The TRUE Meaning Of The Little Horn Prophecy For the End

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
What do you think that "many days" represents? It represents the future "thousand years" of Christ's future reign that begins at His future return.

"Many days"="1000 years"




Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
That "time, times, and an half" = 1260 days, and is the LATTER HALF of the Dan.9:27 "one week". That means do not confuse the 1290 days and 1335 days with changing that 1260 day latter half.
The time, times, half time does not equal exactly1260 days, but a little less. The worst time in Israel s history will be when Satan is cast down to earth having a time, times, half time of Revelation 12:14.

The biggest mistake people make is thinking that the 1260 days, the 42 months, the time/times/half time are "exact" equals to each other.

Those three different time expressions are not "exact' equals - and therefore the three are given instead of just saying 1260 days throughout the text.

Also in Daniel 9:27, it is in the "midst", i.e. middle part of the week. Not the "exact" middle.


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Nov 26, 2020
United States
Would Satan's workers on earth setup a type of WWIII in order to present their coming false-Messiah as The Christ to deceive the whole world? Sure, and that is where you are getting that false idea that the Gog/Magog event of Ezekiel 38 happens prior to the 7 years "one week" of Dan.9:27
No, I have not said anything about Gog/Magog being a type of WWIII.

In Ezekiel 39, the destruction of Gog's army verses 1-6
In Ezekiel 39, then followed by 7 years verses 7-10
In Ezekiel 39, then the Armageddon event verses 17-20
In Ezekiel 39, then Jesus's return to this earth verses 21-29


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Nov 26, 2020
United States
I cannot agree with your making the "transgression of desolation" of Dan.8:13 into a separate event prior to the placing of the "abomination of desolation".

"transgression of desolation" = the "abomination of desolation" false worship in a new temple in Jerusalem which only begins in the middle of the "one week" per Daniel 9:27. (see also Matthew 24:15)
The transgression of desolation will be an act by the Antichrist, versus the abomination of desolation will be something "set up".

The transgression of desolation act will lead to the abomination of desolation set up.

Regarding the abomination of desolation set up, Daniel 9:27 is in the "midst" i.e. middle part of the week, not the exact middle.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
hat's some WILD theory from men's doctrines you have there.
Men's doctrines? What specific men are you referring to ?

I have never heard anyone else explain the sequence of the events like I have.

Again, my explanation...

The Antichrist will unexpectedly commit the TOD act of 2Thesslaonians2:4, revealing himself as the man sin. God then has him assassinated for his audacious act in Ezekiel 28:1-10. Then in Isaiah 14:18-20. brings him back to life to become the beast (king). The false prophet then has a statue image made of him and placed on the temple mount. The AOD.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The time, times, half time does not equal exactly1260 days, but a little less.
Biblically, that time, times, and half does... represent exactly... 1260 days. Reason is because it is based on the symbolic "one week" of Daniel 9:27 which represents a period of 7 years, or 2520 days. So divide 2520 days in two and what do you come up with? The placing of the AOD is what divides that 2520 days into 2ea. 1260 day periods, per the Daniel 9:27 verse.

The worst time in Israel s history will be when Satan is cast down to earth having a time, times, half time of Revelation 12:14.
Yes, and that is for the future time of "great tribulation" that Lord Jesus forewarned us about in Matthew 24. The events of Rev.12:7-9 with Satan and his angels losing the war in Heaven, and being cast out of the heavenly dimension down to this earth is what will begin the symbolic "one week" of Dan.9:27. But only the latter half 1260 period when he finally places the IDOL "image of the beast" in the future temple in Jerusalem will begin the time of "great tribulation." And Lord Jesus' future return is what will end that future tribulation.

The biggest mistake people make is thinking that the 1260 days, the 42 months, the time/times/half time are "exact" equals to each other.
Well, they do equal each other for end times Bible prophecy. The way we know this is because of various Bible Scriptures which link the same 'events' to those 3 different time descriptions.

Those three different time expressions are not "exact' equals - and therefore the three are given instead of just saying 1260 days throughout the text.

Also in Daniel 9:27, it is in the "midst", i.e. middle part of the week. Not the "exact" middle.
Sorry, but you cannot try and change what is written. When Daniel 9:27 says Hebrew chetsiy (OT:2677), it means literally, 'half'.

