I am convinced that the typical “Council of Trent” rant found on anti-Catholic websites is the Protestant equivalent of the secular urban legend that everyone prior to Columbus believed in a flat earth.

by Francis Beckwith, former President of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Francis Beckwith Interview – Jimmy Akin
You should quote the Council of Trent instead of making up more lies. Sola gratia, solo Christo, and Soli Deo gloria are Catholic truths you borrowed from us. Trent does not condemn them, you just assert it does with no proof and no quotes, just lies. Sola scriptura and sola fide were inventions (largely for political reasons) by a man who was mentally disturbed.
Martin Luther - Hitler's Spiritual Ancestor by Peter F. Wiener

In 1937, a Copenhagen Psychiatrist, Paul J. Reiter MD wrote a 2 volume study, Martin Luther's World Character and Psychosis and the Influence of These Factors on his Development and Teachings which also demonstrated in detail from his own writings that Luther was mentally disturbed.

There is a review of Reiter's book here:

Martin Luther's World Character and Psychosis and the Influence of These Factors on his Development and Teachings. 2 Volumes.): By Paul J. Reiter, M.D.

The last bastion of a weak false rebuttal. Accuse Calvinist, while demonstrating no knowledge of Calvinism.

No lies about the RCC. Just truth. That you cannot see for the scales over your eyes since infancy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
By Grace and truth GOD changed me , so now i simply preach that grace and truth and who so ever heareth amen .
I also never said to take my WORD as absolute truth . WHAT I DID SAY was YOU SHOULD LEARN THE ABOSLUTE TRUTH in THOSE BIBLES .
one of us will weep sorely . IF you want to know which one , YOU BETTER LEARN the BIBLE FOR YOURSELF .
Rather odd the CC claims the holy scriptures as its own and yet it sure dont seem to point to them , but rather
points us to men who say THUS SAYETH THE LORD and YE cannot know the truth LEST YE SIT UNDER US .
A claim I NEVER MADE ABOUT EVEN MY OWN SELF . SO WHOSE is the real hyprocrite .
YOU say we cannot know truth lest we sit under THE CC and its men
I SAY YE cannot know truth LEST YE KNOW CHRIST , LEST YE Learn the biblical CHRIST for yourselves .
SO on that note i leave you to your own mind . IN the end one of us did POINT TO CHRIST and the other pointed
us to men who twisted doctrine and used the bible as a means for power and control . TILL you learn that , you are in dire and grave danger .
BUT remember this , I DID LOVE YOU ALL . I DID and do . ITS why i simply tried to get you all back into the BIBLE FOR YOURSELVES .
cause they did not KNOW THE SON ,thus they did not know the FATHER WHO SENT THE SON .
THEY only knew what men TOLD THEM was the TRUTH . and friend too many men , even within the protestant realm
are simply UNDER a delusion and point to men who have long twisted stuff and sold us a lie that
Ye cant know GOD , ye cant know the bible , LEST WE GUIDE YOU . ITS A DELUSION My friend .
BUT IF JESUS can wake up and change a man as vile as i once was , I HAVE ALL HOPE that if folks would simply HEED THAT JESUS
WELL HE CHANGES THEM TOO . WHAT JESUS are we following . FOR the answer to that one
i suggest we dont look to men , but rather to the bible and see IF WE FOLLOW THAT JESUS and those apostels .
OR are we following men who says THUS SAYETH THE LORD , WHEN HE HAS NOT SAID . HURRY , i desire only good for you .
SO flee the CC and learn that bible . YOu are in my prayers . HURRY
I know...I know...YOU are preaching the "truth"...and no one else is.....;)