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Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
Here is the will of God for you.

See if you can find water in it .

"the will of God.......is........that you believe on Jesus, whom God sent".

Now, look at your verse....>"repent and be baptized"

Notice that there is no connection between those verses?
= Zero.

So, what is the problem?
The problem is simple........ The Acts of the Apostles, didnt stop in Acts 2..... but you did.
In Acts 2, you have Peter, who does not yet have the revelation of the Grace of God that Jesus gave to PAUL, that Paul calls "my gospel".....as this is the '"Gospel of the Grace of God"........its the one that Paul says is the only.....and if you preach another, such as "water saves"...or "born again of water".....then you are this..... Galatians 1:8.

Acts has 28 chapters in it. Its a epistle of progressive revelation, that starts with Christ's death and resurrection, and continues to Acts 28 where Paul tells the Jews, the House of Israel....>"im taking the Gospel to the GENTILES"

See that?
Look closely........>Peter is preaching only to JEWs in Acts 2, and by the time the Epistle of Acts ends 28 chapters later, which is about 30 yrs of literal time passed.....Paul is taking the Gospel to the GENTILES, = away from the JEWS......as a Nation.
That is your "apostle to the Gentiles".......in the "time of the Gentiles", and that is NOT Peter, in ACTS 2.

So, your issue, is that you have not been taught that the bible, the NT, is a progressive revelation.....its keeps changing, as God keeps bringing in the new rules......like the NEW Covenant and the NEW Testament.
And in Acts 2, Peter does not have Paul's revelation that is : "The Gospel of the Grace of God".
He does not have this revelation yet.
See, this revelation was given to Paul by JESUS, as he is the "chosen vessel" for this "time of the gentiles".
Paul came later then the original 12 apostles........and so did that GOSPEL, that Paul defines as : """MY GOSPEL.....""
Peter didnt have this knowledge in Acts 2, and that is why hes talking about John the Baptist's water baptism.
See, the "repent and be baptized", is what John the Baptist was telling the Jews....and that is all that Peter knew to preach, in Acts 2 when he is only talking to JEWS.
SEE IT ????
LATER, he is not preaching that water baptism message, as Paul came to all the Apostles, later, and gave them the revelation of the "Gospel of the Grace of God".....that Paul defines as "MY Gospel". Romans 16:25.

Now.....What is the short version, of this teaching im giving you?

Its this....when an apostle does not have a certain revelation, then they can't teach it or preach it.
And that is Peter in Acts 2.
Later, he has Paul's Gospel.
You still dont.
Wake up !
The Bible does not contradict itself. When one verse says one must believe and another verse says one must repent and be baptized then the obvious conclusion is one must believe repent and be baptized. There is no one verse theology when it comes to salvation, all salvific verses MUST be examined and when all salvific verses are examined one must believe John 8:24, repent Luke 13:3 confess Matthew 10:32-33 and be baptized Mark 16:16.

Peter and Paul both being inspired by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit does not contradict himself. There is but one gospel, one faith (Ephesians 4:4-5 and Peter and Paul taught that one same gospel faith that requires water baptism. Saul once destroyed the faith of those in Jerusalem but Saul, after being converted to Christianity, we see that Paul "now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed" (Galatians 1:23) meaning Paul NOW preaches the same thing Peter preached at Jerusalem in Acts 2:38.

Acts 2:38 is NOT John's baptism. Before Christ's left earth, He gave His great commission and Luke's account of the great commission saying "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." (Luke 24:47). The fulfillment of Christ's great commission and Christ's baptism replacing John's baptism took place in Acts 2 when Peter was at Jerusalem and preached repent and be baptized for remission of sins just as Christ said. We see from Galatians 1:23 Paul preached THE faith he once destroyed meaning he preached the same thing as Peter did in Acts 2 else Paul preached a false gospel. Note Paul is said to preach "THE faith" with the definite article 'THE' depicting one particular, specific faith. Jude said to contend for "THE faith". There is just ONE faith, always has been just ONE faith, never will be more than just ONE faith that all the Apostles taught.