But there indeed is a difference between a lunar year and a solar year. If I recall, a solar year is about 10 days longer than a lunar year. Still though, for prophetic purposes, the 1260 days that God's two witnesses prophesy in Jerusalem is equal to the 42 months the Gentiles are given to tread under foot the holy city at that time.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
Not per the Scriptures. Daniel 9:27, Revelation 13:4-8, Revelation 11, reveal the actual time of "great tribulation", the 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe period, will be 1260 days, or 42 months. The 'day' time reckoning is for Christ's servants, and the 'lunar' time reckoning in months is to represent Satan's host.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:15-20 that there would be great tribulation beginning when the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel is standing in the holy place.

So when we go to Daniel 12:11-12 which Daniel speaks about the abomination of desolation set up, there are two timeframes given.

In Matthew 24 :30, those two timeframes are to the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, followed by Jesus coming in power and great glory.

1290 days to the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.

1335 days to Jesus coming in power and great glory.

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven
: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
No, I have not said anything about Gog/Magog being a type of WWIII.

In Ezekiel 39, the destruction of Gog's army verses 1-6
In Ezekiel 39, then followed by 7 years verses 7-10
In Ezekiel 39, then the Armageddon event verses 17-20
In Ezekiel 39, then Jesus's return to this earth verses 21-29
But I brought it up because of some of the events related to Gog which you pointed to being PRIOR to the 7 years at the end.

From your post #53 you said:
"For example, if we know (of course we don't know) is that Jesus returns in 2035, then 7 years before then in 2028 the Gog/Magog event of Ezekiel 39 will take place and the 7 years begin immediately following."

That above you said is wrongly placing the Ezekiel 38 & 39 Gog/Magog event to happen PRIOR to the 7 years "one week" of Daniel 9:27. That event instead is to occur on the "day of the Lord", which is the day of Christ's future coming to end the great tribulation and gather His saints, meaning the last day.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
Biblically, that time, times, and half does... represent exactly... 1260 days
No, the time, times, half time is a little less than 1260 days.

1260 days first half testimony of the two witnesses.
then 3 1/2 days lay dead in the streets
leaving 1256.5 days in 2520 days. The 1256.5 days is called 42 months in the bible of the beast's rule after the two witnesses are gone.

1260 days, first half testimony of the two witnesses
then 3 1/2 days lay dead in the streets.
then the 7th angel sounds.
then the war in heaven time, Revelation 12:7-9.
leaving Satan will a time, times, half time. Which will be neither 1260 days, nor 42 months, but a little less.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The transgression of desolation will be an act by the Antichrist, versus the abomination of desolation will be something "set up".

The transgression of desolation act will lead to the abomination of desolation set up.

Regarding the abomination of desolation set up, Daniel 9:27 is in the "midst" i.e. middle part of the week, not the exact middle.
You're trying to turn those two phrases into two separate events, while they are actually both the 'same' event, the placing of the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in a new temple in Jerusalem for the end of this world.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
From your post #53 you said:
"For example, if we know (of course we don't know) is that Jesus returns in 2035, then 7 years before then in 2028 the Gog/Magog event of Ezekiel 39 will take place and the 7 years begin immediately following."

That above you said is wrongly placing the Ezekiel 38 & 39 Gog/Magog event to happen PRIOR to the 7 years "one week" of Daniel 9:27. That event instead is to occur on the "day of the Lord", which is the day of Christ's future coming to end the great tribulation.
Davy, the day of the Lord "begins' in 2Thessalonians2:4 when the Antichrist commits the transgression of desolation act. In 1Thessalonians5, it says the day of the Lord begins like thief in night - unexpected.

In other words, we don't know the the timeframe from when the 7 years first begin to the TOD act. It is a "?" question. It is also a "?" question from the TOD to the AOD. The day of the Lord, once begun, lasts for eternity.

[----------------?-----------------]TOD[-------?------]AOD[----------1290 days--------]sign[---------45 days---------][Jesus returns

[----------------?-----------------]TOD[------------- the day of the Lord------------------------------------------------------ eternity.
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Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
You're trying to turn those two phrases into two separate events,
They are separate events. The transgression of desolation is an act by the Antichrist (perceived messiah by the Jews) to transgress the Mt. Sinai covenant by claiming he is God. Go read Daniel 9:11 to understand what is meant by transgression.

The abomination of desolation is something, a thing, "set up" as it says in Daniel 12:11-12.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Men's doctrines? What specific men are you referring to ?

I have never heard anyone else explain the sequence of the events like I have.

Again, my explanation...

