What does it mean to be born again?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
What I see with Behold is a clarity in how one comes to believe what they do. There is a consistency there. It's better to take something to its logical conclusion...and see if it still stands up. You have challenged me with what I teach...and I appreciate it as it makes me delve in deeper. An example is the covering of sin in spite of light exposing darkness. This is by God's mercy for those who fear Him. But it made me look deeper into iniquity.

I thought we had a deeper connection based on our love of the truth. But your outer man is very strong...I know you don't see that. Your inner man is there...but there is a "big sister" in the way stopping you from advancement.

So how do I speak the truth to the inner man without offending the outer man? It can't be done. The inner man has to take a stand against the flesh. No one can do that but the person involved.

The outer man is like a monkey on the back of the inner man. When scripture verses are used to prop up the flesh...that's when the monkeys have taken over the zoo.

I hope you can allow your inner man to have some kind of veto over your outer man... so we can continue to discuss this...without religious presumptions and assumptions.

What I am is frustrated and disappointed.....we're never going to have the conversation about what I so hoped and waited for. Call me a peanut and a monkey and a Gnostic, it's water off my back, lol, but it is vexing in general to see how everyone here are constantly being judged and assumed about and slapped down. You have no idea what the people here have suffered and the price they are paying in their lives for the sake of Christ, yet anyone who disagrees with you are considered by you to be substandard Christians. Even the tiniest posts by you are full of accusation and assumption, it's like you can't help it. I have counted as many as five in a three sentence paragraph...you must be setting records. It's too bad that we can never seem to get to the actual subject. (shrug) Oh well, God's hands.
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Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Maybe you are exactly on God's timeline, maybe there was deep work to be done before His results would appear.
Maybe, Marks, a deep work has been done, and I can witness to that, all the glory to our Lord which leaves NO room for boasting from any man or sister.
Pride is devastating, bringing the countenance in total surrender, in dust and ashes to the ground.
Ever noticed when God "works" in a man how they go away in solitude, for a season and a reason?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
What I am is frustrated and disappointed.....we're never going to have the conversation about what I so hoped and waited for. Call me a peanut and a monkey and a Gnostic, it's water off my back, lol, but it is vexing in general to see how everyone here are constantly being judged and assumed about and slapped down. You have no idea what the people here have suffered and the price they are paying in their lives for the sake of Christ, yet anyone who disagrees with you are considered by you to be substandard Christians. Even the tiniest posts by you are full of accusation and assumption, it's like you can't help it. I have counted as many as five in a three sentence paragraph...you must be setting records. It's too bad that we can never seem to get to the actual subject. (shrug) Oh well, God's hands.
I admire your patience with him, every time you reach out your hand gets bitten.
Sometimes it is good to be just quiet and observe, for what is in the inner man find it's expression in a overabundance of sophistry, is it edifying? Bearing the fruit of the Spirt? Bringing reciprocal encouragement?
Signing off
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
What I am is frustrated and disappointed.....we're never going to have the conversation about what I so hoped and waited for. Call me a peanut and a monkey and a Gnostic, it's water off my back, lol, but it is vexing in general to see how everyone here are constantly being judged and assumed about and slapped down. You have no idea what the people here have suffered and the price they are paying in their lives for the sake of Christ, yet anyone who disagrees with you are considered by you to be substandard Christians.
You are obviously are not paying attention to the crows that constantly attack my every move. I think you've joined them to some degree. In order to protect what you think is yours.

I see things in reverse. We don't have anything. It's God who has things. It's God who has us.

Even the tiniest posts by you are full of accusation and assumption, it's like you can't help it. I have counted as many as five in a three sentence paragraph...you must be setting records. It's too bad that we can never seem to get to the actual subject. (shrug) Oh well, God's hands.
I am constantly posting to open doors. If people can't see that...then that is in God's hands. The closed doors don't come from me.

