Why cruel design in the animal kingdom?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
"No humane being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature, which holds its life by the same tenure that he does. The hare in its extremity cries like a child." - Henry David Thoreau

When I was a kid, me and my brothers would go woods walking with guns, and anything that moved got shot. But that is a childish thing. When I became a man, I put away the childish things. If I'm not going to eat it, I wont kill it. Wasteful, rude, childish.

I used to like Thoreau. But now, it sounds like he means full grown men, past the age of boyhood. Some perhaps, who did so many drugs that they never grew up. But not all men and he was dead wrong for wording it like he did...


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
But..."The world life pattern design is cruel." Design speaks of God. " I wonder why God designed this way when there were less terrifying options?"...

That is totally wrong ad I considered that an attack on God himself.
Such a sentiment is a reflection of the infantilizing of the generations since the sexual liberation and general feminization of society.

Our God is fearsome, a warrior and knowledge begins by understanding this.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Such a sentiment is a reflection of the infantilizing of the generations since the sexual liberation and general feminization of society.

Our God is fearsome, a warrior and knowledge begins by understanding this.

Back when I was a kid, it was all about Women's Lib! Celebrate the women! We did that for them.

Look at them now. The gays want the place of women and want them ousted from society. So I think it started with womens lib. Next thing you know, women are running the country almost.

If we gave them acceptance into society (gays), what's next then? The sub culture which does things with animals? (We're as good as the gays, freedom of sexuality! Then the pedophiles would be in line. Just prefrence they say...

So, just say No to gays! It's very possible to deny a gay accrptance to them and still be spekaing truth to them in Love. If we can save one from the fire, it is enough to be worth it!

Why cant gays keep their sexuality in the closet like good Christians do already? No one needs to wear their sexuality on the shirt sleeve!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Back when I was a kid, it was all about Women's Lib! Celebrate the women! We did that for them.

Look at them now. The gays want the place of women and want them ousted from society. So I think it started with womens lib.
Dr. Laura wrote in her brilliant book, The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands, that when women really want to manipulate men, the big guns they pull out is, "I'm not comfortable with that" AS IF women have a right to go through life being comfortable all the time!

It's just a short hop, skip and jump to today's power phrase, "I'm offended." I think it was a comedian who asked if you know what happens when you are offended? NOTHING.

Do you know what happens when you are in a situation you are not comfortable with? I'm talking to you @Adrift in your delicate sensibilities being offended at the "cruelty" of God's Creation. NOTHING.

It's an opportunity to put on your big girl and big boy pants in dealing with the responsibilities you have to deal .... wait for it ... not the theoretical world you wish .... deal with the real world as it is.

This is all part of the feminization of society, the infantilizing of young adults. The absurdity of wanting equality AND special accomodation in using the alphabet people's preferred pronouns is an extension of this. They didn't use your preferred pronoun? Well, heaven's to Besty! Let's adopt a totalitarian form of government where speech is dictated, imprison such rebels - for properly identifying the objective reality of your gender - and throw away the key.

The inmates are running the asylum. Our society is so weak as we enter tribulation, which will be a more challenging time than ever. You don't like how cruel nature is? You don't like when people use pronouns you don't prefer? Soon there will be death, disease, and starvation so severe that mother's will again eat their babies to survive. We'll see the priority then of pronoun usage and condemning God's choice of creation is then :My2c::watching and waiting::spring:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
It's just a short hop, skip and jump to today's power phrase, "I'm offended." I think it was a comedian who asked if you know what happens when you are offended? NOTHING.

Do you know what happens when you are in a situation you are not comfortable with? I'm talking to you @Adrift in your delicate sensibilities being offended at the "cruelty" of God's Creation. NOTHING

That's why I left another christian forum and came here. They had a girl who had some sort of chronic anxiety disorder. I used to get along good with her when she was Christ centered. But after awhile you started bellaching about her anxiety and playing it up with I'm not comfortable with that, which was me telling her to draw close to the Lord like scripture says.. Cast your cares on Him and enter into the peace of the Lord. It's in black and white. One of the Lord's first promises to young Christians. She didnt like that and only wanted to talk about her wonderful doctors and tell me this isnt a spiritual issue, it's physical (so be quiet!). SO I said No. The Bible is the book of truth and you wont need any pills with Jehovah Rapha the Lord our Healer...and she reported my post and they started deleting my posts to her. I was on that forum for well over 10 years and was one of their best contributung members. I even modded a few forums for awhile over there. They used to like how I talked to people before she came. Now I was being censored because she is the sweet girl with the anxiety disosorders (wah) and I was being offensive with her. I aske dthem if they are going to continue their censoring my posts? And one of their sort of elder moderators who, no surprise, she's an old woman set in her ways. (Me & her got along great until she got her a poor little sidekick to protect, then she turned on me!) She said yes because blahblahblah the poor weak girl woman thing.