Galatians 1:23 - The Faith

"The Lord does not admonish us to contend for "a faith" or "the faith of your choice". The definite article "the" is used which means a specific faith is being discussed." Jude 3 - Contender For The Faith
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Paul taught there is only ONE gospel just as he taught there is only ONE Holy Spirit.
Paul was teaching the gospel to both Jews and gentiles before he said he was done trying to convince the Jews, that he would now only teach the gentiles.
Acts 18:6
And when they opposed themselves and blasphemed, he shook his raiment and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean: from henceforth I will go unto the gentiles.
There is one gospel of Jesus Christ, Ephesians 4:5

Looking at your quotes... Titus...

1.) "paul taught there is only one gospel"......and that is a Fact. As Paul is the only Apostle who is the "chosen vessel" who personally received the "gospel of the Grace of God" that we recognize as Church Doctrine..here...= "justification by faith"..>"faith is counted as righteousness"...so, neither of these, none of this is preached in Acts 2, as Peter didnt have this revelation yet.......Paul got it later, when he was called to become the "apostle to the gentiles, .. in the "time of the Gentiles".
If you read Acts 15, you find Paul dealing with all the Apostles, so, it was about 15 yrs, before all the Apostles were preaching "Paul's Gospel".
And of course the Spirit of God, is "A" Spirit, which is the HOLY Spirit.

2.) "Paul was sharing the Gospel with the Jews and the Gentiles'""", as this...>"the Preaching of the Cross", "which is the power of God, unto Salvation". "All that call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved"....."not by works but according to God Mercy we are saved". "All that believe in me, i give unto you eternal life, and you shall never perish".
Notice that there is NO WATER in any of Paul's Gospel.
Be sure you notice this reader, as the Gospel of the Grace of God does not involve water or works., because "the GIFT of Salvation"< and "the Gift of Righteousness", is not about water baptism or commandment keeping or self effort.
Its about GOD as Christ on the CROSS taking care of all your SIN, so that God can give you the spiritual BIRTH into HIMSELF.....>"ONE WITH GOD".. "IN CHRIST"...= BORN AGAIN.
This is why Paul tells us..>"Christ sent me not to water baptize".

3.) And then when the ( HEBREWS) opposed themselves, Paul said. "im going to the gentiles, as they will hear the Gospel".
Now, reader, this is given for you to study in Acts 28, the last 10 verses.....and this is the HEBREWS, (jews) who are spitting on the Cross as Paul preaches it to them....and so violently are they hating Christ and the Gospel, that in Hebrews 10, you find Paul telling these Christ Hating Christ Rejecting JEWS (Hebrews) in the book of Hebrews...>"you have tasted the heavenly gift", " you have crucified Christ afresh", "same as your Father's did it when they yelled "crucify him, crucify him" and had Pilate nail him up there.........and you have "stomped on (trodden underfoot) both the Grace of God and the Blood of Jesus."""" 'there now remaineth NO MORE SACRIFICE for your willful sin of CHRIST REJECTION !!!!!!

See that? That is the NT showing you how the unpardonable sin, is being committed by these HEBREWS.
See those Hebrews..>Jews...they are REJECTING Forgiveness....They are rejecting PARDON of all their sin, and they will die, unpardoneed and hell bound. They will die and did, and went to hell like a BULLET.
= The unpardonable sin of Christ REJECTION.......this is......John 3:36. And its the status of every living person who is an unbeliever, on this earth, right now.
Every unbeliever is as DAMNED as those Hebrews, because the sin of Christ Rejection, places you under the damnation of God.
Unbelievers are already judged, while they are ALIVE, as Christ Rejectors. They dont have to wait to die to be damned...They are damned ALREADY..... John 3:36..... and then once they die, they meet God as JUDGE, and they are sent to what is created for the devil and His angels..

And because we know they are going to HELL....we are called, each of use to give them the Gospel of the Grace of God, so that they might believe and be SAVED from that DAMNATION that is coming their way, and is already upon them.