But what people pat each other on the back for...is the flesh congratulating the flesh. But there is not one iota of advancement in that. I'm not interested in towing the religious line. If it doesn't bring life...count me out. If it obscures life by bringing more death...count me out.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
This thread illustrates the difficulty in getting across the necessity of growing out of the initial grace phase in the Christian walk. There is a reluctance...even a downright hostility ...in considering that the free sample of grace is meant to take us to God to ask for more. That is how we fulfill the initial talent...which most will leave buried in their caged inner man. Why caged? Because there is a refusal to see the cross as something that cuts us off completely from what causes us to sin. Rather, people are satisfied to continue to try to improve themselves without going to God for the full measure of grace. If it wasn't crucial to understand this...I wouldn't waste my time for all the abuse I receive from what amounts to spoiled people...spoiled by grace. Grace can be deceitful...when the flesh gets behind it to defend and puff up a religious outer veneer that sounds spiritual...but has no life in it.

I expect there will be resistance...since the modern doctrines and the entire realm of the enemy is arrayed against any real progression in the faith.

Who wants to be broken and torn down? Nobody. Unless there is a realization that to do so opens up eternal doors into life and blessing. That's why we are to glory in the cross. The cross is the power to save us from sin and bring us into direct fellowship with God.

Maybe others will come to read these posts...ignoring the rabbit trails... looking for an encouragement for the inner man to stand up to the outer man...resisting the carnal reaction that hates the cross.
The Christian life is not easy...but it can be so glorious if we allow the Lord to take control...NOT defending ourselves, or how we feel about losing everything. The kingdom walk is not for the faint of heart. Hence so few are permitted access. It is our responsibility (on us) to get God's attention and prove to Him our sincerity in laying down our lives in selfless abnegation. God is not mocked. He knows who is ready.
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New Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Born again means indwelt with the Holy Spirit. We come into communion with the Holy Spirit and he changes our lives more towards his purity.
To be born again we must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the son of God who died on the cross for our sins. We must repent and have a change of mind and heart, a regeneration of body and spirit. For by grace, you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast. We need to be obedient and submissive to God and love one another. Eph 2:10 For we are Gods handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. Works is an outward sign of our faith.
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Oct 10, 2018
United States
Because there is a refusal to see the cross as something that cuts us off completely from what causes us to sin. Rather, people are satisfied to continue to try to improve themselves without going to God for the full measure of grace.
That you describe others in these words does not make it so. I've been repeating to you this very message straight from the Bible but you have refused to receive it. That we are crucified in Christ, that we have died to sin, and to the flesh, and you claim it is not so, though the Bible teaches this explicitly. And in my life I find no disagreement with God's Word. In this truth is in fact power over sin and flesh.

We have been crucified together with Christ. This is the foundation of being born again. This is our death, that precedes our rebirth, and in rebirth, we are born bearing our Father's nature. In faith we walk in that new nature.

It is our responsibility (on us) to get God's attention and prove to Him our sincerity in laying down our lives in selfless abnegation.
This is your refusal. That having been born again, we then must go on to prove ourselves to Him, He Who knows us, having made us, having been with us, able to see in us places we cannot see, yet we are to "prove" something to Him, to convince Him, "ME, I am ready, I have prepared myself for you!" To somehow catch His eye with our sparkle, something in ourselves, some virtue in ME, some way I distinguish myself above all the rest, and only then will God give us actually all we need for life and godliness.

He is my Father, not far away, but here, with me, I don't have anything to prove to Him, He is the one who reveals me to myself. It's He Who is training me, in His wisdom.

The kingdom walk is not for the faint of heart. Hence so few are permitted access.

Galatians 5:24-25 KJV
24) And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25) If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

All who are Christ's are admonished to walk in the Spirit. Shall we believe that we are able to, as we trust in God's power? Does He tell us to do that which we cannot? I don't think so, and I don't find it so.

Romans 5:1-2 KJV
1) Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
2) By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

The same faith in Jesus by which we are justified - declared so by God, and not we ourselves - the same faith in Jesus by which we are justified is the same faith by which we have access into the grace in which we stand.