The Antichrist will unexpectedly commit the TOD act of 2Thesslaonians2:4, revealing himself as the man sin. God then has him assassinated for his audacious act in Ezekiel 28:1-10. Then in Isaiah 14:18-20. brings him back to life to become the beast (king). The false prophet then has a statue image made of him and placed on the temple mount. The AOD.

Your post #51 is loaded with ideas that are not written.

The Antichrist does not "unexpectedly commit" the 'transgression of desolation', because that transgression is what his placing of the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in the new temple will be about.

To speculate about Bible prophecy we still must stay within the parameters of the prophecies.

Just what is the 2 Thessalonians 2:4 verse showing us? That the coming Antichrist (or "man of sin") will sit in the "temple of God", meaning a new Jewish stone temple built in Jerusalem for the end, and he will exalt himself in place of Christ, and get this next part of the prophecy: he will exalt himself over all that is called God, or that is worshiped.

2 Thess 2:4
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

That Scripture is not about any unexpected act he will do; he is coming to do that exalting of himself in place of God on purpose. Even in 2 Thess.2:9 Paul is warning how that false will work the same signs and lying wonders that Lord Jesus warned about in Matt.24:23-26 about the coming pseudo-Christ.

And just how does Paul mean about that false one being "revealed"? Think about it. For the great tribulation time when that "man of sin" will exalt himself as Christ, how will the unbelieving Jews interpret that, and then how will deceived brethren in Christ think of it, and then the unbeliever in general, how will they react?

The deceived Jews are going to believe that is their Messiah of The Bible having come.

Deceived Christian brethren are going also believe that is Lord Jesus having returned.

Deceived pagans, and unbelievers in general, even the atheists, will believe that is God having appeared here on earth.

What about when that false-Messiah sets up the "abomination of desolation" idol at the Jerusalem temple, what Rev.13 calls the "image of the beast"?

Catholics won't like this, but I'm going to use them in this example. In most Catholic Churches, what will you see displayed behind the altar? An image of Lord Jesus Christ, and often a carved image of Jesus upon His cross. So my question is, since there are so many Catholics today that bow to that image of Jesus Christ, then how difficult will it be for them to bow to the "image of the beast" which will most likely be an image of that "man of sin" in place of The Christ?

Afterall, one of the symbolic ideas Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul gave about the end is about those in Christ remaining "a chaste virgin" waiting on our True Husband Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 11). And His parable about 'Blessed are the barren..." is also a symbolic metaphor about remaining a 'chaste virgin' waiting for Christ's return, and not being deceived to become a spiritual 'harlot' instead, and found 'with child' when He returns. These prophetic symbols about the end involve not being deceived by that "man of sin" when he comes to play God in Jerusalem.

Many brethren are instead still tuned to the previous beast types of history, while this false-Christ that is coming will actually work miracles on earth like Lord Jesus would do, showing he will be a supernatural false-Christ and deceive the whole world into believing he is God (except for those in Christ that are 'sealed' that know different). I believe it will be Satan himself, in our earthly dimension, in plain sight, as there are several Revelation Scriptures that point directly to him as the beast king for the end.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Davy, the day of the Lord "begins' in 2Thessalonians2:4 when the Antichrist commits the transgression of desolation act. In 1Thessalonians5, it says the day of the Lord begins like thief in night - unexpected.

In other words, we don't know the the timeframe from when the 7 years first begin to the TOD act. It is a "?" question. It is also a "?" question from the TOD to the AOD. The day of the Lord, once begun, lasts for eternity.

No, the "day of the Lord" is the LAST DAY of this present world, and is the day when Jesus returns to end the "great tribulation" and gather His saints, per the Matthew 24:29-31 Scripture, and the Zechariah 14 Scripture.

Not only that, but the "day of the Lord" is when Paul said there will come a "sudden destruction" upon the deceived who will be saying, "Peace and safety" (1 Thess.5). And it is also when Peter showed when God's consuming fire will burn man's works off this earth, per 2 Peter 3:10.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
They are separate events. The transgression of desolation is an act by the Antichrist (perceived messiah by the Jews) to transgress the Mt. Sinai covenant by claiming he is God. Go read Daniel 9:11 to understand what is meant by transgression.

The abomination of desolation is something, a thing, "set up" as it says in Daniel 12:11-12.
Nope, I cannot agree.

The "transgression of desolation" is about the MIDDLE point of the Daniel 9:27 "one week" of 7 years when the false-Messiah will place the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in the new temple. Now I asked you to divide that 7 years in half to see what you get, and I've not heard your answer on that.