Christian...are you looking for the "will of God", in your life. ?
Well, THERE IT IS ! You are to do all you can to get these damned out of their damnation, and into the eternal forgiveness of God.
Thats is our ministry.......... all of us.... 2 Corinthians 5:17-19.

Do it.
Make your Lord happy. Make God smile upon you.
Be a SOUL WINNER....as this is the high calling of God on you.
This is your ministry.....always.
Lead them to the Cross of Christ so that God can birth them into Heaven.

See it?
That is REAL Christianity.
Be a part of it., until you die.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
There is only one test you need to give to anyone who says they are a "christian", and you need to apply this spiritual test.
Its the same one you give a denomination.

Its this.

Do they believe this, or not. ??????????????????

"The blood of Jesus that saved me, Keeps me saved".
"Jesus, who saved me, Keeps me saved".

So, just ask them, or just look at the denominations Handbook, their "creed".....etc.
If the church/denomination is built on LEGALISM, its the same as if the person's faith is built on it., and THAT is the "Anti-Christ" proof.

They = DO NOT BELIEVE that CHRIST = keeps them saved.

They instead will show you their SELF SAVING LIST.

Here are the top 4 "anti Christ" ... Heresies that teach that these keep you saved, and not Christ alone.

1. water baptism
2. commandment keeping
3. law
4. confessing sin

These people and these Cults will all agree that Christ saved them......began their salvation, but all CULTS and all HERETICS DO NOT BELIEVE That Christ KEEPS THEM Saved.
So. if He doesn't, who does?

So if Christ and His BLOOD and SACRIFICE does not keep you saved....WHO DOES ????


See that?....There is only one
Anti-Christ Spirit answer..= "IM SAVING MYSELF,..im trying to keep myself saved with law, commandments, water, works, enduring, or joining a specific CHURCH....."

Reader....THAT is how you discern/discover a heretic or a CULT.

"Test that Spirit", and you have found "anti-Christ".
See, the anti-Christ Spirit is not just Christ rejection....its also the Spirit of LEGALISM.

The anti-Christ spirit in the "church" is the spirit that denies that Christ keeps you saved.
Find that person, or find that "church", and you have discerned that "SPIRIT".

That is the spirit of "anti-Christ"... Its Atheism or = Legalism.
Jesus never saw your OSAS claims.

He said that some will believe only for a while, but in time of testing, fall away.

And Jesus warned the church at Sardis that they were DEAD, and needed to repent, or He would blot their names from the book of life.

Confessing what’s not actually promised in scripture, doesn’t make it so.

Believers can fall away and be lost again.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Jesus never saw your OSAS claims.

Here is eternal life..

"Jesus who saved you, keeps you saved". =. Jesus Said. : "all that come unto me i give them ETERNAL LIFE and they shall NEVER Perish".

So, Curtis, you dont believe that Jesus keeps you saved, so, you are trying to save yourself..
And unless you are Christ on the Cross, dying for your sin, then your gospel you are preaching here, on this Forum, is cursed of God.... Galatians 1:8

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Just plain reading skills is all that is required to see that the NIV changed Jn 3:16.

John 3:16—Ever Wondered Why It Says "should not perish" Instead of "will not perish"? - POCKETSERMONS.org

"In the Greek the word scholars have accurately translated as SHOULD is in the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. This mood indicates, per scholars, and as stated by Wallace as indicating “uncertain but probable.”

This plainly puts in a quandary those who think that “faith alone saves,” yet their favorite verse clearly indicates that “it depends.”

Thus, their choice to follow the narrow path of truth versus the wide road of popular opinion reaches a critical decision point.

Unfortunately, many of them, as so many today in our own churches, collapse under the overwhelming weight of peer pressure.