We are told in no uncertain words, that we are to stand. In His grace we stand, entered into by faith. Again, does He not give the power to do as He tells us to do? I believe He does, and I find it so in my life.

Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV
8) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9) Not of works, lest any man should boast.
10) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

We are not men of our own making, making ourselves so very humble that God will notice how special we are, and will give us the key to the Real Christian Life.

We are men of His making, knowing that of ourselves, we are nothing, I am nothing, I don't make myself anything in His eyes, I receive His working in me or I have nothing at all.

2 Corinthians 3:18 KJV
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Seeing His glory shone in us changes us into His image. Open faced because we have no guilt, no shame, nothing to hide.

If you respond with how I'm just spouting religious indoctrination to support my flesh, that will be simply more of the same. Or you can take a higher road, it's up to you.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
This thread illustrates the difficulty in getting across the necessity of growing out of the initial grace phase in the Christian walk.

The born again : are "saved by Grace, through faith".

So, the born again are always IN "Grace"....as Grace is not a phase, its not a fad, and its not "whipping boy" nonsense, as Episkopos has maliciously defined it on a "christian" Forum.

Grace, is the mercy of God, extended as the Cross of Christ, as the "gift of Salvation". and "the GIFT of Righteousness".
GRACE: is the Gospel of the GRACE of God, which is the TRUE Gospel.
GRACE : is the Cross of Christ given to this world of sinners as God's only provision that allows you a eternal relationship with God.
God's GRACE is the only reason you'll go to heaven.

Here is God's GRACE -

John 14:6

Devil deceived Heretics, 2 Corinthians 11:15.... want to denounce Grace, and replace it with SELF EFFORT, as THEIR Gospel is the gospel of works and water.
This is the Devil's gospel, and its seeks to replace God's Grace and destroy your faith in Christ, with SELF righteousness.

Paul tells us in Hebrews 13:9 that the born again are to "establish your heart with GRACE", while the HERETICS will try to get you away from God's Grace and into their CROSS DENYING Legalism., or as Paul defines these iniquity filled people...as : "who has bewitched you, that you should no longer obey the TRUTH".

See that? that is the ministry of a Heretic.
Their ministry is to deny God's GRACE and subvert your faith in Christ, so that you end up trying to do works in place of God's Grace, in a vain attempt to be accepted by God and kept by God.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
You are obviously are not paying attention to the crows that constantly attack my every move. I think you've joined them to some degree. In order to protect what you think is yours.

I see things in reverse. We don't have anything. It's God who has things. It's God who has us.

I am constantly posting to open doors. If people can't see that...then that is in God's hands. The closed doors don't come from me.

But what people pat each other on the back for...is the flesh congratulating the flesh. But there is not one iota of advancement in that. I'm not interested in towing the religious line. If it doesn't bring life...count me out. If it obscures life by bringing more death...count me out.
People have gotten rather harsh and personal on some threads, but not on this one. Times when I was wondering where the moderators were. But you don't seem to be paying attention to your incessant accusations and assumptions towards others.

No we sure have nothing of our own. I agree and pointed that out many times as it is part of the bedrock of the gospel.

Well I hope you won't count out that the Lord might want to bring His light and tweak some of your doctrine, or the way you express it etc, along the way. We don't need to be afraid of that.

Wisdom of God's word says that if we think we know we do not yet know as we ought.....something I often ponder.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The born again : are "saved by Grace, through faith".

So, the born again are always IN "Grace"....as Grace is not a phase, its not a fad, and its not "whipping boy" nonsense, as Episkopos has maliciously defined it on a "christian" Forum.

Grace, is the mercy of God, extended as the Cross of Christ, as the "gift of Salvation". and "the GIFT of Righteousness".
GRACE: is the Gospel of the GRACE of God, which is the TRUE Gospel.
GRACE : is the Cross of Christ given to this world of sinners as God's only provision that allows you a eternal relationship with God.
God's GRACE is the only reason you'll go to heaven.

