1. the resurrection is to a "spiritual body", NOT another flesh body.
2. the saints resurrected on the day of Christ's crucifixion were raised to the "spiritual body", NOT new flesh bodies.
3. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that it is appointed unto men to die ONCE, not twice. If the saints raised at Christ's crucifixion that went into Jerusalem and were seen by many were raised to FLESH BODIES, then they would have had to die TWICE, not once like the Scripture states.
4. the 'change' at the future "last trump" (last day) which Apostle Paul taught is also to the "spiritual body" of the resurrection. It is NOT a new flesh body. It is a glorious body, the "image of the heavenly" which Apostle Paul also used to describe it in that 1 Corinthians 15 chapter.
5. that 'change' of all those still alive on earth will be for ALL nations and peoples on earth, not just those in Christ Jesus. (See Isaiah 25 about death swallowed up in victory. It is for all nations at Christ's return).
6. Like Jesus showed in John 5:28-29, all will come forth out of their graves unto either the "resurrection of life", or the "resurrection of damnation".
7. the "resurrection of damnation" means a resurrection to the "spiritual body" also. The resurrection is... to the "spiritual body" type.
8. the wicked "resurrection of damnation", will STILL... be subject to perish at the "second death", even though they too will put on the "spiritual body" type per 1 Cor.15.
9. thus the "spiritual body" change does NOT mean automatic Salvation. Each one's SOUL must also... "put on immortality" in Christ Jesus to NOT be subject to the "second death".
10. the "second death" is about the destruction into the future "lake of fire" of one's 'spiritual body' with 'mortal soul'. Remember, the "resurrection of damnation" Jesus pointed to is ALSO to the "spiritual body", which is the type body for the resurrection. If it was not, then Jesus was not call it a "resurrection". But the unsaved will still have a liable to perish mortal soul. This is what Jesus pointed to also in Matt.10:28 of fearing The Father Who can destroy body body (spirit body) and soul in the lake of fire (Greek geena).
11. In 1 Corinthians 15, Apostle Paul called the "spiritual body" type also as the "image of the heavenly". (1 Cor.15:49).
12. the "image of the heavenly" is a body type for the Heavenly dimension, like the angels have. (Mark 12:25).
13. the "image of the earthy" Paul mentioned in 1 Cor.15:48 is about a flesh body for this present world time.
14. the "image of the heavenly", the "spiritual body", is a body for the world to come, and can exist in the Heavenly dimension and the earthly dimension at the same time, just as God's Word showed with Christ and the two angels He sent to Lot, per Genesis 18 & 19.
15. the future world to come is going to be the Heavenly dimension joined right here on this earth, together as one existence. This is how The Father will eventually return to this earth also, bringing His Garden of Eden with Him.
2. the saints resurrected on the day of Christ's crucifixion were raised to the "spiritual body", NOT new flesh bodies.
3. Hebrews 9:27 tells us that it is appointed unto men to die ONCE, not twice. If the saints raised at Christ's crucifixion that went into Jerusalem and were seen by many were raised to FLESH BODIES, then they would have had to die TWICE, not once like the Scripture states.
4. the 'change' at the future "last trump" (last day) which Apostle Paul taught is also to the "spiritual body" of the resurrection. It is NOT a new flesh body. It is a glorious body, the "image of the heavenly" which Apostle Paul also used to describe it in that 1 Corinthians 15 chapter.
5. that 'change' of all those still alive on earth will be for ALL nations and peoples on earth, not just those in Christ Jesus. (See Isaiah 25 about death swallowed up in victory. It is for all nations at Christ's return).
6. Like Jesus showed in John 5:28-29, all will come forth out of their graves unto either the "resurrection of life", or the "resurrection of damnation".
7. the "resurrection of damnation" means a resurrection to the "spiritual body" also. The resurrection is... to the "spiritual body" type.
8. the wicked "resurrection of damnation", will STILL... be subject to perish at the "second death", even though they too will put on the "spiritual body" type per 1 Cor.15.
9. thus the "spiritual body" change does NOT mean automatic Salvation. Each one's SOUL must also... "put on immortality" in Christ Jesus to NOT be subject to the "second death".
10. the "second death" is about the destruction into the future "lake of fire" of one's 'spiritual body' with 'mortal soul'. Remember, the "resurrection of damnation" Jesus pointed to is ALSO to the "spiritual body", which is the type body for the resurrection. If it was not, then Jesus was not call it a "resurrection". But the unsaved will still have a liable to perish mortal soul. This is what Jesus pointed to also in Matt.10:28 of fearing The Father Who can destroy body body (spirit body) and soul in the lake of fire (Greek geena).
11. In 1 Corinthians 15, Apostle Paul called the "spiritual body" type also as the "image of the heavenly". (1 Cor.15:49).
12. the "image of the heavenly" is a body type for the Heavenly dimension, like the angels have. (Mark 12:25).
13. the "image of the earthy" Paul mentioned in 1 Cor.15:48 is about a flesh body for this present world time.
14. the "image of the heavenly", the "spiritual body", is a body for the world to come, and can exist in the Heavenly dimension and the earthly dimension at the same time, just as God's Word showed with Christ and the two angels He sent to Lot, per Genesis 18 & 19.
15. the future world to come is going to be the Heavenly dimension joined right here on this earth, together as one existence. This is how The Father will eventually return to this earth also, bringing His Garden of Eden with Him.