One Greek instructor explained it away like this:

He admits that the subjunctive mood does indeed suggest–as Wallace stated (p 461)–the idea of faith saving a person being “UNCERTAIN but PROBABLE.” This obviously makes it sounds like Jesus is saying that it is “probable that those who believe in Jesus PROBABLY WON’T perish”–which is correct. But, he says next: “I hope not [i.e., that this isn’t the case]. I believe there is no uncertainty that His [Jesus’] gift of righteousness through our faith secures our future salvation, which of course it does.”

Thus is clearly displayed yet another unfortunate example of a man utterly unwilling to accept the plain truths of Scripture.

In the above article, I believe the "one Greek instructor" refers to Bill Mounce who is connected to the NIV translation. After admitting Wallace is correct, he then tries to insert into the verse his idea of eternal security by saying "I believe there is no uncertainty that His [Jesus’] gift of righteousness through our faith secures our future salvation, which of course it does."
The KJV is the correct rendering with the subjunctive mood for one who keeps on believing SHOULD, PROBABLE to have everlasting life for man of his own volition chooses to believe and man can with that same volition choose to quit believing. There is no unconditional certainty that one who chooses to believe today will with guaranteed certainty choose to believe tomorrow hence the subjunctive mood.

The article continues: (my emp)
"But, what about the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16? Doesn’t it suggest that any kind of faith in Jesus will save a person?

John 3:16–For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should* not perish but have everlasting life. [*This is accurately translated as “should not perish” because it’s in the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD and therefore indicates what is probable, but not certain. The verb, “aπoλλυμι”, in infinitive form means “to destroy.” That’s scary, because Satan is described as a destroyer who goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, per 1 Pet 5.8.]

That phrase “should not perish” has been correctly translated–means exactly what it says. In the Greek, that verb is in the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, meaning it is PROBABLE, but not CERTAIN.

Why is eternal life not certain even after a person believes in Jesus? Why will those who believe “probably” but not “necessarily” be saved–as the Greek indicates?

Simply because you are a creature of choice, and you have the FREE WILL to choose your own path in life.

In the closing words of inspiration Jesus reminded the world of this, when He said:

Rev 22.17 (NKJV)–And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. [This means you can choose to take the right or wrong path in life, including, turn from your faith in Christ and LOSE YOUR SALVATION if that is your choice.]

1 Timothy 1.18-20–…fight the good fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have REJECTED these and so have shipwrecked their faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme. [Back in those days, most, but not all people involved in shipwrecks perished.]

Gal 5.4–You who are trying to be justified by THE law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. [We have been saved by, grace; therefore it is obvious that when we fall from grace we are no longer saved. By the way, of the 7 major reputable translations, only the NKJV and NASB drop the article before the word “law.” Doing this was clearly a mistranslation. ]

James 5.19-20–My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

These are by NO MEANS the only passages speaking to the fact that you can lose your salvation if you decide not to obey Christ. Such examples goes on and on and on in the NT. People who close their ears to these obvious teachings are playing with their eternal souls. The Hebrew writer put it this way:

Hebrews 5.8-9–Although He was a son, he learned obedience from what He suffered and, once made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey Him. [In other words, all who DON’T obey Him won’t receive eternal salvation.]

There is no indication that the NIV "changed" anything. The translators decided that "will not perish" was the best meaning of the Greek.

Anybody can cut-and-paste information from a selected source and/or provide a link to a specific site to prove a point. May I ask what your qualifications are to translate the Bible languages?

BTW, I primarily use the NET v2.1, which has "will" for the verb, as does the CSB, AMP, CEV, HCSB, NASB, and others. Your KJVO reasoning falls short, amigo.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
There is no indication that the NIV "changed" anything. The translators decided that "will not perish" was the best meaning of the Greek.

Anybody can cut-and-paste information from a selected source and/or provide a link to a specific site to prove a point. May I ask what your qualifications are to translate the Bible languages?

BTW, I primarily use the NET v2.1, which has "will" for the verb, as does the CSB, AMP, CEV, HCSB, NASB, and others. Your KJVO reasoning falls short, amigo.
That's strange these Greek scholars involved in the NIV translation chose will not considering the Bible teaches those who believe will not all be saved.
John 12:42-43
Nevertheless even among the rulers many believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees, they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Confession must be made to be saved,

Matthew 10:32-33
Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him will I also confess before My Father who is in heaven,
But whoever denies Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father in heaven

Romans 10:9-10
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Philippians 2:11
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

1John 4:15
Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.