Here is God's GRACE -

John 14:6

Devil deceived Heretics, 2 Corinthians 11:15.... want to denounce Grace, and replace it with SELF EFFORT, as THEIR Gospel is the gospel of works and water.
This is the Devil's gospel, and its seeks to replace God's Grace and destroy your faith in Christ, with SELF righteousness.

Paul tells us in Hebrew 13:9 that the born again are to "establish your heart with GRACE", while the HERETICS will try to get out of God's Grace and into their CROSS DENYING Legalism., or a Paul defines these iniquity filled people...as "who has bewitched you, that you should no longer obey the TRUTH".

See that? that is the ministry of a Heretic.
Their ministry is to deny GRACE and et you into trying to do works in place of Grace, in an attempt to be accepted by God and kept by God.
There is a way that leads to Christ....a way in the desert that follows Christ to the cross. The way is narrow and difficult. A lot of people will give up before reaching the place where God is encountered. And to make matters worse there are many compromised believers who call out to the God-seeker...like sirens...tempting them away into an early off-ramp where one can cease from spiritual striving. There are many here like that. Like Job's wife who would have the righteous pursuer of God to "curse God and die" already. Do the shirkers of truth curse God? Not directly. They condemn those who remain on the path that leads to life. It is the off-ramps that are embraced to be the path to life...which is made to look as real as possible. But it is truly the enemies of the cross who attack those who are determined to see the walk of Christ undermined. Do these know what they are doing? Some yes, and some no. But it is a scary thing to champion what is evil in the face of the good.

Those off-ramps look like they are based on the bible...but only through a partial reading and understanding.

So then the devil uses believers in Christ to lure other seekers away from the straight path and into a way that puffs up a now religious flesh. In those early exits you find people who claim to already have everything spoken of in the bible. They will go so far as to say that the faithful who refuse to be deviated from the straight path are heretics and following a "works" salvation. But this is backwards as those who leave the narrow way are doing so to continue propping up the flesh and make it look as religious as possible. But there is no power there.

Those who encourage seekers to remain on the path of life are branded as heretics and spoken evil of.

I encourage believers to remain on the straight path...claiming nothing for themselves until a real encounter and empowering come from the Lord. I exhort seekers to not listen to the compromised brethren who have opted for far less than the way, the truth, and the life.

Jesus didn't say it was going to be easy.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
People have gotten rather harsh and personal on some threads, but not on this one. Times when I was wondering where the moderators were. But you don't seem to be paying attention to your incessant accusations and assumptions towards others.

You haven't yet considered that I'm speaking the truth.
No we sure have nothing of our own. I agree and pointed that out many times as it is part of the bedrock of the gospel.

That being the case...why not come out of the early exit and continue to seek the Lord for the fulness of His grace?
Well I hope you won't count out that the Lord might want to bring His light and tweak some of your doctrine, or the way you express it etc, along the way. We don't need to be afraid of that.

I'm far more open than my critics. That's how I came to know the truth. God allowed me to walk in the Spirit and through some very hard training I see where people are turning away from the full implications of the gospel...by using a religious and human reasoning. The devil is VERY clever...using certain bible verses masterfully to get people off the path of humble seeking. We are not here to please ourselves and other believers. We are here to please the Lord. And HE is the one who says...OK...you are walking in MY POWER now. And when that happens the heavens open up so that we are instantly translated into a heavenly walk in the light. Of course almost no one will believe this. But neither did the Israelites believe the spies who saw the goodness in the land.
Wisdom of God's word says that if we think we know we do not yet know as we ought.....something I often ponder.
Consider that.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
There is a way that leads to Christ....a way in the desert that follows Christ to the cross.

What is that nonsense you posted here, Episkopos?
Flowery dead language that tickles the ears of other self savers who can't understand the Cross.
Same as you..
Reading you is like reading bad B- movie dialog found in some movie based on the Life of Mohammed.


"faith comes by Hearing", and "hearing by the word of God".

This is the "preaching of the Cross", that a person HEARS, and believes by FAITH.

