Most believers and nearly all religious but lost, are stuck in Romans 7. and Hebrews 6:1
Stuck Right here.."That which i would do i cant, and that which i hate, that i do"., as they confess sin, and have no spiritual power.
That was Paul's struggle with "self righteousness"., Romans 7.... and that is when Paul learned that "the power of sin is the Law" and the Law is the power of Sin..
And then in Philippians 3, which is more of the same teaching, different Letter....>Paul says..>"i was blameless in the Law".
And He goes on to explain, that as compared to receiving and existing in the Knowledge of God's Grace... all our trying to do, and trying to become....all the performance of self righteousness is : "DUNG".... when compared to....."i only want to know CHRIST and Him Crucified."
As once that becomes the Believers walk of Faith, as It became Paul's LIFE.... then they have learned that "its by my Spirit sayeth the Lord" and not by you trying to do it, or strive against it.
Jesus teaches it this way....."when you are in me, and im in you, and you try to DO Christianity, then you become this......
= "apart from me you can do NOTHING"...
And that is a believer, trying to DO instead of existing in : to BE... already.
See that reader?
Christianity is : 'God doing it Through you", His Will, His Power, His Grace...and Paul teaches this as : "I can do all things Through CHRIST, which Strengthens me"..
Paul talks about "dying to gain".. and "I am crucified with Christ" and """" Its not I who live, but CHRIST who lives in me," = HIS LIFE through me.
So, that is not trying to DO.. Christianity, or work at it, or similar..... that is resting in Gods Grace as "CHRIST always gives me the VICTORY"... as Paul teaches.
Most believers and nearly all religious but lost, are stuck in Romans 7. and Hebrews 6:1
Stuck Right here.."That which i would do i cant, and that which i hate, that i do"., as they confess sin, and have no spiritual power.
That was Paul's struggle with "self righteousness"., Romans 7.... and that is when Paul learned that "the power of sin is the Law" and the Law is the power of Sin..
And then in Philippians 3, which is more of the same teaching, different Letter....>Paul says..>"i was blameless in the Law".
And He goes on to explain, that as compared to receiving and existing in the Knowledge of God's Grace... all our trying to do, and trying to become....all the performance of self righteousness is : "DUNG".... when compared to....."i only want to know CHRIST and Him Crucified."
As once that becomes the Believers walk of Faith, as It became Paul's LIFE.... then they have learned that "its by my Spirit sayeth the Lord" and not by you trying to do it, or strive against it.
Jesus teaches it this way....."when you are in me, and im in you, and you try to DO Christianity, then you become this......
= "apart from me you can do NOTHING"...
And that is a believer, trying to DO instead of existing in : to BE... already.
See that reader?
Christianity is : 'God doing it Through you", His Will, His Power, His Grace...and Paul teaches this as : "I can do all things Through CHRIST, which Strengthens me"..
Paul talks about "dying to gain".. and "I am crucified with Christ" and """" Its not I who live, but CHRIST who lives in me," = HIS LIFE through me.
So, that is not trying to DO.. Christianity, or work at it, or similar..... that is resting in Gods Grace as "CHRIST always gives me the VICTORY"... as Paul teaches.