You can't make PEACE : With Evil

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
All of this is the world against the world.

We are called to live at peace with all as much as is possible.

It is up tot eh Lord to send nations to war against evil. We are citizens of heaven and while we pray and support righteous participants in a war, our focus should be more on spreading the kingdom and less on rooting for the "good guys" to win, though we wish that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
focus should be more on spreading the kingdom and less on rooting for the "good guys" to win, though we wish that.

This Thread is not trying to get you to "root" for anyone.

Its simply showing the proof that the End Times are here, just before the TRIB starts... and Israel and what happens to Israel, is the Key regarding understanding this reality.
Its also a fact that the enemy of Israel is the enemy of You, Christ, and the Body of Christ.
And this Enemy, whose devotion to destroying 1st and 2nd Adam, is the same who has tried to Destroy Israel, and is the same Father of sin, who led Judas to betray The Lord.
So, this is a very old "war", and its not just man against man, or Religious Islamic Nazi's against the rest of Humanity.
Its much deeper, and its root is absolutely spiritual.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
This is How the Nation of Israel keeps itself alive.

Younger Sisters of Two Female Soldiers Killed by Hamas Begin Their IDF Service​

November 5, 2024

With mixed emotions, Yael and Yuval, both younger sisters of two female soldiers killed by Hamas, meet at a military base ready to Serve, reports : The Times of Israel

The younger sisters of two surveillance officers, Sgt. Roni Eshel and Cpl. Noa Marciano, who were killed by Hamas began their Israel Defense Forces service on Monday, in an emotional moment for the two families at the military’s recruitment headquarters at Tel Hashomer.
The two new recruits, Yael Eshel and Yuval Marciano, were set to serve as instructors for combat soldiers.
Their families met coincidentally at the base in central Israel on Monday morning, just over a year after the deadly terror attack in southern communities and IDF bases sparked the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.