Then God accepts this faith, and ...."faith is counted as Righteousness".

This is Paul's Gospel of the GRACE of God......."justification by faith, without works" or the "deeds of the Law".



Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I wish Epi would just stop giving you attention.
My interest in Behold is how much he says...without a hint of shame...that agrees with the other "early exit" believers. I think its amazing that Behold is saying what others are just thinking. I guess I see him as a case study...how do people go off the rails so easily. Well, the flesh NEEDS to be justified so badly. The outer man wants a way to escape and survive. In a gospel that means death to the outer man...we can understand how people will turn away to an easier path that spares the flesh.

The fascinating part is how, once deceived, there is a religious husk that is impervious to truth...like a person is hypnotized or something. I think its because the truth goes too far for the human mind. So it looks for another more convenient spirit to latch onto.

I am interested in how to defuse the time bomb that this creates that hurts both themselves and those who take them seriously.

Peace to you Stun! :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
My interest in Behold is how much he says...without a hint of shame...that agrees with the other "early exit" believers.

She will probably believe that nonsense..
You're interest in me, is to keep your Legalism Thread bumped and running as you need the attention, and also because your flesh needs to be fed knowing that your attempt to ruin the faith of Real Believers isn't a forgotten Thread.
It's why you are on the forum.
Its why you create videos.

What i do, is use Heretics, by teaching Paul's gospel on their Threads, for the benefit of real believers, especially new ones or weak believers.
So, in that way, they are very useful as this allows people who are not deceived to see the contrast between God's Grace , noting how the Heretic attacks it with their works and self effort gospel .. Galatians 1:8
So, you are useful on this forum, but not as you understand it, Episkopos.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
I am interested in how to defuse the time bomb that this creates that hurts both themselves and those who take them seriously.
The one hopelessly confused not rightly cutting straight the scriptures is you, I have read all your posts. @Behold at least stay to the scriptures and for most part remain in the Derech HaKodesh working with the Scriptures.
It is as clear as daylight for all to see you "preach" a heteros gospel and many here are giving you warning, a warning you dismiss with contempt.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
I understand, Epi. I’ve been struggling myself on what makes people not see and what makes them call dark light and light dark.

I spent a good portion of yesterday sitting and thinking about the traps I’ve fallen into for a time and wondering how I escaped this one.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The one hopelessly confused not rightly cutting straight the scriptures is you, I have read all your posts. @Behold at least stay to the scriptures and for most part remain in the Derech HaKodesh working with the Scriptures.
It is as clear as daylight for all to see you "preach" a heteros gospel and many here are giving you warning, a warning you dismiss with contempt.
OK. Now we're getting somewhere. So do you understand what I mean by an "early-exit" believer? A believer who follows other believers rather than remain on the derech ha-tsedakim until an actual encounter with God?

The derech ha-kodesh is not something that very many will experience. That's because they take an early exit from the derech ha-tsedakim.

All those who found their justification because they read some words in the bible...have taken an early exit. It is only GOD HIMSELF that justifies and empowers believers into the New Covenant walk.

Those who seek to save their lives will lose them.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The one hopelessly confused not rightly cutting straight the scriptures is you, I have read all your posts. @Behold at least stay to the scriptures and for most part remain in the Derech HaKodesh working with the Scriptures.
It is as clear as daylight for all to see you "preach" a heteros gospel and many here are giving you warning, a warning you dismiss with contempt.

Episkopos does not seem to believe in that Cross of Christ, or "whipping boy" nonsense, as He defined The Lord's SACRIFICE, ... but he sure can rant about that OT Law and self righteous works.

Here is what is coming for him, and he does not realize it.
They never do, J.

Proverb 16:18


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
A believer who follows other believers rather than remain on the derech ha-tsedakim until an actual encounter with God?

Every born again believer has encountered Yeshua, personally,.... as you can't be "in Christ" and "one with God".... "made righteous" unless you have literally "met", Yeshua, by faith.
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