Acts 8:37
Then Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may".
And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Since the Bible teaches believers can be or cannot be saved.

It seems the most accurate translation is should not.
Not shall not.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
There is no indication that the NIV "changed" anything. The translators decided that "will not perish" was the best meaning of the Greek.

Anybody can cut-and-paste information from a selected source and/or provide a link to a specific site to prove a point. May I ask what your qualifications are to translate the Bible languages?

BTW, I primarily use the NET v2.1, which has "will" for the verb, as does the CSB, AMP, CEV, HCSB, NASB, and others. Your KJVO reasoning falls short, amigo.
---I'm not a KJV only person. No version is inspired by God.

---What are YOUR qualifications for the claims you are making?

---the copy and paste was simply to save me time from typing in all the information. I provided proof the NIV made changes to the Bible to introduce Calvinistic ideas. I gave at least 2 examples where the NIV translators made the Greek word sarx with no valid reason than theological bias to mean sinful nature promoting Calvinistic theology. The NIV translators took the liberty to make sarx mean about anything THEY wanted it to mean, THE "SCANDAL" OF THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION

It put words into David's mouth that David did NOT say in Psalms 51 to promote original sin.
Could you explain the different translations of Psalm 51:5 in detail?
"The core difference between the NIV and the remaining translations is how the preposition be is interpreted. In Hebrew, be "has a diverse range of nuances and meanings. The most common meanings are spatial." [The Complete Biblical Library: Hebrew - English Dictionary] That is, this preposition has to do with the location of one object relative to another. Generally the word is translated as in, with, by, at, on, against, or after depending upon the context in which it was used. In the passage above, the various translations rendered be as "in." To the NIV translators, though, being "in sin" meant that a person was sinful and thus gave us what they felt was an equivalent phrasing. They readily admit that what they translated is not precisely what was given, but they assert that their translation better captures the intent of the original author."

The preface of the NIV admits it is not word for word translation "This has moved the translators to go beyond a formal word-for-word rendering of the original texts.". They substituted their own theological bias for a word for word, hence put words in David's moth he did not say. And what justification give for the changes? "The first concern of the translators has continued to be the accuracy of the translation and its faithfulness to the intended meaning of the biblical writers." How could the NIV translators know with any certainty they correctly understood "the intended meaning of the Biblical writers" to make the changes they made? Are they mind readers? Could they read David's mind to know what David "really" intended to say? No, they conveniently forced their theological bias into the text and a NOT "word for word dynamic" translation opens the door wide for translators to insert their biases.
"Dynamic Equivalence allows the translators a little freedom that those compiling a literal translation do not have. The question is: "How responsibly is that freedom used?" When words are omitted or the meaning of the verses is altered, the answer must be: "Not very.""


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
-- No version is inspired by God.

Bible deniers like you can't prove that God does not inspire the word of God.

See......people like you......hyper religious, and happy to spit on the Bible on a Christian Forum, can only believe that "the bible is just a book", and that is why your theology has nothing to do with the inspiration that gives the word of God as the Bible.

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
Bible deniers like you can't prove that God does not inspire the word of God.

See......people like you......hyper religious, filled with doubt, theologically backwards, and happy to spit on the Bible on a Christian Forum, can only believe that "the bible is just a book", and that is why your theology has nothing to do with the inspiration that gives the word of God as the Bible.
Satan loves people like you.
Aside from your false, vile personal attacks that are against forum rules, God's word as given by the Holy Spirit to inspired men is inspired but translations as the NIV are not inspired. The translators of the KJV or the NIV were not inspired as no one on this forum is inspired.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Aside from your false, vile personal attacks that are against forum rules, God's word as given by the Holy Spirit to inspired men is inspired but translations as the NIV are not inspired. The translators of the KJV or the NIV were not inspired as no one on this forum is inspired.