SO I told her then you guys better go ahead and just ban me from the site. And that caused a small uproar, lol. No, I am a good guy! Stay! I said I can't be censored when I speak on a Christian forum by other so called christians, so told them to ban me because I dont want my name to be associated to such a sight...That what they were (The Best Forum!) was changing to accomadte disrespect of God. They refused to ban me because that would delete all my posts for 12 years or so. And this was not right During the time that I was back and forthing to the mods, she was on a thread (Anxiety girl) with a new member who was one with anxiety disorders and said he was chased out of a forum before due to how he talked (wasn't accepted as a non spiritual problem!) and will the people here let him seek advice or only preach Jesus to him? So Anxiety girl got on there and "warned him" about, some members, but when it happens just stand up for yourself and cry I am offended to the mods, take advantage of your condition she told the kid! And you will get help from the Offensive Christians (me)...So I didnt respond to that thread and just threatened the moderators that if they do not ban my and disassociate my name with their site...that I would start talking down on the Moderators! I used to be a moderator and was privy to many private talks about members. Not all good ones either. The hee hawed a little bit because deleting all my posts would create incongruities in many threads with a lot of the thread being gone with me. I was a prolific contributor, so while I did understand their concern about that, it was their fault for censoring devoted Christians frm speaking the word. And one last threat to start a thread which would make them look bad and would make them want to ban me! So then she banned me and I havent been back since.

I see a couple of other member (here!) that were good Brothers in Christ. They chased them away too from their forum too. I wont say who, but their here as good members now. They had already started being obliging to the gays too and I had a few posts deleted because of them! But to remain, would have been (to me), coming into agreement with their shenanigans and weak Christianity and that didn't feel good to me so I felt a lot of peace in my spirit when I did that and knew I did the right thing!

I dont think I've had any moderation or warnings here yet and that bodes very well! They let us speak Biblical truths to naysayers and weirdos without letting them play a victim card in a misguided attempt to love those who need help. The truth of God's word is the help they need! What could be more loving than that?! I've had a few confrontations with trans gay supporters here and one even (maybe more, lol) have put me on ignore, and that's ok. Because the mods here are letting the Christian (extremists!) speak the word of God to these people and not play games with them. I love that. Maybe I dont talk so sweet and pretty all the time but sometimes, they can push me so I push back harder with the Word of God! So far so good!

Not a spiritual issue she said! Any Christian knows that everything is a spiritual issue on earth! Everything. Anxiety girl could be healed today of her anxiety if she centered on the Lord on not the world. Oh, but it's not a spiritual issue, Lol! I learned these things by trying to draw closer to the Lord so I know these things pretty well and I know that if I have anxiety in my spirit, then I am doing somethng wrong. I give it to the Lord and the anxiety in my spirit goes away and is replaced by peace in my spirit. Simple.
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Pancho Frijoles

Active Member
May 22, 2024
Mexico City
Other Faith
It would be a much less horrifying end of life for most animals if other animals didn't want to eat them. They could die of old age or other maladies. If all animals were created to eat vegetables and fruit (and other created high protein sources) they wouldn't need to scream in agony while the tiger (or whatever) is chomping on their throats. One of my most hauting memories is being in thick woods when I watched a hawk attack and kill a baby rabbit. I can't unhear the screetches from the rabbit as it fought for it's life. The world life pattern design is cruel. I wonder why God designed this way when there were less terrifying options?

In the natural world, animals that serve as prey to predators are generally the very young and the very old, or sick.
The old and sick are freed from a long agony. The very young are not still aware of the plenitude of life and its joy.

In general, for all we can know, animals do not have a sense of "self". Of course they experience pain and stress, but these are like automatic reactions or reflexes. This does not equal to a suffering associated with the understanding "I am an individual who is suffering, who had plans, who had wishes, which are being taken away from me". They don't seem to have the psychological attachments that we have.

When you go to a safari in the wilderness accompanied by a guide, and witness a predator hunting its prey, the guide explains that the smartest and kindest thing to do is to let the predator eat and the prey be eaten. In the big picture, this brings stability to the herds, to the ecosystem. It is good for the collective.
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Yep. That is indeed the nature of the universe as it is now.

For whatever it is that God plans for us to become, it is apparently necessary that we know by experience Good and Evil. This universe appears to be designed with that in mind. However, we do have God's promise that it won't be like this forever:

6 The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them.
7 The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
8 The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
9 They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
(Isaiah 11:6-9)

I have to trust God's promise. I don't see that I have any other choice, because I don't see the universe fixing itself.

“Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through the prophets.”

(Acts 3:21, NIV)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Except He didn't design it that way. Death was not part of God's creation. All that stuff entered the world after the fall of Adam. We live in a fallen world\universe. The good news is the restoration of all things is underway albeit slowly.
Making the wiles of the Serpent empowered over God's creation?:IDK:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I don't think we should credit the Serpent with that much power. That old snake's power is in deception, not in being able to change the nature of the universe.
But it seems he can deceive people into thinking he can change the universe.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
How do you figure?
You said the fall of Adam and Eve's brought death into this world. On this plane.

The Serpent led Adam and Eve to disobey God. Though they had no idea the meaning of that ,nor could they foresee the repercussions to follow.

Were it not for the Serpent none of this would occur. Death would not exist.
The Serpent set it all in motion. Were it not for the Serpent.....
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