Per the Daniel 11 events by the "vile person", which represents the coming final Antichrist at the end, he will re-establish... the "covenant", meaning the 'old covenant', which will involve the building of the new 3rd temple in Jerusalem and re-establish old covenant worship. That is what the Daniel 11 prophecy is showing.

And I hope you're not going to try and tell me that Daniel 11 prophecy about the "vile person" was already fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
The "transgression of desolation" is about the MIDDLE point of the Daniel 9:27 "one week" of 7 years when the false-Messiah will place the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in the new temple. Now I asked you to divide that 7 years in half to see what you get, and I've not heard your answer on that.
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

It does not say middle "point" in Daniel 9:27. But "midst" of the week. Middle part of the week.

Half of 7 years is 1260 days. The two witnesses will testify during that 1260 days.

compoinets of the seven years in Revelaiton.jpg

Per the Daniel 11 events by the "vile person", which represents the coming final Antichrist at the end, he will re-establish... the "covenant", meaning the 'old covenant', which will involve the building of the new 3rd temple in Jerusalem and re-establish old covenant worship. That is what the Daniel 11 prophecy is showing.

And I hope you're not going to try and tell me that Daniel 11 prophecy about the "vile person" was already fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes.
Antiochus is the one who polluted the sanctuary of the temple by having the abomination of desolation, a statue image of Zeus, "placed" in the temple in Daniel 11:31.

In the end times, there will be a somewhat similar placement by the false prophet, i.e. a statue image made of the beast king and placed on the temple mount. But unlike the statue image that Antiochus placed in the temple sanctuary, the statue image of the beast-king will appear to come alive and speak because it will be indwelt by Satan.
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Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
No, the "day of the Lord" is the LAST DAY of this present world, and is the day when Jesus returns to end the "great tribulation" and gather His saints, per the Matthew 24:29-31 Scripture, and the Zechariah 14 Scripture.

Not only that, but the "day of the Lord" is when Paul said there will come a "sudden destruction" upon the deceived who will be saying, "Peace and safety" (1 Thess.5). And it is also when Peter showed when God's consuming fire will burn man's works off this earth, per 2 Peter 3:10.
The day of the Lord lasts forever. Many events take place within the day of the Lord.

The day of the Lord has a beginning but not an end.

When Jesus returns, there will remain a thousand years to this present earth in Revelation 20.

ratpure window11.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
It does not say middle "point" in Daniel 9:27. But "midst" of the week. Middle part of the week.
Surely you don't think the English word "midst" in Dan.9:27 doesn't mean 'middle'. I showed you what the Hebrew word for "midst" is, so you wouldn't make that above mistake.

KJV - "midst" in Dan.9:27:

chetsiy (khay-tsee'); from OT:2673; the half or middle:

KJV - half, middle, mid [-night], midst, part, two parts.
(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006, 2010 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

Antiochus is the one who polluted the sanctuary of the temple by having the abomination of desolation, a statue image of Zeus, "placed" in the temple in Daniel 11:31.

In the end times, there will be a somewhat similar placement by the false prophet, i.e. a statue image made of the beast king and placed on the temple mount. But unlike the statue image that Antiochus placed in the temple sanctuary, the statue image of the beast-king will appear to come alive and speak because it will be indwelt by Satan.

In reallity, Antiochus IV of history almost... fulfilled the "vile person" prophecy of Dan.11, but there's some parameters written there he did not fulfill, like the coming to power using PEACE. The historical Antiochus instead took Jerusalem using an army, by war.

And just the fact that Lord Jesus quoted that Dan.11 prophecy about the placing of the "abomination that maketh desolate" in regards to an idol in a future temple, means to look for the final fulfillment towards the end of this world when the false-Messiah comes.


Active Member
Nov 26, 2020
United States
Surely you don't think the English word "midst" in Dan.9:27 doesn't mean 'middle'. I showed you what the Hebrew word for "midst" is, so you wouldn't make that above mistake.

KJV - "midst" in Dan.9:27:

chetsiy (khay-tsee'); from OT:2673; the half or middle:

KJV - half, middle, mid [-night], midst, part, two parts.
(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006, 2010 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
It does not say middle "point" in those definitions.

"midst" in the kjv is used 350 times.



Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
It does not say middle "point" in those definitions.

"midst" in the kjv is used 350 times.

If you are not interested in keeping what God's Word actually says, then we are done. I won't waste my time with trying to help you.