If you are denying that the word of God is "inspired", which you are happily doing on this "christian forum"...... then that is not a personal attack im sending your way, that is a reality check.

Listen, the bible is spiritual dictation.......

And, its true that there are some horrible "bible versions", as Satan has created many of them, yet, its not true that God didnt create any of them, as you falsely PREACH.
You should pick a different ministry then being a bible denier, among other things, Ernest T. Bass.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
If you are denying that the word of God is "inspired", which you are happily doing on this "christian forum"...... then that is not a personal attack im sending your way, that is a reality check.

Listen, the bible is spiritual dictation.......

And, its true that there are some horrible "bible versions", as Satan has created many of them, yet, its not true that God didnt create any of them, as you falsely PREACH.
You should pick a different ministry then being a bible denier, among other things, Ernest T. Bass.
You need to prove one of the English translations is perfect, without error. Then you will be correct. I know you cannot, therefore your personal attack against Earnest T. Bass, is nothing but misrepresentation.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You need to prove one of the English translations is perfect.

There is no proving to the Devil that the Bible is True.
See, He's the original bible denier, as he's been doing it since the Garden of Eden.
"Hath God said"...."prove it".
Now he just has his ministers asking for the same proof, as you know.

i dont need to prove that the bible is Perfect.....as those who know it, know it, and those who pretended to know it, reject it.
See, the Bible does not need me to prove it, it just needs me to believe it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
i dont need to prove that the bible is Perfect.....as those who know it, know it, and those who pretended to know it, reject it.

See, the Bible does not need me to prove it, it just needs me to believe it.
I see it does not violate your conscience to misrepresent what others have said,
Heres what I really said,

You need to prove one of the English translations is perfect, without error.

Now you have the burden of proof on you. You made the claim that God directly created one of the English translations, made it perfect, seen here,

, yet, its not true that God didnt create any of them, as you falsely PREACH.

Now prove what you teach to be true.

Which English translation is directly given to us...created not by man but by God Himself?
Give the Bible translation that comes directly translated by God Himself?
Can you really back up what you teach?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Heres what I really said,
Now you have the burden of proof on you. You made the claim that God directly created one of the English translations, made it perfect, seen here,

Titus, there is no need to lie.

I never said that anything was perfect., or wasn't.
I only said that i dont need to prove the bible is true i only need to BELIEVE IT.
And then i said that the devil's own, do what the devil did, in the Garden of Eden....= they deny God's words as perfect.
And you would know.....as i told you.

That's what i said....titus.
Be sure you get it right, next time.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
Titus, there is no need to lie.

I never said that anything was perfect., or wasn't.
I only said that i dont need to prove the bible is true i only need to BELIEVE IT.
And then i said that the devil's own, do what the devil did, in the Garden of Eden....= they deny God's words as perfect.
And you would know.....as i told you.

That's what i said....titus.
Be sure you get it right, next time.

More false allegations.
I'm not surprised.

You said God created some of the English translations here,

And, its true that there are some horrible "bible versions", as Satan has created many of them, yet, its not true that God didnt create any of them,

I'm stating your belief that you have proclaimed.
You believe that God created some of the English translations.

Now you are backtracking by saying "

I never said that anything was perfect., or wasn't.

So, now are you telling me, that the English translations that "God created" are not perfect?
If not you just proved Earnest T. Bass correct.

The only logical conclusion to a translation that was created by God is:
It must be perfectly translated.
If not perfectly translated.
Then it cannot be created by God as you have claimed some are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So, now are you telling me, that the English translations that "God created" are not perfect?

DId God direct man to write down the word of God?
Yes, for about 4000+ yrs.
In Hebrew, Aramaic, Russian, Chinese, English, Spanish, etc.

And my proven claim is that bible deniers are led of their spiritual father, and bible believers are led of Their Spiritual Father.
I'm a bible believer, and I'll let you figure all that out, Titus, and be sure to quote me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
DId God direct man to write down the word of God?
Yes, for about 4000+ yrs.
In Hebrew, Aramaic, Russian, Chinese, English, Spanish, etc.

And my proven claim is that bible deniers are led of their spiritual father, and bible believers are led of Their Spiritual Father.
I'm a bible believer, and I'll let you figure all that out, Titus, and be sure to quote me.

You don't believe in all Bible translations,

And, its true that there are some horrible "bible versions", as Satan has created many of them, yet, its not true

Now explain how you know there are translations that are trustworthy?

btw, You did prove Earnest T Bass correct if you believe, there are no translations that are perfect ie without err.
Do you affirm or deny ,that there are English Bible translations that are perfectly translated?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You don't believe in all Bible translations,
Now explain how you know there are translations that are trustworthy?

It wont help you.
So there is no need.

See, you claim to be a "christian" and here you are on a Christian Forum, trying to cast DOUBT on the word of God....and not just you.
That's the Devil's work.
"by their FRUIT you shall know them" sayeth the Lord ""and by their deeds they are discovered sayeth the Holy word of God.""

That who you are, and that's what you are, proven by what you do, and have done.
Your DEED has found you out, and no Mod is going to be able to resolve it, tho they might try.

I told you, im a Bible believer, as i have seen what the word of God can do.
The word of God can separate your soul from your spirit, and that is a fact.
The word of God, the Bible, is alive......its a living book, its filled with the Spirit of God, and the words on the page are not just words, and the pages are not just pages. The Bible is not just a book !
The Bible is Light for Life and its against those who are against it, especially those who take God's name in vain.

The longest chapter in the Bible says that God puts His word above His Name.
It is by the washing of water by the word that salvation is imparted.
"They word is truth", and your word Titus, is judged by the very Bible that you abuse because you think you can sit in judgement of them all... and not just you.
But i'll tell you a truth..... the word of God has already judged you.
Believe it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2022
United States
It wont help you.
So there is no need.

See, you claim to be a "christian" and here you are on a Christian Forum, trying to cast DOUBT on the word of God....and not just you.
That's the Devil's work.
"by their FRUIT you shall know them" sayeth the Lord ""and by their deeds they are discovered sayeth the Holy word of God.""

That who you are, and that's what you are, proven by what you do, and have done.
Your DEED has found you out, and no Mod is going to be able to resolve it, tho they might try.

I told you, im a Bible believer, as i have seen what the word of God can do.
The word of God can separate your soul from your spirit, and that is a fact.
The word of God, the Bible, is alive......its a living book, its filled with the Spirit of God, and the words on the page are not just words, and the pages are not just pages. The Bible is not just a book !
The Bible is Light for Life and its against those who are against it, especially those who take God's name in vain.

The longest chapter in the Bible says that God puts His word above His Name.
It is by the washing of water by the word that salvation is imparted.
"They word is truth", and your word Titus, is judged by the very Bible that you abuse because you think you can sit in judgement of them all... and not just you.
But i'll tell you a truth..... the word of God has already judged you.
Believe it.

By you not answering my questions shows you cannot defend your position.
What do men do who cannot defend their position?
Honest men admit they realize their opponent has made legitimate points.
Others that think they are losing a debate, stop trying to defend their position.
They resort to another tactic.
Attack their opponents character. Personal attacks.

Oldest tactic in the book.
Only time this is needed in a debate is when you are losing.
But it is only used by those who do not care who is right or wrong.
They are only interested in making their opponent appear to be the "bad guy".
So that even if their opponent has legitimate points.
The audience will turn against them because of their supposed immoral motives.

I'm still waiting on you to give a defense, some kind of explanation to whether or not there is perfect translations in English. Since you claim some translations are created by God,

And, its true that there are some horrible "bible versions", as Satan has created many of them, yet, its not true that God didnt create any of them,

btw, you can claim I don't believe in Gods Inspired, infallible, Word of God i.e. The Holy Bible.
It will continue to be a false accusation.